Trump is a souless coward.

Since when is it acceptable to call the POTUS a demented racist for no good reason???

You assholes felt you could call him every despicable name in the book and he's supposed to say nothing. What happened to taking the high-road???

Really? Loud and clear Trump is a racist. Even David Duke thanked him.
Do you recall all the despicable names used by your group against Barack Obama and Michele Obama?
Several traitors of your group even sided with Kim Jung Un and Putin against Obama. Disgusting fake pictures of the Obamas.

So why should we treat Trump any better?
Trump deserves to be treated much worse. Because he has not demonstrated or displayed any decency of leadership. All he showed so far is unfit POTUS.

Like a little kid always doing something dumb or stupid. A moron. Pissing contest whoever disagreed with him.

Trump is no racist.

But, without the race-card you idiots have nothing.

We are not playing race cads dude. I know TRUTH HURTS.

Really. He tried to discredit Obama’s presidency. He supported and one of his major base is the alt right wing group which are solid white racist. What that tells you? I can go on and on.

Trump Condemned Racism As 'Evil.' Here Are 16 Times He Embraced It. | HuffPost

Is Donald Trump Racist? Here's what the record shows

The Racist Backlash Against Barack Obama Is What Brought Us Donald Trump
Obama discredited his own presidency.
  • He gave Iran one of our most advanced drones
  • He met with Blacklivesmatters personally telling them to keep causing riots all over the country
  • He helped train and fund ACORN
  • He released thousands of drug-dealers from prison so he could push his heroin all over America
  • He flew in thousands of refugees from Central America without putting them thru quarantine and placed them in our schools, which spread diseases to our children
  • He chose which laws he was going to enforce
  • He gave Iran billions of dollars in cash which they then used to fund terrorism
  • He armed ISIS
  • He signed the ACA which screwed up the health insurance industry
  • He bribed insurance companies
  • He spent trillions of dollars to prop up Wall Street
  • He worked out deals with Big Pharm to spread Opioids all over the country
  • He promised never to raise taxes on people making less than $250k but immediately raised 9 excise-taxes jacking up the price of booze, cigarettes, and fastfoods
  • He said we could keep our doctor and our plans but caused millions to lose their health insurance
  • He claimed Benghazi was simply protests caused by a disgusting video
  • He used the IRS to harass conservative groups effectively ending election funding from Tea Party groups
  • He jacked up the price of gasoline on military installations to an average of 15 cents per gallon over commercial prices paid by civilians
  • He sent billions of taxpayer's dollars overseas to foreign banks
  • He constantly apologized in foreign countries for the actions of America
  • He tried to help the UN take away American sovereignty in an attempt to take away our 2nd Amendment rights
  • He unconstitutionally granted amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants
  • He flew into the US hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees without properly vetting them

And of course you made that up. Where are your links?
Constantly asking for links is a lazy way to debate.....and is another way of saying you've got nothing.

Most of what I posted is on the official record and you think you can skate by with simply asking for friggen links.
QUOTE="charwin95, post: 18462089, member: 54041"]
T is a soulless coward, look at the way he treats everyone, he is a insecure little man. Probably impotent, in more ways that one.

His day in court is coming. Bannons as well.
He tends to treat assholes the way they deserve to be treated.

Consider the bribery case against Hillary with respect to Uranium One.
I figure Obama and Hillary got some splaining to do.

Nah! This is not new story. This has been debunked many many times. It only came out because of Republican senator Nunez trying to deflect Trump current Mueller investigation.
Nunez knew that by bringing this up Trump supporters like you that believed everything will focus the attention in this fake story.

Selling an uranium is not like selling a used car. The current and old paper transactions will carry on for decades not the next day.
Yeah....Hillary says it's debunked and she'd never lie about it....even though she lies about every God Damned thing else.

Nah! Compared to Trump? Nobody can come close to Trump lies.[/QUOTE]
Biggest problem with that obviously stupid lie is none of Trumps supposed lies ever caused anyone's death the way Obama and Hillary's have.

