trump is being sued by a porn star, a playboy model, and a harassment victim

Herpes warts? You got your VDs twisted home skillet. Herpes are nothing blisters are just a sign of a fully lived life.
Show me a girl with a fat rasberry on her lip and I will show you a chick that knows how to party.

when was the last time you had an outbreak?
They come and go...just a little blister on the lip. BFD. 50-80% of the population has it already. Now that wart shit...ehhhh. I dont know about having a corn on the cob twixt ma legs.
Oral Herpes | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library

i'm not surprised that you support trump.

he's a lot like herpes you want me to take the baton on this one del? goes.

Pops up at the wrong time and slightly painful?
Goes away after a few days and looks like you've been in a fistfight?
Oh! "tingles before it comes (cums) and sheds before it leaves"

That's all I got...wait
pops on its own and will never leave you alone...rhymes.

more like the way you catch herpes by sticking your dick in anything with a pulse.
Donald T is that you ??
How come the Playboy model got $150,000.00 while Stormy got only $130,000.00?

Seems the porn star would be worth more. With all the practice.

What happened to equal pay for equal work?
How come the Playboy model got $150,000.00 while Stormy got only $130,000.00?

Seems the porn star would be worth more. With all the practice.

What happened to equal pay for equal work?

How much did Bill Clinton pay the woman he raped?
How come the Playboy model got $150,000.00 while Stormy got only $130,000.00?

Seems the porn star would be worth more. With all the practice.

What happened to equal pay for equal work?

How much did Bill Clinton pay the woman he raped?

If anyone would know Bill's business, it would be Trump. Seems they are very close.
These are the three lawsuits involving Trump and women - CNNPolitics

He is beginning to make Bill Clinton look like a Choir Boy....:laughing0301:

No, sorry. Not buying it. It has now become apparent that the Left is just setting these women up as bomb throwers trying to MAKE Trump look that way! It's all a play to exploit that video from 15 years ago. As usual, the Left have overplayed their hand, unable to beat the man at the polls, unable to beat him on the facts, unable to get Mueller to uncork dead skeletons from his closet on Russia, so now they are setting up every cheap tramp and whore they can shake loose from a trailer park bed somewhere with a few dollar bills to come at Trump with some sort of "sex scandal"!

Just more tabloid trash to play off of in their continuing desperation and I will get a huge laugh when like everything else, it just rolls off Trump's back and blows up in the DNC's and the Media's faces! Again. You guys sure are a glutton for punishment------ if the Crooked Left took all of the billions they've wasted trying to cheat their way into the White House and slander Donald Trump, they might have actually been able to win the office honestly with a half-decent, respectable candidate that actually offered real hope and solutions to the nation.
No, sorry. Not buying it. It has now become apparent that the Left is just setting these women up as bomb throwers trying to MAKE Trump look that way! It's all a play to exploit that video from 15 years ago. As usual, the Left have overplayed their hand, unable to beat the man at the polls, unable to beat him on the facts, unable to get Mueller to uncork dead skeletons from his closet on Russia, so now they are setting up every cheap tramp and whore they can shake loose from a trailer park bed somewhere with a few dollar bills to come at Trump with some sort of "sex scandal"!

Just more tabloid trash to play off of in their continuing desperation and I will get a huge laugh when like everything else, it just rolls off Trump's back and blows up in the DNC's and the Media's faces! Again. You guys sure are a glutton for punishment------ if the Crooked Left took all of the billions they've wasted trying to cheat their way into the White House and slander Donald Trump, they might have actually been able to win the office honestly with a half-decent, respectable candidate that actually offered real hope and solutions to the nation.

yes, the left cleverly arranged for trump to fuck a porn star and a playmate in 2006, and then even more cleverly arranged ndas for both of them through trump's friends and lawyers. then they held a bake sale and paid out a total of $280,000 just in case the cheeto decided to run for president 10+ years later.

tricksee hobbitses, these leftists


do your feet touch the ground?
The Judge said Trump had no immunity.

Which for him is sad, since he had been having unprotected sex with a porn star.



Remember the Planter's commercial? The Cheeks don't lie?

Trump is soooooooooooo nasty. And he's a role model for Evangelicals and right wing Christians AND a cultural leader? What does that say about them?
That chick is Miss America compared to some of those hogs Slick Willy was mountin.
Now you're blaming Bill Clinton?

Trump likes Bill. Clearly.


TRUMP: Are those your keys?

BILL: Maybe.

