Trump is a souless coward.

A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
Didja call Clinton and Obama serial draft dodgers? Huh? Didja? It is not the same as serving in the military but at least Trump attended a military academy. What exactly did Clinton and Obama do? And would it be appropriate to thank you for your service?

What did Obama and Clinton do? Please don’t tell me you just became aware of Obama and Clinton when Trump just entered politics.

In real life I encountered a lot of Trump supporters and in this site ———-
They don’t know anything about politics, election, Immigration etc etc etc. Then suddenly they became expert by listening to Trump lies and lies and lies after lies.........
Even after 9 months they still believed his never ending lies a clear pathological liar.
It’s quite disgusting.

He lied about his tax plan. His supporters cheered.
Right on the stage he called Black athletes son of bitches. His supporters cheered.
One of his motto buy Americans Hire Americans. When his products are made from foreign countries and hire foreigners. A clear Hypocrite. His supporters love it.
His only North K. policy is go to a nuclear war. His supporters cheered.
Hitting a woman with a golf ball. His supporters love it.
His Trumpcare (sabotage Obamacare) will hurt people that got him elected. His supporters like it.

He is fucking this country to a wrong direction —- AND YET HIS FOLLOWERS STILL LOVED HIM—- I just don’t get it.
What am I missing.

Why must all liberals lie?

Trumps tax plan must run the gauntlet in the House and Senate. It hasn't gotten there yet, so you cannot accuse him of lying.
He never called black athletes sons of bitches. He called those who would kneel in protest. Blacks were not the only ones kneeling, but you knew that.
Every website I have read talks about Trump products "were" manufactured overseas and then they don't seem to have current information.
You have no idea what his policy is regarding NK.
I have no idea what you mean about hitting a woman with a golf ball. If you are talking about the gif of him nailing Hillary as she boards the plane, that is simply genius!
Obamacare was doomed to die from the beginning, It was already on life support. Trump is just pulling the plug!
This is for the Admiral by squirrel express

Let me just say. If the last election didn't tell the left wing I will tell you now. The people spoke, and we are tired of your same old crap, and nothing has changed since then.

You can't understand it because you feel you are always right, pure narcissism. It is a sickness, so your behavior is understandable.

You can't understand it so you make up statistics out of thin air, like the majority of Trump voters must be disappointed.

Or that with Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats you whine about him not getting anything done. As if what he is doing you want him to do more of. Obviously more hypocrisy.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.
Moron is as Moron speaks

Doing some self reflecting?

You should know that you are off base when Jake the flake likes your smear.
Out of 5 threads on this page all but one is about Trump. He has the liberal trigger of a Howitzer.

I love it. Trump is in their heads down to their toes.

And still not convinced that this coward dude ( some called him cockroach) is unfit to hold the office.
After all his dumb and stupid moves after he got elected and never ending lies. YOU still love him. WTH.

A lot of people regrets voting this petulant little kid president.
Trump has said a lot of things I would not have said. But I doubt in the years I have known about Trump and the things reported about Trump I doubt he has said such vile things about anyone as you have in your last 3 or 4 posts. So what does that make you?

Really? I mean REALLY? TRUTH HURTS. Read these links people blasting Trump in public.
BTW maybe you are ignoring the facts that your group are calling us with different never ending disturbing names.

‘A Soulless Coward’: Coach Gregg Popovich Responds to Trump

Mudd: Trump 'has the empathy of a cockroach' - CNN Video

CNN’s Phil Mudd Goes On a Tear Against Trump: ‘This Guy Has the Empathy of a Cockroach’

Bob Corker just went there on Trump's 'competence' - CNNPolitics
Let me just say. If the last election didn't tell the left wing I will tell you now. The people spoke, and we are tired of your same old crap, and nothing has changed since then.

You can't understand it because you feel you are always right, pure narcissism. It is a sickness, so your behavior is understandable.

You can't understand it so you make up statistics out of thin air, like the majority of Trump voters must be disappointed.

Or that with Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats you whine about him not getting anything done. As if what he is doing you want him to do more of. Obviously more hypocrisy.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.

The whole country see the effect while Obama is in the office especially 2015 and 2016. You just ignored and probably believed we do not have a black president.
This link tells you the unemployment rate of 2016. Coming from recession ——— good job Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
Didja call Clinton and Obama serial draft dodgers? Huh? Didja? It is not the same as serving in the military but at least Trump attended a military academy. What exactly did Clinton and Obama do? And would it be appropriate to thank you for your service?

What did Obama and Clinton do? Please don’t tell me you just became aware of Obama and Clinton when Trump just entered politics.

