Trump is THE model for a leader (Reuters poll result)

It must break your heart, that the conservative base of the country is flushing the Cheneys, Bushes, Romney & McCain types down the toilet.

We need leaders who will fight for what is best for this country. Leaders who will stand up to China instead of selling us out. Leaders that prefer peace and trade to warmongering. Leaders that love our country instead of preaching it’s racist and evil.

Well, it would help if Trump was intelligent and had some principles.. Cheating Veterans is criminal.
What are your principles?

I'm not a liar or a cheat or a thief..

President Trump Ordered To Pay $2 Million For Misusing ...
Nov 07, 2019 · President Trump Ordered To Pay $2 Million For Misusing Trump Foundation Funds The money will go to a group of charities. The New York judge said money raised at a 2016 veterans

Your principles are you are not a liar, cheat, or thief?

Ok, so honesty. Anything else? This a
ways seems tpugh for lefties to answer.

Do you think Biden is a liar, cheat, or thief?

Biden is none of those things.. How do you like Trump screwing over his WH employees on payroll taxes?
It must break your heart, that the conservative base of the country is flushing the Cheneys, Bushes, Romney & McCain types down the toilet.

We need leaders who will fight for what is best for this country. Leaders who will stand up to China instead of selling us out. Leaders that prefer peace and trade to warmongering. Leaders that love our country instead of preaching it’s racist and evil.

Well, it would help if Trump was intelligent and had some principles.. Cheating Veterans is criminal.
What are your principles?

I'm not a liar or a cheat or a thief..

President Trump Ordered To Pay $2 Million For Misusing ...
Nov 07, 2019 · President Trump Ordered To Pay $2 Million For Misusing Trump Foundation Funds The money will go to a group of charities. The New York judge said money raised at a 2016 veterans

Your principles are you are not a liar, cheat, or thief?

Ok, so honesty. Anything else? This a
ways seems tpugh for lefties to answer.

Do you think Biden is a liar, cheat, or thief?

Biden is none of those things.. How do you like Trump screwing over his WH employees on payroll taxes?

What are your core principles?
If your source material is shit, your output can only be the same.
If you didn't like the OP's methodology, you could have directly challenged that by now..
That is, given you were actually capable of doing so.. :sigh2:
Prove the poll is shit or get off the pot.
Please feel free to start a thread and tag me. I'll answer any questions you have.
Thanks but I have made my comment and have nothing more to add at this time

Besides I not here to nitpick biden day and night the way you are for trump
Please feel free to start a thread and tag me. I'll answer any questions you have.
Thanks but I have made my comment and have nothing more to add at this time

Besides I not here to nitpick biden day and night the way you are for trump

Trump cheats people like you.

Please feel free to start a thread and tag me. I'll answer any questions you have.
Thanks but I have made my comment and have nothing more to add at this time

Besides I not here to nitpick biden day and night the way you are for trump
You guys never take me up on that. I make the offer all the time.

You just don't have the balls. You know you're wrong/lying, and don't want it shoved down your throat.
I'm impressed by how you're so completely wrong about my positions.
I understand that officially you despise trump voters because they are trump voters

But all roads with you lead back to trump eventually because you blame him for lying to trump voters
What you call Deep State is the system that has been used through the 20th Century.

Let’s take a moment and explain that. The “Deep State” is nothing more than the established bureaucracy. But let’s ask ourselves how it got there.

Congress passes laws and leaves tons of work to the lower levels. It is often phrased as the Secretary of Treasury will determine and regulate the application of tax law. It is much more verbose. But this is the genesis of Regulations and Interpretation of law.

One quick example. Before the Vegas shooting the devices known as Bump Stocks were legal. The ATF had determined they were not fully automatic rifles. After the shooting. The ATF decided they were automatic rifles. They were instantly illegal. No act of Congress. No signing ceremony in the Rose Garden. Nothing. Just an administrative decision.

