Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

"trump voters will be so furious" More for us to laugh at. View attachment 191265

Keep laughing. You people are setting yourself up for another fall hanging onto every word on PeeNN.

"Folks, when your adversary starts to make a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is not interfere."
Rush Limbaugh

More today. Trumps long time lawyer in the Russian investigation QUITS today.

How many attorney's do you know that wait right up until the end of an investigation & just QUIT--lol. They throw in the towel.
Trump has a new, aggressive approach to Mueller's probe, and it doesn't include Ty Cobb - CNNPolitics

Rudi Guiliani, who stated this investigation would be over today, 2 weeks ago is now trying to dictate what type of questions Mueller will be able to ask and how long (no more than 2 or 3 hours) that Mueller will be able to question Trump. Trump won't sit down with Mueller for 5 minutes, so Guiliani is just wasting his time. Let alone that Guiliani is a prosecutor not a criminal defense attorney. You watch this goes all the way to the Supreme Court.

Get your crayons & coloring books out it should get real entertaining on FOX tonight.

And you keep hoping and praying this leads to something like the last couple dozen time every stupid thing that came out was supposed to be the end of Trump. It only makes our entertainment more pleasurable when it's finally announced there was no collusion and no wrongdoing by Trump.
Give up Ray, Mueller has much much more on Trump than they ever did on Richard Nixon, on a simple break in of a DNC office at the Watergate complex.
What makes this even more egregious is that a Foreign adversary is involved.

You can stay in the back row of the nose bleed section of no news or completely distorted news or break out of your right wing media bubble, or wait for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of Congress. At that point no one including FOX news is going to be able to d save Trump or your integrity.

Russian Roulette by David Corn & Michael Isikoff will prepare you for the hearings.

And I for one can't wait. Mueller has so much on Trump that he's even hiding it from the left-wing media I suppose; hiding it for well over a year now.

You people are like the poor kid waiting for Santa by the fireplace.

Yes, a foreign adversary is involved. His name is Christopher Steele. I anxiously await what investigations into that reveal.

"trump voters will be so furious" More for us to laugh at. View attachment 191265

Keep laughing. You people are setting yourself up for another fall hanging onto every word on PeeNN.

"Folks, when your adversary starts to make a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is not interfere."
Rush Limbaugh

More today. Trumps long time lawyer in the Russian investigation QUITS today.

How many attorney's do you know that wait right up until the end of an investigation & just QUIT--lol. They throw in the towel.
Trump has a new, aggressive approach to Mueller's probe, and it doesn't include Ty Cobb - CNNPolitics

Rudi Guiliani, who stated this investigation would be over today, 2 weeks ago is now trying to dictate what type of questions Mueller will be able to ask and how long (no more than 2 or 3 hours) that Mueller will be able to question Trump. Trump won't sit down with Mueller for 5 minutes, so Guiliani is just wasting his time. Let alone that Guiliani is a prosecutor not a criminal defense attorney. You watch this goes all the way to the Supreme Court.

Get your crayons & coloring books out it should get real entertaining on FOX tonight.

And you keep hoping and praying this leads to something like the last couple dozen time every stupid thing that came out was supposed to be the end of Trump. It only makes our entertainment more pleasurable when it's finally announced there was no collusion and no wrongdoing by Trump.
Give up Ray, Mueller has much much more on Trump than they ever did on Richard Nixon, on a simple break in of a DNC office at the Watergate complex.
What makes this even more egregious is that a Foreign adversary is involved.

You can stay in the back row of the nose bleed section of no news or completely distorted news or break out of your right wing media bubble, or wait for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of Congress. At that point no one including FOX news is going to be able to d save Trump or your integrity.

Russian Roulette by David Corn & Michael Isikoff will prepare you for the hearings.

And I for one can't wait. Mueller has so much on Trump that he's even hiding it from the left-wing media I suppose; hiding it for well over a year now.

You people are like the poor kid waiting for Santa by the fireplace.

Yes, a foreign adversary is involved. His name is Christopher Steele. I anxiously await what investigations into that reveal.

More denial babble. Try again.

Go to this link on this board scroll down to Oreo and spend more than 2 seconds there.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Comey has repeatedly stated and testified that Christopher Steele aka the Dossier file had nothing to do with him opening up an investigation.

In fact the Nunes memo debunked itself. In the last sentence it states that the investigation started in July 2016, and that the target was George Papalopodous who's name is no where mentioned in the Dossier file. Comey didn't get the Dossier file until late December early January 2017.

Here is what Comey was getting in since 2015.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Keep laughing. You people are setting yourself up for another fall hanging onto every word on PeeNN.

