Trump is the greatest president we had since Reagan.

It's called fascism, dupe.

So state control of the means of production is called "fascism?" It's called "socialism" you dishonest little turd. Fascism is just one of many facets of socialism, though fascism is the type that you filthy democrats have adopted.

And you are misinformed- only Jewish and lefty corps were taken over.. And fascism and Nazism are RW, no matter your brand new "Liberal Fascism" bs says, brainwashed functional idiot.

Again, that you demand to lie does not alter reality.

You are lying about Hitlers Reich, ALL major industry was led by Nazi party members and the boards of ALL major corporations were replaces with party stooges. Berlin DIRECTLY designated production through the Ministry of Manufacturing under Grupenfuhrer Alber Speers.

Now look, everyone here is aware that you have zero knowledge of history, so your abject ignorance of the Reich you support is not a surprise,

Look, the Soros hate sites tell you what you need to know, anything not on the hate sites is blasphemy and you don't need to know it, right Brown Shirt?

Also you lying little shit, in what world is a system that has a centrally planned and managed economy under a totalitarian state that denies individual rights in favor of group privilege "right wing?" What EXACTLY is "right wing" about that you lying little fool?

Further, in what way does it differ from the goals of the American democrats who fight for a centrally planned and managed economy under a totalitarian state that denies individual rights in favor of group privilege?
Southern conservatives, now GOP, brainwashed functional moron.

Fascist franco, you ignorant twat, while we all know you have not a fucking clue as to history, not even first grade level knowledge, the Antebellum South was 100% democrat.

I realize in you tiny little brain, your masters have planted the idea that "conservative = bad" so you call anything that is bad "conservative" despite the fact that you have no grasp what conservatism is nor any knowledge of the events of the time.
You said Dems were claiming to be conservatives in 2008, you're totally FOS. Nazis were lying idiot RW haters like you. Duhhhh....

Of course I didn't say that, you are simply a pathological liar, as you fascist piles of shit tend to be.

So fuckwad, name three things the Hitlers Reich had in common with the right wing?

I have three that are identical to what you of the Soros Reich demand;

  1. Centrally planned and managed economy
  2. Single payer health care
  3. Dissolution of individual rights in favor of group identity. (such as the way your Reich forces that LGBT is granted privilege over individuals)
Seriously fascist franco, the Big Lie has collapsed. The claim that fascism was in any way, shape, or form "right wing" was an utterly absurd lie promoted by Marxist academics who were trying to establish a false equivalence to excuse the horrors that were occurring under Marxism.

It is you democrats who are the fascists, and no amount of lying by ignorant scum like you alters this FACT.
Guno, rub both your IQ points together and explain the fundamental difference between the platform of your beloved fascist democrats and that of the 1925 German Socialist Workers party? (Nazis)

Shit, they even demanded Obamacare and Michelle's diet dictates.


You look great in your revised Brown Shirt. :thup:
The Nazis were FOS? IDIOT!

The Nazis of 1925 and you Soros democrats have identical agendas.

Fact is fact, fascist franco.
Yes, because Nazis love negroes, and illegal wetbacks, and homo marriage.

Oh my god, you have become a total caricature, retard. :lol:

Please go on. You are providing priceless entertainment for a lot of people!

"Let's see how deep his tard goes!"

So Guno; how is the JOOOOOOOOO hating going?


You fascist democrats are some Jew hating motherfuckers.


Yeah, you scum aren't Nazis...

Ohmygod your stupidity is one of the most hilarious parts about this board. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Heil Multiculturalism!!!

Thanks Guno;


Which of those Brown Shirts are you, Guno?
Trump is the head clown in the greatest shit show on the planet...
Even Putin thinks he's a joke...

The funny thing is so many are still on the Trump Train...

View attachment 130738

Say fuckwad, did I hear that it was Obama's Muslim Brotherhood that was behind this attack on London Bridge? You know, the people that Obama put in charge in Egypt, the group that Huma Abadin, chief of staff to Mafia Boss Hillary belongs to. And you fascist pigs are STILL hampering the vetting of immigrants seeking the great PRIVILEGE of entering this country?

You keep hating on Trump, you vile pile of shit. You fascist filth keep waging your Kristalnacht and spewing your endless hatred for America and every decent person in it.

You Nazicrats think 2016 was bad for you? Just keep your shit up, in 2018 you scum won't be able to get elected to Dog Catcher outside of California.
You said Dems were claiming to be conservatives in 2008, you're totally FOS. Nazis were lying idiot RW haters like you. Duhhhh....

Of course I didn't say that, you are simply a pathological liar, as you fascist piles of shit tend to be.

So fuckwad, name three things the Hitlers Reich had in common with the right wing?

