Trump is at the same time vulgar and dangerous for our country

Do you realize that Trump is deceiving us all in talking vulgarly and commonly as he is doing ?
I also realize that his way of talking looks like the period in Germany 1935-1945.
He is very dangerous for our country and is fooling us with a lot of words which in fact don’t mean anything.
Please realize what he is representing!
Best regards,
Eric Pennsylvania

He isn't deceiving 'us all'. He deceives the easily deceived.

And yes he is the gravest threat to not only America but the entire world as he is a mob figure pretending to be civilized. The real problem would come though if he were somehow elected and the Republicans retained control of both houses of Congress because they would, in short order, support anything this Golem wanted to do.

It is in humanity's best interest that he never get his hands on the precious which he craves more than anything. Power.
Do you realize that Trump is deceiving us all in talking vulgarly and commonly as he is doing ?
I also realize that his way of talking looks like the period in Germany 1935-1945.
He is very dangerous for our country and is fooling us with a lot of words which in fact don’t mean anything.
Please realize what he is representing!
Best regards,
Eric Pennsylvania

He isn't deceiving 'us all'. He deceives the easily deceived.

And yes he is the gravest threat to not only America but the entire world as he is a mob figure pretending to be civilized. The real problem would come though if he were somehow elected and the Republicans retained control of both houses of Congress because they would, in short order, support anything this Golem wanted to do.

It is in humanity's best interest that he never get his hands on the precious which he craves more than anything. Power.
I love the fear. Your posts reek from it.
Do you realize that Trump is deceiving us all in talking vulgarly and commonly as he is doing ?
I also realize that his way of talking looks like the period in Germany 1935-1945.
He is very dangerous for our country and is fooling us with a lot of words which in fact don’t mean anything.
Please realize what he is representing!
Best regards,
Eric Pennsylvania

That might be because the leader of the American nazi party supports trump.

Top Nazi leader: Trump will be a ‘real opportunity’ for white nationalists - The Washington Post

For those who support trump and don't like the Washington Post, just click the link below and pick your article.

american nazi supports trump - Google Search
Do you realize that Trump is deceiving us all in talking vulgarly and commonly as he is doing ?
I also realize that his way of talking looks like the period in Germany 1935-1945.
He is very dangerous for our country and is fooling us with a lot of words which in fact don’t mean anything.
Please realize what he is representing!
Best regards,
Eric Pennsylvania

He isn't deceiving 'us all'. He deceives the easily deceived.

And yes he is the gravest threat to not only America but the entire world as he is a mob figure pretending to be civilized. The real problem would come though if he were somehow elected and the Republicans retained control of both houses of Congress because they would, in short order, support anything this Golem wanted to do.

It is in humanity's best interest that he never get his hands on the precious which he craves more than anything. Power.

How is Trump a threat to America or the entire world?
Do you realize that Trump is deceiving us all in talking vulgarly and commonly as he is doing ?
I also realize that his way of talking looks like the period in Germany 1935-1945.
He is very dangerous for our country and is fooling us with a lot of words which in fact don’t mean anything.
Please realize what he is representing!
Best regards,
Eric Pennsylvania

He isn't deceiving 'us all'. He deceives the easily deceived.

And yes he is the gravest threat to not only America but the entire world as he is a mob figure pretending to be civilized. The real problem would come though if he were somehow elected and the Republicans retained control of both houses of Congress because they would, in short order, support anything this Golem wanted to do.

It is in humanity's best interest that he never get his hands on the precious which he craves more than anything. Power.

How is Trump a threat to America or the entire world?

I think he meant, "his" entire world.
gloria allred the bottomfeeder is now pushing a porn star.
I bet she hit it for payment....:lol:
you're saying a porn actor might also engage in prostitution ? that's outrageous.
Do you want a president who is negotiating with a porn star for sex, after he groped her without her consent.

do you want a president that threatened Iran with complete destruction? A president that laughed about the murder of a foreign leader? A president that forgot the 4 killed in Benghazi on her watch?

Or do you just want to support that real threat to the US and make up BS about the other candidate?
Do you realize that Trump is deceiving us all in talking vulgarly and commonly as he is doing ?
I also realize that his way of talking looks like the period in Germany 1935-1945.
He is very dangerous for our country and is fooling us with a lot of words which in fact don’t mean anything.
Please realize what he is representing!
Best regards,
Eric Pennsylvania

That might be because the leader of the American nazi party supports trump.

Top Nazi leader: Trump will be a ‘real opportunity’ for white nationalists - The Washington Post

For those who support trump and don't like the Washington Post, just click the link below and pick your article.

american nazi supports trump - Google Search
But the commies support Hillary.

