Trump Is Simply Brilliant Dealing with North Korea


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Good cop:
“Our goal is not war, but rather the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,” said Defense Secretary Jim Mattis at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea, last Friday.

Bad cop (with his finger on the trigger):
Around the time of the president’s presence on the peninsula, three U.S. aircraft carriers are expected to engage in their first combined exercise in a decade, displaying to Pyongyang the deterrence power of the world’s largest Navy.
There is increasing anxiety on both sides of the Pacific about what Trump views as necessary to achieve his administration’s vow to eliminate the threat to the United States posed by Pyongyang’s weapons of mass destruction.

Trump Heads to S. Korea Amid Heightened Tensions
Granny says, "Dat's right - time fer regime change in No. Korea...

Pentagon: Invasion Only Way to Destroy North Korea’s Nuclear Arsenal
November 05, 2017 - The only way for the U.S. to discover the extent of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal and destroy it is through a ground invasion.
The Pentagon made that assertion in a letter to lawmakers who wanted to know about the logistics and human cost of any conflict with North Korea. The letter from Rear Admiral Michael J. Dumont of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the lawmakers that a classified briefing “would be the best place to discuss in detail the capability of the U.S. and its allies to counter North Korea’s ability to respond with a nuclear weapon and eliminate North Korea’s nuclear weapons located in deeply buried, underground facilities.”


South Korean Army K1A1 and U.S. Army M1A2 tanks fire live rounds during a U.S.-South Korea joint live-fire military exercise near the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas in Pocheon, South Korea​

House members Ted Lieu of California and Ruben Gallego of Arizona, both Democrats, requested the information. On Saturday, 15 Democratic lawmakers and one Republican issued a statement in response to Dumont’s missive, also released Saturday, saying that they found the measures needed to destroy the North’s arsenal “deeply disturbing” and urged U.S. President Donald Trump to stop making cavalier remarks about the tense situation in North Korea.

Lieu told The Washington Post “it’s important for people to understand what a war with a nuclear power would look like.” He said of the 300,000 people who could potentially die in the initial days, more than 100,000 could be Americans. Gallego said the lawmakers “want to make sure that there is full transparency and information out there about what can occur if our civilian leaders make wrong calculations.”

Pentagon: Invasion Only Way to Destroy North Korea’s Nuclear Arsenal

See also:

Invasion ‘only way’ to destroy NK’s nukes
Mon, Nov 06, 2017 - The only way to locate and destroy with complete certainty all components of North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is through a ground invasion. That blunt assessment from the Pentagon is in response to a letter from two Democratic congressmen asking about casualty assessments in a conflict with North Korea.
Rear Admiral Michael Dumont of the Joint Staff Chiefs of Staff offered the assessment in response to a letter from US representatives Ted Lieu and Ruben Gallego. Dumont said that the US is evaluating North Korea’s ability to target heavily populated areas of South Korea with long-range artillery, rockets and ballistic missiles. The amount of casualties would differ depending on the advance warning and the ability of US and South Korea forces to counter these attacks, he said.

“A classified briefing would be the best place to discuss in detail the capability of the US and its allies to discuss capabilities to counter North Korea’s ability to respond with a nuclear weapon and eliminate North Korea’s nuclear weapons located in deeply buried, underground facilities,” he said. He also mentioned the possibility that chemical and biological weapons might be used by the North in case of a conflict. Military officials would be happy to join “the intelligence community to address these issues in a classified briefing,” he said.

In a statement issued on Saturday, 15 Democratic lawmakers and one Republican— all military veterans — called the assessment that a ground invasion would be required to destroy the North’s nuclear arsenal “deeply disturbing” and that such an action “could result in hundreds of thousands, or even millions of deaths in just the first few days of fighting.” “It is our intent to have a full public accounting of the potential cost of war, so the American people understand the commitment we would be making as a nation if we were to pursue military action,” they said, adding that the Trump administration “has failed to articulate any plans to prevent the military conflict from expanding beyond the Korean Peninsula and to manage what happens after the conflict is over.” “With that in mind, the thought of sending troops into harm’s way and expending resources on another potentially unwinnable war is chilling. The president needs to stop making provocative statements that hinder diplomatic options and put American troops further at risk,” they said.

Invasion ‘only way’ to destroy NK’s nukes - Taipei Times
Good cop:
“Our goal is not war, but rather the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,” said Defense Secretary Jim Mattis at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea, last Friday.

Bad cop (with his finger on the trigger):
Around the time of the president’s presence on the peninsula, three U.S. aircraft carriers are expected to engage in their first combined exercise in a decade, displaying to Pyongyang the deterrence power of the world’s largest Navy.
There is increasing anxiety on both sides of the Pacific about what Trump views as necessary to achieve his administration’s vow to eliminate the threat to the United States posed by Pyongyang’s weapons of mass destruction.

Trump Heads to S. Korea Amid Heightened Tensions
Trump is a failure

North Korea Tests New 'Tactical Guided Weapon,' State-Run News Agency Says | HuffPost

North Korea tested a new type of tactical guided weapon on Wednesday, the regime’s state-run news agency said.

Pyongyang’s Korean Central News Agency said the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un, oversaw the testing of the weapon this week. It’s unclear what type of weapon it is, but KCNA said it had a “powerful warhead” and a “peculiar mode of guiding flight,” according to Yonhap News.

“The completion of the development of the weapon system serves as an event of very weighty significance in increasing the combat power,” Kim reportedly said through KCNA.
President Truman made a mistake that no president since has been able to fix.
Good cop:
“Our goal is not war, but rather the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,” said Defense Secretary Jim Mattis at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea, last Friday.

Bad cop (with his finger on the trigger):
Around the time of the president’s presence on the peninsula, three U.S. aircraft carriers are expected to engage in their first combined exercise in a decade, displaying to Pyongyang the deterrence power of the world’s largest Navy.
There is increasing anxiety on both sides of the Pacific about what Trump views as necessary to achieve his administration’s vow to eliminate the threat to the United States posed by Pyongyang’s weapons of mass destruction.

Trump Heads to S. Korea Amid Heightened Tensions

"Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela - Reuters

Mar 27, 2019 - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday called on Russia to pull its troops from Venezuela and said that “all options” were open to make that happen.

I see the russians are still in venezuela.......

trump....putins puppet......
Usually it’s the guy who gets the most that’s considered a hero. So far, the only thing trumps got from North Korea, is that he was taken for a ride.
And Trump has made the United States look weak against a pudgy and petty little dictator.

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