The Swamp Survived: Why Trump Failed to “Drain the Swamp"

Come here confused Trump hater... :itsok: God get a brain, the Washington swamp did everything it could to stop Trump in his first term and is now doing everything in their power to prevent his return. If he was a swamp enabler none of that would be happening. Your argument is RETARDED!

Regardless of the fact that none of what you just said it true, you can't deny the fact that Trump failed. Regardless of the reasons, the talking points, the rhetoric or the embellishments, Trump simply wasn't fit for the job.
And when you throw in his spending record, his record of bombing the middle east, his record of caving to Pelosi and the left, he simply couldn't get the job done.
And in the last 4 to 6 years, there's nothing changed about Trump. Just more rhetoric that he can't back up. More left leaning actions (turning pro choice again, supporting Mike Johnson etc etc etc)

All the evidence is there. You just have take the effort to look at it, without all the bias loyalty.
You are correct. I speak for no one but myself. But what I'm saying ain't a lie. 30yrs ago, Trumps policies would've been seen by 90% of the GOP voters as a democrat. Because that's just what he is.
They would've laughed him off the stage.

This is why the GOP needs to be replaced. It won't be. But it needs to be.
Someone asked me about solving this problem, but I can't. There is no solution. But the only way to get the GOP back right of center, is to teach 70% of the GOP voters just how left the party is. And teach them (again) what fiscal conservatism is, and how beneficial it is to this government and this country.
That's too complicated for most people. Not that they're too dumb to learn. But there's a short time limit on how long someone is going to sit through a lecture on how they've been mislead.
It really is a herd mentality.
I like the way things were under the Trump administration, pre-Covid, except the overspending. I’ve also always had a problem with him for stating that the government could provide good healthcare. The government is not our parents, and if we go down that road, it’ll lord over us even more than it does now. I literally dropped out of caring about politics until I heard Ron Paul campaigning in 2008.
I like the way things were under the Trump administration, pre-Covid, except the overspending. I’ve also always had a problem with him for stating that the government could provide good healthcare. The government is not our parents, and if we go down that road, it’ll lord over us even more than it does now. I literally dropped out of caring about politics until I heard Ron Paul campaigning in 2008.

When Trump started campaigning about replacing Obama with what sounded like Obamacare on steroids, I thought, "well this is the end of him. He'll never get the nomination now. After the GOP had spent several years stating that it was too costly, completely unconstitutional and how it's made healthcare cost skyrocket.

But then we have Trump supporters saying "They need to do away with Obamacare and just keep the ACA. I like the ACA. It's great."

Next thing you know, Trump is the president. :oops:
I can and do deny that categorically. Trump began the process which I knew would take multiple presidents and multiple terms to accomplish. You can't seem to get your head around that.
To Trump, "drain the swamp" was just a bullshit slogan he came up with to blow smoke up the ass of the willfully stupid rubes who still support that traiterous lowlife.
I can and do deny that categorically. Trump began the process which I knew would take multiple presidents and multiple terms to accomplish. You can't seem to get your head around that.

If he said he was going to do something, and didn't do it, then he failed. Period. End of story. All the excuses in the world, like blaming others, won't work.
I destroyed your thread with facts, deal with it.

No you didn't. All you did was make excuses for Trump failing to do his job and fulfill his promise to drain the swamp. I don't know about your generation, but when a man says he's going to do something, he'd better get it done.
tRump gloried in the swamp. Far from draining it, he added to the stench.

Blues legend is defending a guy who not only grew the swamp, but is in court right now from the affects of paying off a porn star. While he was married.
Spending too much, being pro choice, paying off porn stars, one court case after another...... This is the new GOP norm.
And that differs from any politician how? How is that different than the current idiot in charge of it?

I didn't say it was different to anyone else, except in the sense that Trump says he has the solution for this one problem.

And Trump BEING THE SAME AS EVERY OTHER FUCKING POLITICIANS kind of destroys the message he's creating that he's somehow going to do things that are different.

He's not. He won't "destroy the swamp" with another 4 years, he didn't even try in his first 4 years. And he has a history of lying, "lock her up" and then he said "you know I didn't actually mean it, right?" and his supporters are like "shit, we need to pretend we never knew about this"
No you didn't. All you did was make excuses for Trump failing to do his job and fulfill his promise to drain the swamp. I don't know about your generation, but when a man says he's going to do something, he'd better get it done.
Well, you believe Biden is wonderful, so, I’d have to assume this mess he’s created is planned.
When I don't vote for Trump, I'm not going to be voting for Biden either. They both suck liberal balls. My problem with Trump is that he's left of center, just like Biden.

You're vote for Trump is voting for more of the same crap we've been getting for the last 5+ decades.

And your no vote is accomplishing what exactly?
NAILED IT !!!!!!

'When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'

When you dig down into all these little details of these witch hunts, it's painfully obvious that Trump is still a democrat.
There's a reason why the left have gone after Trump with issues that won't knock him out of the running. Like these so called attempts to keep him off the ballot, none of them were meant to do anything but make it seem like the left were trying to bring him down. But they knew that the supreme courts (even in their own states) would overrule that BS. Because he wasn't guilty of insurrection and was never found guilty of it.

One case after the next, leaves Trump with a huge door to walk right out of.

It's all to create bad press, nothing more, nothing less.
Trump stocked the swamp with invasive species. Draining it was never the intention.
Regardless of the fact that none of what you just said it true, you can't deny the fact that Trump failed. Regardless of the reasons, the talking points, the rhetoric or the embellishments, Trump simply wasn't fit for the job.
And when you throw in his spending record, his record of bombing the middle east, his record of caving to Pelosi and the left, he simply couldn't get the job done.
And in the last 4 to 6 years, there's nothing changed about Trump. Just more rhetoric that he can't back up. More left leaning actions (turning pro choice again, supporting Mike Johnson etc etc etc)

All the evidence is there. You just have take the effort to look at it, without all the bias loyalty.

Tell us who is going to go up against all of the money that's backing DC and win?

You're spouting a pipe dream, it's never going to happen.
Spending too much, being pro choice, paying off porn stars, one court case after another...... This is the new GOP norm.

And that's exactly what they want you to think, so you're a lemming doing just what is expected of you.

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