Trump implies Bush deserves some blame for 9/11

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Oh no, Trump opens a can of worms.

Trump implies Bush deserves some blame for 9/11

Donald Trump stuck a shiv into the Republican establishment Friday by suggesting that former President George W. Bush bears some of the blame for the 9/11 attacks.

“When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time," Trump said on Bloomberg TV.

Anchor Stephanie Ruhle appeared stunned by Trump’s remark.

There you go. Trump is the perfect candidate. Why doesn't the left love him?
Oh no, Trump opens a can of worms.

Trump implies Bush deserves some blame for 9/11

Donald Trump stuck a shiv into the Republican establishment Friday by suggesting that former President George W. Bush bears some of the blame for the 9/11 attacks.

“When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time," Trump said on Bloomberg TV.

Anchor Stephanie Ruhle appeared stunned by Trump’s remark.


bad case of foot in mouth disease
All he said was W was President when the Twin Towers came down....which he was. Don't think anyone will forget that.....
Our country was very complacent when it came to the threat of terrorism. We were attacked by Muslims during every administration since Carter. The September 11 attacks would of happened if Gore was President. Both parties dropped the ball on national security. Short of deporting all Muslims with Middle eastern connections, not much we can do to prevent attacks by Islamists. Sadly, both parties are still too complacent and aren't doing enough to rid us of Islamists.
We need to make a choice and we need to make it now.

Be complete dicks and send every ME immigrant and anyone that is a muslim back to their home countries and vastly increase port - border security


Suffer the slings and arrows of freedom

personally I'd rather suck it up for freedom than show up 3 hours early for a plane ride.

Bush and Clinton are responsible for 9/11, but the partisan party members only point fingers while the government takes our freedom for security.

Each side took turns cheering the Patriot act, never forget that.
Oh no, Trump opens a can of worms.

Trump implies Bush deserves some blame for 9/11

Donald Trump stuck a shiv into the Republican establishment Friday by suggesting that former President George W. Bush bears some of the blame for the 9/11 attacks.

“When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time," Trump said on Bloomberg TV.

Anchor Stephanie Ruhle appeared stunned by Trump’s remark.

Trump is hilarious. This will go down as the most entertaining election in U.S. history! Unless he wins of course... in which case it may be the last. :dunno:
A Congressional report produced in 1946 contained a section, a minority report, that censured President Roosevelt as bearing responsibility for the attack on Pearl Harbor. Some of the arguments presented there seem to echo or elaborate the point that Donald Trump was attempting to make when he cast blame on President Bush for the September 11 attacks. The relevant section from the Pearl Harbor report is contained below:




The President of the United States was responsible for the failure
to enforce continuous, efficient, and appropriate cooperation among the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the Chief of Staff, and the Chief of Naval Operations, in evaluating information and dispatching clear and positive orders to the Hawaiian commanders as events indicated the growing imminence of war; for the Constitution and laws of the United States vested in the President full power, as Chief Executive and Commander in Chief, to compel such cooperation and vested this power in him alone with a view to establishing his responsibility to the people of the United States.

As to the power, and therefore of necessity, the responsibility of the
President in relation to the chain of events leading to the catastrophe
at Pearl Harbor, there can be no doubt. The terms of the Constitution
and the laws in this respect are clear beyond all cavil.

The Constitution vests in the President the whole and indivisible
executive power subject to provisions for the approval of appointments
and treaties by the Senate.

The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
appoints high officers, civil and military.

He is Chief Magistrate in all civil affairs, including those related to
the maintenance and operation of the Military and Naval Establishments.

Under the law he conducts all diplomatic negotiations on behalf the
United States, assigning to his appointee, the Secretary of State, such
duties connected therewith as he sees fit, always subject to his own
instructions and authorizations.

Under the Constitution the President is Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States, and with the approval of the Senate he appoints all high military and naval officers. He assigns them to their duties in his discretion except in the case of the Chief Staff and Chief of Naval Operations-these appointments must approved by the Senate.

And why did the framers of the Constitution vest these immense powers in one magistrate-not in a directory or a single official checked by a council, as was proposed in the Convention of 1787?

The answer to this question is to be found in No. 70 of The
Federalist. The purpose of establishing a single rather than a plural
executive was to assure "energy in the Executive," "a due dependence the people," and "a due responsibility." A plural Executive, it is there argued, "tends to deprive the people of the two greatest securities they can have for the faithful exercise of any delegated power, first, the restraints of public opinion; and, secondly, the opportunity of discovering with facility and clearness the misconduct persons they trust."

The acts of Congress providing for the organization, operations, powers, and duties of the Military Establishments under the President particularized the powers and duties of the President in relation them; in brief, they empowered him to issue orders and instructions the civil Secretaries and also directly to the Chief of Staff and the Chief of Naval Operations.

Such are the terms of the Constitution and the laws relative to the
Chief Executive.

From March 4, 1933, to December 7, 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt was President and Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States and in him was vested all Executive powers under the Constitution and the laws.

Oh no, Trump opens a can of worms.

Trump implies Bush deserves some blame for 9/11

Donald Trump stuck a shiv into the Republican establishment Friday by suggesting that former President George W. Bush bears some of the blame for the 9/11 attacks.

“When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time," Trump said on Bloomberg TV.

Anchor Stephanie Ruhle appeared stunned by Trump’s remark.

Another non-story by the media. Of course, W deserves some blame. He was POTUS.

How does his statement make him a truther? That is the media doing the work of the establishment.

BJ Bubba deserves some blame too, since he failed to take out Osama when he had the chance.
and I guess he would Imply that Clinton deserves some blame for the First World trade center bombing, the Oklahoma Federal building bombing, the USS Cole , the Branch Davidians, Elian Gonzalez

since we're regressing and throwing up blame again
No, the culprits always deserve the blame 100% only. A wrongful action itself is a separate concept from "stopping or preventing" the wrongful action. Also, just hate them both then. Both the culprits & Bush.

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