Now the Courts by similar laws have generally deferred to the various agencies. The argument is that they know more about the subject. So finding one of those rules illegal or unconstitutional is not easy. There was one victory a couple years ago where a man challenged the serial number requirement on an AR platform. The Judge agreed. The ATF rule had no basis in law.

This is where the regulations come from. And you can expect that the various departments will vigorously defend those regulations. Because they are based in law.

So the “Deep State” is someone defending his job and department.

Now on to what you really mean. The Steel dossier. The flawed warrant. All of it.

For decades people have complained about the FBI doing just that. The long history of abuses by the FBI is well documented. From junk science to flat out lies. They have not been the premier law enforcement agency of lore and legend during my five decades on earth.

What has the Right always maintained? If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. When the FBI was caught breaking into houses and businesses they created the FISA court to give the FBI the legal authority to do what they were already doing. We can’t let criminals escape justice.

What outraged the right was this system has been used against you. Not just them as was intended.

Look at the threads. Every time a Trumper or White Wing or Right Wing describes himself. It is always as a Good American. A Real American. If a majority disagree they aren’t Real Americans like us.

For a century we have written the laws to give the various departments power. Why are we surprised when that power is abused. It has been my entire life. It goes back to Hoover and the blackmail files he kept.

But you and others on the Right don’t want to end the “Deep State”. You want to use it against others. You want it to be a weapon in your arsenal. A tool at your disposal. Not used against you. You are a Real American. A Good American.

This very subject is one of the reasons I did not vote in 2020. I voted for Trump in 16. But I abstained in 2020.

Trump saw first hand the abuses that many citizens have endured. Instead of calling for an end to them. Instead of demanding legislation to prosecute Cops who provide lies to Judges on warrants. Instead of destroying the FBI and perhaps starting over with several smaller and less powerful agencies. He and you screamed Deep State.

Trump had the power to declassify entire programs. To release documents on millions of known abuses. Yet he merely put his own people in charge. It is a useful tool after all. One you can use against your enemies.

When Trump put these guys in charge. They were awesome. Brilliant. The kind of real Americans we needed. Then those people did not do what Trump wanted and they were Deep State plants.

Even now you and the Right won’t admit that every single Agent of these agencies does this sort of thing. You want to pretend it is a few. Democrats. Socialists. They are fucking it up.

Nobody on the Right wants to end the Deep State. They just want to have it to go after their political enemies. I would destroy it. I would end classified projects. I’d release them to the press. I’d let America know what their Government has been doing to them for decades. I’d demand the Congress disestablish the FBI. And I’d appoint the head of the ACLU to the Justice Department. I’d tell him he has one job. Establish iron clad protections for our Civil Rights.

The Deep State isn’t a couple people. It is a mindset that has existed for a century.

Be that as it may, that is still an issue that predates Trump. That was my point. That this current situation is NOT a reaction to his way of doing things. We were on this path, long before TRump.

During World War One. Woodrow Wilson was President. He did not like the statements or advice coming from the State Department. He wanted his Ambassadors to convince the warring parties to just quit fighting and go home.

The State Department told him that was never going to happen. His Ambassadors told him. But Wilson was sure he was right and ignored them. He appointed Colonel House to conduct back channel negotiations.

During this time Wilson ordered the State Department to make their telegraph line available to the Germans. This would allow communication and negotiations with Wilson and the Germans. The Germans sent it in their own codes. This was a violation of the rights and responsibilities of Neutrals. Wilson didn’t care. He was on a moral crusade. Mere international agreements could not hold him back.

And then the Zimmerman Telegram came to light. The Germans has used American Communication systems to plot an attack on America.

If that got out. Oh Baby Wilson would have been run out of Washington on a rail before he was impeached. And tried for treason.

Wilson got Congress to pass the Espionage Act. The entire State Department Telegraph incident was classified Top Secret Divine Eyes Only. Nobody could talk about it. By law they were prohibited.

The true beginning of the power you decry being turned against Trump was Andrew Jackson. He should have been hung as a traitor.

Sounds even worse than Trump's style. Certainly a bigger screw up considering WWI, and WWII.

