Trump is considering ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
revisiting the Guggenheim.You known the Liberal
{ On Fifth Avenue } to see what utter masterpieces the left
plans to house there.For context,naturally.
I mean,if Robert Maplethorpe is any indication of how
Art was ruined by these lefties.I mean ,it's one thing to date
a slobby Female vocal artist like Patti Smith and quite a nutter
to use funds { Public and Private } for works like Gay artist
Mapplethorpe and his outrageous Nude Gay photos of
men in very sickening acts.
Yet to some ... Mapplethorpe was considered a nouveau
" formalist " for his considering Michelangelo as a primary
influence.Thankfully not his Catholic upbringing.
yet Mapplethorpe was given an exclusive entitlement for
his obnoxious { try barbarously indecent Works } as if
some genius.
Sublime composition ... eh.
Try smutty on High.
How far is 725 5th Ave. { Trump Tower } from
From 1071 5th Ave. { Guggenheim Museum }
I wonder what The Big Apples Pigeons think.
No I doesn't.
Overall current day juxtapostion.
What Mapplethorpe and his benefactor Sam Wagstaff
did to the Art world c/o of the Big Apple
and how it's influenced todays New York city mindset
with It's Nuttiness writing { N.Y.Times } and unwholesome
Lawfare Judges and high profile Attorneys like MSNBC's
Andrew Weissmann { lead Mueller Special Counsel prosecutor }
who went back to teaching at some N.Y.City college.
No use in wondering what ever happened to Norman
Rockwell window shopping in Downtown
around Christmas time.
5 will getcha 10 that Donald Trump could help
alleviate that current day dilemma.By merely refusing
to cave to Unamericanism.

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