Trump is the greatest president we had since Reagan.

It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Here's a tissue to wipe that brown stuff off yer nose.

Ahhh poor baby one will forget Pittsburgh before Paris..

When they head to the voting booth
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Here's a tissue to wipe that brown stuff off yer nose.

Ahhh poor baby one will forget Pittsburgh before Paris..

When they head to the voting booth
They won't forget the waivers for lobbyist from a man that said he'd have no lobbyist in his govt.
Trump reminds me a lot of Reagan

3 years into his Alzheimer's
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

I would agree mostly except for the liberal part. He is not a liberal, nor is he a progressive. He is a populist.

A liberal wouldn't defend the 2nd amendment, put Gorsuch in the Supreme Court, want to vet immigrants or pull out of the Paris Accord. In some ways, Trump is more conservative than many in the GOP!

Thasts why I compared him to Reagan.. He was a liberal also who switched..

Trump is getting better and better...

Thasts why I compared him to Reagan.. He was a liberal also who switched..

Trump is getting better and better...


Agreed. Liberals who get burned by other progressives to see the flaws and hypocrisy in liberalism usually end up making your best conservatives! Charles Krauthammer comes to mind. Trump is like a fine wine that has not even hit his stride. His cabinet is barely in place, his seat is not even warm yet and he has been hit from all sides since day one. This is a guy that learns and adapts well, and is only going to grow into the job with a vengeance!
You are correct that no President since Reagan has done more to help the wealthy than Trump

I guess you can celebrate that
You are correct that no President since Reagan has done more to help the wealthy than Trump
I guess you can celebrate that

First, this is bullshit. You cannot back what you say.
Second....are you listening?......what's that sound?

Utopia-Venezuela calls you....I guess you can celebrate that.
You are correct that no President since Reagan has done more to help the wealthy than Trump
I guess you can celebrate that

First, this is bullshit. You cannot back what you say.
Second....are you listening?......what's that sound?

Utopia-Venezuela calls you....I guess you can celebrate that.

Check out Trumpcare and the Trump budget

Rob from the poor and give to the rich

Reagan would be proud
Reaganism rolls on duhhh, and the corrupt GOP meltdown killed the middle class too. Won't change until the Dems get control in good times like LBJ's...
dude you had it in 2009 and 2010. why didn't you make it all better? your party was so successful it lost the next three elections. wow.
For 3 weeks, dupe, ALL on ACA, and in the middle of a GOP corrupt meldown duhhhh.
for two fking years. and boom blowed up sir.
Wrong again, dupe. Yes, an infrastructure jobs bill and all other solutions blocked by your a-hole GOP heroes.
One of the standard Republican talking points is that the Democrats had afilibuster-proof, super majority for two years between 2008 and 2010. This talking point is usually trotted out when liberals complain that the Republicans filibustered virtually every piece of legislation proposed by Obama or the Democrats during Obama’s presidency. The implication is that Democrats had ample opportunity to pass legislation and that the reason they didn’t pass more legislation doesn’t have anything to do with the Republicans.

It is also used to counter any argument that Republican legislation, (passed during the six years of total Republican control,) has anything to do with today’s problems. They claim that the Democrats had a super majority for two years and passed all kinds of legislation, (over Republican objection and filibuster,) that completely undid all Republican policies and legislation, and this absolves them from today’s problems.

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 60 working days during that period, insufficient time to undo even a small portion of the legislation passed during six years of Republican control. Here are the details:

To define terms, a Filibuster-Proof Majority or Super Majority is the number of votes required to overcome a filibuster in the Senate. According to current Senate rules, 60 votes are required to overcome a filibuster.

Here is a time-line of the events after the 2008 election:

1. BALANCE BEFORE THE ELECTION. In 2007 – 2008 the balance in the Senate was 51-49 in favor of the Democrats. On top of that, there was a Republican president who would likely veto any legislation the Republicans didn’t like. Not exactly a super majority.

