Trump insists 'you can't win without MAGA,' slamming Senate losers O'Dea, Bolduc

That is the thinking of a loser. A typical extremist. I want it 100% my way or I do not participate.

For the rest of us, good. The MAGA cult has caused enough problems. Take your ball and go back home where you came from; a rat hole. Trump has brought out the worst among us from rat holes throughout the USA.
The Irony!
You're an elitist pos.
You type words that are total bullshit with no proof. So I can just say you're wrong and move on. Typical low-IQ TDS garden variety democrat.
Trump increased the national debt by 7 trillion dollars, 37% increase. The most of any one term President. That is not conservative economics.
Restricting economic competition by advocating for a closed American economy is not conservative economics.
Having 5 children with three wives and multiple affairs along with bragging about grabbing women by the pussy is not conservative values.
You do not know conservatism because you are a Trump cult member. You believe the crap he tells you. It is crap, not the truth.

Trump increased the national debt by 7 trillion dollars, 37% increase. The most of any one term President. That is not conservative economics.
Restricting economic competition by advocating for a closed American economy is not conservative economics.
Having 5 children with three wives and multiple affairs along with bragging about grabbing women by the pussy is not conservative values.
You do not know conservatism because you are a Trump cult member. You believe the crap he tells you. It is crap, not the truth.

Thank you for a post with facts (talking points) that can be debated instead of word salad.

1. All presidents increased the DEBT not just Trump. I agree that the Trump/Mnuchin plan to cut taxes and grow the economy 5% was total bullshit. Those tax cuts now have to pay interest on $32,000,000,000,000.

2. Trump did NOT close the US economy. Trump insisted on "fair trade". Romney's plan of corporate raiding companies, and then selling the chopped up pieces off is conservatism? Bringing back US factories is good for the US economy. Before Trump 7,000 US factories were moved to China. Now China is a major threat to the US. Was that conservatism?

3. LOL!! Democrats playing the "morals card" is fucking ridiculous. What if Trump had 10 wives and 50 kids? SO WHAT? Ever hear of an open marriage?

4. I'm no longer a Trump supporter. I now like Desantis. Trump had the WH, but just couldn't act presidential.
His 1st debate with Biden where he clubbed Biden like a baby seal probably cost him the election. My wife said, "NFW I can vote for that AH"

So who do dems have to put up against Desantis?

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