Trump is the greatest president we had since Reagan.

In the Iran Contra fiasco Reagan said he forgot 124 times. He raised taxes 11 times and tripled the debt. Not done yet, he lost those marines, But to put in a good word for Reagan he voted for FDR.

Repeat after me tipper..
Can you say that name..

Tippy .
Which administration saw the most indictments of any in history?

Not Grant. Not Harding. Or Nixon. Or Clinton. Or Bush. Or Obama.

It was the Reagan administration.

If Trump is responsible for the soaring stock market, can we blame Reagan for the crash of 1987?

Before there was Benghazi, there was Beirut. Then he pulled out and invaded Grenada for no good reason.

He squeezed the middle class and was a corporate stooge.

Reagan inadvertently strengthened radical Islamic terrorists when he armed the Mujahideen.

That first Iraq War? Who armed Saddam? We did, during the Reagan years.

The Iran Hostage Crisis? President Carter tried to get the hostages released but Reagan's team got Iran to hold off on it, because politics.

Which president was nicknamed the deporter in chief in reference to his deportations of illegal immigrants? Was it Ronald Reagan? No. It was Barack Obama.

Those sanctions against Apartheid? Reagan vetoed them. Congress overrode him.

Reagan sold arms to the Iranians. Trump sold arms to the Saudis.

I wonder what people would say today about Reagan's support for banning assault rifles.

Lastly, I give this speech for people who want Christian rule over our nation:

You stupid fuck, you forgot about Jimmy?

Pittsburg is NOT on board. They're an AE/Tech fortress, dupe.

Yes they are they can't negotiate with a foregin power


They don't need to. Neither do the states of Cal, Wash. and NY so far. The whole thing is a Trump scam campaign promise for the dupes who believe the hoax BS...It's only an agreement they've already gutted as much as they could thru the EPA anyway. D'OH!

To bad he just won in 2020..he will clean up the joint, right now T shirt company's are in overtime..printing Pittsburgh before Paris..

Yeah, he's sure got his 28% base now known as dumber and dumber...

Keep thinking that way..they say one thing and vote another.

people denied they voted for W. after the invasion & occupation of iraq proved to be a disastrous quagmire.... i can't wait to see the same thing happen when the drumpf administration goes down in flames.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

I would agree mostly except for the liberal part. He is not a liberal, nor is he a progressive. He is a populist.

A liberal wouldn't defend the 2nd amendment, put Gorsuch in the Supreme Court, want to vet immigrants or pull out of the Paris Accord. In some ways, Trump is more conservative than many in the GOP!

lol!!!! most rwnjs label me a 'liberal' yet i will defend the 2nd amendment any day of the week... i have several firearms in my home.

funny though, that you say that. rwnjs don't realize or don't want to acknowledge that before their 'right' to own a gun.... that a FIRST amendment even exists. there's a reason why it is the FIRST amendment. FIRST comes b4 'second'.

why would that be 'eh? perhaps the right to free speech, a free press, to assemble & address governmental grievances, & freedom of & the right to be free from religion is a little more important.

how'z about the 14th amendment? how many rwnjs know or even care about that little 'right'? you know what that one is.... don't you? that would be 'equal protection under the law'.

that means for ALL americans. race, creed, color, gender & even the ones that have the gay.
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Trump reminds me a lot of Reagan

3 years into his Alzheimer's

No he is getting stronger in his presidency ..he is winning..

He is getting fatter

I don't know about stronger

He is taking the hits, the best is yet to come.. Remember he is studying Hillary to get away with everything.

Once again Regan was not as good as Trump is...

Trump won't back down.

when will he learn that e-v-e-r-y hypocritical statement or outright lie he says or tweets is documented on the interwebs for all eternity & will always come back to bite him on that huuuuuuuuuuuge orange trumpanzee ass of his?

oh ya, apparently it's never. :badgrin:
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The only corporations and businesses that suffered under Nazism were Jewish or agains Hitler, dupe. They had a great time, and aristocrats loved Hitler, dupe. Not socialism duh. BTW, fascists are RW- another GOP big lie, duperino.

