Trump: "I started maturing after age 59"....

Doubtful. We will probably have another joke of an election like this. Especially considering one of those two dumbfucks will be in it again..

You may not believe this, but I hope that Hillary Clinton decides to quit after one term.
I hope they both decide to. Maybe even a bombshell of resignation at the inauguration :D
I had enough of Bushes and Clintons to last my lifetime.....
But regarding Trump, as Shakespeare once wrote, "the evil that men do, lives after them...."
I've never heard such talk in any locker room post-high school.

It appears that Trump and most of his fans never got beyond a high school level of maturity.
I heard it in college the entire time I was there.
The stuff about "hot" and "all legs" and who they tried to f*ck, sure. That's not the part that offends most people. Did you guys really brag about grabbing snatch and slobbering on any stray woman in your path? If you did, it explains the prevalence of campus rape. Time you got an edumacation.
I would never say such tripe in public or in private(I would never cheat on my girlfriend or wife anyway)but my roommate and his friends always did, and I doubt many of the other students would have a problem with what they said.

That is the culture we have today. That is what you get when you oppose social conservatives.
I've never heard such talk in any locker room post-high school.

It appears that Trump and most of his fans never got beyond a high school level of maturity.
I heard it in college the entire time I was there.
The stuff about "hot" and "all legs" and who they tried to f*ck, sure. That's not the part that offends most people. Did you guys really brag about grabbing snatch and slobbering on any stray woman in your path? If you did, it explains the prevalence of campus rape. Time you got an edumacation.
I would never say such tripe in public or in private(I would never cheat on my girlfriend or wife anyway)but my roommate and his friends always did, and I doubt many of the other students would have a problem with what they said.

That is the culture we have today. That is what you get when you oppose social conservatives.
This doesn't have anything to do with being conservative or liberal. I'm not sure exactly what it does have to do with since I'm not a guy, but thanks for the depressing news.
I've never heard such talk in any locker room post-high school.

It appears that Trump and most of his fans never got beyond a high school level of maturity.
I heard it in college the entire time I was there.
The stuff about "hot" and "all legs" and who they tried to f*ck, sure. That's not the part that offends most people. Did you guys really brag about grabbing snatch and slobbering on any stray woman in your path? If you did, it explains the prevalence of campus rape. Time you got an edumacation.
I would never say such tripe in public or in private(I would never cheat on my girlfriend or wife anyway)but my roommate and his friends always did, and I doubt many of the other students would have a problem with what they said.

That is the culture we have today. That is what you get when you oppose social conservatives.
This doesn't have anything to do with being conservative or liberal. I'm not sure exactly what it does have to do with since I'm not a guy, but thanks for the depressing news.
Liberals make it so it is socially acceptable to say shit like that without real ramifications. Liberals also have made it social unacceptable for parents to punish their kids as harshly as they need to for saying and doing things their own parents would never allow to go public.
I've never heard such talk in any locker room post-high school.

It appears that Trump and most of his fans never got beyond a high school level of maturity.
I heard it in college the entire time I was there.
The stuff about "hot" and "all legs" and who they tried to f*ck, sure. That's not the part that offends most people. Did you guys really brag about grabbing snatch and slobbering on any stray woman in your path? If you did, it explains the prevalence of campus rape. Time you got an edumacation.
I would never say such tripe in public or in private(I would never cheat on my girlfriend or wife anyway)but my roommate and his friends always did, and I doubt many of the other students would have a problem with what they said.

That is the culture we have today. That is what you get when you oppose social conservatives.
This doesn't have anything to do with being conservative or liberal. I'm not sure exactly what it does have to do with since I'm not a guy, but thanks for the depressing news.
Liberals make it so it is socially acceptable to say shit like that without real ramifications. Liberals also have made it social unacceptable for parents to punish their kids as harshly as they need to for saying and doing things their own parents would never allow to go public.
Whoa....I'm very surprised that every other word out of the Trump's supporters mouths hasn't been "Politically correct" What do you think politically correct means? It means liberals DO NOT want disrespectful words such as that spoken. It is the conservatives here who are defending them.
I think you're a little mixed up.
I've never heard such talk in any locker room post-high school.

It appears that Trump and most of his fans never got beyond a high school level of maturity.
I heard it in college the entire time I was there.
The stuff about "hot" and "all legs" and who they tried to f*ck, sure. That's not the part that offends most people. Did you guys really brag about grabbing snatch and slobbering on any stray woman in your path? If you did, it explains the prevalence of campus rape. Time you got an edumacation.
Only people that are outraged by this are gay dudes, ignorant woman and partisan hacks.
Which one are you?