I have three that are identical to what you of the Soros Reich demand;

  1. Centrally planned and managed economy
  2. Single payer health care
  3. Dissolution of individual rights in favor of group identity. (such as the way your Reich forces that LGBT is granted privilege over individuals)
Seriously fascist franco, the Big Lie has collapsed. The claim that fascism was in any way, shape, or form "right wing" was an utterly absurd lie promoted by Marxist academics who were trying to establish a false equivalence to excuse the horrors that were occurring under Marxism.

It is you democrats who are the fascists, and no amount of lying by ignorant scum like you alters this FACT.
Try quoting the whole argument so everyone can see you're a liar...You're a silly dupe of the greedy lying GOP. Back to school. Google fascism, dumbass.
Trump is the head clown in the greatest shit show on the planet...
Even Putin thinks he's a joke...

The funny thing is so many are still on the Trump Train...

View attachment 130738

Say fuckwad, did I hear that it was Obama's Muslim Brotherhood that was behind this attack on London Bridge? You know, the people that Obama put in charge in Egypt, the group that Huma Abadin, chief of staff to Mafia Boss Hillary belongs to. And you fascist pigs are STILL hampering the vetting of immigrants seeking the great PRIVILEGE of entering this country?

You keep hating on Trump, you vile pile of shit. You fascist filth keep waging your Kristalnacht and spewing your endless hatred for America and every decent person in it.

You Nazicrats think 2016 was bad for you? Just keep your shit up, in 2018 you scum won't be able to get elected to Dog Catcher outside of California.
Obama already did a moratorium and extreme vetting reform thing, dupe. We take a few thousand extreme vetted immigrants and you fear mongered cowardly dupes freak out while the EU takes 5 million unvetted refugees. You're pathetic, and surrendered immediately to the terrorists. You're doing just what they wanted, causing hate and chaos.
Trump is the head clown in the greatest shit show on the planet...
Even Putin thinks he's a joke...

The funny thing is so many are still on the Trump Train...

View attachment 130738

Say fuckwad, did I hear that it was Obama's Muslim Brotherhood that was behind this attack on London Bridge? You know, the people that Obama put in charge in Egypt, the group that Huma Abadin, chief of staff to Mafia Boss Hillary belongs to. And you fascist pigs are STILL hampering the vetting of immigrants seeking the great PRIVILEGE of entering this country?

You keep hating on Trump, you vile pile of shit. You fascist filth keep waging your Kristalnacht and spewing your endless hatred for America and every decent person in it.

You Nazicrats think 2016 was bad for you? Just keep your shit up, in 2018 you scum won't be able to get elected to Dog Catcher outside of California.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.
Obama already did a moratorium and extreme vetting reform thing, dupe. We take a few thousand extreme vetted immigrants and you fear mongered cowardly dupes freak out while the EU takes 5 million unvetted refugees. You're pathetic, and surrendered immediately to the terrorists. You're doing just what they wanted, causing hate and chaos.

That is a lie, as is nearly everything one of you Nazis post.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says an international summit hosted by President Barack Obama will seek to double the number of refugees resettled around the world.

Obama plans to host the summit on refugees in September on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly. White House national security adviser Susan Rice says the summit’s goals include a 30 percent increase in funding for humanitarian support. She says the leaders will also seek to increase by 1 million the number of refugees attending school globally.

The summit comes as the Obama administration struggles to meet its commitment to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees this year. Europe has borne the brunt of the Syrian refugee crisis.

Mexico, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Jordan and Ethiopia are co-hosting the summit along with the U.N. secretary-general.}

US-led summit to seek to double number of resettled refugees

Try again fascist franco.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
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Obama already did a moratorium and extreme vetting reform thing, dupe. We take a few thousand extreme vetted immigrants and you fear mongered cowardly dupes freak out while the EU takes 5 million unvetted refugees. You're pathetic, and surrendered immediately to the terrorists. You're doing just what they wanted, causing hate and chaos.

That is a lie, as is nearly everything one of you Nazis post.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says an international summit hosted by President Barack Obama will seek to double the number of refugees resettled around the world.

Obama plans to host the summit on refugees in September on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly. White House national security adviser Susan Rice says the summit’s goals include a 30 percent increase in funding for humanitarian support. She says the leaders will also seek to increase by 1 million the number of refugees attending school globally.

The summit comes as the Obama administration struggles to meet its commitment to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees this year. Europe has borne the brunt of the Syrian refugee crisis.

Mexico, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Jordan and Ethiopia are co-hosting the summit along with the U.N. secretary-general.}

US-led summit to seek to double number of resettled refugees

Try again fascist franco.
Irrelevant lol. And Obama did it better...
Fact check: Trump's claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama's in 2011
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.
No sense at all. Watch some real news. BBC, PBS, CNN Reuters, AP. The world has now seen what nutjobs you dupes are, from the big orange dupe.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP crap of the last 15 years, dumbass. The Nazi name is PROPAGANDA, stupid. "Liberal Fascism" is drivel- ask anyone outside the dupe bubble of crap from Fox/Rush/Heritage etc...

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