Trump is already attempting to subvert oversight of stimulus


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Trump chips away at Congress' role in coronavirus relief oversight

"President Donald Trump intends to ignore provisions in the newly passed $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill intended to shore up Congress' oversight of the massive rescue program.

The legislation establishes a "special inspector general" to review and investigate loan decisions made by the treasury secretary as part of the coronavirus relief effort, an accountability measure that was a central part of Democrats' demands to shore up transparency in the bill. The provision requires the inspector general to notify Congress if he or she is "unreasonably refused or not provided" any information.
But in a signing statement issued shortly after he approved the bill, Trump says he'll be the last word on whether this provision is followed.

"I do not understand, and my Administration will not treat, this provision as permitting the [inspector general] to issue reports to the Congress without the presidential supervision required" by Article II of the Constitution, Trump said in the signing statement.
Trump also indicated he would treat as optional a requirement in the bill that key congressional committees be consulted before Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of State or U.S. Agency for International Development spends or reallocates certain funds."
Even if the Trump admin wasn't incompetent and corrupt it is a reasonable request on the part of congressional Dems to have some degree of accountability for the dispersal of the $500B allocation for corporate relief from any admin. Dems agreed to the package believing Trump would be true to his word in allowing for the oversight mechanisms to be implemented.

They should have known better than to take a conman's word.
Trump chips away at Congress' role in coronavirus relief oversight

"President Donald Trump intends to ignore provisions in the newly passed $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill intended to shore up Congress' oversight of the massive rescue program.

The legislation establishes a "special inspector general" to review and investigate loan decisions made by the treasury secretary as part of the coronavirus relief effort, an accountability measure that was a central part of Democrats' demands to shore up transparency in the bill. The provision requires the inspector general to notify Congress if he or she is "unreasonably refused or not provided" any information.
But in a signing statement issued shortly after he approved the bill, Trump says he'll be the last word on whether this provision is followed.

"I do not understand, and my Administration will not treat, this provision as permitting the [inspector general] to issue reports to the Congress without the presidential supervision required" by Article II of the Constitution, Trump said in the signing statement.
Trump also indicated he would treat as optional a requirement in the bill that key congressional committees be consulted before Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of State or U.S. Agency for International Development spends or reallocates certain funds."
Even if the Trump admin wasn't incompetent and corrupt it is a reasonable request on the part of congressional Dems to have some degree of accountability for the dispersal of the $500B allocation for corporate relief from any admin. Dems agreed to the package believing Trump would be true to his word in allowing for the oversight mechanisms to be implemented.

They should have known better than to take a conman's word.
......please--please....if you are going to make another ridiculous anti-Trump thread, at least make it entertaining--with a lot of CUSSING and foul mouth words about Mr what IM2, Denizon/etc do
and put some HATE in there
your post is just ridiculous--not funny at disappoint me
Good! That's what we want!

Of course it is what you want, you want big daddy government to hand out free money to those who will vote the correct is what all you big government statist want.

I am glad to see you come out in the open and proudly proclaim your big government statist leanings.
More government! More restrictions! No rights! Go Trump! Kill us all!
Trump chips away at Congress' role in coronavirus relief oversight

"President Donald Trump intends to ignore provisions in the newly passed $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill intended to shore up Congress' oversight of the massive rescue program.

The legislation establishes a "special inspector general" to review and investigate loan decisions made by the treasury secretary as part of the coronavirus relief effort, an accountability measure that was a central part of Democrats' demands to shore up transparency in the bill. The provision requires the inspector general to notify Congress if he or she is "unreasonably refused or not provided" any information.
But in a signing statement issued shortly after he approved the bill, Trump says he'll be the last word on whether this provision is followed.

"I do not understand, and my Administration will not treat, this provision as permitting the [inspector general] to issue reports to the Congress without the presidential supervision required" by Article II of the Constitution, Trump said in the signing statement.
Trump also indicated he would treat as optional a requirement in the bill that key congressional committees be consulted before Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of State or U.S. Agency for International Development spends or reallocates certain funds."
Even if the Trump admin wasn't incompetent and corrupt it is a reasonable request on the part of congressional Dems to have some degree of accountability for the dispersal of the $500B allocation for corporate relief from any admin. Dems agreed to the package believing Trump would be true to his word in allowing for the oversight mechanisms to be implemented.

They should have known better than to take a conman's word.
Less that 24 hours in and he's already trying to profit personally.

tRump is a criminal.
You can't let stonewalling Democrats have any say about this. They don't care if the economy tanks. They'll do anything to hurt Trump. In case anyone hasn't noticed, their platform is still "Resist" and "impeach".
I’ll take congressional oversight seriously when the last fifty years worth of management of the CIA, NSA, ATF, DOJ, and FBI are looking at lives behind bars.
You can't let stonewalling Democrats have any say about this. They don't care if the economy tanks. They'll do anything to hurt Trump. In case anyone hasn't noticed, their platform is still "Resist" and "impeach".
Look up, the economy is toast. Now, due to Trump and the bipartisan shit show that is congress, it ain’t coming back.
Trump's decision to override the requirement that the inspector general report concerns to Congress is reminiscent of his handling of the whistleblower complaint regarding Ukraine that ultimately led to his impeachment last year.

At the time, the intelligence community's inspector general sought to relay to Congress a whistleblower complaint that Trump had abused his power by seeking Ukraine's interference in the 2020 election. But top officials in the Justice Department and White House intervened, blocking the report from reaching Congress until subpoenas and a pressure campaign from House Democrats forced it into the open.
Administering and EXECUTING the laws is the job of the Executive Branch. It has the staff in place to do it. It has the institutional experience to do it. Congress has no business getting involved in the nuts and bolts of administering a program after a bill is passed. This is the essence of Trump's signing statement.

CONGRESS DOES HAVE THE RIGHT OF "OVERSIGHT," which is, asking representatives of the Executive Branch how the law will be carried out, and ensuring that it is carried out as written. But they have no role in the actual administration or execution of the law.

Yet another example of Leftists having no fucking idea how the Constitution works.
We need to make sure that the Porkulus only goes to those who praise the President.
Trump chips away at Congress' role in coronavirus relief oversight

"President Donald Trump intends to ignore provisions in the newly passed $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill intended to shore up Congress' oversight of the massive rescue program.

The legislation establishes a "special inspector general" to review and investigate loan decisions made by the treasury secretary as part of the coronavirus relief effort, an accountability measure that was a central part of Democrats' demands to shore up transparency in the bill. The provision requires the inspector general to notify Congress if he or she is "unreasonably refused or not provided" any information.
But in a signing statement issued shortly after he approved the bill, Trump says he'll be the last word on whether this provision is followed.

"I do not understand, and my Administration will not treat, this provision as permitting the [inspector general] to issue reports to the Congress without the presidential supervision required" by Article II of the Constitution, Trump said in the signing statement.
Trump also indicated he would treat as optional a requirement in the bill that key congressional committees be consulted before Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of State or U.S. Agency for International Development spends or reallocates certain funds."
Even if the Trump admin wasn't incompetent and corrupt it is a reasonable request on the part of congressional Dems to have some degree of accountability for the dispersal of the $500B allocation for corporate relief from any admin. Dems agreed to the package believing Trump would be true to his word in allowing for the oversight mechanisms to be implemented.

They should have known better than to take a conman's word.

Oh my ALLAH. Chinese Communist controlled democrats intend to steal at least $750 billion of the stimulus. If Trump interferes, that could infringe on the embezzlement that democrats are entitled to.

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