I would agree. It is one of the excellent reasons learning history is vital. It is not enough to say this is wrong. It must be coupled with an understanding how we got here to find a solution that actually works.

An elective course in High School was enlightening. It covered the Constitution, Law, Courts, Crime, and Police Science.

That class helped me understand the foundation of our Nation. I have since read many books on the subject. Including the Federalist Papers. I am in my Fifties and still reading History Books. Because I want to know more. I want to understand more.

I have said that all Presidents have done things well and done things badly. Every one of them.

I detest Partisanship for the sake of Partisanship. When Obama was elected I was on Democratic Underground. I proposed at that time to have the Democrats move on some issues. My example was Marijuana. Between the Democrats and the Libertarian leaning Republicans they could pass legislation legalizing pot.

Let me say now I don’t smoke pot. I am allergic to it. Any effort to take it will have me in the hospital for days.

However I think the laws prohibiting it are idiotic.

I was told we couldn’t do that because we would have to accept the Libertarian views on everything including Education and Welfare. Before we could act we had to have a supermajority in the Senate.

That is a ridiculous standard. And I said so. If our interests align with another on one issue we can use that. We don’t have to agree on everything. Hell the Democrats don’t agree on everything.

The “Deep State” exists because of legislation. Even when they fix it. They don’t actually fix it.

When Congress held hearings about abuses of the IRS to taxpayers. The IRS was required to come up with new regulations to give the taxpayers a set of rights.

Do you see the irony? The IRS was instructed to come up with Regulations preventing them from abusing people with their regulations. The fox absolutely approved of the chicken coop security plan.

The Deep State is not a handful of Democrats. It isn’t a handful of Trump Supporters. It is a result of a Century or more of deference to the specific departments regarding laws.

The IG report on the FISA Court showed that there were problems with every single Warrant Application. Facts not in evidence. Assertions without any proof.

It wasn’t a handful of Obama Supporters who wanted Hillary to be President. It was standard operating procedure for the FBI and DOJ. They lied all the time on warrant applications. The “Rank and File” were not blameless. They were all doing it.

They did it during the Bundy debacle. They did it during the Bush Years. They did it during the Ford years. The Democrats and the Republicans. And what do we demand? New Regulations preventing what they were already not supposed to be doing.

We posture when the truth is exposed. We don’t fix it. Because both parties want the power it gives them. Trump wanted that power.
It must break your heart, that the conservative base of the country is flushing the Cheneys, Bushes, Romney & McCain types down the toilet.

We need leaders who will fight for what is best for this country. Leaders who will stand up to China instead of selling us out. Leaders that prefer peace and trade to warmongering. Leaders that love our country instead of preaching it’s racist and evil.
Trump is fine if you like congenital liars, thieves, nepotism, cronyism, rabblerousers, reckless abandonment of their oath to support the constitution, and willing to overthrow elections to win even if they didn't get the votes, and that attack anybody with an opinion different than theirs as the strive for a top down autocratic government model so they can hold their head up with their favorite totalitarian leaders they wish to emulate.
Of course if you believe in the constitution and rule of law, people like him totally blow.

Trump was a completely mainstream politician with completely mainstream policies.

Your hysterical reaction is evidence of how radical you have become, no reflection on him.
Your turning your back on reality and how he operated is evidence of why nobody will trust a trumper in the white house for 8 or 12 years, while they wander in the desert waiting for the meaning of committment constitutional foundations of this country to be re-revealed to them. They may stumble over it someday, but right now they are not even looking for it. They are lost.

"How he operated"? You mean, other than having an odd style, completely fucking normally?

Let's see. He pushed a little harder on trade issues, and deported a little more than norman.


View attachment 494074

Honestly, my problem with Trump wasn’t so much his achievements, of which there were not many. It was his technique.

Let’s talk about how things are done in the White House. Or really any National Leadership function around the world.

First an idea is proposed. Either to the President, or by the President. At that time the Staff gets busy. They start the research. Lawyers scour books to determine if the proposal would be illegal, or worse Unconstitutional. Political Staffers start talking to Congress, to see how they feel about the proposal in general knowing that most of these things can’t happen without Congressional Action.