Again, you are flat out lying, which is what you Nazis do. You said it yourself, you are a bunch of liars. In fact ALL corporations under Hitlers Reich had management gutted and replaced with Nazi stooges, precisely what your Fuhrer Soros has planned for America.

So you acknowledge that you are a shameless liar.

Again fascist franco, what is it called when an economy is centrally managed and planned and the government has 100% control of production, the way Hitler's Reich did? The way you of the Soros Reich demand?

Answer the question Nazi.
[And you people are the dumbest fucks we have had in this nation since the Confederates started the Civil War.

You mean since the DEMOCRATS started the first civil war, sucks old cocks? Now you fascist democrats have started a second civil war. Seems to be a pattern with you traitorous fucks.
Check out Trumpcare and the Trump budget

Rob from the poor and give to the rich

Reagan would be proud

You mean like the billions of dollars the Obama took from middle class tax payers and gave to Elon Musk and other billionaire welfare queens?
If Adolf Hilter were alive today, he would be the head of the democratic party.

No denying it, Guno.
You really should check yourself into drug rehab.


You DID NOT just dis Obama! Tell me you did not go there or I'm coming over there to kick your ass, you right wing piece of trash!

Guno, rub both your IQ points together and explain the fundamental difference between the platform of your beloved fascist democrats and that of the 1925 German Socialist Workers party? (Nazis)

Shit, they even demanded Obamacare and Michelle's diet dictates.


You look great in your revised Brown Shirt. :thup:
The Nazis were FOS? IDIOT!

The Nazis of 1925 and you Soros democrats have identical agendas.

Fact is fact, fascist franco.
Yes, because Nazis love negroes, and illegal wetbacks, and homo marriage.

Oh my god, you have become a total caricature, retard. :lol:

Please go on. You are providing priceless entertainment for a lot of people!

"Let's see how deep his tard goes!"

So Guno; how is the JOOOOOOOOO hating going?


You fascist democrats are some Jew hating motherfuckers.


Yeah, you scum aren't Nazis...
I find it interesting that so many try to pawn off Saint Ronnie's disastrous regime as a positive. Jimmy Carter had way more going for America than most knew. As for the dictator in charge he is destroying the nation and the USA's leadership role in the world. Go anywhere in the world today and listen to the jokes about trumps little dick and his having to grab pussy.

Stop shitting your pants over what some socialists think. If leadership is sending billions to the Iranian military and building terrorist groups in the ME, Obama is your man, but that is not my definition of leadership.

What is your idea of the definition of leadership?
  • Brinkmanship?
  • Isolationism?
  • Bigotry?
I can tell you what it is not: Trumpism, i.e. the ideology of a narcissistic megalomaniac, manifested by his self righteous, sanctimonious, smug, preachy hypocrisy. A person who is unfit to hold the power s/he has been granted, and by their use, or non use, of their authority, i.e. misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance.

Thank you for submitting your resume, don't call us, we'll call you.

Do you know an ad hominem is used by uneducated fools, incapable of writing anything thoughtful, or thought provoking?
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

Yea I can easily. He's definitely not. The only thing he's gotten done is Gorsuch...that's it. And I don't want to hear any crap that everyone is against him...HES GOT A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE. As if no other president (I.e. Reagan) has ever faced any opposition. It's what you do in the face of that opposition. And so far trump is obsessed with the opposition. More so than actually doing what he promised. I'm not impressed.

No he has a bunch of rinos in Congress.. A huge difference

Trump is left of the Rinos. And these are the same Rinos he said he'd drain the swamp of, and hasn't done a single thing yet. And then he threatened to primary out the freedom caucus members (the guys who actually aren't rinos) who voted against the healthcare bill. His problem isn't with the Rinos.

He just got done saying Australia has a better healthcare system than us. He wants a trillion dollar stimulus package.
Trump is left of the Rinos. And these are the same Rinos he said he'd drain the swamp of, and hasn't done a single thing yet. And then he threatened to primary out the freedom caucus members (the guys who actually aren't rinos) who voted against the healthcare bill. His problem isn't with the Rinos.

He just got done saying Australia has a better healthcare system than us. He wants a trillion dollar stimulus package.

