Trump is the greatest president we had since Reagan.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP crap of the last 15 years, dumbass. The Nazi name is PROPAGANDA, stupid. "Liberal Fascism" is drivel- ask anyone outside the dupe bubble of crap from Fox/Rush/Heritage etc...
Aww.. what a shame. You should have pursued a degree that matters.
Lack of liberal arts is a great reason for ignorant dupes like you. Clueless plus hate propaganda and racism = New BS GOP...
We can see what good it did for you. lol
Thanks. I don't believe a pile of crap like you...How's the Hillary/Obama/Lerner special prosecutor coming? Way to drain the swamp! LOL. You rubes will believe anything...Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich, moron.
Indeed. These rubes always vote against their own self interests. They love the rich get all the benefits and they get squat..
Aww.. what a shame. You should have pursued a degree that matters.
Lack of liberal arts is a great reason for ignorant dupes like you. Clueless plus hate propaganda and racism = New BS GOP...
We can see what good it did for you. lol
Thanks. I don't believe a pile of crap like you...How's the Hillary/Obama/Lerner special prosecutor coming? Way to drain the swamp! LOL. You rubes will believe anything...Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich, moron.
Have you noticed who won the election? :)
Many of us Americans are not pleased with the Russians winning the American Presidential Election.
Maybe you should cry about it.
When Manchester was attacked, the British Prime Minister was in Brussels trying to convince NATO to join with Britain, France, and the United States in the coalition against ISIS bombing and supplying forces in Iraq and Syria. This, while trump is trash talking NATO and both the French and British are under direct attack for their participation with the USA. The dopey President Dofus decided this would be a good time to attack a British politician and mayor of a city under terrorist attack.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP crap of the last 15 years, dumbass. The Nazi name is PROPAGANDA, stupid. "Liberal Fascism" is drivel- ask anyone outside the dupe bubble of crap from Fox/Rush/Heritage etc...

"Masters in History" huh...

Yeah, I believe that you fat, zit-faced, keyboard warrior.

If you do have a Masters in History you wasted your (probably your mommy's) money. Either that or Liberal Communist Alinsky-ite professors.
Lack of liberal arts is a great reason for ignorant dupes like you. Clueless plus hate propaganda and racism = New BS GOP...
We can see what good it did for you. lol
Thanks. I don't believe a pile of crap like you...How's the Hillary/Obama/Lerner special prosecutor coming? Way to drain the swamp! LOL. You rubes will believe anything...Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich, moron.
Have you noticed who won the election? :)
Many of us Americans are not pleased with the Russians winning the American Presidential Election.
Maybe you should cry about it.
Nope, better to work towards taking back America and making America American again.
When Manchester was attacked, the British Prime Minister was in Brussels trying to convince NATO to join with Britain, France, and the United States in the coalition against ISIS bombing and supplying forces in Iraq and Syria. This, while trump is trash talking NATO and both the French and British are under direct attack for their participation with the USA. The dopey President Dofus decided this would be a good time to attack a British politician and mayor of a city under terrorist attack.
Trump's problem is that his world view is so distorted that it changes. He can literally think one thing act on it, change his mind the next moment and then act on that change like his previous thought never existed. He isn't capable of keeping things straight in his head and Republicans see no problem in him leading a country.
When Manchester was attacked, the British Prime Minister was in Brussels trying to convince NATO to join with Britain, France, and the United States in the coalition against ISIS bombing and supplying forces in Iraq and Syria. This, while trump is trash talking NATO and both the French and British are under direct attack for their participation with the USA. The dopey President Dofus decided this would be a good time to attack a British politician and mayor of a city under terrorist attack.
Trump's problem is that his world view is so distorted that it changes. He can literally think one thing act on it, change his mind the next moment and then act on that change like his previous thought never existed. He isn't capable of keeping things straight in his head and Republicans see no problem in him leading a country.
He has ADHD among other psychiatrist problems.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP crap of the last 15 years, dumbass. The Nazi name is PROPAGANDA, stupid. "Liberal Fascism" is drivel- ask anyone outside the dupe bubble of crap from Fox/Rush/Heritage etc...

"Masters in History" huh...

Yeah, I believe that you fat, zit-faced, keyboard warrior.