CPUSA Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Lots more commies than Nazis. Looks like your stepped in your own shit again.
you're saying a porn actor might also engage in prostitution ? that's outrageous.
If they film it, it will be legal.
no, gloria allred is the porn hooker and that other woman is her lawyer. heh
So they are both whores.
except gloria hole, she is the bottomfeeder.
She'll take it from either end, as long as it goes into the piggy bank.
she is the piggy bank....
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She'll take it from either end, as long as it goes into the piggy bank.
You don't know the first thing about this woman, who happens to be a very successful attorney.
You mean like a Roach? They are very successful too....:lol:
To your kind, every sexual charge against Bill Clinton is true, but everyone against Trump is a lie. now thats whats called fair and balanced- right?
Especially the ones the Clinton's paid off....
Trump wasn't smart enough to pay his whores off, and its coming back to haunt him.
they were at his wedding.
Is that the qualification of a candidate for president? Did you happen to notice the story about Trump hotels, yesterday. It seems that business in them is so bad, that their name is going to be changed to Scion, and the Trump name eliminated.
I knew you couldn't back it up.
Back what up? If you don't believe a post try google. Its all there for you
As it is for you. I don't work for retards.
hillary just wanted the retards off the arkansas gov mansion lawn.

Hillary Clinton Lost Patience With Handicapped Children - 'When Are ...
May 16, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Lost Patience With Handicapped Children – 'When Are They Going ToGet Those Fucking Retards Out Of Here?' 16 May 2016 ...
Get Those F*cking Retards Out of Here! - The Patriot Nation
May 15, 2016 - The Patriot Nation recently reported on Hillary Clinton's outburst at a 4-H event, where she remarked, “What the fuck did I come here for?
Hillary horror! 'Get those f-ing retards out of here' : politics - Reddit
May 16, 2016 - limit my search to /r/politics .... Likewise saying "get these fucking retards out of here" regardless of the appropriateness of the word 'retard' is ...
Hillary Horror! 'Get those F-ing retards out of here' - Free Republic
Free Republic
May 15, 2016 - “When are they going to get those f—ing ree-tards out of here?!” ... their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor's mansion. ... Please all my friends who are disappointed in the result of the R primaries.... .... “There's no doubt, Hillary Clinton called Paul Fray a “fucking Jew bastard.
gloria allred the bottomfeeder is now pushing a porn star.
I bet she hit it for payment....:lol:
you're saying a porn actor might also engage in prostitution ? that's outrageous.
Do you want a president who is negotiating with a porn star for sex, after he groped her without her consent.
It never happened, douche bag. She is trying to promote a new business. Only complete morons are stupid enough to believe this crap.

I'll bet a lot of porn star/prostitutes want to kill her because she is damaging their business. Are rich men going to patronize porn star/prostitutes if they have to worry that they will be outed or blackmailed at some time in the future? I'll bet business is way down.
that explain all those buildings with his name on it.
Is that the qualification of a candidate for president? Did you happen to notice the story about Trump hotels, yesterday. It seems that business in them is so bad, that their name is going to be changed to Scion, and the Trump name eliminated.
have you ever tried to put up a skyscraper in manhattan ? no politics there.
Is putting up a building the same as knowing about national defense and foreign affairs? Trumps sole qualification seems to be buildings.
so much more, it's like basing hillary's "appeal" in her ability to manage security, which as it turns out is a big part of being presidents. leadership has to come from in front, and being able to delegate authority and responsibility. also it's nice if the people who work for you also like you.
he's really good at politics for a first timer. people actually will leave their house to go hear him speak. obama had that.
No, it's not, wash. Being a businessman does not prepare one to become a public servant. The end products are different: one is about profit, the other about service to the people.
i'm dying here. which one is about profit ?
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Approval numbers are generated by the media. We have a dismal economy but they paint a rosy picture. However, most Americans agree we are on the wrong track. Approval numbers are based on popularity, not performance.
Dismal economy??? Employment up, stock market up, profits up, debt down. The definition of a dismal econpmy were the last 2 years of the Bush administration.
Is your house worth more today?
Is your 401K considerably higher?
How bout your stock market investments?
what about all that cash they are printing and giving away, how much is that during obama ?
what cash are you talking about?
. The cash that is being pushed in the forms of entitlements, free cell phones, and many many programs that flies in the face of running a society that should be based partly upon merit, and not promoting total dependency for Demon-crats to stay in power with their dammed lies and deception.

I actually watched a man stand on a corner in broad daylight Friday, having cell phones in both hands, undoubtedly working the corner to sell drugs. Now what chances do you think that one of the cell phones or even both of them were Obama phones ?? I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and this cat was on that corner for hours leaving and the returning periodically.

Even my black co-workers asked what the hell is that guy standing on that corner like that ??? Working blacks are insulted by the double standards that are going down in this country, because they know the bull crap is costing them big time also. I feel for the working blacks who are dragged into the bull crap as if they should agree to anything just because they are black.

My white daughter told me the other day, that when she was in middle school & high school that you had to adhere to a strict code of silence (no telling on anyone if they are in gangs or doing bad stuff), and I looked at her and thought your kidding me right ? This is the bull crap going on in the public schools where gang culture has infiltrated the system, and then it is being protected there by intimidation and threats. It's no wonder why the exodus is rampant from this broken system now, and it is no wonder why kids are so dam messed up when coming out of these institutions now.
I am still waiting to hear about those "free" cell phones. Its amazing the ignorance of the typical republican voter who can believe any lie they read from right wing media

For decades the conservatives have screamed about free stuff.