In real life I encountered a lot of Trump supporters and in this site ———-
They don’t know anything about politics, election, Immigration etc etc etc. Then suddenly they became expert by listening to Trump lies and lies and lies after lies.........
Even after 9 months they still believed his never ending lies a clear pathological liar.
It’s quite disgusting.

He lied about his tax plan. His supporters cheered.
Right on the stage he called Black athletes son of bitches. His supporters cheered.
One of his motto buy Americans Hire Americans. When his products are made from foreign countries and hire foreigners. A clear Hypocrite. His supporters love it.
His only North K. policy is go to a nuclear war. His supporters cheered.
Hitting a woman with a golf ball. His supporters love it.
His Trumpcare (sabotage Obamacare) will hurt people that got him elected. His supporters like it.

He is fucking this country to a wrong direction —- AND YET HIS FOLLOWERS STILL LOVED HIM—- I just don’t get it.
What am I missing.

Why must all liberals lie?

Trumps tax plan must run the gauntlet in the House and Senate. It hasn't gotten there yet, so you cannot accuse him of lying.
He never called black athletes sons of bitches. He called those who would kneel in protest. Blacks were not the only ones kneeling, but you knew that.
Every website I have read talks about Trump products "were" manufactured overseas and then they don't seem to have current information.
You have no idea what his policy is regarding NK.
I have no idea what you mean about hitting a woman with a golf ball. If you are talking about the gif of him nailing Hillary as she boards the plane, that is simply genius!
Obamacare was doomed to die from the beginning, It was already on life support. Trump is just pulling the plug!

Really? Are you really this dumb and ignorant? Instead of calling me a liar. Why NOT prove it?

1. Trump calling people protesting SOB. So blacks and whites are ( kneeling) protesting. He called them SOB is that acceptable? BTW I did not mentioned blacks or whites.

Donald Trump blasts NFL anthem protesters: 'Get that son of a bitch off the field'

2. So hitting a woman with a golf ball you called that genius? That is called disgusting and totally disgraceful. Only deplorable citizens called that genius or dignified. If that is your mother based from what I’m reading from you that is acceptable. Correct? You are dumber than I thought.

3. So why is hypocrite Trump keep saying Buy Americans and Hire Americans? When his products are made overseas then hire foreigners for his Maralago and vineyard.
Dude you don’t know what you are talking about.
Show me the website that you are talking about.

4. Trump purposely sabotage Obamacare hurting millions of poor Americans. Especially people with existing conditions. Blasted by both GOP and Democrat.

GOP Reps: Democrats’ outrage over Trump ‘sabotage’ of ObamaCare is misdirected

5. Tax plan. Right on the butt he lied. His cutting his tax rates from 35% to 20%. That’s fuck up dude. Read this link to update yourself.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump’s speech on his tax plan

5. Based from what we heard from Trump regarding North Korea. He said NOTHING but go to war. Show me something that this unfit POTUS talked about peaceful solution towards NK.

Robert Mugabe calls Donald Trump 'giant golden Goliath' who threatens to make other countries 'extinct'

Again. You don’t know what you are talking about.
Let me just say. If the last election didn't tell the left wing I will tell you now. The people spoke, and we are tired of your same old crap, and nothing has changed since then.

You can't understand it because you feel you are always right, pure narcissism. It is a sickness, so your behavior is understandable.

You can't understand it so you make up statistics out of thin air, like the majority of Trump voters must be disappointed.

Or that with Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats you whine about him not getting anything done. As if what he is doing you want him to do more of. Obviously more hypocrisy.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.
Massive Employment,....Did you know that since and including JFK every Democratic Government HAVE CREATED Employment,yet every REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT SINCE JFK<HAVE CREATED MASSIVE UNEMPLOYMENT...FACT...of course you didn't know that because you are an ignorant one eyed Trumpist,who swallows all the Shit that corrupt individual feeds you......You Sad Bastard,get a life
A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
Didja call Clinton and Obama serial draft dodgers? Huh? Didja? It is not the same as serving in the military but at least Trump attended a military academy. What exactly did Clinton and Obama do? And would it be appropriate to thank you for your service?

What did Obama and Clinton do? Please don’t tell me you just became aware of Obama and Clinton when Trump just entered politics.

In real life I encountered a lot of Trump supporters and in this site ———-
They don’t know anything about politics, election, Immigration etc etc etc. Then suddenly they became expert by listening to Trump lies and lies and lies after lies.........
Even after 9 months they still believed his never ending lies a clear pathological liar.
It’s quite disgusting.

