Trump Is Posting Attacks On Well-Respected Republicans Governor Glenn Youngkin (VA) And Ron DeSantis (FL)

I didn't, you're correct.

He's a swamp monster; a fox elected by the chickens to run the henhouse.

You'll see this (I hope!) in time.

The alternative was McAuliffe.

Youngkin is doing great. Still not convinced I should hate him. :)
The alternative was McAuliffe.

Youngkin is doing great. Still not convinced I should hate him. :)
McAwful is a career criminal, so Youngkin the lesser evil, yes.

And you don't need to hate him - just don't trust him.

He won by playing the culture wars better than McAwful, but in terms of REAL issues, he's 100% Swamp.

I hope you see this sooner rather than later.
This does not float well with me!

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^^^^ Trump does not realize that more people vote in presidential general elections than mid terms????
Trump lost Miami Dade by 7%. DeSantis won it by 9%.

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There is no need for this. Sincere congratulations for people who are on your team would have been much more respectable. Trump is self-destructing with these attacks, and it's not good for our party. We struggle to win even when we are united.

He's ticking me off, and I was one of his strongest supporters. My Right Wing colleagues at work feel the same way.

Link to his posts...
Is there anyone left who cannot see that Trump has the emotional quotient of an 8 year old?
"Young Kin (now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese, doesn’t it?)"

Seriously, folks. Aren't you even the slightest bit embarrassed you back this freak show?
Here is the actual posts:






Its really rather funny. In the way that watching reality television about bungling criminals where you see the crimes on video but their story is 180 degrees the opposite of the crime you just saw.

The man is living in an alternate reality. What's amazing about this is that you guys accepted the reality until it was no longer a winning proposition. And two days after it's, "It was fun while it lasted." Do you do this in your marriage? Do you do this with your kids? Do you do this with your business partnerships?

I bet you do.
"Young Kin (now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese, doesn’t it?)"

Seriously, folks. Aren't you even the slightest bit embarrassed you back this freak show?
No, I never get embarrassed because of the actions of someone else.

Do you feel personal shame for all of Biden's disasters, lies, and embarrassing acts?
"Yunkin will get it done". How is that an attack?
Good point.

I guess I don't understand why Trump decided to misspell his last name and mention that it sounds Chinese. Does not come across as complimentary.

He also said Youngkin would not have come close to winning on his own merits.
No, I never get embarrassed because of the actions of someone else.

Do you feel personal shame for all of Biden's disasters, lies, and embarrassing acts?
You seem to be under the impression I'm a Biden supporter.

If I was, yes, I would be embarrassed.

Anyone who supports Trump should be embarrassed by his immaturity. You can't support a person like that and not be.
Trump's throwing the star of the Republican party under the bus, all because DeSantis is getting positive press and Trump is not. It's like a child.
And you've now just become aware of this childish behavior?


The sad thing is that you applauded it since 2015...the name calling, the sexism, the misogyny, the crudeness. You had no problems with it when it was anyone other than a republican elected official.

Now, suddenly, the childlike boorish behavior is off putting?
You are your own god, little man.

The time stamps do not allow for that long of a post.
I know you're not too sharp when it comes to details.
Because there's simply no way that he would use a text editor, then copy and paste. That's not in the details.
All I could find is that Trump is sticking to his Truth Social platform, instead of going back to Twitter.

I could find nothing where he said he would not attack fellow Republicans.

No biggy.

It is hard to find what does not exist.
You seem to be under the impression I'm a Biden supporter.

If I was, yes, I would be embarrassed.

Anyone who supports Trump should be embarrassed by his immaturity. You can't support a person like that and not be.
Well, you didn't vote for Trump, so you are partly to blame for Biden getting elected.

Since you don't vote in federal elections, not sure why you complain so much about the outcome. :)
And you've now just become aware of this childish behavior?


The sad thing is that you applauded it since 2015...the name calling, the sexism, the misogyny, the crudeness. You had no problems with it when it was anyone other than a republican elected official.

Now, suddenly, the childlike boorish behavior is off putting?
Most of his name calling and crude behavior was a big turnoff for me, but nicknaming Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" was incredibly funny.

My opinion of Trump has remained consistent until very recently - his personality flaws are tolerable, because his policies are fantastic.
Youngkin replies to Trump...

“Listen, you all know me. I do not call people names,” the governor told reporters. “I really work hard to bring people together … That’s not the way I roll and not the way I behave.”

This opinion piece from TownHall is great advice for Trump...

Trump must do two things to EARN the nomination: one, prove he is superior to every other possible candidate, and two, convince party faithful that he can win the presidential election in 2024. He isn’t the only Republican out there, he isn’t even the only good, qualified one. Demonstrate to us, Mr. Trump, that you are indeed the best and will win, and we will all back you 100 percent.
His recent attacks on Ron DeSantis are inexcusable, very annoying, and quite honestly, a little off-putting. A few days before the midterms, Trump decided to make, in effect, a campaign speech for 2024, calling the Florida governor, “Ron DeSanctimonious.” Mr. DeSantis hasn’t even announced a run for president in 2024, yet Mr. Trump is already gouging him. Soon after, Trump went on Fox News and warned that “if he (DeSantis) runs, he could hurt himself very badly…I would tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering…”
Of course, the left-wing media loved Trump’s “DeSanctimonious” comment; anything that divides Republicans is, to them, a gift from a heaven they don’t believe in. But they don’t like it when he calls them “the enemy of the people.” I fully agree with Trump on the latter; I don’t agree with him about DeSantis.
We must win in 2024. The country will not survive another four years of Joe Biden, not in any form which we would recognize as “traditional America.” That America is already on the brink. We need the best candidate to bring it back from the edge. If that is Donald Trump, then we need to support him with all of our being. And I will.

He will burn the (GOP) house down and everyone in it.
Because about nothing but Trump. Plain and simple. The way he's always been.
Right now, he has the popular support to do it. Despite the disappointment of Tuesday. That won't stop him.
No, but a pair of handcuffs might.

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