2. BIG GAIN IN 2008, BUT STILL NO SUPER MAJORITY. Coming out the 2008 election, the Democrats made big gains, but they didn’t immediately get a Super Majority. The Minnesota Senate race required a recount and was not undecided for more than six months. During that time, Norm Coleman was still sitting in the Senate and the Balance 59-41, still not a Super Majority.

3. KENNEDY GRAVELY ILL. Teddy Kennedy casthis last vote in April and left Washington for good around the first of May. Technically he could come back to Washington vote on a pressing issue, but in actual fact, he never returned, even to vote on the Sotomayor confirmation. That left the balance in the Senate 58-41,two votes away from a super majority.

4. STILL NO SUPER MAJORITY. In July, Al Frankin was finally declared the winner and was sworn in on July 7th, 2009, so the Democrats finally had a Super Majority of 60-40 six and one-half months into the year. However, by this point, Kennedy was unable to return to Washington even to participate in the Health Care debate, so it was only a technical super majority because Kennedy could no longer vote and the Senate does not allow proxies. Now the actual actual balance of voting members was 59-40 not enough to overcome a Republican filibuster.

5. SENATE IS IN RECESS. Even if Kennedy were able to vote, the Senate went into summer recess three weeks later, from August 7th to September 8th.

6. KENNEDY DIES. Six weeks later, on Aug 26, 2009 Teddy Kennedy died, putting the balance at 59-40. Now the Democrats don’t even have technical super majority.

7. FINALLY, A SUPER MAJORITY! Kennedy’s replacement was sworn in on September 25, 2009, finally making the majority 60-40, just enough for a super majority.

8. SENATE ADJOURNS. However the Senate adjourned for the year on October 9th, only providing 11 working days of super majority, from September 25th to October 9th.

9. SPECIAL SESSIONS. During October, November and December, the Senate had several special sessions to deal with final passage of ACA and Budget appropriations.

October = 13th – 15th, 20th – 22nd, 27th, 29th = 8 days
= 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th 16th, 17th, 19th, 21st = 8 days
= 1st, 3rd - 8th, 10th – 13th, 15th – 18th, 19th, 21st – 24th = 20 days

Total Special Session Days = 36.

8. SCOTT BROWN ELECTED. Scott Brown was elected on January 19th 2010. The Senate was in session for 10 days in January, but Scott Brown wasn’t sworn into office on February 4th, so the Democrats only had 13 days of super majority in 2010.

Regular Session: 11 working days
Special Session: 36 working days
Lame Duck Session: 13 working days

The Democrats only had 60 days of Super Majority between 2008 and 2010.

Discussion: One of the central themes of the Republican argument is that the Democrats had a super majority for two full years and so they had plenty of time pass new legislation or undo any problems that were caused by six years of Republican control of all three branches of government. This is argument is used by the Republicans immunize themselves against any responsibility for ongoing problems that might have been caused by their policies.

However, the fact is that the Democrats had a super majority for a total of 60 days, which is no where near the two years that Republicans are always claiming. On top of that, the period of Super Majority was split into short sessions, none of which was longer than five days. In addition, the special session time was entirely devoted to budget issues and Republican amendments to the ACA.

Given the glacial pace that business takes place in the Senate, this was way too little time for the Democrats pass any meaningful legislation, let alone get bills through committees and past all the obstructionistic tactics the Republicans were using to block legislation. No one can seriously expect that the Democrats could undo in 60 days all the damage that Republicans created in six years.

Further, these Super Majorities count Joe Lieberman as a Democrat even though he was by this time an Independent. Even though he was Liberal on some legislation, he was very conservative on other issues and opposed many of the key pieces of legislation the Democrats and Obama wanted to pass. For example, he was adamantly opposed to “Single Payer” health care and vowed to support a Republican Filibuster if it ever came to the floor. He even threatened to caucus with the Republicans if legislation came to the floor that he didn’t like.