He lied about his tax plan. His supporters cheered.
Right on the stage he called Black athletes son of bitches. His supporters cheered.
One of his motto buy Americans Hire Americans. When his products are made from foreign countries and hire foreigners. A clear Hypocrite. His supporters love it.
His only North K. policy is go to a nuclear war. His supporters cheered.
Hitting a woman with a golf ball. His supporters love it.
His Trumpcare (sabotage Obamacare) will hurt people that got him elected. His supporters like it.

He is fucking this country to a wrong direction —- AND YET HIS FOLLOWERS STILL LOVED HIM—- I just don’t get it.
What am I missing.

Why must all liberals lie?

Trumps tax plan must run the gauntlet in the House and Senate. It hasn't gotten there yet, so you cannot accuse him of lying.
He never called black athletes sons of bitches. He called those who would kneel in protest. Blacks were not the only ones kneeling, but you knew that.
Every website I have read talks about Trump products "were" manufactured overseas and then they don't seem to have current information.
You have no idea what his policy is regarding NK.
I have no idea what you mean about hitting a woman with a golf ball. If you are talking about the gif of him nailing Hillary as she boards the plane, that is simply genius!
Obamacare was doomed to die from the beginning, It was already on life support. Trump is just pulling the plug!

Really? Are you really this dumb and ignorant? Instead of calling me a liar. Why NOT prove it?

1. Trump calling people protesting SOB. So blacks and whites are ( kneeling) protesting. He called them SOB is that acceptable? BTW I did not mentioned blacks or whites.

Donald Trump blasts NFL anthem protesters: 'Get that son of a bitch off the field'

2. So hitting a woman with a golf ball you called that genius? That is called disgusting and totally disgraceful. Only deplorable citizens called that genius or dignified. If that is your mother based from what I’m reading from you that is acceptable. Correct? You are dumber than I thought.

3. So why is hypocrite Trump keep saying Buy Americans and Hire Americans? When his products are made overseas then hire foreigners for his Maralago and vineyard.
Dude you don’t know what you are talking about.
Show me the website that you are talking about.

4. Trump purposely sabotage Obamacare hurting millions of poor Americans. Especially people with existing conditions. Blasted by both GOP and Democrat.

GOP Reps: Democrats’ outrage over Trump ‘sabotage’ of ObamaCare is misdirected

5. Tax plan. Right on the butt he lied. His cutting his tax rates from 35% to 20%. That’s fuck up dude. Read this link to update yourself.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump’s speech on his tax plan

5. Based from what we heard from Trump regarding North Korea. He said NOTHING but go to war. Show me something that this unfit POTUS talked about peaceful solution towards NK.

Robert Mugabe calls Donald Trump 'giant golden Goliath' who threatens to make other countries 'extinct'

Again. You don’t know what you are talking about.

Nice collection of fake news you have there.

Robert Mugabe? Wow! There a stellar example of a head of state.

Dumb ass!
Let me just say. If the last election didn't tell the left wing I will tell you now. The people spoke, and we are tired of your same old crap, and nothing has changed since then.

You can't understand it because you feel you are always right, pure narcissism. It is a sickness, so your behavior is understandable.

You can't understand it so you make up statistics out of thin air, like the majority of Trump voters must be disappointed.

Or that with Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats you whine about him not getting anything done. As if what he is doing you want him to do more of. Obviously more hypocrisy.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.
Massive Employment,....Did you know that since and including JFK every Democratic Government HAVE CREATED Employment,yet every REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT SINCE JFK<HAVE CREATED MASSIVE UNEMPLOYMENT...FACT...of course you didn't know that because you are an ignorant one eyed Trumpist,who swallows all the Shit that corrupt individual feeds you......You Sad Bastard,get a life
And your evidence for this is the low unemployment rate we are seeing today? Really?
Let me just say. If the last election didn't tell the left wing I will tell you now. The people spoke, and we are tired of your same old crap, and nothing has changed since then.

You can't understand it because you feel you are always right, pure narcissism. It is a sickness, so your behavior is understandable.

You can't understand it so you make up statistics out of thin air, like the majority of Trump voters must be disappointed.

Or that with Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats you whine about him not getting anything done. As if what he is doing you want him to do more of. Obviously more hypocrisy.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.

The whole country see the effect while Obama is in the office especially 2015 and 2016. You just ignored and probably believed we do not have a black president.
This link tells you the unemployment rate of 2016. Coming from recession ——— good job Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
What did you expect back in 2008/9? Did you expect the country to continue in recession? No, it peaked and not because of anything Obama did. Then the unemployment rate started down. In other recessions this recovery matched the size of the recession, until Obama. His was slow and a weak recovery when in fact it should have been short and fast. We would have been better off had he done absolutely nothing.
A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
Didja call Clinton and Obama serial draft dodgers? Huh? Didja? It is not the same as serving in the military but at least Trump attended a military academy. What exactly did Clinton and Obama do? And would it be appropriate to thank you for your service?

