Trump is a souless coward.

Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovichā€”an Air Force veteranā€”irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerā€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersā€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

In addition to his military service, Popovich is now the head coach of Team USA. Luckily, his boss his Jerry Colangeloā€”not Trump.

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ā€˜soulless cowardā€™ Donald Trump

I so agree. Whoever could work for such a man would be the same as him.
No one is soul-less.

And DJ Trump is a bully not necessarily a coward.
Don't kid yourself Trumps BOTH
Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovichā€”an Air Force veteranā€”irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerā€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersā€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

In addition to his military service, Popovich is now the head coach of Team USA. Luckily, his boss his Jerry Colangeloā€”not Trump.

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ā€˜soulless cowardā€™ Donald Trump

I so agree. Whoever could work for such a man would be the same as him.
Drumpf is such a incredible failure. I knew he was dumpster fire but he is exceeding expectations.
There was no draft for Obama and Clinton , oh I thought you meant Hillary, still on Bill hey? , where have you been? His daddy sent him to behave school, to get some discipline. Yes you can thank me , 4 years NG.

Clinton could have been drafted but wasn't because he drew a high number. But before the number was drawn he did everything he could to avoid the draft.

AllPolitics - Candidates - Democrats

Just like Clinton Trump's number was very high 356 out of 365.

Should I now thank you for your service?

Patriots don't need to be drafted.

Now that you know the truth, go forth and spew not more BS.
A boss of mine in the Army was a draftee. He won the Medal of Honor. STFU.

Fake protest to go with Jake the fake.
Is your head hurting?
I thought about it and should not called you Jake the fake, should have called you Jake the flake.
A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
I'll have you know that's an insult to doorknobs everywhere... IS an insult to doorknobs everywhere. At least a doorknob is useful and knows how to open and close.

Trump ain't useful, and he never knows when to close his big mouth.
A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
I'll have you know that's an insult to doorknobs everywhere... IS an insult to doorknobs everywhere. At least a doorknob is useful and knows how to open and close.

Trump ain't useful, and he never knows when to close his big mouth.
Classic Case of "Big Mouth,Small Brain Syndrome".....yet he claims he has a huge IQ !!!!!!!
Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovichā€”an Air Force veteranā€”irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerā€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersā€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

In addition to his military service, Popovich is now the head coach of Team USA. Luckily, his boss his Jerry Colangeloā€”not Trump.

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ā€˜soulless cowardā€™ Donald Trump

I so agree. Whoever could work for such a man would be the same as him.
Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovichā€”an Air Force veteranā€”irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this mannerā€”and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiersā€”is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

In addition to his military service, Popovich is now the head coach of Team USA. Luckily, his boss his Jerry Colangeloā€”not Trump.

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ā€˜soulless cowardā€™ Donald Trump

I so agree. Whoever could work for such a man would be the same as him.
American politics is full of larger-than-life personalities. But no president in living memory has built his campaign and presidency so exclusively on the foundation of his own personal brand of self-congratulatory rhetoric. And don't expect anything different in the coming years.

His presidency is all about him, not the issues. How he treats other people is all about him; whether one is praised and patted on the head or cruelly mocked depends on what you have said about him.
A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
I'll have you know that's an insult to doorknobs everywhere... IS an insult to doorknobs everywhere. At least a doorknob is useful and knows how to open and close.

Trump ain't useful, and he never knows when to close his big mouth.
Classic Case of "Big Mouth,Small Brain Syndrome".....yet he claims he has a huge IQ !!!!!!!

You know, if IQ was determined by how big your mouth is, Trump would be the smartest man on the planet.
When is the winning going to begin.

It started already ...

Trump's administration continues to fail: the drug czar nominee was forced out, a federal judge put DJT's 3rd ban on hold, and Trump said (lied on the rebound) stupid things about former presidents and consoling the families of fallen veterans.

Trump is a great entertainer, truly a reality star.

He is a so so businessman who started with 250 million.

He is a deplorable statesman with no moral center at all.
Trump's administration continues to fail: the drug czar nominee was forced out, a federal judge put DJT's 3rd ban on hold, and Trump said (lied on the rebound) stupid things about former presidents and consoling the families of fallen veterans.

Trump is a great entertainer, truly a reality star.

He is a so so businessman who started with 250 million.

He is a deplorable statesman with no moral center at all.

Still infinitely better than our alternative ...

He is no better than Clinton at all.

The system is broken to give us two terribly deplorable candidates like those two freaks.
Trump's administration continues to fail: the drug czar nominee was forced out, a federal judge put DJT's 3rd ban on hold, and Trump said (lied on the rebound) stupid things about former presidents and consoling the families of fallen veterans.