Other staffers talk to departments. State for international agreements. Again Lawyers get started to determine if the proposal would violate any Treaty or agreement we have in place. Experts in regions begin to discuss what the proposal might mean to our friends, allies, and enemies. How will they react? Will it cause problems?

Now, all of this takes time. Finally when the proposal has been checked, double checked, considered and lengthy briefings have taken place, the announcement is made. The Press Secretary announces that the Proposal is being made. It will become policy. Delicate and considered leaks have already gotten the press leaning that way.

The President might make a statement, but usually it is handled through the Press Secretary. The Press Secretary is an expert in spinning the news to the advantage of the President.

Here is how Trump worked. Trump made a proposal. The Staff started to research and reported back that it couldn’t work exactly the way Trump wanted. So they would give him what they could. Trump would agree. But before the announcement could be made, Trump was on Twitter announcing the original policy would be enacted.

I always felt sorry for the Press Secretary. They must have felt like they spent all their time in a leaking boat bailing water out as fast as they could.

Trump’s big achievements were not big, and hardly qualified as achievements.

Take Trade. NAFTA was renamed USMC. But what changed? Cars are still being manufactured in Mexico and shipped into the US by rail. Everything manufactured in Mexico before the name change is still being manufactured today. In fact, Manufacturing was and is increasing in Mexico. Just as it was before the name change.

The changes to NAFTA in becoming the USMCA were minor. You would have thought that Trump had negotiated an end to war the way the damned thing was celebrated by in your face rightists.

This was the four years of Trump. His achievements were not all that impressive, and his polarization was enormous. After his first month in office, I told the wife somebody has to go and smash his phone to get him off of Twitter. Getting his message out is exactly what the Press Secretary is supposed to do.

Now, look at the Right today. Celebrating those cities, and states, that declare that they will not enforce Federal Firearms laws. Those same idiots were demanding that cities that refused to enforce Federal Immigration law be tried as Traitors and hung.

Their argument on weapons is accurate. For some reason that accuracy and truth did not sway them one bit in their war against illegal immigrants.

I told people before the election. No matter who wins there will be trouble. Because both sides had declared that the only way they could lose is if the other side cheated.

I’ve made this prediction before too. After the midterms, we’re going to have President Harris. Biden is going to step down, and give Harris two years to become the incumbent, and allow her to serve as President for ten years.
He basically wanted to rule through chaos, as where there is chaos, there is opportunity, but he could not achieve being a top down dictator, so chaos all the way down below him, just didn't work. No way for the leader of the free world and a large diverse country with constitutional and legislative norms to operate. He undercut anybody, everybody and everything at a whim, including himself to get his short term way and make the news, as if being news worthy was a goal. I got tired of his ass pretty quick, when after a few months, he had proved he would not grow into the job.
Biden won't step down. I don't know if he will run again as don't know if he would want to or be up to it at that time. Republicans pray for Harris presidency and they work on her pretty hard to make her look as bad as possible, cause they got nothing that sticks to Joe. They don't really have much on her, but try hard to disparage daily cause they might have to run against her. VP's mostly stay out of the limelight and she certainly should. I figure she's getting good training and counsel by Joe, but she has showed me nothing impressive, nor do I expect that she will. Joe is doing OK. Barring something unforeseen, would probably vote for him again. Definitely would vote for Joe, rather than a trumper, who could destroy the country as we know it, and make voting somebody out that needs to be out, a pipe dream of the past.
It must break your heart, that the conservative base of the country is flushing the Cheneys, Bushes, Romney & McCain types down the toilet.

We need leaders who will fight for what is best for this country. Leaders who will stand up to China instead of selling us out. Leaders that prefer peace and trade to warmongering. Leaders that love our country instead of preaching it’s racist and evil.
Trump is fine if you like congenital liars, thieves, nepotism, cronyism, rabblerousers, reckless abandonment of their oath to support the constitution, and willing to overthrow elections to win even if they didn't get the votes, and that attack anybody with an opinion different than theirs as the strive for a top down autocratic government model so they can hold their head up with their favorite totalitarian leaders they wish to emulate.
Of course if you believe in the constitution and rule of law, people like him totally blow.

