Trump is a souless coward.

Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovichā€”an Air Force veteranā€”irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerā€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersā€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

In addition to his military service, Popovich is now the head coach of Team USA. Luckily, his boss his Jerry Colangeloā€”not Trump.

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ā€˜soulless cowardā€™ Donald Trump

I so agree. Whoever could work for such a man would be the same as him.
Drumpf is such a incredible failure. I knew he was dumpster fire but he is exceeding expectations.
Where exactly has HE failed?

Failed to get the lemming democrats to help make Obamacare better? Well guess what, he is doing it now whether you realize it or not.
You are insulting me now,I don't believe you are a Semite at all,otherwise why would you speak thus

Come on, Mel Gibson ... let it out. You know you wanna.

Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovichā€”an Air Force veteranā€”irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerā€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersā€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

In addition to his military service, Popovich is now the head coach of Team USA. Luckily, his boss his Jerry Colangeloā€”not Trump.

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ā€˜soulless cowardā€™ Donald Trump

I so agree. Whoever could work for such a man would be the same as him.
I honestly don't know if any of this is factual or not.

This was nothing but beliefs and feelings. I once saw a chart that outlined the number of dead and injured that were in wars under Bush, and under Obama. I don't think either personally contacted everyone that was injured, nor do I think either of them contacted every member of the family's deceased.

OTH, do I think Trump will? Hell no.

If you are fool enough to fall for this propaganda hit piece, go for it. I think you should be smarter than thinking that Trump is any better, or any worse than any other politician. It just isn't worth getting your panties in a knot. It just isn't. He's no different. Any neither are they.

So, the upshot is, you can thank god Hillary wasn't elected, because at least now? The press is doing their damn job. Under Obama, they did nothing but suck his dick. And if she were president, they would lie their asses off for her too.

Not like they aren't covering important corruption anyway. But all in good time, eh?
Clinton and Trump were draft dodgers.

Obama was not.

The neuro-linguistic conditioning of Freewill is obvious in her posts. She continues to think that posting continually posting the lies that Southern conservatives did not join the GOP, when all the empirical data proves her wrong, that somehow people will believe her. Thinking Americans know that Democratic southern conservatives were firmly entrenched in the GOP by the 1980s in the South.

She ignores that the GOP abandoned civil rights legislation after the 1960s. Why is that?
Obama was not a draft dodger?

Surely you jest.

I seriously doubt he registered for the selective service. If he did, you have to register with a SS# Obama's got like six or seven on record. :badgrin:
Kanisha Jackson @Kanisha1Jackson

Trump finally called the pregnant widow of Sgt. La David Johnson today and told her: "He knew what he signed up for."

No call at all would be better!!

Kanisha Jackson @Kanisha1Jackson

.@RepWilson, who rode with Sgt. La David Johnson's widow, said she heard part of call with President Trump: "He must've known what he signed up for."

8:07 PM - Oct 17, 2017

So maybe the left will get off it's ass and protest the war now? World's above, you idiots just don't learn.

Not like they ever gave a shit while Obama was killing everyone all over the world.

Looks like Susan was right, eh?

Maybe the press should spend time pointing out the corruption of government, corporations, the banks, and the establishment, and yet, the status quo rather would focus on the minor offenses and grotesque features of the POTUS, which they could do about every president. But they don't.

This is all a distraction from real issues, isn't it? :eusa_think:

We didn't get to the point we are at over night.
This President has no sense of decorum, no sense of statesmanship, no sense of being American.

Mister Beale, STFU. This has nothing to do with Obama.

This has do with an inept POTUS, an inane man, perhaps even insane, at the head of our poor country.
Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovichā€”an Air Force veteranā€”irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerā€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersā€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

In addition to his military service, Popovich is now the head coach of Team USA. Luckily, his boss his Jerry Colangeloā€”not Trump.

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ā€˜soulless cowardā€™ Donald Trump

I so agree. Whoever could work for such a man would be the same as him.

Republicans have officially replace the party of personal responsibility mantra with the party of scapegoaters
Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovichā€”an Air Force veteranā€”irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerā€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersā€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

In addition to his military service, Popovich is now the head coach of Team USA. Luckily, his boss his Jerry Colangeloā€”not Trump.

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ā€˜soulless cowardā€™ Donald Trump

I so agree. Whoever could work for such a man would be the same as him.
I honestly don't know if any of this is factual or not.

This was nothing but beliefs and feelings. I once saw a chart that outlined the number of dead and injured that were in wars under Bush, and under Obama. I don't think either personally contacted everyone that was injured, nor do I think either of them contacted every member of the family's deceased.

OTH, do I think Trump will? Hell no.

If you are fool enough to fall for this propaganda hit piece, go for it. I think you should be smarter than thinking that Trump is any better, or any worse than any other politician. It just isn't worth getting your panties in a knot. It just isn't. He's no different. Any neither are they.

So, the upshot is, you can thank god Hillary wasn't elected, because at least now? The press is doing their damn job. Under Obama, they did nothing but suck his dick. And if she were president, they would lie their asses off for her too.

