Trump Is Definitely More Of A Man Of God Than Mitt Ever Was

Trump's support from religious nuts is based on their hate, and his willingness to exploit it.

1. That you still did not go back to try to defend your previous point, further shows that you always knew it was just shit you were throwing against a wall.

2. That you call the Religious Right, "religious nuts" is you being a bigot and a hater.

3. Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. He did reach out to the Religious Right, and let them know that they would have a friend in him. TOgether, that led to him getting their political support. That this seems wrong to you, is you being nuts or stupid.

4. AND, since we have established that you are just a monkey throwing shit against a wall, this point of yours, is also almost certainly just some shit being throw by you, the monkey.

5. AND, when I say you are a monkey, I don't mean one of the smarter monkeys.

There is no need to defend what I said before. You didn't offer anything but a petulant "no" for me to defend against. Quit being so ridiculous. The religious nuts didn't want any part of Trump until he told them he would let them choose all the Supreme court appointments. He also agreed to oppose Roe V Wade, LGBT rights, and anything else the religious nuts wanted him to oppose. In return, they agree to ignore his childish hedonistic behavior. Trump is no more a man of God than TV preachers with their multi million dollar bank accounts, jet airplanes and mansions paid for by little old ladies on a fixed income are.

1. Your lies show that you are a just a monkey throwing shit against a wall, to see if any of it sticks.

2. The Religious Right was not initially enthused by Trump, who is not one of them. As he become more and more the frontrunner and made policy planks to his platform to appeal to them, they got more and more behind him. That you spin this as "Wrong" is just you being a monkey throwing shit against a wall, hoping something sticks.

A policy plank is " I'll work to support your goals". Bribery is "I'll give you the choice of Supreme Court nominees, you ignore my lawlessness.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious Right supporting Trump. The Religious Right is a normal and fine group, that is completely within their right to offer their support to a political candidate,

and Trump is a normal and fine and mainstream political candidate.

That you see something wrong with any of that is just you being a bigoted and hysterical monkey.

Trump never has been and never will be mainstream.
There is no need to defend what I said before. You didn't offer anything but a petulant "no" for me to defend against. Quit being so ridiculous. The religious nuts didn't want any part of Trump until he told them he would let them choose all the Supreme court appointments. He also agreed to oppose Roe V Wade, LGBT rights, and anything else the religious nuts wanted him to oppose. In return, they agree to ignore his childish hedonistic behavior. Trump is no more a man of God than TV preachers with their multi million dollar bank accounts, jet airplanes and mansions paid for by little old ladies on a fixed income are.

1. Your lies show that you are a just a monkey throwing shit against a wall, to see if any of it sticks.

2. The Religious Right was not initially enthused by Trump, who is not one of them. As he become more and more the frontrunner and made policy planks to his platform to appeal to them, they got more and more behind him. That you spin this as "Wrong" is just you being a monkey throwing shit against a wall, hoping something sticks.

A policy plank is " I'll work to support your goals". Bribery is "I'll give you the choice of Supreme Court nominees, you ignore my lawlessness.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious Right supporting Trump. The Religious Right is a normal and fine group, that is completely within their right to offer their support to a political candidate,

and Trump is a normal and fine and mainstream political candidate.

That you see something wrong with any of that is just you being a bigoted and hysterical monkey.
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.
Trump is a hate filled bigot.
Evangelicals ignore it for political gain
1. Your lies show that you are a just a monkey throwing shit against a wall, to see if any of it sticks.

2. The Religious Right was not initially enthused by Trump, who is not one of them. As he become more and more the frontrunner and made policy planks to his platform to appeal to them, they got more and more behind him. That you spin this as "Wrong" is just you being a monkey throwing shit against a wall, hoping something sticks.

A policy plank is " I'll work to support your goals". Bribery is "I'll give you the choice of Supreme Court nominees, you ignore my lawlessness.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious Right supporting Trump. The Religious Right is a normal and fine group, that is completely within their right to offer their support to a political candidate,

and Trump is a normal and fine and mainstream political candidate.