"Folks, when your adversary starts to make a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is not interfere."
Rush Limbaugh

More today. Trumps long time lawyer in the Russian investigation QUITS today.

How many attorney's do you know that wait right up until the end of an investigation & just QUIT--lol. They throw in the towel.
Trump has a new, aggressive approach to Mueller's probe, and it doesn't include Ty Cobb - CNNPolitics

Rudi Guiliani, who stated this investigation would be over today, 2 weeks ago is now trying to dictate what type of questions Mueller will be able to ask and how long (no more than 2 or 3 hours) that Mueller will be able to question Trump. Trump won't sit down with Mueller for 5 minutes, so Guiliani is just wasting his time. Let alone that Guiliani is a prosecutor not a criminal defense attorney. You watch this goes all the way to the Supreme Court.

Get your crayons & coloring books out it should get real entertaining on FOX tonight.

And you keep hoping and praying this leads to something like the last couple dozen time every stupid thing that came out was supposed to be the end of Trump. It only makes our entertainment more pleasurable when it's finally announced there was no collusion and no wrongdoing by Trump.
Give up Ray, Mueller has much much more on Trump than they ever did on Richard Nixon, on a simple break in of a DNC office at the Watergate complex.
What makes this even more egregious is that a Foreign adversary is involved.

You can stay in the back row of the nose bleed section of no news or completely distorted news or break out of your right wing media bubble, or wait for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of Congress. At that point no one including FOX news is going to be able to d save Trump or your integrity.

Russian Roulette by David Corn & Michael Isikoff will prepare you for the hearings.

And I for one can't wait. Mueller has so much on Trump that he's even hiding it from the left-wing media I suppose; hiding it for well over a year now.

You people are like the poor kid waiting for Santa by the fireplace.

Yes, a foreign adversary is involved. His name is Christopher Steele. I anxiously await what investigations into that reveal.

And you keep hoping and praying this leads to something like the last couple dozen time every stupid thing that came out was supposed to be the end of Trump. It only makes our entertainment more pleasurable when it's finally announced there was no collusion and no wrongdoing by Trump.
Give up Ray, Mueller has much much more on Trump than they ever did on Richard Nixon, on a simple break in of a DNC office at the Watergate complex.
What makes this even more egregious is that a Foreign adversary is involved.

You can stay in the back row of the nose bleed section of no news or completely distorted news or break out of your right wing media bubble, or wait for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of Congress. At that point no one including FOX news is going to be able to d save Trump or your integrity.

Russian Roulette by David Corn & Michael Isikoff will prepare you for the hearings.

And I for one can't wait. Mueller has so much on Trump that he's even hiding it from the left-wing media I suppose; hiding it for well over a year now.

You people are like the poor kid waiting for Santa by the fireplace.

Yes, a foreign adversary is involved. His name is Christopher Steele. I anxiously await what investigations into that reveal.

More denial babble. Try again.

Go to this link on this board scroll down to Oreo and spend more than 2 seconds there.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Comey has repeatedly stated and testified that Christopher Steele aka the Dossier file had nothing to do with him opening up an investigation.

In fact the Nunes memo debunked itself. In the last sentence it states that the investigation started in July 2016, and that the target was George Papalopodous who's name is no where mentioned in the Dossier file. Comey didn't get the Dossier file until late December early January 2017.

Here is what Comey was getting in since 2015.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
SERIOUSLY - Do snowflakes REALLY believe the only reason Hillary lost the 2016 election is because the Russians interfered on Trump's behalf?

Evidence shows the Russians engaged in a military PsyOp operation, which Barry was aware of and did nothing about, that involved using social media to influence and manipulate Americans. Evidence shows they were successful:
- They got LIBERALS / SNOWFLAKES to actually organize and march for them.
- They succeeded in paying LIBERAL groups - The Black Fist, Black Lives Matters, and Antifa - to spread racial division and violence.

None of that has to do with Trump or Conservatives.

Evidence shows the Russians attempted to hack the US power grid and attempted to hack the servers and personal e-mails / files of top US politicians - something Barry also knew yet refused to warn Congress / the politicians they were the targets of attempted Russian hacking.

None of that has to do with Trump or Conservatives.

