Trump is freaking NUTS !!!

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John Kelly listening to Trump talk...

So europe does need to pay more? is that correct?

NO.........NATO countries (not Europe you stupid moron) spending more on defense does NOT save us in the U.S a freaking dime of our own budget...BUT, NATO spending more WOULD mean that our domestic armament manufacturers would make out like bandits as these countries purchase our weapons.
Trump's behavior would be hilarious, were it not so damn dangerous.......

In 2014 the NATO countries all agreed to up their respective spending to 2% of their 10 years.....that is, 2024

So, what does our moron-in-chief say after his belligerent and bullying behavior in Brussel's NATO summit???

Basically this: "I, Donald Trump, through my amazing deal-making skills, have convinced NATO countries to up their defense spending by 2024....."

I don't care how tasty that orange kool-aid must be for Trump cult members, but there must be some of these folks who would ultimately agree that this moron is freaking

He knows a lot of his supporters a stupid.

After 8 years of street interviews where time and again, Obama people were found the be the most uneducated, ill-informed, clueless, brain-dead people on the planet, I never cease to wet my pants laughing at how you jerks go around trying to tell us how stupid Trump supporters are, the very premise of his election being an ever-growing number of enlightened people to the failures of government from BOTH parties having put him in office!
So europe does need to pay more? is that correct?

NO.........NATO countries (not Europe you stupid moron) spending more on defense does NOT save us in the U.S a freaking dime of our own budget...BUT, NATO spending more WOULD mean that our domestic armament manufacturers would make out like bandits as these countries purchase our weapons.
Let them purchase from Russia like they do their natural gas!
Who knew nat was a Jeb fan?

I mean, they hated Obama, they hate Trump, and they tolerated Dubya....
NO.........NATO countries (not Europe you stupid moron) spending more on defense does NOT save us in the U.S a freaking dime of our own budget
hmmm, can't all be the type of genius you are, I mistakenly thought we were part of NATO

...BUT, NATO spending more WOULD mean that our domestic armament manufacturers would make out like bandits as these countries purchase our weapons.

what countries? and why are europeans getting so upset since this will not cost them anything...
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I never cease to wet my pants

Above, probably the ONLY bit of truth this fucking idiot has typed on here......

BTW, moron, could you cite the extensive studies on Trump cult members' brain capacities???

Nat, another hapless leftwingnut who uses endless ad hominem diversion tactics to try to change the subject whenever anyone gets too close to the truth that he might have to actually stick the topic.
Nat, another hapless leftwingnut who uses endless ad hominem diversion tactics to try to change the subject whenever anyone gets too close to the truth that he might have to actually stick the topic.

Hey, fucking moron......did YOU address the topic of this thread......or did you run to the mods to have this thread closed since you idiots CANNOT defend your orange clown?
Nat, another hapless leftwingnut who uses endless ad hominem diversion tactics to try to change the subject whenever anyone gets too close to the truth that he might have to actually stick the topic.

Hey, fucking moron......did YOU address the topic of this thread......or did you run to the mods to have this thread closed since you idiots CANNOT defend your orange clown?

And the buffoon continues to hijack his own thread without a shred of evidence to back his claims against Trump. Poor tired snowflake, another six years to go, what will you do when the mid-terms too blow up in your face?
toobfreak said:
After 8 years of street interviews where time and again, Obama people were found the be the most uneducated, ill-informed, clueless, brain-dead people on the planet
Waters Interviewing College Students Says It All

They Think The War Between The States
Was Fought In Europe Against The Germans
Now now! Why don’t ewe explain to us why Europe should do business with Russia and that we should pay to protect them from Russia! Can’t wait Strozk!

Hey don;t have to :prove" your stupidity over and over.......

Germany has a choice to either freeze next winter or buy natural gas from Russia.

Idiots like you should also ask WHY do we import almost 400 BILLION from Mexico since you Trump cultists hate Mexico.......and WHY do we also import from Russia fertilizers, machinery precious metals, etc.

Go to bed.....
Now now! Why don’t ewe explain to us why Europe should do business with Russia and that we should pay to protect them from Russia! Can’t wait Strozk!

Hey don;t have to :prove" your stupidity over and over.......

Germany has a choice to either freeze next winter or buy natural gas from Russia.

Idiots like you should also ask WHY do we import almost 400 BILLION from Mexico since you Trump cultists hate Mexico.......and WHY do we also import from Russia fertilizers, machinery precious metals, etc.

Go to bed.....
That’s a damn good question ewe posed! Your leftist idiot of a president refused to let America develop her own fuel resources! Why? So ewe agree with Trump! Stop the imports! Good!
I don’t know why the mods put up with liberals threatening or wishing harm on the President! If a fucking conservative did that to a democrat there would be hell to pay! Democrats are fucking insane.
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