Look at old bubble butt trump feeling up Bill....pervert..
Let's sum up: two of these women have made careers selling their bodies, the third has bought into the "If I say it, it must be true" hashtag shitstorm. The first two must realize that their cash cow physiques won't last long without extensive, ongoing upgrades and they are looking for the big kaching. The third, well, she's seen how well this whole attention whore spiel is working for so many other gals, why not jump on that band wagon...oh, and....kaching! We've pretty much established what these women are, now they're haggling over the price...kaching!

If these women are THAT. What is trump? Slime loves Slime......
Trump is our President, like Slick Willie, or JFK, or any sundry others who took advantage of their position or net worth. But boys will be boys, isn't that the wink-wink, nudge-nudge shit went down when BC was being impeached for lying about his White House peccadilloes?
Yeap..when old Willie was gluein the intern's dress to her leg, he was, "just a do those things". Now when it's Trump..."harumph!...well i never!...grab her by the pussy?!"
Yeah, well, they aren't stopping at "harumph!", are they. No, Pres Trump should be drawn and quartered, castrated, and all his wealth taken from him. Trump did observe that if you had enough money, you could just grab by the pussy and most women would follow right along. He didn't say he had done that, he simply stated a known fact...hell, just look at the pallet of actresses who went along with whatever Weinstein wanted, just because he had the power and the purse.
It's all bullshit 'gotcha' politics. This too shall pass.

No it won't....women are now going to sue him for the rest of his life....while Melania stews...
The Judge said Trump had no immunity.

Which for him is sad, since he had been having unprotected sex with a porn star.



Remember the Planter's commercial? The Cheeks don't lie?

Trump is soooooooooooo nasty. And he's a role model for Evangelicals and right wing Christians AND a cultural leader? What does that say about them?
That chick is Miss America compared to some of those hogs Slick Willy was mountin.
Now you're blaming Bill Clinton?

Trump likes Bill. Clearly.


TRUMP: Are those your keys?

BILL: Maybe.

Look at old bubble butt trump feeling up Bill....pervert..

Do you think Putin will be jealous? Trump just sad he called Putin to congratulate him on his election. I'll bet he was calling to apologize for being such a slut..
If these women are THAT. What is trump? Slime loves Slime......
Trump is our President, like Slick Willie, or JFK, or any sundry others who took advantage of their position or net worth. But boys will be boys, isn't that the wink-wink, nudge-nudge shit went down when BC was being impeached for lying about his White House peccadilloes?
Yeap..when old Willie was gluein the intern's dress to her leg, he was, "just a do those things". Now when it's Trump..."harumph!...well i never!...grab her by the pussy?!"
Yeah, well, they aren't stopping at "harumph!", are they. No, Pres Trump should be drawn and quartered, castrated, and all his wealth taken from him. Trump did observe that if you had enough money, you could just grab by the pussy and most women would follow right along. He didn't say he had done that, he simply stated a known fact...hell, just look at the pallet of actresses who went along with whatever Weinstein wanted, just because he had the power and the purse.
It's all bullshit 'gotcha' politics. This too shall pass.

No it won't....women are now going to sue him for the rest of his life....while Melania stews...
Yeah right bub...sure thing.
The Judge said Trump had no immunity.

Which for him is sad, since he had been having unprotected sex with a porn star.



Remember the Planter's commercial? The Cheeks don't lie?

Trump is soooooooooooo nasty. And he's a role model for Evangelicals and right wing Christians AND a cultural leader? What does that say about them?
That chick is Miss America compared to some of those hogs Slick Willy was mountin.
Now you're blaming Bill Clinton?

Trump likes Bill. Clearly.


TRUMP: Are those your keys?

BILL: Maybe.

Look at old bubble butt trump feeling up Bill....pervert..

Do you think Putin will be jealous? Trump just sad he called Putin to congratulate him on his election. I'll bet he was calling to apologize for being such a slut..

His national security advisers told him not to and he did it know....One Dictator to Another Dictator.
These are the three lawsuits involving Trump and women - CNNPolitics

He is beginning to make Bill Clinton look like a Choir Boy....:laughing0301:
It's starting to be worse than Hillary would have been. Seriously, I couldn't vote for Trump because I knew he was alt-R and a pig, and I couldn't vote for Hillary because she was corrupt and married to a pig, and I thought we'd have to suffer 4 years of threatened impeachment. And then it turned out that Trump is Putin's bitch.

So, if I'd have known the choice was between the pot smoker, Alt-R or corrupt ... I might have gone for corrupt. LOL
The Clintons were competent, but imo that's not enough. I wish there was a way to put the Presidency in a regency or something. LOL

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