What did Obama and Clinton do? Please don’t tell me you just became aware of Obama and Clinton when Trump just entered politics.

In real life I encountered a lot of Trump supporters and in this site ———-
They don’t know anything about politics, election, Immigration etc etc etc. Then suddenly they became expert by listening to Trump lies and lies and lies after lies.........
Even after 9 months they still believed his never ending lies a clear pathological liar.
It’s quite disgusting.

He lied about his tax plan. His supporters cheered.
Right on the stage he called Black athletes son of bitches. His supporters cheered.
One of his motto buy Americans Hire Americans. When his products are made from foreign countries and hire foreigners. A clear Hypocrite. His supporters love it.
His only North K. policy is go to a nuclear war. His supporters cheered.
Hitting a woman with a golf ball. His supporters love it.
His Trumpcare (sabotage Obamacare) will hurt people that got him elected. His supporters like it.

He is fucking this country to a wrong direction —- AND YET HIS FOLLOWERS STILL LOVED HIM—- I just don’t get it.
What am I missing.

Why must all liberals lie?

Trumps tax plan must run the gauntlet in the House and Senate. It hasn't gotten there yet, so you cannot accuse him of lying.
He never called black athletes sons of bitches. He called those who would kneel in protest. Blacks were not the only ones kneeling, but you knew that.
Every website I have read talks about Trump products "were" manufactured overseas and then they don't seem to have current information.
You have no idea what his policy is regarding NK.
I have no idea what you mean about hitting a woman with a golf ball. If you are talking about the gif of him nailing Hillary as she boards the plane, that is simply genius!
Obamacare was doomed to die from the beginning, It was already on life support. Trump is just pulling the plug!

Really? Are you really this dumb and ignorant? Instead of calling me a liar. Why NOT prove it?

1. Trump calling people protesting SOB. So blacks and whites are ( kneeling) protesting. He called them SOB is that acceptable? BTW I did not mentioned blacks or whites.

Donald Trump blasts NFL anthem protesters: 'Get that son of a bitch off the field'

2. So hitting a woman with a golf ball you called that genius? That is called disgusting and totally disgraceful. Only deplorable citizens called that genius or dignified. If that is your mother based from what I’m reading from you that is acceptable. Correct? You are dumber than I thought.

3. So why is hypocrite Trump keep saying Buy Americans and Hire Americans? When his products are made overseas then hire foreigners for his Maralago and vineyard.
Dude you don’t know what you are talking about.
Show me the website that you are talking about.

4. Trump purposely sabotage Obamacare hurting millions of poor Americans. Especially people with existing conditions. Blasted by both GOP and Democrat.

GOP Reps: Democrats’ outrage over Trump ‘sabotage’ of ObamaCare is misdirected

5. Tax plan. Right on the butt he lied. His cutting his tax rates from 35% to 20%. That’s fuck up dude. Read this link to update yourself.

Analysis | Fact-checking President Trump’s speech on his tax plan

5. Based from what we heard from Trump regarding North Korea. He said NOTHING but go to war. Show me something that this unfit POTUS talked about peaceful solution towards NK.

Robert Mugabe calls Donald Trump 'giant golden Goliath' who threatens to make other countries 'extinct'

Again. You don’t know what you are talking about.

Well the very 1st one is totally wrong.
Trump said wouldn't you like the see one of the NFL owners to say that and then fire them.
People don't go to see political protesting during games.
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.
Massive Employment,....Did you know that since and including JFK every Democratic Government HAVE CREATED Employment,yet every REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT SINCE JFK<HAVE CREATED MASSIVE UNEMPLOYMENT...FACT...of course you didn't know that because you are an ignorant one eyed Trumpist,who swallows all the Shit that corrupt individual feeds you......You Sad Bastard,get a life
And your evidence for this is the low unemployment rate we are seeing today? Really?

You thick or what?The current Low Unemployment is though the Obama Policies,as I have said before let's see what it's like in two years because it will take that period of time for Trumps policies to come through
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.

The whole country see the effect while Obama is in the office especially 2015 and 2016. You just ignored and probably believed we do not have a black president.
This link tells you the unemployment rate of 2016. Coming from recession ——— good job Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
What did you expect back in 2008/9? Did you expect the country to continue in recession? No, it peaked and not because of anything Obama did. Then the unemployment rate started down. In other recessions this recovery matched the size of the recession, until Obama. His was slow and a weak recovery when in fact it should have been short and fast. We would have been better off had he done absolutely nothing.
No wrong again,Obama WAS LEFT A BASKET CASE BY George<and it took a couple of years for things to change....simple if you have a grasp of basic economics,which you and Peach are totally lacking in
As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.

