Trump is draining the swamp by appointing insiders to his cabinet

We may be going to be treated to a mainstream Wall St. gop gummit, while the Donald engages in baseless attacks on perceived enemies, and seeks popular approval.
Now you will see the republicans quickly switch from being for outsiders to being for the insiders. Its going to take a few weeks to 180 their way out of pretending they wanted outsiders but you'll start to see them accept this too.
Well, Chao is interesting in that her billionaire dad is Mr Global Trade, and McConnell has been his asset. In terms of building biz, her daddy is the real deal ... compared to Trump. I mean when McConnell took a hair cut in the recession, Daddy gave Chao five MILLION without batting an eye.

Meanwhile Trump is trying to jawbone Carrier to keeping 65K a year jobs here instead of like $8 hour in Mexico. That can only work if you prevent Americans from buying AC produced outside the US, because Carrier's competitors will have cheaper labor costs.
A government run by a Wall Street cabinet and a president demagoguing to the population.

Oh, this will surely work well.
A government run by a Wall Street cabinet and a president demagoguing to the population.

Oh, this will surely work well.

This is quit frightening actually....Plus he is totally screwing over the democrats who voted for him...I actually liked him until he picked Pence.

I voted for him in the primary. I still think the good news is that he probably has no interest in actual legislation, and just likes the prestige and jawboning.
LOL. But Price and Chao are competent.

Of course he is dummy. He knows you have to give a little to get a little and so far he's picked some pretty good people.
I DO. And I absolutely love it that he's shitting all over the Trumpbots who thought this would be different.

Time will tell how right or wrong he turns out to be but he knows how to play the game.

I voted for the man and I think he's pretty damned smart to pick qualified, able people.

And don't forget. Trump will be running the show not some yahoo who's made his living out of being a politician.

I'll be waiting to see how it goes.
Next time (IF) Snowflakes win the Presidency they can pick anyone for their Cabinet they want.

So far Trump's Cabinet choices are better than Barry's, as almost all of Barry's were tax cheaters, tax frauds, and tax evaders - even the DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY - TREASURY SECRETARY Lil' Timmy Tax Cheat Geithner.

More butthurt criticism from the Snowflakes....

Trump is playing the insiders game while shouting, I am an outsider! He will do or day anything to enrich himself.

As he moderates, the poor dumb loons who saw him as a conservative are goung to feel pretty stupid.

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