That you see something wrong with any of that is just you being a bigoted and hysterical monkey.
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.

They may be "religious" but they gave up the Christian faith.
They sold out their Christianity

The article is fake because it relies on "Donald Trump could be overheard"......and "According to
BuzzFeed, a draft article fo The Washington Post"......."unnamed associate"....."The quote was part of a copy which was circulated to other jjournalists, although the paper ultimately omitted it from publication"

That article is really representative of Democrat desperation and hysteria because there is absolutely no proof of anything written therein, it's all 'someone said something to somebody.' That's the Democrat strategy, tell a reporter something, that reporter goes to another reporter and the fake lie gets started. Notice that the so called WaPo 'quote' was never published but was, "circulated to other journalists." I suggest you try actually reading the same shit you post.
Did Trump ever tell you what his investigators found when they went to Hawaii to find Obama's real birth certificate??

He said they found some explosive evidence......what was it??

There's Still No Evidence That Trump Sent Investigators To Hawaii To Dig Up Dirt On Obama | HuffPost
Trump forced Obama to show his fake birth certificate. Obama refused to do that until Trump called him out. Trump said Obama's grandmother said she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya. At the time Obama only had a 'certificate of live birth' which is not signed by anybody, no serial number, etc. Obama spent millions to bury this issue. Once pressed, Obama came up with a fake one. Trump's reasoning is clear, why didn't Obama just come up with the BC in the first place?
Though the CLDS is arguably heretical, it does proclaim Jesus. We must suppose it is up to a higher authority to pass any judgement on all that. Mr. Romney certainly adheres to his faith, publicly and privately. All the evidence, thus, is that he is, to use the term, a 'man of 'God' '.
Finding the equivalent for Mr. Trump would appear difficult.
1. That you still did not go back to try to defend your previous point, further shows that you always knew it was just shit you were throwing against a wall.

2. That you call the Religious Right, "religious nuts" is you being a bigot and a hater.

3. Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. He did reach out to the Religious Right, and let them know that they would have a friend in him. TOgether, that led to him getting their political support. That this seems wrong to you, is you being nuts or stupid.

4. AND, since we have established that you are just a monkey throwing shit against a wall, this point of yours, is also almost certainly just some shit being throw by you, the monkey.

5. AND, when I say you are a monkey, I don't mean one of the smarter monkeys.

There is no need to defend what I said before. You didn't offer anything but a petulant "no" for me to defend against. Quit being so ridiculous. The religious nuts didn't want any part of Trump until he told them he would let them choose all the Supreme court appointments. He also agreed to oppose Roe V Wade, LGBT rights, and anything else the religious nuts wanted him to oppose. In return, they agree to ignore his childish hedonistic behavior. Trump is no more a man of God than TV preachers with their multi million dollar bank accounts, jet airplanes and mansions paid for by little old ladies on a fixed income are.

1. Your lies show that you are a just a monkey throwing shit against a wall, to see if any of it sticks.

2. The Religious Right was not initially enthused by Trump, who is not one of them. As he become more and more the frontrunner and made policy planks to his platform to appeal to them, they got more and more behind him. That you spin this as "Wrong" is just you being a monkey throwing shit against a wall, hoping something sticks.

A policy plank is " I'll work to support your goals". Bribery is "I'll give you the choice of Supreme Court nominees, you ignore my lawlessness.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious Right supporting Trump. The Religious Right is a normal and fine group, that is completely within their right to offer their support to a political candidate,

and Trump is a normal and fine and mainstream political candidate.

That you see something wrong with any of that is just you being a bigoted and hysterical monkey.

Trump never has been and never will be mainstream.

He ran on better Trade Policy and enforcing already existing immigration laws.