The DNC CLAIMED the Russians hacked them / their server, stole files, and leaked their personal e-mails....which completely exposed their racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic remarks...and exposed the fact that the DNC and Hillary had rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries as they stacked the deck to cheat Sanders out of his nomination win and give it to Hillary.
-- So, in essence, the DNC was pissed that their own PROVEN attempts to manipulate the election were exposed....but their un-supported claim that Trump was doing so, they argued, was the 'scandal' everyone should pay attention to... :p

*** At the same time the Democrats were screaming 'The Russians Did It' they tried their best to distract people from focusing on the Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DNC President) Pakistani Spy Ring, how DWS gave them access to classified files as well as all DNC e-mails to include usernames and passwords. The DNC refused to turn over their server to prove it was the Russians instead of DWS' Pakistani spies who had done the hacking / leaking - with her help.

(A report later would come out explaining how the 'hack' was an 'inside job', how the data download rate and other technical analysis showed the DNC data had to have been downloaded onto a thumb drive directly from the DNC computers / server - meaning NO RUSSIANS from the outside. It had to be the Pakistanis working for DWS:

"There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee's system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job"

- A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack)

Terrorist-connected Pakistani Spies hired by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ... then RE-HIRED by DWS after they were caught committing espionage and banned from the House, her giving them illegal access to classified Congressional files as well as DNC e-mails (complete with usernames and passwords) HAS / HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP. The DNC being exposed for rigging their primaries and GIVING their nomination to an undeserved Felon - and their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic e-mails - had nothing to do with Trump or the Russians. They can thank DWS for that one....

That is something we will never know. It might have made a difference and it might not. Anyone who claims to know is a liar.

The fact is that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to make them public. That is fact. The fiction is that they were leaked. It would be interesting to know how Roger Stone knew Podesta's e-mails would be leaked before they appeared on WikiLeaks.

There is no evidence that the primaries were rigged. Clinton got 53% to Sanders 42%. Tell me how someone who gets 42% of the vote beats someone who got 53%. Or is that math too high for you? Also Democrats distribute their delegates proportionally. That means that Sanders got 25% of the delegates because he got 25% of the vote. If anyone was disenfranchised it was Republicans. In SC, 68% of voters voted against Trump and got no representation. Republicans cheated.
Like Mueller, you make a lot of accusations you have no proof to back-up. EMOTION continues to drive the snowflakws / extremists, not facts, evidence, or reason.
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.
I don't think they would or should impeach him unless a line of guilt is crossed in the ongoing investigations. A line of guilt being actual evidenced charges raised against him or his unjustified firing of more DOJ or FBI staff in retaliation. I do think he's probably a criminal. It's so unlikely he's not one based on who he surrounded himself with and what his organization has been up to over the past 10 years. I'd need to see proof of that, though. I dont think it matters if something other than russian collusion is pinned to him. Just like I don't think it matters that Hillary's mishandling of classified information and probable nefarious activity surrounding that email server is miles away from where that failed investigation started. On his performance as president, it's not good but that's not enough to impeach.
Today many get direct deposits and never paid attention even before. Also it's difficult to see a change unless you have steady hours.

As my professional tax preparer told me, I'm in for a windfall next tax season. Most people will be paying less to the feds for 2018 and those who receive refunds will be seeing much larger refunds. Then everybody will get what Trump has done.

Treasury: 90 percent of earners will see more take-home pay under new withholding tables

Make excuses. The fact is that the GOP abandoned their tax cut message in the Pa special election. Even people who saw the tax cuts did not see it as making a huge difference in their lives.

A lot of people will be seeing smaller refunds due to lower withholding. That is not going to save Trump or the GOP.

Of course not, we're doomed, just like we were doomed the last five elections.

View attachment 191228

You have over 40 Republicans retiring in 2018. Democrats won a House seat that went 20% for Trump in 2016. A Arizona House seat which Republicans won by 21 points was won by a few points. We are seeing evidence of voter dissatisfaction with Republicans.

Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, they feel the GOP kicks ass on jobs and the economy. Reuters poll, you people better wake up.

No, they don't. What a moron you are, eh?

In reality, more millennials polled say they lean Democrat ... by a 65% margin...

Democrat: 46%
Republican: 28%

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll

LMAO you poor mixed up liberals read it and weep - registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years.
Democrats winning in 2018, would be like putting the patients in charge of a mental institution. Luckily, America is rejecting liberal bullshit more and more as evidence by Kanye, Chance the Rapper, etc.

I've been listening to this stuff on the radio. I don't know one black rapper or actor from another, but it seems prominent blacks are coming out against Democrats. If this is a trend, the Democrats are in real trouble.
Listening to talk radio makes stupid people more stupid. You`ve identified 2 black people who like Trump and their tax cuts. That`s all you got?
Make excuses. The fact is that the GOP abandoned their tax cut message in the Pa special election. Even people who saw the tax cuts did not see it as making a huge difference in their lives.