Trump is a great entertainer, truly a reality star.

He is a so so businessman who started with 250 million.

He is a deplorable statesman with no moral center at all.

Still infinitely better than our alternative ...

Why do you people always put up H.clinton when discussing all this tripe....Neither are any Great Shakes ARE THEY,if all we were left with was Clinton or Trump,We were FCUKED and has proven to be.

Are these two out of the whole population the Best We Can Be????of course NOT....both sides discussing the for and against are wasting their time,including You and I..Both are Crap...have a good day
Trump's administration continues to fail: the drug czar nominee was forced out, a federal judge put DJT's 3rd ban on hold, and Trump said (lied on the rebound) stupid things about former presidents and consoling the families of fallen veterans.

Trump is a great entertainer, truly a reality star.

He is a so so businessman who started with 250 million.

He is a deplorable statesman with no moral center at all.

Still infinitely better than our alternative ...

Why do you people always put up H.clinton when discussing all this tripe....Neither are any Great Shakes ARE THEY,if all we were left with was Clinton or Trump,We were FCUKED and has proven to be.

Are these two out of the whole population the Best We Can Be????of course NOT....both sides discussing the for and against are wasting their time,including You and I..Both are Crap...have a good day

You can't keep going on about Trump this, Trump that ... 'Trump causes global warming', 'Trump burned down the Reichstag', 'Trump invented slavery' ... and still pretend you don't support Hillary as the alternative.

If this isn't about Democrat on Republican hate then you need to back off The President and address your kvetching to the system you claim is so broken it only gave us bad choices.

As for me. I like Trump. I'm glad he's President.
Trump's administration continues to fail: the drug czar nominee was forced out, a federal judge put DJT's 3rd ban on hold, and Trump said (lied on the rebound) stupid things about former presidents and consoling the families of fallen veterans.

Trump is a great entertainer, truly a reality star.

He is a so so businessman who started with 250 million.

He is a deplorable statesman with no moral center at all.

Still infinitely better than our alternative ...

Why do you people always put up H.clinton when discussing all this tripe....Neither are any Great Shakes ARE THEY,if all we were left with was Clinton or Trump,We were FCUKED and has proven to be.

Are these two out of the whole population the Best We Can Be????of course NOT....both sides discussing the for and against are wasting their time,including You and I..Both are Crap...have a good day

You can't keep going on about Trump this, Trump that ... 'Trump causes global warming', 'Trump burned down the Reichstag', 'Trump invented slavery' ... and still pretend you don't support Hillary as the alternative.

If this isn't about Democrat on Republican hate then you need to back off The President and address your kvetching to the system you claim is so broken it only gave us bad choices.

As for me. I like Trump. I'm glad he's President.
Silly Post fncco,except "Trump invented Mental Slavery"His Own...that is .... You may well be glad but it's only because he is a Lap Dog to Israel. fact
A wimp of a man, serial draft dodger, and dumb as a doorknob, all he knows is how to screw people, literally and figuratively.
Didja call Clinton and Obama serial draft dodgers? Huh? Didja? It is not the same as serving in the military but at least Trump attended a military academy. What exactly did Clinton and Obama do? And would it be appropriate to thank you for your service?

Well, Clinton got a deferment for being a Rhodes Scholar.

Obama wasn't eligible for the draft when it was ended in 1973, because he would have only been 12, as he was born in 1961.

And yeah, you CAN thank me for my service if you wish. I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy through 4 war zones.
Didn't and don't disagree with anything you said so why the tone? And I wasn't talking about your service, I was talking about someone who you damn well know did not serve putting down others, of their choosing. Again, I don't understand you tone.

Oh, and thank you for your service..............lifer. :D
he is a Lap Dog to Israel.

It's all about the JOOS with you people, isn't it?
Not at all fncceo,you should not be so sensitive,I have many Jewish friends But I noticed your avie was of Mosse Dyan (excuse the shocking spelling) the outstanding Military Israeli Commander.....and Trump is a big supporter of Israel.

I was just being observant,you had no right to call me out like that,....Shalom by the way.............. I detest the term "JOOOS" so stop using it
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Clinton and Trump were draft dodgers.

Obama was not.

The neuro-linguistic conditioning of Freewill is obvious in her posts. She continues to think that posting continually posting the lies that Southern conservatives did not join the GOP, when all the empirical data proves her wrong, that somehow people will believe her. Thinking Americans know that Democratic southern conservatives were firmly entrenched in the GOP by the 1980s in the South.

She ignores that the GOP abandoned civil rights legislation after the 1960s. Why is that?
Both Clinton and Trump had high draft numbers they would not have been drafted. Although they did use deferments, perfectly legal and upfront at the time.

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