Not like they aren't covering important corruption anyway. But all in good time, eh?
As a politician, Trump is infinitely worst than any I have seen. Being a good politician means opening your mouth when it furthers your agenda not going for ever piece of bait that is thrown at you. Trump isn't fighting for America he is fighting for himself, to protect his name, what he considers his greatest asset. He has been doing this for decades. As president, he just has a bigger pulpit to launch personal attacks.

Winning an election does not make you are a good politician. It just means you got more votes than your opponent and Trump didn't even get that.
Try a Range Rover make a Toyota look like a piece of Tin

Dude, U serious? Range Rover is trash compared to Toyota. Actually Toyota is the best if you don't like getting repairs! But we are not addressing Penelope's obvious mental disorder...Penelope where did you attend high school?

Really? I have a Range Rover Sport and I love the high quality, class and handling.
On top of that the women ā€”ā€”- ahhhhhh the women donā€™t get me started.

Drive a Toyota and the only women that will look at you are the ā€”ā€”ā€” ahhhhhhhh donā€™t get me started.
Toyota cannot come close.
A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
Didja call Clinton and Obama serial draft dodgers? Huh? Didja? It is not the same as serving in the military but at least Trump attended a military academy. What exactly did Clinton and Obama do? And would it be appropriate to thank you for your service?

What did Obama and Clinton do? Please donā€™t tell me you just became aware of Obama and Clinton when Trump just entered politics.

In real life I encountered a lot of Trump supporters and in this site ā€”ā€”ā€”-
They donā€™t know anything about politics, election, Immigration etc etc etc. Then suddenly they became expert by listening to Trump lies and lies and lies after lies.........
Even after 9 months they still believed his never ending lies a clear pathological liar.
Itā€™s quite disgusting.

He lied about his tax plan. His supporters cheered.
Right on the stage he called Black athletes son of bitches. His supporters cheered.
One of his motto buy Americans Hire Americans. When his products are made from foreign countries and hire foreigners. A clear Hypocrite. His supporters love it.
His only North K. policy is go to a nuclear war. His supporters cheered.
Hitting a woman with a golf ball. His supporters love it.
His Trumpcare (sabotage Obamacare) will hurt people that got him elected. His supporters like it.

He is fucking this country to a wrong direction ā€”- AND YET HIS FOLLOWERS STILL LOVED HIMā€”- I just donā€™t get it.
What am I missing.
Will lefties ever stop whining? Soulless coward Barry Hussein either ignored the Military or tried to use them as some sort of social experiment. He called a freaking traitor a "hero" and he was so afraid of imagined consequences in the war on ISIS that he was paralyzed with inactivity. When the Benghazi heroes were fighting for their lives Barry was eating pizza and his Secy/State called in sick and blamed a obscure you tube video.

What a bunch of lies.
Please provide a proof or links to what you are babbling about.
Coward Obama? Use military as social experiment? Calling a freaking traitor a hero? Barry eating pizza during Benghazi?

Out of 5 threads on this page all but one is about Trump. He has the liberal trigger of a Howitzer.

I love it. Trump is in their heads down to their toes.

And still not convinced that this coward dude ( some called him cockroach) is unfit to hold the office.
After all his dumb and stupid moves after he got elected and never ending lies. YOU still love him. WTH.

A lot of people regrets voting this petulant little kid president.
Let me just say. If the last election didn't tell the left wing I will tell you now. The people spoke, and we are tired of your same old crap, and nothing has changed since then.

You can't understand it because you feel you are always right, pure narcissism. It is a sickness, so your behavior is understandable.

You can't understand it so you make up statistics out of thin air, like the majority of Trump voters must be disappointed.

Or that with Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats you whine about him not getting anything done. As if what he is doing you want him to do more of. Obviously more hypocrisy.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
Freewill, if what you say were true, well, then, the GOP, holding WH and Congress, could govern.

It can't and won't because they all know they do not represent the will of We the People.
Let me just say. If the last election didn't tell the left wing I will tell you now. The people spoke, and we are tired of your same old crap, and nothing has changed since then.

You can't understand it because you feel you are always right, pure narcissism. It is a sickness, so your behavior is understandable.

You can't understand it so you make up statistics out of thin air, like the majority of Trump voters must be disappointed.

Or that with Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats you whine about him not getting anything done. As if what he is doing you want him to do more of. Obviously more hypocrisy.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
You are wrong completely
Let me just say. If the last election didn't tell the left wing I will tell you now. The people spoke, and we are tired of your same old crap, and nothing has changed since then.

You can't understand it because you feel you are always right, pure narcissism. It is a sickness, so your behavior is understandable.

You can't understand it so you make up statistics out of thin air, like the majority of Trump voters must be disappointed.

Or that with Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats you whine about him not getting anything done. As if what he is doing you want him to do more of. Obviously more hypocrisy.

Liberals, always so sure and always so wrong.
With Trump fighting the establishment, the Republican party and democrats, will this actually accomplish any part of his agenda. I don't see how it can. Possibly that is all his supporters want, someone that will just make waves in Washington.

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