Trump is losing ground in the polls

Riiight, as if the left won’t viscously attack another MAGA candidate and all of the people who support him or her.
This. Anyone who repeats the "I want Trump's policies without the drama" line either still doesn't understand the left & their media arm, or they're in on it.
I haven't met a Trump supporter that would not vote for DeSantis given his age and political philosophy. I have to believe that Trump would bow out and give DeSantis his support if they were to go head to head.
Personally, I figure he will make up some goofy name for DeSantis, as he always does for opponents and try to trash him as best he can, preferring personal attacks over position politics.
What did he deliver? Higher gas prices, a recession, empty shelves, another million illegal immigrants, another scamdemic. You sir, are a moron. Clean your stomach window or pull your head out of your ass and take a look at the real world.
He delivered nothing good or bad. Guy isn't really president. He's an eggplant.
I haven't met a Trump supporter that would not vote for DeSantis given his age and political philosophy. I have to believe that Trump would bow out and give DeSantis his support if they were to go head to head.
That would be the best thing for the country. But, I don't think Trump's ego would allow that. Trump's ego has been great for the country while he was president, because he had wrapped up his ego in not allowing the Dems to stop him from doing what was best for America.

His ego got the better of him on Jan 6th. We don't need the Jan 6th show to realize that. One way he could make up for that would be to announce that the best thing for America is DeSantis, because DeSantis will carry out the promise to Make America Great Again, Again.
That would be the best thing for the country. But, I don't think Trump's ego would allow that. Trump's ego has been great for the country while he was president, because he had wrapped up his ego in not allowing the Dems to stop him from doing what was best for America.

His ego got the better of him on Jan 6th. We don't need the Jan 6th show to realize that. One way he could make up for that would be to announce that the best thing for America is DeSantis, because DeSantis will carry out the promise to Make America Great Again, Again.
Best thing for the country is anything not democrat politician related.
Trump losing ground .... for an election 2 1/2 years away.


Democrats, the fake news media, dupes, sheep, and snowflakes are desperate to distract from Biden's and the Democrats' crimes, failed agendas, failed policies, horrific economy, declining nation, and coming Red Wave in 3 1/2 months.
Everyone will be quite happy with DeSantis as a second option if that happens. Either way it looks like we are going to crush it in 2024.
Desantis has 4 more years with Florida. The Lame Stream Media is doing what ever it can to "NOT" allow 4 more years of President Trump. I think the only way the progressives and their slaves are going to win 2024 is by....

repeating what they did in 2020. Republicans need to be wary of the lying, cheating, communists and their dirty antics,

Let it go, dude. Trump did nothing, nor should he have on Jan 6. His broadcast telling the rioters to go PEACEFULLY is all that he should have done. Next you'll be saying he should have gone Rambo and run down there to turn them away. Give me a break.
Run down there?

How about a tweet telling them to knock it off?

Nah...he riled em up on twitter instead
Let it go, dude. Trump did nothing, nor should he have on Jan 6. His broadcast telling the rioters to go PEACEFULLY is all that he should have done. Next you'll be saying he should have gone Rambo and run down there to turn them away. Give me a break.
uh, yea...


"We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore".

“After this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. … We’re going to walk down to the Capitol … because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength. … We're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue … and we're going to the Capitol.”

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