Trump Insults Iowa

Iowa? When you think 'America' what comes to mind? New York City? L.A.? Or Iowa? Can't insult something no one thinks about except the 14 or 15 people living there growing corn. :)

That's an insult. :)
This is getting better by the minute

Donald Trump on Thursday retweeted an insult to Iowa voters, just hours after a poll showed him behind retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson in the state.

Donald Trump retweet cites Iowans' 'issues in the brain' -

foot in mouth. Anyone that is not cheering him is somehow wrong or stupid. He is not giving progressive plans to change America, just praising himself and his popularity. Great Q rating but not presidential.
He can't attack everyone that does not lick his shoes. He can't promise to outsource every idea either. He has to be the one with a plan for America to get votes. People want to know what will be ahead, no vague promises getting the best people to tell him what should be done. It's a bit like Obama care, we won't have any id what is in there till after we agree to accept it. Voters want to peek in the big box before they have to pay for it.
Rather than dismissing an entire state as Delta 4 does, I think Trump's insult was to all voters. Let's face it the only reason Trump has had the numbers he does is that the American people so desperately want to break the cycle of professional politicians that they grasp at straws and get behind anyone without the stigma of partisan politicking. It would probably happen on the Democratic side too if they actually allowed anyone to run against their chosen one.

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