If you do have a Masters in History you wasted your (probably your mommy's) money. Either that or Liberal Communist Alinsky-ite professors.
The closest this guy ever got to a university was when his car broke down in front of one and needed help.
When Manchester was attacked, the British Prime Minister was in Brussels trying to convince NATO to join with Britain, France, and the United States in the coalition against ISIS bombing and supplying forces in Iraq and Syria. This, while trump is trash talking NATO and both the French and British are under direct attack for their participation with the USA. The dopey President Dofus decided this would be a good time to attack a British politician and mayor of a city under terrorist attack.
Trump's problem is that his world view is so distorted that it changes. He can literally think one thing act on it, change his mind the next moment and then act on that change like his previous thought never existed. He isn't capable of keeping things straight in his head and Republicans see no problem in him leading a country.
He had a lot of syphilis and other STD's in his earlier years. He called it his "Vietnam" while he was evading the real Vietnam and sending another boy over there in his place. Imagine, the dufus actually bragged about that. Now he is paying perhaps with a jumbled up brain.
When Manchester was attacked, the British Prime Minister was in Brussels trying to convince NATO to join with Britain, France, and the United States in the coalition against ISIS bombing and supplying forces in Iraq and Syria. This, while trump is trash talking NATO and both the French and British are under direct attack for their participation with the USA. The dopey President Dofus decided this would be a good time to attack a British politician and mayor of a city under terrorist attack.
Trump's problem is that his world view is so distorted that it changes. He can literally think one thing act on it, change his mind the next moment and then act on that change like his previous thought never existed. He isn't capable of keeping things straight in his head and Republicans see no problem in him leading a country.
He had a lot of syphilis and other STD's in his earlier years. He called it his "Vietnam" while he was evading the real Vietnam and sending another boy over there in his place. Imagine, the dufus actually bragged about that. Now he is paying perhaps with a jumbled up brain.
Trump a yellow lying piece of anti american shit with alzheimers
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP crap of the last 15 years, dumbass. The Nazi name is PROPAGANDA, stupid. "Liberal Fascism" is drivel- ask anyone outside the dupe bubble of crap from Fox/Rush/Heritage etc...

"Masters in History" huh...

Yeah, I believe that you fat, zit-faced, keyboard warrior.

If you do have a Masters in History you wasted your (probably your mommy's) money. Either that or Liberal Communist Alinsky-ite professors.
The closest this guy ever got to a university was when his car broke down in front of one and needed help.

Not sure who you're talking about, but if it's me would you like to put money on that claim?
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
He doesn't come close to Theodore Roosevelt's league.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP crap of the last 15 years, dumbass. The Nazi name is PROPAGANDA, stupid. "Liberal Fascism" is drivel- ask anyone outside the dupe bubble of crap from Fox/Rush/Heritage etc...
Aww.. what a shame. You should have pursued a degree that matters.
i should have learned basket weaving and making garden twine from hemp fiber.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP crap of the last 15 years, dumbass. The Nazi name is PROPAGANDA, stupid. "Liberal Fascism" is drivel- ask anyone outside the dupe bubble of crap from Fox/Rush/Heritage etc...

"Masters in History" huh...

Yeah, I believe that you fat, zit-faced, keyboard warrior.

If you do have a Masters in History you wasted your (probably your mommy's) money. Either that or Liberal Communist Alinsky-ite professors.
I admire and respect your opinion. LOL! I'm a retired teacher/businessman if that helps, hater dupe.
Obama already did a moratorium and extreme vetting reform thing, dupe. We take a few thousand extreme vetted immigrants and you fear mongered cowardly dupes freak out while the EU takes 5 million unvetted refugees. You're pathetic, and surrendered immediately to the terrorists. You're doing just what they wanted, causing hate and chaos.

That is a lie, as is nearly everything one of you Nazis post.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says an international summit hosted by President Barack Obama will seek to double the number of refugees resettled around the world.

Obama plans to host the summit on refugees in September on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly. White House national security adviser Susan Rice says the summit’s goals include a 30 percent increase in funding for humanitarian support. She says the leaders will also seek to increase by 1 million the number of refugees attending school globally.

The summit comes as the Obama administration struggles to meet its commitment to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees this year. Europe has borne the brunt of the Syrian refugee crisis.

Mexico, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Jordan and Ethiopia are co-hosting the summit along with the U.N. secretary-general.}

US-led summit to seek to double number of resettled refugees

Try again fascist franco.
Irrelevant lol. And Obama did it better...
Fact check: Trump's claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama's in 2011

That fact that you blatantly and maliciously lied is irrelevant? :eek:

Despite your lies, Obama imported as many potential terrorists as he could find. Obama stopped processing Iraqis in 2011, then resumed. Obama is quite sectarian, he doesn't like Shiites. There was never a moritorioum, never a ban. Obama in 2014 did everything he could to get every potential Sunni terrorist in the ME into America.
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP crap of the last 15 years, dumbass. The Nazi name is PROPAGANDA, stupid. "Liberal Fascism" is drivel- ask anyone outside the dupe bubble of crap from Fox/Rush/Heritage etc...