The whole country see the effect while Obama is in the office especially 2015 and 2016. You just ignored and probably believed we do not have a black president.
This link tells you the unemployment rate of 2016. Coming from recession ——— good job Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
What did you expect back in 2008/9? Did you expect the country to continue in recession? No, it peaked and not because of anything Obama did. Then the unemployment rate started down. In other recessions this recovery matched the size of the recession, until Obama. His was slow and a weak recovery when in fact it should have been short and fast. We would have been better off had he done absolutely nothing.
No wrong again,Obama WAS LEFT A BASKET CASE BY George<and it took a couple of years for things to change....simple if you have a grasp of basic economics,which you and Peach are totally lacking in
Yes, I agree, Obama inherited a big recession to that there is not doubt. The same as when GWB went into office he inherited a recession. GWB's recovery followed history and the effects were over fairly quickly. Obama's recovery should have been bigger and faster as they have through history. But not only did he drag out the recovery he plunged the country into more debt then did all his predecessors combined.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.

The whole country see the effect while Obama is in the office especially 2015 and 2016. You just ignored and probably believed we do not have a black president.
This link tells you the unemployment rate of 2016. Coming from recession ——— good job Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
What did you expect back in 2008/9? Did you expect the country to continue in recession? No, it peaked and not because of anything Obama did. Then the unemployment rate started down. In other recessions this recovery matched the size of the recession, until Obama. His was slow and a weak recovery when in fact it should have been short and fast. We would have been better off had he done absolutely nothing.
No wrong again,Obama WAS LEFT A BASKET CASE BY George<and it took a couple of years for things to change....simple if you have a grasp of basic economics,which you and Peach are totally lacking in
Yes, I agree, Obama inherited a big recession to that there is not doubt. The same as when GWB went into office he inherited a recession. GWB's recovery followed history and the effects were over fairly quickly. Obama's recovery should have been bigger and faster as they have through history. But not only did he drag out the recovery he plunged the country into more debt then did all his predecessors combined.

That is why Bush Sr had to raise taxes, he followed the trickle down man.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.

The whole country see the effect while Obama is in the office especially 2015 and 2016. You just ignored and probably believed we do not have a black president.
This link tells you the unemployment rate of 2016. Coming from recession ——— good job Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
What did you expect back in 2008/9? Did you expect the country to continue in recession? No, it peaked and not because of anything Obama did. Then the unemployment rate started down. In other recessions this recovery matched the size of the recession, until Obama. His was slow and a weak recovery when in fact it should have been short and fast. We would have been better off had he done absolutely nothing.
No wrong again,Obama WAS LEFT A BASKET CASE BY George<and it took a couple of years for things to change....simple if you have a grasp of basic economics,which you and Peach are totally lacking in
Yes, I agree, Obama inherited a big recession to that there is not doubt. The same as when GWB went into office he inherited a recession. GWB's recovery followed history and the effects were over fairly quickly. Obama's recovery should have been bigger and faster as they have through history. But not only did he drag out the recovery he plunged the country into more debt then did all his predecessors combined.
Obama could only say he inherited a recession if he wasn't a member of congress. However, he was partly responsible for that recession because of his voting record.
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

As reported by the press and liberals Trump will never amount to anything. But according to the economy Trump is a massive winner, and it is all about the economy.
Silly post,considering it is the result of Obama policies that have increased the economic improvement...Trump cannot take credit for anything yet...let's see what Trump can achieve in the next two years
Oh yeah, what exactly did Obama do and why didn't we see the effect while he was in office?

No, what you are seeing is confidence and optimism of a better, greater tomorrow. Something Obama never could bring to real America.

The whole country see the effect while Obama is in the office especially 2015 and 2016. You just ignored and probably believed we do not have a black president.
This link tells you the unemployment rate of 2016. Coming from recession ——— good job Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
What did you expect back in 2008/9? Did you expect the country to continue in recession? No, it peaked and not because of anything Obama did. Then the unemployment rate started down. In other recessions this recovery matched the size of the recession, until Obama. His was slow and a weak recovery when in fact it should have been short and fast. We would have been better off had he done absolutely nothing.

The reality is people were saying BEFORE Obama got into power that this was the WORST post war recession. That it would be slow, it would take a long time to come out of recession.

The reality is, the higher you go, that harder you fall, and Bush made it fall really hard.

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