The only men who talk like that in real life, are men who suffer from tiny penis syndrome. Donald is an insecure asshole.
Like you would know what guys talk about in private..

Are you a real man, or an unemployed loser? Real men don't feel the need to talk that way.
Dude, fucking women talk like that. Quit being such a dishonest piece of shit.
Of all the things you could attack that dumbfuck for, you pick something that a majority of the country does? Give me a fucking break.
Seriously, folks......Isn't the thread title really the paraphrasing of how Trump "excused" his sexist and misogynistic behavior as evident in that video tape?

Locker room banter??? Billy Bush is paying the price for his idolatry of Trump's piggish behavior that both men were involved in, why does Trump get a pass?

The same reason Hillary is not paying a price for giving away top secret information that other people have been prosecuted for.

Money and power trumps all.
Only people that are outraged by this are gay dudes, ignorant woman and partisan hacks.
Which one are you?

The only men who talk like that in real life, are men who suffer from tiny penis syndrome. Donald is an insecure asshole.
Like you would know what guys talk about in private..

Are you a real man, or an unemployed loser? Real men don't feel the need to talk that way.
Dude, fucking women talk like that. Quit being such a dishonest piece of shit.
Of all the things you could attack that dumbfuck for, you pick something that a majority of the country does? Give me a fucking break.

Losers hang out with losers. I don't believe that most newly married men talk about screwing other married women. And they don't talk about how fame allows them to sexually assault women. You are full of shit. Loser.
Only people that are outraged by this are gay dudes, ignorant woman and partisan hacks.
Which one are you?

The only men who talk like that in real life, are men who suffer from tiny penis syndrome. Donald is an insecure asshole.
Like you would know what guys talk about in private..

Are you a real man, or an unemployed loser? Real men don't feel the need to talk that way.
Dude, fucking women talk like that. Quit being such a dishonest piece of shit.
Of all the things you could attack that dumbfuck for, you pick something that a majority of the country does? Give me a fucking break.

Losers hang out with losers. I don't believe that most newly married men talk about screwing other married women. And they don't talk about how fame allows them to sexually assault women. You are full of shit. Loser.
Sadly, im not. That's just the way men are.
Do you know any men?
The only men who talk like that in real life, are men who suffer from tiny penis syndrome. Donald is an insecure asshole.
Like you would know what guys talk about in private..

Are you a real man, or an unemployed loser? Real men don't feel the need to talk that way.
Dude, fucking women talk like that. Quit being such a dishonest piece of shit.
Of all the things you could attack that dumbfuck for, you pick something that a majority of the country does? Give me a fucking break.

Losers hang out with losers. I don't believe that most newly married men talk about screwing other married women. And they don't talk about how fame allows them to sexually assault women. You are full of shit. Loser.
Sadly, im not. That's just the way men are.
Do you know any men?

I'm married to one. I certainly do not hang out with unemployed losers, I can tell you that.
Like you would know what guys talk about in private..

Are you a real man, or an unemployed loser? Real men don't feel the need to talk that way.
Dude, fucking women talk like that. Quit being such a dishonest piece of shit.
Of all the things you could attack that dumbfuck for, you pick something that a majority of the country does? Give me a fucking break.

Losers hang out with losers. I don't believe that most newly married men talk about screwing other married women. And they don't talk about how fame allows them to sexually assault women. You are full of shit. Loser.
Sadly, im not. That's just the way men are.
Do you know any men?

I'm married to one. I certainly do not hang out with unemployed losers, I can tell you that.
whats your deal with unemployed losers? Do you think only lazy people talk sexist? I have heard women say some crazy shit. Does that not matter?
Its all partisan bullshit. Men talk like that. I would bet your husband does too. But you wouldn't know it, would you?
Seriously, folks......Isn't the thread title really the paraphrasing of how Trump "excused" his sexist and misogynistic behavior as evident in that video tape?

Locker room banter??? Billy Bush is paying the price for his idolatry of Trump's piggish behavior that both men were involved in, why does Trump get a pass?

Well You know, Trump is really just a Democrat anyways. Him and Bill Clinton have actually been friends for a while, and come to think of it, so are their daughters. Considering Trump once gave Clinton a pass, its probably fair play.

“Look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant, and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense,” the businessman said during an interview with CNN in October 2008. He continued, comparing what he called the “lies”

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