Trump, in 2016 beat billion dollar Hillary, the media, the social networks & many Republican RHINO's

All with ZERO experience in politics, with ZERO track record, with ZERO party support....SOOO, what is the pathway to a win for Democrats in 2020?
The pathway is to select a nominee through a primary process and then whoever it is run against Trump and the mountain of outrageous chaos that he has evoked in our country.
He has done so very little of the chaos. It is the ones promoting it that just won't end. As voters we were vetted before the election just as Trump. We know the situation. The worse are the backstabbers who for years were Prog Rhinos in disguise. For they backed practically everything Trump is doing.
I realize that Trump is an expert at pointing for finger at others and blaming the steaming pile of horse crap on the street before taking any personal responsibility. I know his allies promote the same messaging and as a result many millions of Americans also believe that narrative. He has a strong base of support, there is no denying. But there is a flip side of the coin. Fight it all you want but don't deny that it is there and that it is strong.
All with ZERO experience in politics, with ZERO track record, with ZERO party support....SOOO, what is the pathway to a win for Democrats in 2020?
The pathway is to select a nominee through a primary process and then whoever it is run against Trump and the mountain of outrageous chaos that he has evoked in our country.
He has done so very little of the chaos. It is the ones promoting it that just won't end. As voters we were vetted before the election just as Trump. We know the situation. The worse are the backstabbers who for years were Prog Rhinos in disguise. For they backed practically everything Trump is doing.
I realize that Trump is an expert at pointing for finger at others and blaming the steaming pile of horse crap on the street before taking any personal responsibility. I know his allies promote the same messaging and as a result many millions of Americans also believe that narrative. He has a strong base of support, there is no denying. But there is a flip side of the coin. Fight it all you want but don't deny that it is there and that it is strong.

Trumps base is less than 50% of voters, but that minority can spread more of his bs faster, and longer than any 75% majority on the planet.

KGB mind control tactics -
He had the FBI and Russian military helping him not to mention a massive conservative disinformation media empire.

The FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to setup Trump and illegally spy on him and his campaign, refer to "Operation Crossfire Hurricane"
Mueller already debunked the Russia Collusion hoax
The MSM was all-in for Hillary, in case you forgot here it is again
Almost entirely fabricated.

Your opinions (talking points? plain old lies?) were proven wrong.
I showed you a real video with real people, and you post empty incorrect words. Thanks for playing.

You think the FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to set up Trump?

It’s a loony internet conspiracy.

Its not loony if Barr and Durham hand down indictments, is it?
I know you're not as up on this stuff as many of us that read books on the conspiracy, but let me just say that the texts from Strzok and Page should give you some idea that the conspiracy is not loony. Then throw in the illegal FISA warrants, falsifying emails, illegal spying, and the rest of the documented crimes and its up to Barr and Durham to settle things.
As for the foreign intel assets that was regarding Popadope's bar talk being used as justification for the Russia Collusion investigation. All in due time.
The FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to setup Trump and illegally spy on him and his campaign, refer to "Operation Crossfire Hurricane"

Comey must have felt it necessary to inform the world about some new old emails to help Hillary to lose so they could set up Trumpybear to win so they could take him down, hard! Those sneaky bastards at the FBI, always thinking two steps ahead.......

Comey gave Hillary a pass on her crimes, illegal server, destroying subpoenaed evidence, etc. You or I would be sent to prison for doing that.
He had the FBI and Russian military helping him not to mention a massive conservative disinformation media empire.

The FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to setup Trump and illegally spy on him and his campaign, refer to "Operation Crossfire Hurricane"
Mueller already debunked the Russia Collusion hoax
The MSM was all-in for Hillary, in case you forgot here it is again
Almost entirely fabricated.

Your opinions (talking points? plain old lies?) were proven wrong.
I showed you a real video with real people, and you post empty incorrect words. Thanks for playing.

You think the FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to set up Trump?

It’s a loony internet conspiracy.

Its not loony if Barr and Durham hand down indictments, is it?
I know you're not as up on this stuff as many of us that read books on the conspiracy, but let me just say that the texts from Strzok and Page should give you some idea that the conspiracy is not loony. Then throw in the illegal FISA warrants, falsifying emails, illegal spying, and the rest of the documented crimes and its up to Barr and Durham to settle things.
As for the foreign intel assets that was regarding Popadope's bar talk being used as justification for the Russia Collusion investigation. All in due time.

