Trump Is Definitely More Of A Man Of God Than Mitt Ever Was

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Trump says after Rep. Steve Scalise got shot his wife 'cried her eyes out,' joking 'not many wives would react that way ... I know mine wouldn't'

Trump says after Rep. Steve Scalise got shot his wife 'cried her eyes out,' joking 'not many wives would react that way ... I know mine wouldn't'

Probably not any of his wives', he has cheated on them all.

That was a pathetic joke, if he was really joking, probably not.

He's aware of his failures of being a good husband, and aware of the price he has paid.

Probably does hurt to see how a wife in a good strong marriage is different than what he has built, or failed to build.

Joking about it, seems dark, but what do you expect him to do? Cry in his beer for the rest of his life?

I listened to Romney's speech when he kept talking about how religious he is.

In my experience, anyone who constantly brags about being religious are the people that are usually kinda shady and you gotta watch out for.

Most truly religious people never flaunt their faith in public. .. :cool:
This is Trump spreading in the love around:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" Donald J. Trump

Link that he said that. Or go away.
Times Donald Trump acted totally inappropriate toward I

Wow. Talk about rock solid.

"However, WaPo has not discredited the accuracy of the quote, and it does seem to resemble something quoted to The New York Times. "

They didn't discredit it, and it sounds sort of like another quote that was made?


And that is enough for you to run with it? LOL!!!!

Well its no lie he likes them young.

In the 1992 video, Trump, who was 46 at the time, can be heard talking to a little girl, asking her if she’s going to go up an escalator. After she says she is, Trump turns to the camera and says, "I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?"

Donald Trump once saw a child on an escalator and said, "I’m going to be dating her in 10 years"
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'Deeply Problematic.' Faith Leaders Express Concern Over Trump's Political Attacks at National Prayer Breakfast

Trump took center stage at the national prayer breakfast and brought the country together when he decided to stand up for the real Christians -- not the fake ones who tried to twist the words of Jesus Christ. Fake ones like Mitt Romney, who is anything but a Christian -- and the life he lead, clearly shows it.

"The National Prayer Breakfast – a Washington tradition since 1953 – is by custom a respite from partisan bickering. President Donald Trump shattered that tradition Thursday with aggressive remarks that buoyed his allies but dismayed a wide spectrum of faith leaders.“A bipartisan prayer breakfast is the last place one would expect to find political attacks on opponents,” said the Rev. Tom Lambrecht, general manager of the conservative United Methodist magazine Good News. “Our country would benefit from a return to the kind of civility and grace reflected in Jesus’ words.”

Oh spare me Reverend, United Methodists are a bunch of fake gay loving Christians anyway, so what does he know...Then this Arthur Brooks guy, some so-called conservative professor -- he decides to get up and talk this goofy love thy neighbors BS -- Trump rightfully corrected him when he said I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” -- exactly right Trump...people have tried to use their faith to do horrible things, rape, murder, slavery, women voting and now Mitt's vote for impeachment will be right at the top of the list of horrible things done in the name of faith.

Compare Mitt Romney's life to Trump's and you tell me who has a more solid track record on what a man of God truly is?? First off, Romney is a Mormon, which is not even a real religion..its a cult...Second, Trump is the one who was chosen by Jesus to be president, not Romney -- and third...when Jesus said pray for your enemies and love thy neighbors and all of that crap -- fact of the matter is, Jesus was wrong and Trump knew Jesus was wrong....No one in their right mind would love their enemy... Or you saying you should love ISIS and Nancy Pelosi or that retarded Greta chick???-- which are all basically the same thing....

However, since Trump was sent to us by God, he has corrected what Jesus got wrong....No, you don't pray for your enemies, unless you are praying for their downfall, like hoping they die from cancer soon so you can get another SC don't love thy neighbors -- if those neighbors don't agree with expanding corporate tax loop holes and wall street de-regulation in the way God intended...

So, Trump is not very religious, but is politically allied with the Religious Right. Perhaps a better political ally than Romney was despite him being a more religious personally.

