'Trump is my president': Protesters gather in DC a day before Congress certifies election, clash with police at night

I'm really not able to understand this. What for heavens sake do you see in Donald Trump? Election campaign is over. The old president is dead - long live the new president and the US-A travels on.
Trump was illegally deposed by leftist thieves. That's what I see.
That Trump was the guy who was swindled out of his second term by leftist sociopaths is immaterial.
Donald Trump still is president of and a shame for the USA and in some days Joe Biden will be president of the USA. In about 4 month we will know more about president Joe Biden, when his first 100 days from 2922 days will be over. But I fear Donald Trump had caused problems which will need more than 30,000 days and more than 10 presidents to be repaired.

Other than repairing almost everything that was fucked up when he got there, what?

One example: A result of the politics of Donald Trump was it that in case someone fires an intermediate range missile from direction Europe to Russia then Russia will send intercontinental missiles to the USA. And no: This has nothing to do with science fiction or hollywood blockbusters. In such scenarios how a nuclear war is able to start no one has anything to repair afterwards. In such a context Donald Trump is from my point of view nothing else than an idiot, a criminal, a criminal idiot or a stupid criminal.

Now tell me how to reactivate the INF treaty which was made from Reagan and Gorbachev - and how to integrate China into this new INF-treaty. How long will the world need to do so? What will be the price for this?

Your English is horrible, but I don't think that you are from here.

You are right: My here is not your here - no ones here is the here of anyone else - and my language is not your language - but this has nothing to do with your prison "English".


So what did Trump do that caused this?

Counterquestion: Are you a totally stupid idiot who has absolutelly not any idea about the international politics of the USA? Your leading criminal idiot brought your bloody nation back into a new form of cold war against the the rest of the world - with the option of a hot nuclear war - and you superstupid idiot did not notice anything about this? Do you run in machine gun fire if your leading idiot tells you "Run! - Bullets are only a psychological problem: I will save you! Believe in me!"
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Well democrats have full power and they destroy everything they touch. What could go wrong?

I'm really not able to understand this. What for heavens sake do you see in Donald Trump? Election campaign is over. The old president is dead - long live the new president and the US-A travels on.

In your country are Coups common?

Perversion of justice, military coup or civil war - any other solution how you will keep Donald Trump in power?
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I'm really not able to understand this. What for heavens sake do you see in Donald Trump? Election campaign is over. The old president is dead - long live the new president and the US-A travels on.
Trump was illegally deposed by leftist thieves. That's what I see.
That Trump was the guy who was swindled out of his second term by leftist sociopaths is immaterial.
Brainwash. Ironically I have to say yesterday Donald Trump was the main factor in the elections in Georgia - so the republicans lost the senate, if I am well informed. Did they lose? I did not see how it ended. But however it ended: This man is the pure disaster for the republican party of the USA.
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