1. 1/07 – 12/08 – 51-49 – Ordinary Majority.
2. 1/09 – 7/14/09 – 59-41 – Ordinary Majority. (Coleman/Franklin Recount.)
3. 7/09 – 8/09 - 60-40 – Technical Super Majority, but since Kennedy is unable to vote, the Democrats can’t overcome a filibuster
4. 8/09 – 9/09 - 59-40 – Ordinary Majority. (Kennedy dies)
5. 9/09 – 12/24- 60-40 – Super Majority for 47 working days.
6. 1/10 – 2/10 – 60-40 – Super Majority for 13 working days

Total Time of the Democratic Super Majority: 60 Working days.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Votes 111th Congress-1st session (2009)
United States Senate election in Minnesota, 2008 - Wikipedia
111th United States Congress - Wikipedia

So the demofags had 60 days and in those 60 days they couldn't even figure out how to tie their shoe laces together..


You had plenty of time to pass a bill

IF it was IMPORTANT to them they could have worked 24-7 in shifts and rammed stuff through (like private business). No one told them to work 2-3 days a week (short hours full of speeches) for a few weeks a year. Excuses again and again. The are doing it now to Trump also. They could have had a stack of bills rammed through.......they have huge staff to do the work for them. Huge budget too. Yet they don't go to office.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

I would agree mostly except for the liberal part. He is not a liberal, nor is he a progressive. He is a populist.

A liberal wouldn't defend the 2nd amendment, put Gorsuch in the Supreme Court, want to vet immigrants or pull out of the Paris Accord. In some ways, Trump is more conservative than many in the GOP!
I am a liberal and defend the 2nd and own several firearms.
In the Iran Contra fiasco Reagan said he forgot 124 times. He raised taxes 11 times and tripled the debt. Not done yet, he lost those marines, But to put in a good word for Reagan he voted for FDR.
Reagan screwed us vets out of the GI bill and medical care after service.
In the Iran Contra fiasco Reagan said he forgot 124 times. He raised taxes 11 times and tripled the debt. Not done yet, he lost those marines, But to put in a good word for Reagan he voted for FDR.
Reagan screwed us vets out of the GI bill and medical care after service.
what about President Dan Quayle? I thought he was pretty good for a typical white guy,,,and he even knew how to spell tomatoe and potatoe
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

Yea I can easily. He's definitely not. The only thing he's gotten done is Gorsuch...that's it. And I don't want to hear any crap that everyone is against him...HES GOT A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE. As if no other president (I.e. Reagan) has ever faced any opposition. It's what you do in the face of that opposition. And so far trump is obsessed with the opposition. More so than actually doing what he promised. I'm not impressed.

No he has a bunch of rinos in Congress.. A huge difference

True Dat
Which administration saw the most indictments of any in history?

Not Grant. Not Harding. Or Nixon. Or Clinton. Or Bush. Or Obama.

It was the Reagan administration.

If Trump is responsible for the soaring stock market, can we blame Reagan for the crash of 1987?

Before there was Benghazi, there was Beirut. Then he pulled out and invaded Grenada for no good reason.

He squeezed the middle class and was a corporate stooge.

Reagan inadvertently strengthened radical Islamic terrorists when he armed the Mujahideen.

That first Iraq War? Who armed Saddam? We did, during the Reagan years.

The Iran Hostage Crisis? President Carter tried to get the hostages released but Reagan's team got Iran to hold off on it, because politics.

Which president was nicknamed the deporter in chief in reference to his deportations of illegal immigrants? Was it Ronald Reagan? No. It was Barack Obama.

Those sanctions against Apartheid? Reagan vetoed them. Congress overrode him.

Reagan sold arms to the Iranians. Trump sold arms to the Saudis.

I wonder what people would say today about Reagan's support for banning assault rifles.