Interesting, but nothing wrong about it.
I remember when republicans use to tell us what true conservatism was...and how this guy Goldwater was a true conservative hero....or the father of modern conservatism as they call it....

Funny how what he said about the religious right gets ignored...but still rings true to this day....

"There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.' "

Goldwater vs Religious Right

He is also the guy who said "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."
This is Trump spreading in the love around:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" Donald J. Trump

Link that he said that. Or go away.
Times Donald Trump acted totally inappropriate toward I

Wow. Talk about rock solid.

"However, WaPo has not discredited the accuracy of the quote, and it does seem to resemble something quoted to The New York Times. "

They didn't discredit it, and it sounds sort of like another quote that was made?


And that is enough for you to run with it? LOL!!!!

Well its no lie he likes them young.

You don't?
I listened to Romney's speech when he kept talking about how religious he is.

In my experience, anyone who constantly brags about being religious are the people that are usually kinda shady and you gotta watch out for.

Most truly religious people never flaunt their faith in public. .. :cool:
what about people who constantly brag about being patriotic, or a genius, or a great businessman??

and mostly falsely religious people never miss an opportunity to flaunt their faith -- even try to campaign and fund raise while flaunting their faith.....which is why there is this marriage between fake religious people and republicans....
'Deeply Problematic.' Faith Leaders Express Concern Over Trump's Political Attacks at National Prayer Breakfast

Trump took center stage at the national prayer breakfast and brought the country together when he decided to stand up for the real Christians -- not the fake ones who tried to twist the words of Jesus Christ. Fake ones like Mitt Romney, who is anything but a Christian -- and the life he lead, clearly shows it.

"The National Prayer Breakfast – a Washington tradition since 1953 – is by custom a respite from partisan bickering. President Donald Trump shattered that tradition Thursday with aggressive remarks that buoyed his allies but dismayed a wide spectrum of faith leaders.“A bipartisan prayer breakfast is the last place one would expect to find political attacks on opponents,” said the Rev. Tom Lambrecht, general manager of the conservative United Methodist magazine Good News. “Our country would benefit from a return to the kind of civility and grace reflected in Jesus’ words.”

Oh spare me Reverend, United Methodists are a bunch of fake gay loving Christians anyway, so what does he know...Then this Arthur Brooks guy, some so-called conservative professor -- he decides to get up and talk this goofy love thy neighbors BS -- Trump rightfully corrected him when he said I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” -- exactly right Trump...people have tried to use their faith to do horrible things, rape, murder, slavery, women voting and now Mitt's vote for impeachment will be right at the top of the list of horrible things done in the name of faith.

Compare Mitt Romney's life to Trump's and you tell me who has a more solid track record on what a man of God truly is?? First off, Romney is a Mormon, which is not even a real religion..its a cult...Second, Trump is the one who was chosen by Jesus to be president, not Romney -- and third...when Jesus said pray for your enemies and love thy neighbors and all of that crap -- fact of the matter is, Jesus was wrong and Trump knew Jesus was wrong....No one in their right mind would love their enemy... Or you saying you should love ISIS and Nancy Pelosi or that retarded Greta chick???-- which are all basically the same thing....

However, since Trump was sent to us by God, he has corrected what Jesus got wrong....No, you don't pray for your enemies, unless you are praying for their downfall, like hoping they die from cancer soon so you can get another SC don't love thy neighbors -- if those neighbors don't agree with expanding corporate tax loop holes and wall street de-regulation in the way God intended...

So, Trump is not very religious, but is politically allied with the Religious Right. Perhaps a better political ally than Romney was despite him being a more religious personally.

Interesting, but nothing wrong about it.
I remember when republicans use to tell us what true conservatism was...and how this guy Goldwater was a true conservative hero....or the father of modern conservatism as they call it....

Funny how what he said about the religious right gets ignored...but still rings true to this day....

"There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.' "

Goldwater vs Religious Right

He is also the guy who said "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

What is your point? THat not all conservatives are of the Religious Right? That some other conservatives oppose the Religious Right conservatives on some issues?

Yeah, um, wow.

Thanks for the news flash.
I listened to Romney's speech when he kept talking about how religious he is.