THat you consider that not mainstream, is you being bat shit crazy radical.
1. Your lies show that you are a just a monkey throwing shit against a wall, to see if any of it sticks.

2. The Religious Right was not initially enthused by Trump, who is not one of them. As he become more and more the frontrunner and made policy planks to his platform to appeal to them, they got more and more behind him. That you spin this as "Wrong" is just you being a monkey throwing shit against a wall, hoping something sticks.

A policy plank is " I'll work to support your goals". Bribery is "I'll give you the choice of Supreme Court nominees, you ignore my lawlessness.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious Right supporting Trump. The Religious Right is a normal and fine group, that is completely within their right to offer their support to a political candidate,

and Trump is a normal and fine and mainstream political candidate.

That you see something wrong with any of that is just you being a bigoted and hysterical monkey.
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.
Trump is a hate filled bigot.
Evangelicals ignore it for political gain

Evangelicals don't buy your bullshit hysterical lies. THey judged Trump on his actual positions and actions and decided, correctly that he was a good friend for them to have.

And it is working out fine for them.

YOu are just angry that not everyone is falling for your bullshit lies.
A policy plank is " I'll work to support your goals". Bribery is "I'll give you the choice of Supreme Court nominees, you ignore my lawlessness.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious Right supporting Trump. The Religious Right is a normal and fine group, that is completely within their right to offer their support to a political candidate,

and Trump is a normal and fine and mainstream political candidate.

That you see something wrong with any of that is just you being a bigoted and hysterical monkey.
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.

They may be "religious" but they gave up the Christian faith.
They sold out their Christianity

You are hysterical. There is nothing wrong, with a political group, like the Religious Right, supporting a politician that is friendly to them and supportive of their goals.

Try to calm down. Don't you lefties like to smoke pot? Maybe you should try more pot.
Trump forced Obama to show his fake birth certificate. Obama refused to do that until Trump called him out. Trump said Obama's grandmother said she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya. At the time Obama only had a 'certificate of live birth' which is not signed by anybody, no serial number, etc. Obama spent millions to bury this issue. Once pressed, Obama came up with a fake one. Trump's reasoning is clear, why didn't Obama just come up with the BC in the first place?
so yo stupid ass still want to hang on to the racist ass birther movement..

Maybe Trump can campaign on that in 2020 to attract black voters...
Trump forced Obama to show his fake birth certificate. Obama refused to do that until Trump called him out. Trump said Obama's grandmother said she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya. At the time Obama only had a 'certificate of live birth' which is not signed by anybody, no serial number, etc. Obama spent millions to bury this issue. Once pressed, Obama came up with a fake one. Trump's reasoning is clear, why didn't Obama just come up with the BC in the first place?
Still waiting for Trumps tax returns
There is nothing wrong with the Religious Right supporting Trump. The Religious Right is a normal and fine group, that is completely within their right to offer their support to a political candidate,

and Trump is a normal and fine and mainstream political candidate.

That you see something wrong with any of that is just you being a bigoted and hysterical monkey.
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.

They may be "religious" but they gave up the Christian faith.
They sold out their Christianity

You are hysterical. There is nothing wrong, with a political group, like the Religious Right, supporting a politician that is friendly to them and supportive of their goals.

Try to calm down. Don't you lefties like to smoke pot? Maybe you should try more pot.
Only thing wrong is selling out your values for political favors.
We expect better from our religious groups
There is nothing wrong with the Religious Right supporting Trump. The Religious Right is a normal and fine group, that is completely within their right to offer their support to a political candidate,

and Trump is a normal and fine and mainstream political candidate.

That you see something wrong with any of that is just you being a bigoted and hysterical monkey.
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.

They may be "religious" but they gave up the Christian faith.
They sold out their Christianity

You are hysterical. There is nothing wrong, with a political group, like the Religious Right, supporting a politician that is friendly to them and supportive of their goals.