A lot of people will be seeing smaller refunds due to lower withholding. That is not going to save Trump or the GOP.

Of course not, we're doomed, just like we were doomed the last five elections.

View attachment 191228

You have over 40 Republicans retiring in 2018. Democrats won a House seat that went 20% for Trump in 2016. A Arizona House seat which Republicans won by 21 points was won by a few points. We are seeing evidence of voter dissatisfaction with Republicans.

Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, they feel the GOP kicks ass on jobs and the economy. Reuters poll, you people better wake up.

No, they don't. What a moron you are, eh?

In reality, more millennials polled say they lean Democrat ... by a 65% margin...

Democrat: 46%
Republican: 28%

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll

LMAO you poor mixed up liberals read it and weep - registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years.

Moron, you didn’t say slipped ... you said, ”Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, ”

What a moronic thing to say when the fact is that poll reveals only 28% of millennials say they will vote Republican. Meanwhile, 46%, which is 65% more, say they will vote Democrat.

Are ya lucid enough to even comprehend that 46 is greater than 28?
Of course not, we're doomed, just like we were doomed the last five elections.

View attachment 191228

You have over 40 Republicans retiring in 2018. Democrats won a House seat that went 20% for Trump in 2016. A Arizona House seat which Republicans won by 21 points was won by a few points. We are seeing evidence of voter dissatisfaction with Republicans.

Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, they feel the GOP kicks ass on jobs and the economy. Reuters poll, you people better wake up.

No, they don't. What a moron you are, eh?

In reality, more millennials polled say they lean Democrat ... by a 65% margin...

Democrat: 46%
Republican: 28%

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll

LMAO you poor mixed up liberals read it and weep - registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years.

Moron, you didn’t say slipped ... you said, ”Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, ”

What a moronic thing to say when the fact is that poll reveals only 28% of millennials say they will vote Republican. Meanwhile, 46%, which is 65% more, say they will vote Democrat.

Are ya lucid enough to even comprehend that 46 is greater than 28?

AND I said one of them is a black millennial, he said after voting for loser Hillary he's planning to vote for GOP candidates because the GOP is much better at economy and jobs, and the GOP is actually making his life better, and he appreciated the tax cut. Trends you libtard, you people already lost a 9 point swing and its heading in the opposite direction for you. Come here :itsok: now run along. :auiqs.jpg:
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.
I don't think they would or should impeach him unless a line of guilt is crossed in the ongoing investigations. A line of guilt being actual evidenced charges raised against him or his unjustified firing of more DOJ or FBI staff in retaliation. I do think he's probably a criminal. It's so unlikely he's not one based on who he surrounded himself with and what his organization has been up to over the past 10 years. I'd need to see proof of that, though. I dont think it matters if something other than russian collusion is pinned to him. Just like I don't think it matters that Hillary's mishandling of classified information and probable nefarious activity surrounding that email server is miles away from where that failed investigation started. On his performance as president, it's not good but that's not enough to impeach.

Ahhh. NOPE go
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.
I don't think they would or should impeach him unless a line of guilt is crossed in the ongoing investigations. A line of guilt being actual evidenced charges raised against him or his unjustified firing of more DOJ or FBI staff in retaliation. I do think he's probably a criminal. It's so unlikely he's not one based on who he surrounded himself with and what his organization has been up to over the past 10 years. I'd need to see proof of that, though. I dont think it matters if something other than russian collusion is pinned to him. Just like I don't think it matters that Hillary's mishandling of classified information and probable nefarious activity surrounding that email server is miles away from where that failed investigation started. On his performance as president, it's not good but that's not enough to impeach.

I really don't know why so many of you on this board are afraid to click a link that reroutes you to information on this board. So I'll do it again. Go to this link scroll down to Oreo, and you can read an article watch 2 FOX news videos, and 2 other videos one with Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V.

It’s Russia, Russia, Russia
You have over 40 Republicans retiring in 2018. Democrats won a House seat that went 20% for Trump in 2016. A Arizona House seat which Republicans won by 21 points was won by a few points. We are seeing evidence of voter dissatisfaction with Republicans.

Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, they feel the GOP kicks ass on jobs and the economy. Reuters poll, you people better wake up.

No, they don't. What a moron you are, eh?

In reality, more millennials polled say they lean Democrat ... by a 65% margin...

Democrat: 46%
Republican: 28%

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll

LMAO you poor mixed up liberals read it and weep - registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years.

Moron, you didn’t say slipped ... you said, ”Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, ”

What a moronic thing to say when the fact is that poll reveals only 28% of millennials say they will vote Republican. Meanwhile, 46%, which is 65% more, say they will vote Democrat.