In my experience, anyone who constantly brags about being religious are the people that are usually kinda shady and you gotta watch out for.

Most truly religious people never flaunt their faith in public. .. :cool:
what about people who constantly brag about being patriotic, or a genius, or a great businessman??

and mostly falsely religious people never miss an opportunity to flaunt their faith -- even try to campaign and fund raise while flaunting their faith.....which is why there is this marriage between fake religious people and republicans....

Trump has his own unique style. General statements about how people act, often do not apply.
I listened to Romney's speech when he kept talking about how religious he is.

In my experience, anyone who constantly brags about being religious are the people that are usually kinda shady and you gotta watch out for.

Most truly religious people never flaunt their faith in public. .. :cool:
what about people who constantly brag about being patriotic, or a genius, or a great businessman??

and mostly falsely religious people never miss an opportunity to flaunt their faith -- even try to campaign and fund raise while flaunting their faith.....which is why there is this marriage between fake religious people and republicans....

Trump has his own unique style. General statements about how people act, often do not apply.
Donald trump is a vicious mean person?
Donald trump mocked the words of Jesus Christ.
'Deeply Problematic.' Faith Leaders Express Concern Over Trump's Political Attacks at National Prayer Breakfast

Trump took center stage at the national prayer breakfast and brought the country together when he decided to stand up for the real Christians -- not the fake ones who tried to twist the words of Jesus Christ. Fake ones like Mitt Romney, who is anything but a Christian -- and the life he lead, clearly shows it.

"The National Prayer Breakfast – a Washington tradition since 1953 – is by custom a respite from partisan bickering. President Donald Trump shattered that tradition Thursday with aggressive remarks that buoyed his allies but dismayed a wide spectrum of faith leaders.“A bipartisan prayer breakfast is the last place one would expect to find political attacks on opponents,” said the Rev. Tom Lambrecht, general manager of the conservative United Methodist magazine Good News. “Our country would benefit from a return to the kind of civility and grace reflected in Jesus’ words.”

Oh spare me Reverend, United Methodists are a bunch of fake gay loving Christians anyway, so what does he know...Then this Arthur Brooks guy, some so-called conservative professor -- he decides to get up and talk this goofy love thy neighbors BS -- Trump rightfully corrected him when he said I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” -- exactly right Trump...people have tried to use their faith to do horrible things, rape, murder, slavery, women voting and now Mitt's vote for impeachment will be right at the top of the list of horrible things done in the name of faith.

Compare Mitt Romney's life to Trump's and you tell me who has a more solid track record on what a man of God truly is?? First off, Romney is a Mormon, which is not even a real religion..its a cult...Second, Trump is the one who was chosen by Jesus to be president, not Romney -- and third...when Jesus said pray for your enemies and love thy neighbors and all of that crap -- fact of the matter is, Jesus was wrong and Trump knew Jesus was wrong....No one in their right mind would love their enemy... Or are you saying you should love ISIS and Nancy Pelosi or that retarded Greta chick???-- which are all basically the same thing....

However, since Trump was sent to us by God, he has corrected what Jesus got wrong....No, you don't pray for your enemies, unless you are praying for their downfall, like hoping they die from cancer soon so you can get another SC don't love thy neighbors -- if those neighbors don't agree with expanding corporate tax loop holes and wall street de-regulation in the way God intended...
Trump serves at the right hand of Jesus
He is infallible

Last edited:
what about people who constantly brag about being patriotic, or a genius, or a great businessman??
The main difference is that Pres.Trump can back up his braggadocio persona, because his actions verify his words. ... :thup:

Because he has 6 bankruptcies under his belt.

Or maybe when he hired all illegals to work at his properties or had every thing made in China, Mexico or some other countries that paid starvation wages, and still probably does, but we will never know, because we are not allowed to see his taxes.
I listened to Romney's speech when he kept talking about how religious he is.

In my experience, anyone who constantly brags about being religious are the people that are usually kinda shady and you gotta watch out for.