Lastly, I give this speech for people who want Christian rule over our nation:

dude you had it in 2009 and 2010. why didn't you make it all better? your party was so successful it lost the next three elections. wow.
For 3 weeks, dupe, ALL on ACA, and in the middle of a GOP corrupt meldown duhhhh.
for two fking years. and boom blowed up sir.
Wrong again, dupe. Yes, an infrastructure jobs bill and all other solutions blocked by your a-hole GOP heroes.
One of the standard Republican talking points is that the Democrats had afilibuster-proof, super majority for two years between 2008 and 2010. This talking point is usually trotted out when liberals complain that the Republicans filibustered virtually every piece of legislation proposed by Obama or the Democrats during Obama’s presidency. The implication is that Democrats had ample opportunity to pass legislation and that the reason they didn’t pass more legislation doesn’t have anything to do with the Republicans.

It is also used to counter any argument that Republican legislation, (passed during the six years of total Republican control,) has anything to do with today’s problems. They claim that the Democrats had a super majority for two years and passed all kinds of legislation, (over Republican objection and filibuster,) that completely undid all Republican policies and legislation, and this absolves them from today’s problems.

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 60 working days during that period, insufficient time to undo even a small portion of the legislation passed during six years of Republican control. Here are the details:

To define terms, a Filibuster-Proof Majority or Super Majority is the number of votes required to overcome a filibuster in the Senate. According to current Senate rules, 60 votes are required to overcome a filibuster.

Here is a time-line of the events after the 2008 election:

1. BALANCE BEFORE THE ELECTION. In 2007 – 2008 the balance in the Senate was 51-49 in favor of the Democrats. On top of that, there was a Republican president who would likely veto any legislation the Republicans didn’t like. Not exactly a super majority.

2. BIG GAIN IN 2008, BUT STILL NO SUPER MAJORITY. Coming out the 2008 election, the Democrats made big gains, but they didn’t immediately get a Super Majority. The Minnesota Senate race required a recount and was not undecided for more than six months. During that time, Norm Coleman was still sitting in the Senate and the Balance 59-41, still not a Super Majority.

3. KENNEDY GRAVELY ILL. Teddy Kennedy casthis last vote in April and left Washington for good around the first of May. Technically he could come back to Washington vote on a pressing issue, but in actual fact, he never returned, even to vote on the Sotomayor confirmation. That left the balance in the Senate 58-41,two votes away from a super majority.

4. STILL NO SUPER MAJORITY. In July, Al Frankin was finally declared the winner and was sworn in on July 7th, 2009, so the Democrats finally had a Super Majority of 60-40 six and one-half months into the year. However, by this point, Kennedy was unable to return to Washington even to participate in the Health Care debate, so it was only a technical super majority because Kennedy could no longer vote and the Senate does not allow proxies. Now the actual actual balance of voting members was 59-40 not enough to overcome a Republican filibuster.

5. SENATE IS IN RECESS. Even if Kennedy were able to vote, the Senate went into summer recess three weeks later, from August 7th to September 8th.

6. KENNEDY DIES. Six weeks later, on Aug 26, 2009 Teddy Kennedy died, putting the balance at 59-40. Now the Democrats don’t even have technical super majority.

7. FINALLY, A SUPER MAJORITY! Kennedy’s replacement was sworn in on September 25, 2009, finally making the majority 60-40, just enough for a super majority.

8. SENATE ADJOURNS. However the Senate adjourned for the year on October 9th, only providing 11 working days of super majority, from September 25th to October 9th.

9. SPECIAL SESSIONS. During October, November and December, the Senate had several special sessions to deal with final passage of ACA and Budget appropriations.

October = 13th – 15th, 20th – 22nd, 27th, 29th = 8 days
= 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th 16th, 17th, 19th, 21st = 8 days
= 1st, 3rd - 8th, 10th – 13th, 15th – 18th, 19th, 21st – 24th = 20 days

Total Special Session Days = 36.

8. SCOTT BROWN ELECTED. Scott Brown was elected on January 19th 2010. The Senate was in session for 10 days in January, but Scott Brown wasn’t sworn into office on February 4th, so the Democrats only had 13 days of super majority in 2010.

Regular Session: 11 working days
Special Session: 36 working days
Lame Duck Session: 13 working days

The Democrats only had 60 days of Super Majority between 2008 and 2010.