You claim a Masters in History, yet there is no one more ignorant of history on this board. The average third graders in California, who don't even speak English know more about American history than you do, fascist franco.

Last edited:
Hater shytteheads like you are the greatest! Making it perfectly clear what snarling un-American idiocy the New BS GOP is...finally.

I know that even after the defeat last November, you traitorous Nazis think you are winning, because of all the Kristalnachts you wage on the nation. But just as you were clueless of how much anger you Nazis built up in America against you then, you remain clueless. You scum will be driven from every state other than California. Oh, you'll hold NY City and Chicago as Nazi enclaves, but the rest of those state will shun you, as every decent American must. You Nazi filth are the greatest enemy this nation has faced since WWII.

Isn't it amazing how the left is so clueless? They stick with accusing The right of being "Nazi's and conveniently gloss of the fact that Nazi was an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party"! We need to have people like Fascist Franco clarify when at anytime in history Republicans were Socialist.

The Nazi's were considered on the Right when they were founded in 1920, not recognizing the terms Right and Left were swapped in Europe. They also accuse the right because the minuscule Neo-Nazi movement (Skinheads) are also sticking with that same ignorance of politics.

Their penchant for not letting educated facts get in the way of their narrative is sad, and getting tiresome, as well as their belief that posting the same lie on 15 consecutive comments will convince anyone (I know that's a Salinsky principle, and yes, I'm talking about you Franco). They're like a 3 year old screaming over and over "mine!, mine, mine!" and starts crying when their little sister takes his Hot Wheels.

As for me, they have moved me from sadness and pity for them into the realm of contempt.

It's the Big Lie. Marxist professors started telling this lie in the 1950's. They had great success with the Big Lie up into the 1990's. I have a Ph.D. and have spent a lot of time with Marxist ideologues. You either regurgitate the utter bullshit they spew or fail their classes. American Universities will not tolerate any questioning of dogma or actual thought. Intellectual curiosity is strictly forbidden.

But the Internet did to the Big Lie what it did to so much that the radical left held, it exposed it as utterly stupid. A centrally managed and planned economy is "capitalism?" :eek: :lmao:

The sheer absurdity of the Big Lie was a great deal of why it succeeded, but also the reason for it's downfall.

Fascist franco is a pathetic fool, ignorant and uneducated. babbling idiocy from the Soros hate sites without actually grasping what the bullshit he spews even means. Most of those who vomit the "fascism is right wing" lie know they are lying; fascist franco is unlikely to even know what day of the week it is.
No sense at all. Watch some real news. BBC, PBS, CNN Reuters, AP. The world has now seen what nutjobs you dupes are, from the big orange dupe.

CNN is "real news?" :lmao:

Obama's Muslim Brotherhood attacks London Bridge, CNN responds by calling Trump a piece of shit. Even a fucking Nazi like you can't view that as anything but shameful....
Obama already did a moratorium and extreme vetting reform thing, dupe. We take a few thousand extreme vetted immigrants and you fear mongered cowardly dupes freak out while the EU takes 5 million unvetted refugees. You're pathetic, and surrendered immediately to the terrorists. You're doing just what they wanted, causing hate and chaos.

That is a lie, as is nearly everything one of you Nazis post.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says an international summit hosted by President Barack Obama will seek to double the number of refugees resettled around the world.

Obama plans to host the summit on refugees in September on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly. White House national security adviser Susan Rice says the summit’s goals include a 30 percent increase in funding for humanitarian support. She says the leaders will also seek to increase by 1 million the number of refugees attending school globally.

The summit comes as the Obama administration struggles to meet its commitment to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees this year. Europe has borne the brunt of the Syrian refugee crisis.

Mexico, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Jordan and Ethiopia are co-hosting the summit along with the U.N. secretary-general.}

US-led summit to seek to double number of resettled refugees

Try again fascist franco.
Irrelevant lol. And Obama did it better...
Fact check: Trump's claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama's in 2011

That fact that you blatantly and maliciously lied is irrelevant? :eek:

Despite your lies, Obama imported as many potential terrorists as he could find. Obama stopped processing Iraqis in 2011, then resumed. Obama is quite sectarian, he doesn't like Shiites. There was never a moritorioum, never a ban. Obama in 2014 did everything he could to get every potential Sunni terrorist in the ME into America.
Jeeebus what an idiot. No, your link is irrelevant. Our few refugees are the safest in the world- You don't know about Obama's moratorium of immigration and reform of the vetting? I'm shocked, ignoramus Foxbot lol- or whatever's your poison, superdupe.

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