Try to calm down. Don't you lefties like to smoke pot? Maybe you should try more pot.
But blacks who vote Democrat are on the democrat plantation right??
Trump forced Obama to show his fake birth certificate. Obama refused to do that until Trump called him out. Trump said Obama's grandmother said she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya. At the time Obama only had a 'certificate of live birth' which is not signed by anybody, no serial number, etc. Obama spent millions to bury this issue. Once pressed, Obama came up with a fake one. Trump's reasoning is clear, why didn't Obama just come up with the BC in the first place?
so yo stupid ass still want to hang on to the racist ass birther movement..

Maybe Trump can campaign on that in 2020 to attract black voters...

You are a race baiting asshole.
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.

They may be "religious" but they gave up the Christian faith.
They sold out their Christianity

You are hysterical. There is nothing wrong, with a political group, like the Religious Right, supporting a politician that is friendly to them and supportive of their goals.

Try to calm down. Don't you lefties like to smoke pot? Maybe you should try more pot.
Only thing wrong is selling out your values for political favors.
We expect better from our religious groups

In reverse order,

1. No you do not. YOu have nothing but contempt for Christians. You are an anti-Christian bigot and you love it when religious groups "sell out their values" and support you, such as pro-life blacks. So, shove your lies back up your ass, where you pulled them from in the first place.

2. The religious right has not sold out any values in supporting Trump or his policies. That is just you throwing shit at a wall, like a monkey, hoping that no one would call you on your shit.

3. ANd we can know this, because if you had anything real to back up your shit, you would have led with it. Instead of the empty and stupid ass assertions you have done. You fucking moron.
'Deeply Problematic.' Faith Leaders Express Concern Over Trump's Political Attacks at National Prayer Breakfast

Trump took center stage at the national prayer breakfast and brought the country together when he decided to stand up for the real Christians -- not the fake ones who tried to twist the words of Jesus Christ. Fake ones like Mitt Romney, who is anything but a Christian -- and the life he lead, clearly shows it.

"The National Prayer Breakfast – a Washington tradition since 1953 – is by custom a respite from partisan bickering. President Donald Trump shattered that tradition Thursday with aggressive remarks that buoyed his allies but dismayed a wide spectrum of faith leaders.“A bipartisan prayer breakfast is the last place one would expect to find political attacks on opponents,” said the Rev. Tom Lambrecht, general manager of the conservative United Methodist magazine Good News. “Our country would benefit from a return to the kind of civility and grace reflected in Jesus’ words.”

Oh spare me Reverend, United Methodists are a bunch of fake gay loving Christians anyway, so what does he know...Then this Arthur Brooks guy, some so-called conservative professor -- he decides to get up and talk this goofy love thy neighbors BS -- Trump rightfully corrected him when he said I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” -- exactly right Trump...people have tried to use their faith to do horrible things, rape, murder, slavery, women voting and now Mitt's vote for impeachment will be right at the top of the list of horrible things done in the name of faith.

Compare Mitt Romney's life to Trump's and you tell me who has a more solid track record on what a man of God truly is?? First off, Romney is a Mormon, which is not even a real religion..its a cult...Second, Trump is the one who was chosen by Jesus to be president, not Romney -- and third...when Jesus said pray for your enemies and love thy neighbors and all of that crap -- fact of the matter is, Jesus was wrong and Trump knew Jesus was wrong....No one in their right mind would love their enemy... Or are you saying you should love ISIS and Nancy Pelosi or that retarded Greta chick???-- which are all basically the same thing....

However, since Trump was sent to us by God, he has corrected what Jesus got wrong....No, you don't pray for your enemies, unless you are praying for their downfall, like hoping they die from cancer soon so you can get another SC don't love thy neighbors -- if those neighbors don't agree with expanding corporate tax loop holes and wall street de-regulation in the way God intended...

Some believe Christianity is a cult too. I guess your OP doesn't apply to them.
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.