Discussion: One of the central themes of the Republican argument is that the Democrats had a super majority for two full years and so they had plenty of time pass new legislation or undo any problems that were caused by six years of Republican control of all three branches of government. This is argument is used by the Republicans immunize themselves against any responsibility for ongoing problems that might have been caused by their policies.

However, the fact is that the Democrats had a super majority for a total of 60 days, which is no where near the two years that Republicans are always claiming. On top of that, the period of Super Majority was split into short sessions, none of which was longer than five days. In addition, the special session time was entirely devoted to budget issues and Republican amendments to the ACA.

Given the glacial pace that business takes place in the Senate, this was way too little time for the Democrats pass any meaningful legislation, let alone get bills through committees and past all the obstructionistic tactics the Republicans were using to block legislation. No one can seriously expect that the Democrats could undo in 60 days all the damage that Republicans created in six years.

Further, these Super Majorities count Joe Lieberman as a Democrat even though he was by this time an Independent. Even though he was Liberal on some legislation, he was very conservative on other issues and opposed many of the key pieces of legislation the Democrats and Obama wanted to pass. For example, he was adamantly opposed to “Single Payer” health care and vowed to support a Republican Filibuster if it ever came to the floor. He even threatened to caucus with the Republicans if legislation came to the floor that he didn’t like.


1. 1/07 – 12/08 – 51-49 – Ordinary Majority.
2. 1/09 – 7/14/09 – 59-41 – Ordinary Majority. (Coleman/Franklin Recount.)
3. 7/09 – 8/09 - 60-40 – Technical Super Majority, but since Kennedy is unable to vote, the Democrats can’t overcome a filibuster
4. 8/09 – 9/09 - 59-40 – Ordinary Majority. (Kennedy dies)
5. 9/09 – 12/24- 60-40 – Super Majority for 47 working days.
6. 1/10 – 2/10 – 60-40 – Super Majority for 13 working days

Total Time of the Democratic Super Majority: 60 Working days.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Votes 111th Congress-1st session (2009)
United States Senate election in Minnesota, 2008 - Wikipedia
111th United States Congress - Wikipedia

So the demofags had 60 days and in those 60 days they couldn't even figure out how to tie their shoe laces together..


You had plenty of time to pass a bill

IF it was IMPORTANT to them they could have worked 24-7 in shifts and rammed stuff through (like private business). No one told them to work 2-3 days a week (short hours full of speeches) for a few weeks a year. Excuses again and again. The are doing it now to Trump also. They could have had a stack of bills rammed through.......they have huge staff to do the work for them. Huge budget too. Yet they don't go to office.
So, who expected Scott Brown? Hint: Nobody. And the middle of a corrupt GOP meltdown is no time to mess with bs GOP taxes and policy. ACA was years off...
Donald Trump is the greatest prophet since Jesus H. Christ.

Donald Trump is the handsomest man since Valentino.

Donald Trump has the best words since Thomas Jefferson.

Donald Trump is the strongest man since Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump is the greatest leader since mind.

If Adolf Hilter were alive today, he would be the head of the democratic party.

No denying it, Guno.
You really should check yourself into drug rehab.


You DID NOT just dis Obama! Tell me you did not go there or I'm coming over there to kick your ass, you right wing piece of trash!

Guno, rub both your IQ points together and explain the fundamental difference between the platform of your beloved fascist democrats and that of the 1925 German Socialist Workers party? (Nazis)

Shit, they even demanded Obamacare and Michelle's diet dictates.


You look great in your revised Brown Shirt. :thup:
The Nazis were FOS? IDIOT!

The Nazis of 1925 and you Soros democrats have identical agendas.

Fact is fact, fascist franco.
Yes, because Nazis love negroes, and illegal wetbacks, and homo marriage.

Oh my god, you have become a total caricature, retard. :lol:

Please go on. You are providing priceless entertainment for a lot of people!

"Let's see how deep his tard goes!"

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