Most truly religious people never flaunt their faith in public. .. :cool:
what about people who constantly brag about being patriotic, or a genius, or a great businessman??

and mostly falsely religious people never miss an opportunity to flaunt their faith -- even try to campaign and fund raise while flaunting their faith.....which is why there is this marriage between fake religious people and republicans....

Trump has his own unique style. General statements about how people act, often do not apply.
Donald trump is a vicious mean person?
Donald trump mocked the words of Jesus Christ.

No, he is not,and no he did not.
'Deeply Problematic.' Faith Leaders Express Concern Over Trump's Political Attacks at National Prayer Breakfast

Trump took center stage at the national prayer breakfast and brought the country together when he decided to stand up for the real Christians -- not the fake ones who tried to twist the words of Jesus Christ. Fake ones like Mitt Romney, who is anything but a Christian -- and the life he lead, clearly shows it.

"The National Prayer Breakfast – a Washington tradition since 1953 – is by custom a respite from partisan bickering. President Donald Trump shattered that tradition Thursday with aggressive remarks that buoyed his allies but dismayed a wide spectrum of faith leaders.“A bipartisan prayer breakfast is the last place one would expect to find political attacks on opponents,” said the Rev. Tom Lambrecht, general manager of the conservative United Methodist magazine Good News. “Our country would benefit from a return to the kind of civility and grace reflected in Jesus’ words.”

Oh spare me Reverend, United Methodists are a bunch of fake gay loving Christians anyway, so what does he know...Then this Arthur Brooks guy, some so-called conservative professor -- he decides to get up and talk this goofy love thy neighbors BS -- Trump rightfully corrected him when he said I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” -- exactly right Trump...people have tried to use their faith to do horrible things, rape, murder, slavery, women voting and now Mitt's vote for impeachment will be right at the top of the list of horrible things done in the name of faith.

Compare Mitt Romney's life to Trump's and you tell me who has a more solid track record on what a man of God truly is?? First off, Romney is a Mormon, which is not even a real religion..its a cult...Second, Trump is the one who was chosen by Jesus to be president, not Romney -- and third...when Jesus said pray for your enemies and love thy neighbors and all of that crap -- fact of the matter is, Jesus was wrong and Trump knew Jesus was wrong....No one in their right mind would love their enemy... Or you saying you should love ISIS and Nancy Pelosi or that retarded Greta chick???-- which are all basically the same thing....

However, since Trump was sent to us by God, he has corrected what Jesus got wrong....No, you don't pray for your enemies, unless you are praying for their downfall, like hoping they die from cancer soon so you can get another SC don't love thy neighbors -- if those neighbors don't agree with expanding corporate tax loop holes and wall street de-regulation in the way God intended...

So, Trump is not very religious, but is politically allied with the Religious Right. Perhaps a better political ally than Romney was despite him being a more religious personally.

Interesting, but nothing wrong about it.
I remember when republicans use to tell us what true conservatism was...and how this guy Goldwater was a true conservative hero....or the father of modern conservatism as they call it....

Funny how what he said about the religious right gets ignored...but still rings true to this day....

"There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.' "

Goldwater vs Religious Right

He is also the guy who said "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

The religious left, increasingly known as The Cancel Culture, is far less forgiving and much more dangerous.
I listened to Romney's speech when he kept talking about how religious he is.

In my experience, anyone who constantly brags about being religious are the people that are usually kinda shady and you gotta watch out for.

Most truly religious people never flaunt their faith in public. .. :cool:
what about people who constantly brag about being patriotic, or a genius, or a great businessman??

and mostly falsely religious people never miss an opportunity to flaunt their faith -- even try to campaign and fund raise while flaunting their faith.....which is why there is this marriage between fake religious people and republicans....

Trump has his own unique style. General statements about how people act, often do not apply.
Donald trump is a vicious mean person?
Donald trump mocked the words of Jesus Christ.

No, he is not,and no he did not.
"No, he is not and no he did not"

I bet you said those exact words when someone years ago said....Bush is a moron....Bush got us into a war that was a total and utter disaster....and he has no one else to blame but himself.....

That "No uh...not my daddy!!!" argument didn't age well for Bush...and it won't age well for Trump...

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