Are ya lucid enough to even comprehend that 46 is greater than 28?

AND I said one of them is a black millennial, he said after voting for loser Hillary he's planning to vote for GOP candidates because the GOP is much better at economy and jobs, and the GOP is actually making his life better, and he appreciated the tax cut. Trends you libtard, you people already lost a 9 point swing and its heading in the opposite direction for you. Come here :itsok: now run along. :auiqs.jpg:

^^^ spits the flaming imbecile who said 28 is more than 46. :lmao:
Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, they feel the GOP kicks ass on jobs and the economy. Reuters poll, you people better wake up.

No, they don't. What a moron you are, eh?

In reality, more millennials polled say they lean Democrat ... by a 65% margin...

Democrat: 46%
Republican: 28%

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll

LMAO you poor mixed up liberals read it and weep - registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years.

Moron, you didn’t say slipped ... you said, ”Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, ”

What a moronic thing to say when the fact is that poll reveals only 28% of millennials say they will vote Republican. Meanwhile, 46%, which is 65% more, say they will vote Democrat.

Are ya lucid enough to even comprehend that 46 is greater than 28?

AND I said one of them is a black millennial, he said after voting for loser Hillary he's planning to vote for GOP candidates because the GOP is much better at economy and jobs, and the GOP is actually making his life better, and he appreciated the tax cut. Trends you libtard, you people already lost a 9 point swing and its heading in the opposite direction for you. Come here :itsok: now run along. :auiqs.jpg:

^^^ spits the flaming imbecile who said 28 is more than 46. :lmao:

^^^ says the imbecile who ignores a 9 point swing in his shaky base :auiqs.jpg:

No, they don't. What a moron you are, eh?

In reality, more millennials polled say they lean Democrat ... by a 65% margin...

Democrat: 46%
Republican: 28%

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll

LMAO you poor mixed up liberals read it and weep - registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years.

Moron, you didn’t say slipped ... you said, ”Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018, ”

What a moronic thing to say when the fact is that poll reveals only 28% of millennials say they will vote Republican. Meanwhile, 46%, which is 65% more, say they will vote Democrat.

Are ya lucid enough to even comprehend that 46 is greater than 28?

AND I said one of them is a black millennial, he said after voting for loser Hillary he's planning to vote for GOP candidates because the GOP is much better at economy and jobs, and the GOP is actually making his life better, and he appreciated the tax cut. Trends you libtard, you people already lost a 9 point swing and its heading in the opposite direction for you. Come here :itsok: now run along. :auiqs.jpg:

^^^ spits the flaming imbecile who said 28 is more than 46. :lmao:

^^^ says the imbecile who ignores a 9 point swing in his shaky base :auiqs.jpg:
You’re actually getting dumber as I never ignored that. Whereas you really did say Millennials will be voting Republican when in fact, the poll you cited says Republican voting millennial are still out numbered by 65% by Democrat voting millennials.

Your ignorance shines even brighter under the light of you keep going back to this even after your initial claim had already exposed you as an abject imbecile...

”Millennials plan to vote for GOP House reps in 2018.”

Democrats winning in 2018, would be like putting the patients in charge of a mental institution. Luckily, America is rejecting liberal bullshit more and more as evidence by Kanye, Chance the Rapper, etc.

I've been listening to this stuff on the radio. I don't know one black rapper or actor from another, but it seems prominent blacks are coming out against Democrats. If this is a trend, the Democrats are in real trouble.
Listening to talk radio makes stupid people more stupid. You`ve identified 2 black people who like Trump and their tax cuts. That`s all you got?

Given the fact that blacks vote Democrat well into the 90% range every election tells us something. It tells us they are not open minded enough to even try and understand what's on the other side of the fence. Many don't understand politics so they vote based on what other blacks tell them. It's down right generational.

But what about affluent blacks? Can't they change the minds of people in their race? Not a chance. The MSM takes care of them. Successful conservative blacks are labeled as turn coats, back stabbers, Uncle Tom's, house N's, they left the hood a long time ago.

So famous black people who can relate to young black people are important to conservatives. Blacks like Clearance Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Condi Rice, Walter Williams, are all people lower income blacks never heard of yet alone respect. But a rapper? That's strikes a different nerve with young black people. That's somebody they may at least listen to.

Not to worry though. Even if it starts to become a trend, we are a long way before blacks would ever vote for Republicans as a majority. It's like I've always said, the most dangerous voter for a Democrat is an educated voter. It will take a long time before blacks start to take such a heavy interest in politics and find out what the Democrats have been doing to them for decades.

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