Trump is a trojan horse

This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

In short, he's rich enough to say the misogynistic, racist and homophobic shit that would get you fired, so of course, he's your hero.

Considering how your side has defined down misogyny, racism, and homophobia, even saying hello the wrong way to a "protected class" can get you fired.

You're fired
This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

In short, he's rich enough to say the misogynistic, racist and homophobic shit that would get you fired, so of course, he's your hero.

Considering how your side has defined down misogyny, racism, and homophobia, even saying hello the wrong way to a "protected class" can get you fired.
My little stalker friends exist within a very simplistic, binary, hateful little world.

Imagine going through life like that.

I am fully aware of Joe Blow's Freedom hating, gun grabbing mormon bashing ways.
This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

In short, he's rich enough to say the misogynistic, racist and homophobic shit that would get you fired, so of course, he's your hero.

Most rich people are big Progs. Look at Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Soros, etc.

They are all big government guys who want to punish small business and upstarts by focusing on punishing salary with higher taxes.

Notice there is never any talk of taxing wealth. for Hillary.
This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

In short, he's rich enough to say the misogynistic, racist and homophobic shit that would get you fired, so of course, he's your hero.

Most rich people are big Progs. Look at Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Soros, etc.

They are all big government guys who want to punish small business and upstarts by focusing on punishing salary with higher taxes.

Notice there is never any talk of taxing wealth. for Hillary.
A vote for Hillary, is a vote for the oligarchy. Inconceivably, many Americans are so dumb or uninformed, they can't see it.
This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

In short, he's rich enough to say the misogynistic, racist and homophobic shit that would get you fired, so of course, he's your hero.

Most rich people are big Progs. Look at Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Soros, etc.

They are all big government guys who want to punish small business and upstarts by focusing on punishing salary with higher taxes.

Notice there is never any talk of taxing wealth. for Hillary.
A vote for Hillary, is a vote for the oligarchy. Inconceivably, many Americans are so dumb or uninformed, they can't see it.
Hillary has already sold us out to special interests. I guess a large part of the Democrat base hasn't learned from their time in the White House before and from Benghazi. Add to this her criminality over her communications while secretary of state, it's amazing she has any support at all. It appears there are alot of Americans that need to be slapped over their stupidity.
This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

In short, he's rich enough to say the misogynistic, racist and homophobic shit that would get you fired, so of course, he's your hero.

Most rich people are big Progs. Look at Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Soros, etc.

They are all big government guys who want to punish small business and upstarts by focusing on punishing salary with higher taxes.

Notice there is never any talk of taxing wealth. for Hillary.
A vote for Hillary, is a vote for the oligarchy. Inconceivably, many Americans are so dumb or uninformed, they can't see it.

I really dont' want to see another Chicago politician in the White House any time soon
What attracts many cons and others to Trump include a number of things...including funding his own campaign not being owned by the .1%...controlling the border, removing illegal immigrants, creating jobs...etc.

However, he is not a con and maybe a lib on most things, which makes it strange that libs hate him and cons like him.
I'm a lib and I don't hate him.
What attracts many cons and others to Trump include a number of things...including funding his own campaign not being owned by the .1%...controlling the border, removing illegal immigrants, creating jobs...etc.

However, he is not a con and maybe a lib on most things, which makes it strange that libs hate him and cons like him.
I'm a lib and I don't hate him.
and you think this proves something???
This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

In short, he's rich enough to say the misogynistic, racist and homophobic shit that would get you fired, so of course, he's your hero.

Most rich people are big Progs. Look at Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Soros, etc.

They are all big government guys who want to punish small business and upstarts by focusing on punishing salary with higher taxes.

Notice there is never any talk of taxing wealth. for Hillary.

Hillary and Trump are friends. Why would I vote for Hillary?
What attracts many cons and others to Trump include a number of things...including funding his own campaign not being owned by the .1%...controlling the border, removing illegal immigrants, creating jobs...etc.

However, he is not a con and maybe a lib on most things, which makes it strange that libs hate him and cons like him.
I'm a lib and I don't hate him.
But you hate Ted Cruz, don't you?
This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

Not really.

Trump knows that people are not too bright in general and he is in tune with the mood of the country and is a proven actor.

People, in general, are bright enough.

Trump chose the GOP for a reason, though. Think on that for a sec.
This guy has developed millions of conservative supporters not because he is a strong conservative, but because he says wild stuff that pisses people off.

Fascinating. Inexplicable.

In short, he's rich enough to say the misogynistic, racist and homophobic shit that would get you fired, so of course, he's your hero.

Most rich people are big Progs. Look at Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Soros, etc.

They are all big government guys who want to punish small business and upstarts by focusing on punishing salary with higher taxes.

Notice there is never any talk of taxing wealth.

My oh my. What made you hate the 1% so much? Weeeeeeee!
The reason Trump is doing so well is simple..... after 2008 & 2012, Conservatives are hungry for a candidate who at least pays lip service to oyr udeals and values instead of the Socialist-Lite candidates the party has nominated in the last 2 Presidential elections.

The reason Trump is doing so well is that people are stupid

Who is he doing well among?
The reason Trump is doing so well is simple..... after 2008 & 2012, Conservatives are hungry for a candidate who at least pays lip service to oyr udeals and values instead of the Socialist-Lite candidates the party has nominated in the last 2 Presidential elections.

The reason Trump is doing so well is that people are stupid


that's the same reason Hillary is doing well

Obama turned out to be a Trojan horse.

I don't think you know what a trojan horse is.

Actually, a Prog winning the Office would not be a Trojan horse as where a conservative would be.

My bad

Well, Obama got into office promising to fix things.......and all he did was destroy shit.
He got pissed at Joe the Plumber for exposing him as a spread the wealth socialist.
He was supposed to bring blacks and whites together but instead he drove us apart, intentionally.
He appeared to be harmless in comparison to Hillary......but now he's sending $150 billion plus $800 million in interest to Iran....which is basically an apology for when they took our embassy personnel hostage in 79'.
He's trying to flood America with Hispanics and Muslims......even after seeing what's happened to Europe when they did the same thing.

Yeah.....he was a Trojan horse.
Most rich people are big Progs. Look at Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Soros, etc.

They are all big government guys who want to punish small business and upstarts by focusing on punishing salary with higher taxes.

Notice there is never any talk of taxing wealth.

which has nothing to do with what I said. Please go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.

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