Why do you fascists lie so much? Do you really think you can mold reality if you just tell one more lie?

President Donald Trump acted Saturday to fulfill a key portion of his pledge to "drain the swamp" in Washington, banning administration officials from ever lobbying the U.S. on behalf of a foreign government and imposing a separate five-year ban on other lobbying.

Trump has said individuals who want to aid him in his quest to "Make America Great Again" should focus on the jobs they will be doing to help the American people, not thinking ahead to the future income they could rake in by peddling their influence after serving in government.

"Most of the people standing behind me will not be able to go to work," Trump joked, referring to an array of White House officials who lined up behind him as he sat at his Oval Office desk. The officials included Vice President Mike Pence, chief of staff Reince Priebus, senior strategist Steve Bannon and counselor Kellyanne Conway. "So you have one last chance to get out."}

Trump's newest executive orders elevate Bannon to NSC, impose lobbying ban
Trump is left of the Rinos. And these are the same Rinos he said he'd drain the swamp of, and hasn't done a single thing yet. And then he threatened to primary out the freedom caucus members (the guys who actually aren't rinos) who voted against the healthcare bill. His problem isn't with the Rinos.

He just got done saying Australia has a better healthcare system than us. He wants a trillion dollar stimulus package.

Why do you fascists lie so much? Do you really think you can mold reality if you just tell one more lie?

President Donald Trump acted Saturday to fulfill a key portion of his pledge to "drain the swamp" in Washington, banning administration officials from ever lobbying the U.S. on behalf of a foreign government and imposing a separate five-year ban on other lobbying.

Trump has said individuals who want to aid him in his quest to "Make America Great Again" should focus on the jobs they will be doing to help the American people, not thinking ahead to the future income they could rake in by peddling their influence after serving in government.

"Most of the people standing behind me will not be able to go to work," Trump joked, referring to an array of White House officials who lined up behind him as he sat at his Oval Office desk. The officials included Vice President Mike Pence, chief of staff Reince Priebus, senior strategist Steve Bannon and counselor Kellyanne Conway. "So you have one last chance to get out."}

Trump's newest executive orders elevate Bannon to NSC, impose lobbying ban
why keep the drug war and not foodstamps?
Trump is left of the Rinos. And these are the same Rinos he said he'd drain the swamp of, and hasn't done a single thing yet. And then he threatened to primary out the freedom caucus members (the guys who actually aren't rinos) who voted against the healthcare bill. His problem isn't with the Rinos.

He just got done saying Australia has a better healthcare system than us. He wants a trillion dollar stimulus package.

I don't think Trump is committed to anything political at this point beyond killing a few moonbat cash cows and getting re-elected.

He's not really left or right. He is certainly not a bed wetting libturd though.

fret not-----the withdrawal from the Paris accords will not alter what the US does------it will,
simply make it legal
The Paris Accord were NON BINDING so that it required nothing be done legally or undone ...the Withdrawal from the Paris Accords was a Political act performed for Rubes...who have gone Nuts with Ecstasy...He does have a need to shore up the base ....

The FiveThirtyEight aggregator averages 39.1 percent approval and 54.9 disapproval, with the trend showing a shrinking base of support and more and more Republicans disapproving of the president after a couple of weeks of negative press.
The only corporations and businesses that suffered under Nazism were Jewish or agains Hitler, dupe. They had a great time, and aristocrats loved Hitler, dupe. Not socialism duh. BTW, fascists are RW- another GOP big lie, duperino.

Again, you are flat out lying, which is what you Nazis do. You said it yourself, you are a bunch of liars. In fact ALL corporations under Hitlers Reich had management gutted and replaced with Nazi stooges, precisely what your Fuhrer Soros has planned for America.

So you acknowledge that you are a shameless liar.

Again fascist franco, what is it called when an economy is centrally managed and planned and the government has 100% control of production, the way Hitler's Reich did? The way you of the Soros Reich demand?

Answer the question Nazi.
It's called fascism, dupe. And you are misinformed- only Jewish and lefty corps were taken over.. And fascism and Nazism are RW, no matter your brand new "Liberal Fascism" bs says, brainwashed functional idiot.

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