Where do people go to get this free stuff?

I've had a cell phone for over 20 years. I've never gotten a free phone from the government. I've gotten discounted phones & gift cards from Apple when I trade my old one for a new one but that's about it.
Approval numbers are generated by the media. We have a dismal economy but they paint a rosy picture. However, most Americans agree we are on the wrong track. Approval numbers are based on popularity, not performance.
Dismal economy??? Employment up, stock market up, profits up, debt down. The definition of a dismal econpmy were the last 2 years of the Bush administration.
Is your house worth more today?
Is your 401K considerably higher?
How bout your stock market investments?
what about all that cash they are printing and giving away, how much is that during obama ?
what cash are you talking about?
. The cash that is being pushed in the forms of entitlements, free cell phones, and many many programs that flies in the face of running a society that should be based partly upon merit, and not promoting total dependency for Demon-crats to stay in power with their dammed lies and deception.

I actually watched a man stand on a corner in broad daylight Friday, having cell phones in both hands, undoubtedly working the corner to sell drugs. Now what chances do you think that one of the cell phones or even both of them were an Obama phones ?? I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and this cat was on that corner for hours leaving and the returning periodically. Even my black co-workers asked what the hell is that guy standing on that corner like that ??? Working blacks are insulted by the double standards that are going down in this country, because they know the bull crap is costing them big time also. I feel for the working blacks who are dragged into the bull crap as if they should agree to anything just because they are black. My white daughter told me the other day, that when she was in middle school & high school that you had the adhere to a strict code of silence (no telling on anyone if they are in gangs or doing bad stuff), and I looked at her and thought your kidding me right ? This is the bull crap going on in the public schools where gang culture has infiltrated the system, and then it is being protected there by intimidation and threats. It's no wonder why the exodus is rampant from this broken system now, and it is no wonder why kids are so dam messed up when coming out of these institutions now.
Who is getting free cell phones
gloria allred.
Back what up? If you don't believe a post try google. Its all there for you
As it is for you. I don't work for retards.
hillary just wanted the retards off the arkansas gov mansion lawn.

Hillary Clinton Lost Patience With Handicapped Children - 'When Are ...
May 16, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Lost Patience With Handicapped Children – 'When Are They Going ToGet Those Fucking Retards Out Of Here?' 16 May 2016 ...
Get Those F*cking Retards Out of Here! - The Patriot Nation
May 15, 2016 - The Patriot Nation recently reported on Hillary Clinton's outburst at a 4-H event, where she remarked, “What the fuck did I come here for?
Hillary horror! 'Get those f-ing retards out of here' : politics - Reddit
May 16, 2016 - limit my search to /r/politics .... Likewise saying "get these fucking retards out of here" regardless of the appropriateness of the word 'retard' is ...
Hillary Horror! 'Get those F-ing retards out of here' - Free Republic
Free Republic
May 15, 2016 - “When are they going to get those f—ing ree-tards out of here?!” ... their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor's mansion. ... Please all my friends who are disappointed in the result of the R primaries.... .... “There's no doubt, Hillary Clinton called Paul Fray a “fucking Jew bastard.
Just one more example of something that never happened. maybe you should try to look these "quotes" up from a reliable source, or do you prefer hate mongering?
Do you realize that Trump is deceiving us all in talking vulgarly and commonly as he is doing ?
I also realize that his way of talking looks like the period in Germany 1935-1945.
He is very dangerous for our country and is fooling us with a lot of words which in fact don’t mean anything.
Please realize what he is representing!
Best regards,
Eric Pennsylvania
Trump is deciever? You are one dumb sonofabitch. Hillary And Bill Clinton are the two most corrupt individuals in American political history.
unless obama was born in kenya.
Freewill is mirroring, an Alinsky/Limbaugh tactic, of accusing the other side of doing when actually it is Freewill's side that is doing it.
what about debbie wasserman, she's involved the benghazi coverup and the rigging of the primary election.

and where is she today ?
Do you realize that Trump is deceiving us all in talking vulgarly and commonly as he is doing ?
I also realize that his way of talking looks like the period in Germany 1935-1945.
He is very dangerous for our country and is fooling us with a lot of words which in fact don’t mean anything.
Please realize what he is representing!
Best regards,
Eric Pennsylvania

He isn't deceiving 'us all'. He deceives the easily deceived.

And yes he is the gravest threat to not only America but the entire world as he is a mob figure pretending to be civilized. The real problem would come though if he were somehow elected and the Republicans retained control of both houses of Congress because they would, in short order, support anything this Golem wanted to do.

It is in humanity's best interest that he never get his hands on the precious which he craves more than anything. Power.

How is Trump a threat to America or the entire world?

I think he meant, "his" entire world.
He's definitely a threat to all the ticks and parasites who feed off the tax payers, and he's a threat to all the journalists, establishment douche bags and lobbyists who make a living selling out the voters.

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