Have Barr and Durham handed down any indictments? As you said. I’m not up on the conspiracy.
The FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to setup Trump and illegally spy on him and his campaign, refer to "Operation Crossfire Hurricane"

Comey must have felt it necessary to inform the world about some new old emails to help Hillary to lose so they could set up Trumpybear to win so they could take him down, hard! Those sneaky bastards at the FBI, always thinking two steps ahead.......

Comey gave Hillary a pass on her crimes, illegal server, destroying subpoenaed evidence, etc. You or I would be sent to prison for doing that.

No one involved, including the prosecutors from the DoJ felt there was anything close to a case there. Especially when it comes to “destroying subpoenaed evidence”.
The FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to setup Trump and illegally spy on him and his campaign, refer to "Operation Crossfire Hurricane"

Comey must have felt it necessary to inform the world about some new old emails to help Hillary to lose so they could set up Trumpybear to win so they could take him down, hard! Those sneaky bastards at the FBI, always thinking two steps ahead.......

Comey gave Hillary a pass on her crimes, illegal server, destroying subpoenaed evidence, etc. You or I would be sent to prison for doing that.

Nope. He released information just days before the election that effected the election.
The FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to setup Trump and illegally spy on him and his campaign, refer to "Operation Crossfire Hurricane"
Mueller already debunked the Russia Collusion hoax
The MSM was all-in for Hillary, in case you forgot here it is again
Almost entirely fabricated.

Your opinions (talking points? plain old lies?) were proven wrong.
I showed you a real video with real people, and you post empty incorrect words. Thanks for playing.

You think the FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to set up Trump?

It’s a loony internet conspiracy.

Its not loony if Barr and Durham hand down indictments, is it?
I know you're not as up on this stuff as many of us that read books on the conspiracy, but let me just say that the texts from Strzok and Page should give you some idea that the conspiracy is not loony. Then throw in the illegal FISA warrants, falsifying emails, illegal spying, and the rest of the documented crimes and its up to Barr and Durham to settle things.
As for the foreign intel assets that was regarding Popadope's bar talk being used as justification for the Russia Collusion investigation. All in due time.

Have Barr and Durham handed down any indictments? As you said. I’m not up on the conspiracy.

As we've discussed before, either the indictments come down or they don't, we'll see.
I'm not holding my breath. Barr goes before the House Judiciary Committee the end of March, that should be entertaining.
The FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to setup Trump and illegally spy on him and his campaign, refer to "Operation Crossfire Hurricane"

Comey must have felt it necessary to inform the world about some new old emails to help Hillary to lose so they could set up Trumpybear to win so they could take him down, hard! Those sneaky bastards at the FBI, always thinking two steps ahead.......

Comey gave Hillary a pass on her crimes, illegal server, destroying subpoenaed evidence, etc. You or I would be sent to prison for doing that.

Nope. He released information just days before the election that effected the election.

He said that she had no "intent" to break the law. Bullshit.
I can never figure out whose side Comey is on?! He illegally spies on Trump and falsifies FISA warrants, but then tells everyone that the FBI found Hillary-Umma emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop? WTF??

p.s. it's "affected" the election, not "effected". But it really didn't, you either liked Hillary or didn't like her. Most of us didn't like her.
He had the FBI and Russian military helping him not to mention a massive conservative disinformation media empire.

You really need help....

Trump is the last guy putin wants re-elected and the last guy he wanted elected the first time...he already had hilary bought an paid for, and Trump is sticking his thumb in putins eye at every turn.....

What conservative media news and talk radio?


NBC, CBS, ABC, all the late night talk show hosts, Hollywood, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and every other democrat controlled magazine and newspaper....

You really need help....
Nonsense. Putin admitted himself.

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election

Trump is naive, poorly educated, easily manipulated, inexperienced, and divisive. This is precisely who Putin would want to win.

Putin wanted Hillary because he knew he could get whatever he wanted by donating a 100 bucks to the Clinton Foundation.

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