Trump is a trojan horse

All Muddy's whining about Obama, he will STILL cash in his government checks at the end of the month.

Well, Obama got into office promising to fix things.......and all he did was destroy shit.
He got pissed at Joe the Plumber for exposing him as a spread the wealth socialist.

You mean the guy whose name wasn't Joe, wasn't a licensed plumber, and didn't actually own a business like he claimed?

He was supposed to bring blacks and whites together but instead he drove us apart, intentionally.

Funny, I thought what was driving us apart is that we have white people shooting black people with very little consequence. Or that so many of you lost your shit when you saw a black guy in the White House.

He appeared to be harmless in comparison to Hillary......but now he's sending $150 billion plus $800 million in interest to Iran....which is basically an apology for when they took our embassy personnel hostage in 79'.

Uh, that 150 Billion BELONGS to Iran. (Or more specifically, to Iranian citizens, not Iran itself). My question is, why are we STILL holding Iranian assets 40 years after they released our hostages?

He's trying to flood America with Hispanics and Muslims......even after seeing what's happened to Europe when they did the same thing.

They have a lot of "Hispanics" in Europe?

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