trump is being sued by a porn star, a playboy model, and a harassment victim

Let's sum up: two of these women have made careers selling their bodies, the third has bought into the "If I say it, it must be true" hashtag shitstorm. The first two must realize that their cash cow physiques won't last long without extensive, ongoing upgrades and they are looking for the big kaching. The third, well, she's seen how well this whole attention whore spiel is working for so many other gals, why not jump on that band wagon...oh, and....kaching! We've pretty much established what these women are, now they're haggling over the price...kaching!

If these women are THAT. What is trump? Slime loves Slime......
Trump is our President, like Slick Willie, or JFK, or any sundry others who took advantage of their position or net worth. But boys will be boys, isn't that the wink-wink, nudge-nudge shit went down when BC was being impeached for lying about his White House peccadilloes?
Yeap..when old Willie was gluein the intern's dress to her leg, he was, "just a do those things". Now when it's Trump..."harumph!...well i never!...grab her by the pussy?!"
Yeah, well, they aren't stopping at "harumph!", are they. No, Pres Trump should be drawn and quartered, castrated, and all his wealth taken from him. Trump did observe that if you had enough money, you could just grab by the pussy and most women would follow right along. He didn't say he had done that, he simply stated a known fact...hell, just look at the pallet of actresses who went along with whatever Weinstein wanted, just because he had the power and the purse.
It's all bullshit 'gotcha' politics. This too shall pass.
Herpes warts? You got your VDs twisted home skillet. Herpes are nothing blisters are just a sign of a fully lived life.
Show me a girl with a fat rasberry on her lip and I will show you a chick that knows how to party.

when was the last time you had an outbreak?
They come and go...just a little blister on the lip. BFD. 50-80% of the population has it already. Now that wart shit...ehhhh. I dont know about having a corn on the cob twixt ma legs.
Oral Herpes | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library

i'm not surprised that you support trump.

he's a lot like herpes
Let's sum up: two of these women have made careers selling their bodies, the third has bought into the "If I say it, it must be true" hashtag shitstorm. The first two must realize that their cash cow physiques won't last long without extensive, ongoing upgrades and they are looking for the big kaching. The third, well, she's seen how well this whole attention whore spiel is working for so many other gals, why not jump on that band wagon...oh, and....kaching! We've pretty much established what these women are, now they're haggling over the price...kaching!

If these women are THAT. What is trump? Slime loves Slime......
Trump is our President, like Slick Willie, or JFK, or any sundry others who took advantage of their position or net worth. But boys will be boys, isn't that the wink-wink, nudge-nudge shit went down when BC was being impeached for lying about his White House peccadilloes?
Yeap..when old Willie was gluein the intern's dress to her leg, he was, "just a do those things". Now when it's Trump..."harumph!...well i never!...grab her by the pussy?!"
Yeah, well, they aren't stopping at "harumph!", are they. No, Pres Trump should be drawn and quartered, castrated, and all his wealth taken from him. Trump did observe that if you had enough money, you could just grab by the pussy and most women would follow right along. He didn't say he had done that, he simply stated a known fact...hell, just look at the pallet of actresses who went along with whatever Weinstein wanted, just because he had the power and the purse.

no... he should just get out of office. it's really simple.
Hey, can I get a side of world peace and some free money with that wish?
Trump's attitude is women belong in the bedroom not boardroom......that was the thinking back in the day
If these women are THAT. What is trump? Slime loves Slime......
Trump is our President, like Slick Willie, or JFK, or any sundry others who took advantage of their position or net worth. But boys will be boys, isn't that the wink-wink, nudge-nudge shit went down when BC was being impeached for lying about his White House peccadilloes?
Yeap..when old Willie was gluein the intern's dress to her leg, he was, "just a do those things". Now when it's Trump..."harumph!...well i never!...grab her by the pussy?!"
Yeah, well, they aren't stopping at "harumph!", are they. No, Pres Trump should be drawn and quartered, castrated, and all his wealth taken from him. Trump did observe that if you had enough money, you could just grab by the pussy and most women would follow right along. He didn't say he had done that, he simply stated a known fact...hell, just look at the pallet of actresses who went along with whatever Weinstein wanted, just because he had the power and the purse.

no... he should just get out of office. it's really simple.
Hey, can I get a side of world peace and some free money with that wish?