Trump was a completely mainstream politician with completely mainstream policies.

Your hysterical reaction is evidence of how radical you have become, no reflection on him.
Your turning your back on reality and how he operated is evidence of why nobody will trust a trumper in the white house for 8 or 12 years, while they wander in the desert waiting for the meaning of committment constitutional foundations of this country to be re-revealed to them. They may stumble over it someday, but right now they are not even looking for it. They are lost.
Your posts prove that you never watched any of Trump's interviews or speeches.
It takes a certain emotional and mental instability to go in that path.
Always knew he was emotionally and mentally unstable, but did listen to him many times, read his tweet, but would never follow his path, cause it was a crooked mile with an uncertain ending for the country from start to finish, but would be good for trump.
Topline Findings from the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll
  • Half of Republicans believe former President Donald Trump should be the role model for the Republican party.
  • Sixty-two percent of Republicans said they had little or no interest in joining a conservative political party run by former Republican leaders who have been critical of Donald Trump.
  • Meanwhile, 7 in 10 said they would be somewhat or very interested in hearing what Trump thinks about current events.
  • These results are indicative of the influence that Trump continues to hold over the Republican party and why House Republicans felt that Liz Cheney, who was outwardly critical of Trump, needed to be removed.
  • But not all Republicans agree with this; 61% agreed that the Republican party is stronger when it embraces both supporters and critics of Trump.

View attachment 494037

48% of Republicans having an interest "in joining a conservative political party run by former Republican leaders who have been critical of Donald Trump."

Sound real good to me!!!

Divid 'em right down the middle!!!!
Trump saw himself as a modern day Julius Caesar. His followers are neo-monarchists.

But he doesn't have the intelligence or military expertise of Julius Caesar.

Besides, things didn't work out do well for Julius!
From what I heard, the courts refused to listen to the evidence and threw the challenges out on procedural grounds or legalistic technical reasons, not because the evidence failed to prove anything
You heard wrong. In fact, the “plaintiff” Giuliani specifically said multiple times they were not claiming fraud.
It must break your heart, that the conservative base of the country is flushing the Cheneys, Bushes, Romney & McCain types down the toilet.

We need leaders who will fight for what is best for this country. Leaders who will stand up to China instead of selling us out. Leaders that prefer peace and trade to warmongering. Leaders that love our country instead of preaching it’s racist and evil.
Trump is fine if you like congenital liars, thieves, nepotism, cronyism, rabblerousers, reckless abandonment of their oath to support the constitution, and willing to overthrow elections to win even if they didn't get the votes, and that attack anybody with an opinion different than theirs as the strive for a top down autocratic government model so they can hold their head up with their favorite totalitarian leaders they wish to emulate.
Of course if you believe in the constitution and rule of law, people like him totally blow.

Trump was a completely mainstream politician with completely mainstream policies.

Your hysterical reaction is evidence of how radical you have become, no reflection on him.
Your turning your back on reality and how he operated is evidence of why nobody will trust a trumper in the white house for 8 or 12 years, while they wander in the desert waiting for the meaning of committment constitutional foundations of this country to be re-revealed to them. They may stumble over it someday, but right now they are not even looking for it. They are lost.
Your posts prove that you never watched any of Trump's interviews or speeches.
It takes a certain emotional and mental instability to go in that path.
Always knew he was emotionally and mentally unstable, but did listen to him many times, read his tweet, but would never follow his path, cause it was a crooked mile with an uncertain ending for the country from start to finish, but would be good for trump.
but did listen to him many times

Don't even try to bullshit listened to 1.6 second sound bites.
I have asked Ds like you to present a one minute, in-context audio or video to back up their assertions, and in over 4 years, not one has been able to post anything but an Attention Deficit bite.
It must break your heart, that the conservative base of the country is flushing the Cheneys, Bushes, Romney & McCain types down the toilet.

