Trump indictments

is nothing more than the dictatorial left wingers flexing their power to crush any effective political opposition. By effective I am not referring to the ham handed look the other way of many of the GOP in Congress or useless drips like Brian Kemp.

In the US people are arrested for all sorts of crimes. Sometimes those people didn't commit the crimes, sometimes they did.

People get away with crimes, people get convicted of crimes it was obvious they didn't commit.

That's the way the justice system works.

NO MAN (or woman) is above that system.

You want Trump to walk free of crimes that I think he clearly committed. The incitement to violence is pretty obvious. Doesn't mean he'll be convicted, because people like you are trying to say it's a witch hunt.

Do you not realize how fragile the US political system is? It's fragile because the electoral system is rubbish, because the whole system is creaking with age. The problem is, with someone destroying that system (rather than just changing it through a legal process) then all those freedoms you have might simply disappear.

It's happened in plenty of countries. It doesn't take much for a country to escape its democratic past and get controlled by powerful people who will destroy everything.
Then Trump can't be charged.
If you bumble a bank robbery it's still attempted bank robbery you dumb Bingo. 😄 This is exactly what I'm talking about. You morons don't have it in you to pull off an effective insurrection. All you're going to do is get yourself caught up on charges thinking you're something that you're not.
In the US people are arrested for all sorts of crimes. Sometimes those people didn't commit the crimes, sometimes they did.

People get away with crimes, people get convicted of crimes it was obvious they didn't commit.

That's the way the justice system works.

NO MAN (or woman) is above that system.

You want Trump to walk free of crimes that I think he clearly committed. The incitement to violence is pretty obvious. Doesn't mean he'll be convicted, because people like you are trying to say it's a witch hunt.

Do you not realize how fragile the US political system is? It's fragile because the electoral system is rubbish, because the whole system is creaking with age. The problem is, with someone destroying that system (rather than just changing it through a legal process) then all those freedoms you have might simply disappear.

It's happened in plenty of countries. It doesn't take much for a country to escape its democratic past and get controlled by powerful people who will destroy everything.

In the US people are arrested for all sorts of crimes. Sometimes those people didn't commit the crimes, sometimes they did.

People get away with crimes, people get convicted of crimes it was obvious they didn't commit.

That's the way the justice system works.

NO MAN (or woman) is above that system.

You want Trump to walk free of crimes that I think he clearly committed. The incitement to violence is pretty obvious. Doesn't mean he'll be convicted, because people like you are trying to say it's a witch hunt.

Do you not realize how fragile the US political system is? It's fragile because the electoral system is rubbish, because the whole system is creaking with age. The problem is, with someone destroying that system (rather than just changing it through a legal process) then all those freedoms you have might simply disappear.

It's happened in plenty of countries. It doesn't take much for a country to escape its democratic past and get controlled by powerful people who will destroy everything.
NO MAN (or woman) is above that system.
Biden and the Democrats believe they are when they go after their political opposition for no good reason.
If you bumble a bank robbery it's still attempted bank robbery you dumb Bingo. 😄 This is exactly what I'm talking about. You morons don't have it in you to pull off an effective insurrection. All you're going to do is get yourself caught up on charges thinking you're something that you're not.
Nope, you lose. Anyway he said to go peacefully and let their voices be heard. You fail again.
Good luck with that. :wink_2:
You were obedient when the votes started changing. You flirted with disobedience when the votes were being certified until one dumb bitch got shot and then yall got real obedient again. And you've been obedient ever since. Obedient as the FBI rounded you up one by one. Obedient as you were convicted one by one. Obedient as the FBI raided your presidents compound. Obedient as he's been hauled in front of court after court. Who needs luck? We have your obedience. :funnyface:
NO MAN (or woman) is above that system.
Biden and the Democrats believe they are when they go after their political opposition for no good reason.

You've not said anything. Just "Democrat witch hunt, Democrat witch hunt".....

"for no good reason", absolute fucking nonsense. There are so many good reasons to go after a crook.... I mean, he's a CROOK, always has been.

You do realize in the 1980s he used to bribe politicians openly, right?
You were obedient when the votes started changing. You flirted with disobedience when the votes were being certified until one dumb bitch got shot and then yall got real obedient again. And you've been obedient ever since. Obedient as the FBI rounded you up one by one. Obedient as you were convicted one by one. Obedient as the FBI raided your presidents compound. Obedient as he's been hauled in front of court after court. Who needs luck? We have your obedience. :funnyface:
"I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable.

Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things." ;)
Sure sure. There will always be excuses for why you've failed to act. 😄
Act how?

The smart money is on making you look like idiots again.

Americans love a persecuted underdog.

But the dream is over.

I've accepted that.

Now the work is to prepare for that which comes next.
Sorry my Dude. I don't have a goat to get.

You are losing.

I think you know it.
Our MAGAt President isn't the one facing over indictment after indictment in courts all across the country. Is that what winning looks like to you? 😄
Our MAGAt President isn't the one facing over indictment after indictment in courts all across the country. Is that what winning looks like to you? 😄
Already seen this movie. Russian Collusion... They've got him now... The walls are closing in... It's Mueller Time...

When you've done more to Trump than a prosecutor can do to a ham sandwich, give me a call. 😉
Already seen this movie. Russian Collusion... They've got him now... The walls are closing in... It's Mueller Time...

When you've done more to Trump than a prosecutor can do to a ham sandwich, give me a call. 😉
Mueller was a fucking idiot who left the job of disciplining Trump to Congress because he mistakenly thought they were an honorable institution Statesmen. What a fucking dope. 😄 This here however is a criminal investigation being handled in a court of law, not Congress. You're going to find that those are two very different things.
Mueller was a fucking idiot who left the job of disciplining Trump to Congress because he mistakenly thought they were an honorable institution Statesmen. What a fucking dope. 😄 This here however is a criminal investigation being handled in a court of law, not Congress. You're going to find that those are two very different things.
Different words...same music.

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