They may be "religious" but they gave up the Christian faith.
They sold out their Christianity

You are hysterical. There is nothing wrong, with a political group, like the Religious Right, supporting a politician that is friendly to them and supportive of their goals.

Try to calm down. Don't you lefties like to smoke pot? Maybe you should try more pot.
But blacks who vote Democrat are on the democrat plantation right??

An argument I generally don't use myself, and thus would prefer not to make the argument for other people.

I would and have discussed the oddity of CONSERVATIVE blacks who vote for liberal dems, for reasons that seem, shaky.
'Deeply Problematic.' Faith Leaders Express Concern Over Trump's Political Attacks at National Prayer Breakfast

Trump took center stage at the national prayer breakfast and brought the country together when he decided to stand up for the real Christians -- not the fake ones who tried to twist the words of Jesus Christ. Fake ones like Mitt Romney, who is anything but a Christian -- and the life he lead, clearly shows it.

"The National Prayer Breakfast – a Washington tradition since 1953 – is by custom a respite from partisan bickering. President Donald Trump shattered that tradition Thursday with aggressive remarks that buoyed his allies but dismayed a wide spectrum of faith leaders.“A bipartisan prayer breakfast is the last place one would expect to find political attacks on opponents,” said the Rev. Tom Lambrecht, general manager of the conservative United Methodist magazine Good News. “Our country would benefit from a return to the kind of civility and grace reflected in Jesus’ words.”

Oh spare me Reverend, United Methodists are a bunch of fake gay loving Christians anyway, so what does he know...Then this Arthur Brooks guy, some so-called conservative professor -- he decides to get up and talk this goofy love thy neighbors BS -- Trump rightfully corrected him when he said I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” -- exactly right Trump...people have tried to use their faith to do horrible things, rape, murder, slavery, women voting and now Mitt's vote for impeachment will be right at the top of the list of horrible things done in the name of faith.

Compare Mitt Romney's life to Trump's and you tell me who has a more solid track record on what a man of God truly is?? First off, Romney is a Mormon, which is not even a real religion..its a cult...Second, Trump is the one who was chosen by Jesus to be president, not Romney -- and third...when Jesus said pray for your enemies and love thy neighbors and all of that crap -- fact of the matter is, Jesus was wrong and Trump knew Jesus was wrong....No one in their right mind would love their enemy... Or are you saying you should love ISIS and Nancy Pelosi or that retarded Greta chick???-- which are all basically the same thing....

However, since Trump was sent to us by God, he has corrected what Jesus got wrong....No, you don't pray for your enemies, unless you are praying for their downfall, like hoping they die from cancer soon so you can get another SC don't love thy neighbors -- if those neighbors don't agree with expanding corporate tax loop holes and wall street de-regulation in the way God intended...

Some believe Christianity is a cult too. I guess your OP doesn't apply to them.
Unless that religion seeks to achieve some type of pseudo-theocracy and attempts to try to codify their dogma in law -- then I don't care about their cult...they are free to practice their cult however they like...
They are a group that sold their soul for some court appointments

You are hate filled bigot, who is upset that people you hate, are not rolling over and giving up to your agenda.

There is nothing wrong with the Religious RIght supporting President Trump, and it is crazy for you to claim there is.

They may be "religious" but they gave up the Christian faith.
They sold out their Christianity

You are hysterical. There is nothing wrong, with a political group, like the Religious Right, supporting a politician that is friendly to them and supportive of their goals.

Try to calm down. Don't you lefties like to smoke pot? Maybe you should try more pot.
But blacks who vote Democrat are on the democrat plantation right??

I'm not black. But what is this "plantation" thing about? My African-American neighbors are not on any "plantation." I'm sure that they call it the way they see it. They are grown-ups. It is a known trick of right-wingers to pretend that whatever demographic group that they are attacking is somehow mentally feeble and dependent on what somebody else tells them. This is false. Disgustingly false.

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