Trump is the greatest president we had since Reagan.

[And you people are the dumbest fucks we have had in this nation since the Confederates started the Civil War.

You mean since the DEMOCRATS started the first civil war, sucks old cocks? Now you fascist democrats have started a second civil war. Seems to be a pattern with you traitorous fucks.
Southern conservatives, now GOP, brainwashed functional moron.
You really should check yourself into drug rehab.


Heil Multiculturalism!!!
You DID NOT just dis Obama! Tell me you did not go there or I'm coming over there to kick your ass, you right wing piece of trash!

Guno, rub both your IQ points together and explain the fundamental difference between the platform of your beloved fascist democrats and that of the 1925 German Socialist Workers party? (Nazis)

Shit, they even demanded Obamacare and Michelle's diet dictates.


You look great in your revised Brown Shirt. :thup:
The Nazis were FOS? IDIOT!

The Nazis of 1925 and you Soros democrats have identical agendas.

Fact is fact, fascist franco.
Yes, because Nazis love negroes, and illegal wetbacks, and homo marriage.

Oh my god, you have become a total caricature, retard. :lol:

Please go on. You are providing priceless entertainment for a lot of people!

"Let's see how deep his tard goes!"

So Guno; how is the JOOOOOOOOO hating going?


You fascist democrats are some Jew hating motherfuckers.


Yeah, you scum aren't Nazis...

Ohmygod your stupidity is one of the most hilarious parts about this board. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Heil Multiculturalism!!!
Trump is the head clown in the greatest shit show on the planet...
Even Putin thinks he's a joke...

The funny thing is so many are still on the Trump Train...

trump train2.jpg
Trump the greatest President ever....
Don't you have to do something first??

Trump presidential library.jpg
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

I know what you mean. It's like David Hasslehoff is the greatest actor since Laurence Olivier...
WASHINGTON – Hundreds of demonstrators, primarily from the D.C. area, gathered in front of the White House late Saturday morning to show their support and appreciation to President Donald Trump.

Trump rally WH.jpg

Hundreds .... that's all that showed up....

WASHINGTON – Hundreds of demonstrators, primarily from the D.C. area, gathered in front of the White House late Saturday morning to show their support and appreciation to President Donald Trump.

View attachment 130742

Hundreds .... that's all that showed up....

Most Conservatives work for a living and can't lolly gag around protesting like Liberals do.
Trump makes Obama look like a tool...a tool sent from hell to ruin the greatest nation on earth. Trump did the right thing yesterday for Americans and any democrats watching the reaction from their elected baboons should make them embarrassed and very angry.

Obozo didn't need Trump to make him look exactly like the tool he is.

he's out-------leave it alone-----he did the best he could

Apparently Obama's best was crap for most in America.
WASHINGTON – Hundreds of demonstrators, primarily from the D.C. area, gathered in front of the White House late Saturday morning to show their support and appreciation to President Donald Trump.

View attachment 130742

Hundreds .... that's all that showed up....

Most Conservatives work for a living and can't lolly gag around protesting like Liberals do.
It's Saturday... ya know the day most people don't work?
Check out Trumpcare and the Trump budget

Rob from the poor and give to the rich

Reagan would be proud

You mean like the billions of dollars the Obama took from middle class tax payers and gave to Elon Musk and other billionaire welfare queens?

Middle class taxpayers who saw a permanent cut in their taxes, healthcare and education subsidies
The only corporations and businesses that suffered under Nazism were Jewish or agains Hitler, dupe. They had a great time, and aristocrats loved Hitler, dupe. Not socialism duh. BTW, fascists are RW- another GOP big lie, duperino.

Again, you are flat out lying, which is what you Nazis do. You said it yourself, you are a bunch of liars. In fact ALL corporations under Hitlers Reich had management gutted and replaced with Nazi stooges, precisely what your Fuhrer Soros has planned for America.

So you acknowledge that you are a shameless liar.

Again fascist franco, what is it called when an economy is centrally managed and planned and the government has 100% control of production, the way Hitler's Reich did? The way you of the Soros Reich demand?

Answer the question Nazi.
How to make Amerika Great!

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

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