I mean, really, how many times has Trump sold missile technology to China or gave Russia the rights to our nuke material?
And how many times did Trump relax security in a foreign consulate resulting in the deaths of Americans? Then they lied about what happened to provide cover for their fuckups by blaming some guy who made a video for it.
What did Obama and Clinton do? Please don’t tell me you just became aware of Obama and Clinton when Trump just entered politics.

In real life I encountered a lot of Trump supporters and in this site ———-
They don’t know anything about politics, election, Immigration etc etc etc. Then suddenly they became expert by listening to Trump lies and lies and lies after lies.........
Even after 9 months they still believed his never ending lies a clear pathological liar.
It’s quite disgusting.

He lied about his tax plan. His supporters cheered.
Right on the stage he called Black athletes son of bitches. His supporters cheered.
One of his motto buy Americans Hire Americans. When his products are made from foreign countries and hire foreigners. A clear Hypocrite. His supporters love it.
His only North K. policy is go to a nuclear war. His supporters cheered.
Hitting a woman with a golf ball. His supporters love it.
His Trumpcare (sabotage Obamacare) will hurt people that got him elected. His supporters like it.

He is fucking this country to a wrong direction —- AND YET HIS FOLLOWERS STILL LOVED HIM—- I just don’t get it.
What am I missing.

Why must all liberals lie?

Trumps tax plan must run the gauntlet in the House and Senate. It hasn't gotten there yet, so you cannot accuse him of lying.
He never called black athletes sons of bitches. He called those who would kneel in protest. Blacks were not the only ones kneeling, but you knew that.
Every website I have read talks about Trump products "were" manufactured overseas and then they don't seem to have current information.
You have no idea what his policy is regarding NK.
I have no idea what you mean about hitting a woman with a golf ball. If you are talking about the gif of him nailing Hillary as she boards the plane, that is simply genius!
Obamacare was doomed to die from the beginning, It was already on life support. Trump is just pulling the plug!

Really? Are you really this dumb and ignorant? Instead of calling me a liar. Why NOT prove it?

1. Trump calling people protesting SOB. So blacks and whites are ( kneeling) protesting. He called them SOB is that acceptable? BTW I did not mentioned blacks or whites.

Donald Trump blasts NFL anthem protesters: 'Get that son of a bitch off the field'

2. So hitting a woman with a golf ball you called that genius? That is called disgusting and totally disgraceful. Only deplorable citizens called that genius or dignified. If that is your mother based from what I’m reading from you that is acceptable. Correct? You are dumber than I thought.

3. So why is hypocrite Trump keep saying Buy Americans and Hire Americans? When his products are made overseas then hire foreigners for his Maralago and vineyard.
Dude you don’t know what you are talking about.
Show me the website that you are talking about.

4. Trump purposely sabotage Obamacare hurting millions of poor Americans. Especially people with existing conditions. Blasted by both GOP and Democrat.

GOP Reps: Democrats’ outrage over Trump ‘sabotage’ of ObamaCare is misdirected

5. Tax plan. Right on the butt he lied. His cutting his tax rates from 35% to 20%. That’s fuck up dude. Read this link to update yourself.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump’s speech on his tax plan

5. Based from what we heard from Trump regarding North Korea. He said NOTHING but go to war. Show me something that this unfit POTUS talked about peaceful solution towards NK.

Robert Mugabe calls Donald Trump 'giant golden Goliath' who threatens to make other countries 'extinct'

Again. You don’t know what you are talking about.

Well the very 1st one is totally wrong.
Trump said wouldn't you like the see one of the NFL owners to say that and then fire them.
People don't go to see political protesting during games.

Is that mean ——— He did not called them SOB?
Since when a POTUS calling people SOB acceptable?

Because POTUS did not say it.
He said the NFL owner should say that.

Yes he called them SOB's.

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