We need leaders who will fight for what is best for this country. Leaders who will stand up to China instead of selling us out. Leaders that prefer peace and trade to warmongering. Leaders that love our country instead of preaching it’s racist and evil.

Well, it would help if Trump was intelligent and had some principles.. Cheating Veterans is criminal.
What are your principles?

I'm not a liar or a cheat or a thief..

President Trump Ordered To Pay $2 Million For Misusing ...
Nov 07, 2019 · President Trump Ordered To Pay $2 Million For Misusing Trump Foundation Funds The money will go to a group of charities. The New York judge said money raised at a 2016 veterans

Your principles are you are not a liar, cheat, or thief?

Ok, so honesty. Anything else? This a
ways seems tpugh for lefties to answer.

Do you think Biden is a liar, cheat, or thief?

Biden is none of those things.. How do you like Trump screwing over his WH employees on payroll taxes?

What are your core principles?

The 10 Commandments work for me.
It must break your heart, that the conservative base of the country is flushing the Cheneys, Bushes, Romney & McCain types down the toilet.

We need leaders who will fight for what is best for this country. Leaders who will stand up to China instead of selling us out. Leaders that prefer peace and trade to warmongering. Leaders that love our country instead of preaching it’s racist and evil.
Trump is fine if you like congenital liars, thieves, nepotism, cronyism, rabblerousers, reckless abandonment of their oath to support the constitution, and willing to overthrow elections to win even if they didn't get the votes, and that attack anybody with an opinion different than theirs as the strive for a top down autocratic government model so they can hold their head up with their favorite totalitarian leaders they wish to emulate.
Of course if you believe in the constitution and rule of law, people like him totally blow.

Trump was a completely mainstream politician with completely mainstream policies.

Your hysterical reaction is evidence of how radical you have become, no reflection on him.
Your turning your back on reality and how he operated is evidence of why nobody will trust a trumper in the white house for 8 or 12 years, while they wander in the desert waiting for the meaning of committment constitutional foundations of this country to be re-revealed to them. They may stumble over it someday, but right now they are not even looking for it. They are lost.
Your posts prove that you never watched any of Trump's interviews or speeches.
It takes a certain emotional and mental instability to go in that path.
Always knew he was emotionally and mentally unstable, but did listen to him many times, read his tweet, but would never follow his path, cause it was a crooked mile with an uncertain ending for the country from start to finish, but would be good for trump.
but did listen to him many times

Don't even try to bullshit listened to 1.6 second sound bites.
I have asked Ds like you to present a one minute, in-context audio or video to back up their assertions, and in over 4 years, not one has been able to post anything but an Attention Deficit bite.
I will admit, never listening to a whole speech, but don't feel bad, I did not listen to whole speeches of Biden, except for that inauguration speech. You think I missed the proper context? I don't remember a speech where he predicted what he was going to do before he did it. Did he say he would support Russia publicly against all US and allies intelligence services before he did it in Helsinki? Did he give a speech saying he supported our troops and allies in the field, but would agree with Erdigon and Putin to let Erdigon cross the boarder to attack people that fought with us? When was the speech where he said that if he lost the election, he would invite insurrectionists to Washington, rev them up at a rally 2 blocks away and tell them to march to the capital to try to stop the elector process? I did hear all his comments when he signed the budget passed by both houses of Congress and called it a great achievement (even though there was no money for his wall), but his didn't say anything at the time to reflect he would over rule the constitution on appropriations, intentionally and with forethought transfer money allocated by line and paragraph to rebuild military bases, and complete other needed, budget repairs, as well as funding for schools on bases for the kids of our servicemen and use the money to fund his wall project, which both houses of congress failed to pass.
If I missed the speeches where he said these would be his policies whether it was right or wrong, please link to them. I wouldn't want to think him a lying, thieving, puppet of totalitarian regimes, who would subvert or ignore the constitution without knowing he told us what he would do and he did it with full foreknowledge of the country, just because I missed one of his speeches.

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