Trump: "I started maturing after age 59"....

I've never heard such talk in any locker room post-high school.

It appears that Trump and most of his fans never got beyond a high school level of maturity.

I hear that bullshit all the time..but then again I am a guy.
I hear that bullshit all the time..but then again I am a guy.

Probably you "think" you're atypical guy, but you forgot to place the adjective "immature" before guy.
Losers hang out with losers. I don't believe that most newly married men talk about screwing other married women. And they don't talk about how fame allows them to sexually assault women. You are full of shit. Loser.
Sadly, im not. That's just the way men are.
Do you know any men?

I'm married to one. I certainly do not hang out with unemployed losers, I can tell you that.
whats your deal with unemployed losers? Do you think only lazy people talk sexist? I have heard women say some crazy shit. Does that not matter?
Its all partisan bullshit. Men talk like that. I would bet your husband does too. But you wouldn't know it, would you?

Are you saying that you're lazy? I don't really care what you've heard other women say. I certainly don't talk about screwing marred men, and neither do my friends. I think I know my husband better than you. He's got many faults, but talking disrespectful to or about women is not one of them. I think it's probably best you don't mention him again.
Lol then don't bring him up. But most men do. Just life.
Most 60 year old newly married men with a newborn on the way, do??? They talk about trying their hardest to commit adultery with a woman, to a man that is there to interview them for a tv gossip show? These 60 year old friends of yours talk about sexually harassing women in the work place and why they are able to get away with it?

Sheesh, just listen to are off the wall nuts! :rofl:
How would Trump react if every man that met his daughter did that to her and then said "ahhh, it's just locker room talk".
Last time I looked I was a guy and why do I want to grow up... To watch paint dry like you?

Well, you're "correct", we need idiots like you around so we can tell our kids how they would wind up if they didn't grow up and take responsibilities...........Your ilk disrespects women and it will show this Nov..
How would Trump react if every man that met his daughter did that to her and then said "ahhh, it's just locker room talk".

Well, my friend, Trump came close to that scenario above, when Howard Stern (the other immature moron) tested Trump if he (stern) could call his daughter a piece of ass.....Trump basically responded with, "sure".
Sadly, im not. That's just the way men are.
Do you know any men?

I'm married to one. I certainly do not hang out with unemployed losers, I can tell you that.
whats your deal with unemployed losers? Do you think only lazy people talk sexist? I have heard women say some crazy shit. Does that not matter?
Its all partisan bullshit. Men talk like that. I would bet your husband does too. But you wouldn't know it, would you?

Are you saying that you're lazy? I don't really care what you've heard other women say. I certainly don't talk about screwing marred men, and neither do my friends. I think I know my husband better than you. He's got many faults, but talking disrespectful to or about women is not one of them. I think it's probably best you don't mention him again.
Lol then don't bring him up. But most men do. Just life.
Most 60 year old newly married men with a newborn on the way, do??? They talk about trying their hardest to commit adultery with a woman, to a man that is there to interview them for a tv gossip show? These 60 year old friends of yours talk about sexually harassing women in the work place and why they are able to get away with it?

Sheesh, just listen to are off the wall nuts! :rofl:

Again I hear that crap all the damn time, you get out numbered in the work place dealing with just industrial maintenance guys shit heads, if you only knew..

What 50 ~70 year old guys say behind closed doors, and in bars

They are weird fuck heads..
Last time I looked I was a guy and why do I want to grow up... To watch paint dry like you?

Well, you're "correct", we need idiots like you around so we can tell our kids how they would wind up if they didn't grow up and take responsibilities...........Your ilk disrespects women and it will show this Nov..

Disrepects woman me? Fuck you bitch..

Again I would put my record up to yours any day of the week..I never ever ever cheated on my girlfriends or two wives...

Never ever I may have done my cocaine , I have may have drank my bud lights but cheating on a girl never.
Sadly, im not. That's just the way men are.
Do you know any men?

I'm married to one. I certainly do not hang out with unemployed losers, I can tell you that.
whats your deal with unemployed losers? Do you think only lazy people talk sexist? I have heard women say some crazy shit. Does that not matter?
Its all partisan bullshit. Men talk like that. I would bet your husband does too. But you wouldn't know it, would you?

Are you saying that you're lazy? I don't really care what you've heard other women say. I certainly don't talk about screwing marred men, and neither do my friends. I think I know my husband better than you. He's got many faults, but talking disrespectful to or about women is not one of them. I think it's probably best you don't mention him again.
Lol then don't bring him up. But most men do. Just life.
Most 60 year old newly married men with a newborn on the way, do??? They talk about trying their hardest to commit adultery with a woman, to a man that is there to interview them for a tv gossip show? These 60 year old friends of yours talk about sexually harassing women in the work place and why they are able to get away with it?

Sheesh, just listen to are off the wall nuts! :rofl:
Yes lol obviously not the extent of popularity you mentioned but it's just talk. Jesus Christ, men talk about pussy! Obviously not all of them but I would bet a large majority do. Even my wife is making fun of you guys. lol and she takes sexual aggression seriously... And she is NO trump supporter. I mean it when I say the only people that think it's a big deal are gays ignorant females and partisans.
Last time I looked I was a guy and why do I want to grow up... To watch paint dry like you?

Well, you're "correct", we need idiots like you around so we can tell our kids how they would wind up if they didn't grow up and take responsibilities...........Your ilk disrespects women and it will show this Nov..

Disrepects woman me? Fuck you bitch..

Again I would put my record up to yours any day of the week..I never ever ever cheated on my girlfriends or two wives...

