Trump is a clear and present danger: he fears an independent judiciary

shrimp, no we don't. We do have instances of you, bripat, and conty babbling nonsense such as above.

I site facts and you call it nonsense. in short concise detailed posts I destroy the basis of your argument. You have no recourse but to call facts nonsense and go ad hominem. Don't pretend to care about a candidate that may or may not try to violate the constitution when we already have " a clear and present danger" occupying the presidency now. Get back to me when you can hold your own.
Fakey always declares himself the winner despite the facts or logic.
That's you in the mirror to whom you are talking.

Nana nana boo boo!
She said it is available for anyone to see And other Judges have said similar things.

My favorite story concerning judges and their personal politics was when the "chads" were being sorted out in Florida the "good" now Supreme Court justice Roberts was one of those pounding on the windows of the office building housing the recount. He was obviously working for "extra credit" on his path to the SCOTUS.
Donnie clearly does not understand why an indepdent judiciacy is essential to the success of a limited Republic. It prevents the Rule of Trump . . . er . . . Man.

Somewhere, Hamilton -- West Indian, not Mexican -- is weeping over Donald Trump and his alarming, ignorant conception of the role of the judiciary.

The latest, scariest manifestation of Trump's attitude involves his now doubled-down attack on the federal judge -- Indiana-born, but Mexican for Trump's repellent purposes -- hearing the Trump University case.
Trump's Outlaw View of the Judiciary | RealClearPolitics

Whenever the left has to use argumetns like this it just shows that conservatives are winning in this country.
Donnie clearly does not understand why an indepdent judiciacy is essential to the success of a limited Republic. It prevents the Rule of Trump . . . er . . . Man.

Somewhere, Hamilton -- West Indian, not Mexican -- is weeping over Donald Trump and his alarming, ignorant conception of the role of the judiciary.

The latest, scariest manifestation of Trump's attitude involves his now doubled-down attack on the federal judge -- Indiana-born, but Mexican for Trump's repellent purposes -- hearing the Trump University case.
Trump's Outlaw View of the Judiciary | RealClearPolitics
Whenever the left has to use argumetns like this it just shows that conservatives are winning in this country.
The exact opposite is the fact. You and the Trumpers are going to lose big time.
Donnie clearly does not understand why an indepdent judiciacy is essential to the success of a limited Republic. It prevents the Rule of Trump . . . er . . . Man.

Somewhere, Hamilton -- West Indian, not Mexican -- is weeping over Donald Trump and his alarming, ignorant conception of the role of the judiciary.

The latest, scariest manifestation of Trump's attitude involves his now doubled-down attack on the federal judge -- Indiana-born, but Mexican for Trump's repellent purposes -- hearing the Trump University case.
Trump's Outlaw View of the Judiciary | RealClearPolitics
Whenever the left has to use argumetns like this it just shows that conservatives are winning in this country.
The exact opposite is the fact. You and the Trumpers are going to lose big time.
So where did this thread go Jake?

When Judges Like Sotomeyer and others make blatant comments about deciding cases based not on the law but how they think as Latinos or any other race we sure as hell do NOT have an impartial judiciary
White Anglo Saxon Protestant [WASP] Magistrates are the only ones that can be fair..because they have the Superior DNA..

Black Folks have to put up with "All White Jury" Convictions...with White Judges who Hate their Guts
When Judges Like Sotomeyer and others make blatant comments about deciding cases based not on the law but how they think as Latinos or any other race we sure as hell do NOT have an impartial judiciary

Please post those comments - in context and with reference to specific cases that were decided unfairly by her.
Donnie clearly does not understand why an indepdent judiciacy is essential to the success of a limited Republic. It prevents the Rule of Trump . . . er . . . Man.

Somewhere, Hamilton -- West Indian, not Mexican -- is weeping over Donald Trump and his alarming, ignorant conception of the role of the judiciary.

The latest, scariest manifestation of Trump's attitude involves his now doubled-down attack on the federal judge -- Indiana-born, but Mexican for Trump's repellent purposes -- hearing the Trump University case.
Trump's Outlaw View of the Judiciary | RealClearPolitics
Trump made a HUGE mistake... his unamerican, his blatantly racist comments, his glaringly unconstitutional gibberish and stances disqualifies him for office...Republicans have an obligation to this Nation.... to the United States of America.....
to NOT pick him as their candidate at the convention.
I can understand his supporters angst for the republican establishment sitting on their hands doing nothing about the border, immigration reform, about jobs, about unfair trade...but Trump is NOT and will NEVER BE the person to Make America Great Again....he won't be able to take the oath of office...upholding the constitution.

And spare me the whines on Obama, pretty please.
Donnie clearly does not understand why an indepdent judiciacy is essential to the success of a limited Republic. It prevents the Rule of Trump . . . er . . . Man.

Somewhere, Hamilton -- West Indian, not Mexican -- is weeping over Donald Trump and his alarming, ignorant conception of the role of the judiciary.

The latest, scariest manifestation of Trump's attitude involves his now doubled-down attack on the federal judge -- Indiana-born, but Mexican for Trump's repellent purposes -- hearing the Trump University case.
Trump's Outlaw View of the Judiciary | RealClearPolitics

We need to just let Democrats nominate judges so we can have judges who are less scary. Thanks Jake. Your suggestion has been processed and filed
And spare me the whines on Obama, pretty please.

Having your double standard pointed out to you every time you do it is getting tired, huh? Maybe you could put it in your sig. Yes, I am a hypocrite, I admit that, please stop pointing it out to me
You make no sense as usual when you are talking about bripat: you are supposedly a libertarian (we both know what you are) and bripat thinks he is an anarchist.

Of course neither of you want an independent judiciary.
The judge is clearly biased. He's la raza, the race. He should have recused himself.
You make no sense as usual when you are talking about bripat: you are supposedly a libertarian (we both know what you are) and bripat thinks he is an anarchist.

Of course neither of you want an independent judiciary.

How am I not libertarian, Jake?

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