Herpes warts? You got your VDs twisted home skillet. Herpes are nothing blisters are just a sign of a fully lived life.
Show me a girl with a fat rasberry on her lip and I will show you a chick that knows how to party.

when was the last time you had an outbreak?
They come and go...just a little blister on the lip. BFD. 50-80% of the population has it already. Now that wart shit...ehhhh. I dont know about having a corn on the cob twixt ma legs.
Oral Herpes | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library

i'm not surprised that you support trump.

he's a lot like herpes you want me to take the baton on this one del? goes.

Pops up at the wrong time and slightly painful?
Goes away after a few days and looks like you've been in a fistfight?
Oh! "tingles before it comes (cums) and sheds before it leaves"

That's all I got...wait
pops on its own and will never leave you alone...rhymes.
These are the three lawsuits involving Trump and women - CNNPolitics

He is beginning to make Bill Clinton look like a Choir Boy....:laughing0301:

GOP: the party of ‘family values.’
Family Values?

I was thinking a "Crime" family.

But it's looking more and more like the Addams Family.


Herpes warts? You got your VDs twisted home skillet. Herpes are nothing blisters are just a sign of a fully lived life.
Show me a girl with a fat rasberry on her lip and I will show you a chick that knows how to party.

when was the last time you had an outbreak?
They come and go...just a little blister on the lip. BFD. 50-80% of the population has it already. Now that wart shit...ehhhh. I dont know about having a corn on the cob twixt ma legs.
Oral Herpes | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library

i'm not surprised that you support trump.

he's a lot like herpes you want me to take the baton on this one del? goes.

Pops up at the wrong time and slightly painful?
Goes away after a few days and looks like you've been in a fistfight?
Oh! "tingles before it comes (cums) and sheds before it leaves"

That's all I got...wait
pops on its own and will never leave you alone...rhymes.

more like the way you catch herpes by sticking your dick in anything with a pulse.
Trump's attitude is women belong in the bedroom not boardroom......that was the thinking back in the day

what day was that, old timer?

Back when this country was great

this country never stopped being great, pops

only a fucking commie pig would say otherwise

Oh yeah it did....those were the best days I'm telling you.....easy living


yeah, well, i don't listen to commie faggots who put down the us of a, pops, so take a hike
Trump's attitude is women belong in the bedroom not boardroom......that was the thinking back in the day

what day was that, old timer?

Back when this country was great

this country never stopped being great, pops

only a fucking commie pig would say otherwise

Oh yeah it did....those were the best days I'm telling you.....easy living


That's pretty "White" of you...wink...wink.
Since democrat sex lies have worked so well so far, they have no problem keeping it going. This is nothing compared to what democrats intend to do to the next republican presidential candidate. This is just a trial run.
Herpes warts? You got your VDs twisted home skillet. Herpes are nothing blisters are just a sign of a fully lived life.
Show me a girl with a fat rasberry on her lip and I will show you a chick that knows how to party.

when was the last time you had an outbreak?
They come and go...just a little blister on the lip. BFD. 50-80% of the population has it already. Now that wart shit...ehhhh. I dont know about having a corn on the cob twixt ma legs.
Oral Herpes | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library

i'm not surprised that you support trump.

he's a lot like herpes you want me to take the baton on this one del? goes.

Pops up at the wrong time and slightly painful?
Goes away after a few days and looks like you've been in a fistfight?
Oh! "tingles before it comes (cums) and sheds before it leaves"

That's all I got...wait
pops on its own and will never leave you alone...rhymes.

more like the way you catch herpes by sticking your dick in anything with a pulse.
Wait..if i have the oral variety...are you saying...Del! I don't swing that way Mr!
Trump's attitude is women belong in the bedroom not boardroom......that was the thinking back in the day

what day was that, old timer?

Back when this country was great

this country never stopped being great, pops

only a fucking commie pig would say otherwise
Or Putin. Putin would say that America isn't great. In fact, he ordered Trump to make it so.


Putin smiles every time trump stands behind the Preidential podium.

"That's my man...."

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