Never ever I may have done my cocaine , I have may have drank my bud lights but cheating on a girl never.

Says the Nat clown who lives in Memphis Tenn who gets a hooker for a colt 45
Whoa....I'm very surprised that every other word out of the Trump's supporters mouths hasn't been "Politically correct" What do you think politically correct means? It means liberals DO NOT want disrespectful words such as that spoken. It is the conservatives here who are defending them.
I think you're a little mixed up.
"Politically correct" is nothing but a euphemism for "liberals" defending their golden calves(non-whites, Muslims and women).

If PC was really what you say it is, "comedians" who are overwhelming "liberals" would be completely out of business. The reason why Jon Stewart and John Oliver are so popular with "liberals" is because "liberals" are the most vulgar people in the country.
You aren't really evaluating liberals' language and political correctness based on professional comedians, are you? If that's all you got, no wonder you sometimes sound like a newly landed Martian.
"Professional" comedians or every single left wing site and media outlet, there is no real difference.

If Trump is all you got to label Republicans, you should just give up now.

Even many Democrats think the "regressive left" is the worst of the worst.
Fortunately, I don't judge all Republicans by Trump, but I do hold them accountable for making him their nominee. Comedians are supposed to shock and break the rules; it's what makes them funny. I have never heard a media outlet tout grabbing snatch. See, liberals are SENSITIVE to that shit. You should read up on the phenomenon here--there are at least two threads a day bemoaning the liberal public education brainwashing that doesn't let you say n*gger or f*ggot in polite company.
That is nothing but a pathetic strawman and pure projection.

Nobody but idiot trolls say the word "******" anymore. It is the "PC" assholes who are trying to make anti-white and anti-male terms acceptable and it is the real left and the "alt right" who support candidates like Trump to stop that shit from happening.

"Liberals" are demons who can tolerate any deplorable behavior. "Grabbing snatch" is what future idiot Democrats do for fun at "Spring Break", it is weak-sauce to them and Trump was just saying that to sound cool to Howard Stern.

Ironically if "PC" didn't exist Trump would have the entire millennial vote sewn up just with his bluster, and Hillary wouldn't have a prayer.
I give up. The more I try to show you reality, the further you go into some wierd alternate reality. It's not good for you.
"Politically correct" is nothing but a euphemism for "liberals" defending their golden calves(non-whites, Muslims and women).

If PC was really what you say it is, "comedians" who are overwhelming "liberals" would be completely out of business. The reason why Jon Stewart and John Oliver are so popular with "liberals" is because "liberals" are the most vulgar people in the country.
You aren't really evaluating liberals' language and political correctness based on professional comedians, are you? If that's all you got, no wonder you sometimes sound like a newly landed Martian.
"Professional" comedians or every single left wing site and media outlet, there is no real difference.

If Trump is all you got to label Republicans, you should just give up now.

Even many Democrats think the "regressive left" is the worst of the worst.
Fortunately, I don't judge all Republicans by Trump, but I do hold them accountable for making him their nominee. Comedians are supposed to shock and break the rules; it's what makes them funny. I have never heard a media outlet tout grabbing snatch. See, liberals are SENSITIVE to that shit. You should read up on the phenomenon here--there are at least two threads a day bemoaning the liberal public education brainwashing that doesn't let you say n*gger or f*ggot in polite company.
That is nothing but a pathetic strawman and pure projection.

Nobody but idiot trolls say the word "******" anymore. It is the "PC" assholes who are trying to make anti-white and anti-male terms acceptable and it is the real left and the "alt right" who support candidates like Trump to stop that shit from happening.

"Liberals" are demons who can tolerate any deplorable behavior. "Grabbing snatch" is what future idiot Democrats do for fun at "Spring Break", it is weak-sauce to them and Trump was just saying that to sound cool to Howard Stern.

Ironically if "PC" didn't exist Trump would have the entire millennial vote sewn up just with his bluster, and Hillary wouldn't have a prayer.
I give up. The more I try to show you reality, the further you go into some wierd alternate reality. It's not good for you.
You are just too much of a simpleton to understand what I am saying.

My "Spring Break" tidbit destroyed your entire pathetic side of the argument.
Only people that are outraged by this are gay dudes, ignorant woman and partisan hacks.
Which one are you?

The only men who talk like that in real life, are men who suffer from tiny penis syndrome. Donald is an insecure asshole.
Like you would know what guys talk about in private..

Are you a real man, or an unemployed loser? Real men don't feel the need to talk that way.
Dude, fucking women talk like that. Quit being such a dishonest piece of shit.
Of all the things you could attack that dumbfuck for, you pick something that a majority of the country does? Give me a fucking break.
With hosts of gossip television shows?

Women talk about grabbing strange men's crotches at work? They talk about being able to do this because they are celebrity stars, and when they are 60 years old?

Stop LYING, you are coming off as a complete idiot trying to defend this over sized and over aged, delinquent.
On "The Talk" the all woman panel(all over 30 years old, most in their 40s) laughed hysterically when they "talked" about a woman castrating her husband and throwing his penis in the trash.

"The View" and "The Talk" are an embarrassment to the country and their viewers are nearly all women.
I hear that bullshit all the time..but then again I am a guy.

Meaning you hang out with predators. You probably shouldn't talk about that.

Again, normal men don't talk like that. Not in locker rooms, not anywhere. Predators talk like that. Men might talk raunchy, but they don't brag about assaulting women. There's a huge difference between bragging about sexual assault and regular dirty talk. If someone doesn't see that, I don't know what to say to them.

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