Trump increased illegal border crossings!


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Trump increased immigrants flooding over the border!

Trump didn't build the wall, only very little new fence.

Trump pissed away over $10 billion for political wall theatrics

Trump said the wall would only cost $8 billion & Mexico would pay it.

Trump -“It’s $8 billion.… And of the 2,000 [miles], we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers, et cetera, et cetera, and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile, and it’s a very simple calculation. I’m talking about precasts going up probably 35 to 40 feet up in the air. That’s high; that’s a real wall. It will actually look good. It’ll look, you know, as good as a wall is going to look."

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Trump increased immigrants flooding over the border!

Trump didn't build the wall, only very little new fence.

Trump pissed away over $10 billion for political wall theatrics

Trump -“It’s $8 billion.… And of the 2,000 [miles], we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers, et cetera, et cetera, and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile, and it’s a very simple calculation. I’m talking about precasts going up probably 35 to 40 feet up in the air. That’s high; that’s a real wall. It will actually look good. It’ll look, you know, as good as a wall is going to look."

Hey dick sucker. There were 17000 crossings a yr ago and 170,000 in April Ninny

I see that the biden surge was still going up in Feb

But that leaves out the past 2 months

Why not post uptodate numbers?
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Even NPR acknowledges, in multiple pieces, that what Trump did worked.

Now Biden has reversed much/all of it and what we have, very predictably, is a shit-show that Biden owns 110%

"GARCIA-NAVARRO: That sounds like a lot of what President Obama did, with mixed success. And President Trump actually did work closely with Mexican and Central American governments. He applied the stick more than the carrot. He forged deals so that they could enforce their own borders and curb migration, among other measures. There is a sense that what President Trump did actually - if your goal is to reduce migration, unauthorized crossings of the border, it worked.

MEISSNER: There's no question that what President Trump did worked. The issue is at what cost, at what price? And that's a price that has had to do with our values as a country, with our laws as a country. And so the difficulty for the Biden administration is to develop a system at the border so that these decisions can be made promptly. It's the years and years of waiting that are the ultimate breakdown in the system. That needs to be solved."

Note the hand-wringing and moralistic questions. What he did worked. Sometimes the solutions aren't pretty, but he was smart enough not to waste time with these other countries that can help, but didn't, and took out the stick instead of asking nicely, which has failed for decades.
The OP obviously suffers from TDS....nothing new here. Different day, same crap! :rolleyes:

Apparently the OP missed the fact that we had an election. He must wake up every morning believing that Trump is still President.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao::21:
Trump was president in 2019 when he Tripled Obama/Biden illegal crossings.

Trump had Republican Congress, SCOTUS & most State Governors & legislatures, yet he didn't ratify the constitution to block immigrants.
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We just 178 THOUSAND ILLEGALS cross in April and by what I see down here, it will be HIGHER in May. There are now multiple tent cities setup in Tucson as well as in other border cities. There are thousands of little kids we are now responsible for and there are more coming every day. WTF do you do with all those little kids? Put em to work? Do you Liberal bleeding hearts understand HOW BAD THIS IS????
Trump was president in 2019 when he Tripled Obama/Biden illegal crossings.
Uh, you have that all wrong. It was the Democrats that continued to block any possibility for a wall.
Stop kissing the Dem's ass and start doing your research. And if you do show your proof, try not to show anything that the MSM has "written". Because, we all know they lie - constantly. :rolleyes:
KissMy, you may not have noticed but this is the middle of MAY.

Migrant Encounters at Southwest Border Jump 944 Percent over April 2020

BOB PRICE 11 May 2021

The number of migrants encountered by officers and agents operating under U.S. Customs and Border Protection along the southwest border with Mexico jumped for the 11th straight month. In April, Border Patrol agents and CBP officers encountered more than 178,000 migrants — a nearly 945 percent increase over the same month in 2020.

Biden has separated thousands of children from their parents when he takes them in at the border. The separation is on a much larger scale than Trump ever had and some of those children will never be united with their parents. And the parents contributed to the separation when they sent and brought their kids to the border crossing. And the democrats are silent just as the republicans were. This is costing American taxpayers millions. Poverty, gang violence, and domestic violence are not criteria for asylum. Poverty is not an excuse to break our immigration laws which is a crime. Damn you all to hell.

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