trump isnt republican or conservative .he is Populist

A sadly misguided OP. Have you seen Trump's tax plan? It's definitely right of center. Trump wants to cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood, although he sees no need to sick the DOJ on PP. Trump wants trade policy that protects American jobs from unfair trade practices, a policy that the GOP used to support very strongly. Trump wants to rebuild the military. Trump wants to secure the border and end sanctuary cities. Trump wants to end common core.

Trump has been a registered Republican for over 30 years. At a time when RINOs were trying to get Dan Quayle kicked off the ticket in 1988, Trump came to Quayle's defense.

No, Trump is not a purist conservative, but he is clearly right of center.
Trade policies that protect American jobs? Sounds like what the unions were saying or maybe Ross Perot but certainly not free trade conservatives
Put a name on it and sense arrives. Nah, the apologetics begin, when will the republicans face their creation and when will Americans face their dilemma? Outsource and buy cheap and eventually you too are affected.
Right wing media created the conditions for Trumpenstiens monster to go on a rampage. Now they're wondering why he's destroying their village.....but they can't find any fucking torches or pitchforks.
Because proper labeling in politics makes ALL the difference.....


Fair and simple tax codes...

Public budgets that are balanced by law...

Transparency in both politics and government...

Build an economy that your children can drive to the stars.​

Still not Rocket Science, y'all.

to any student of politics labels matter because they are productive and assist in actual analysis and thought...something sorely lacking at times.

"fair tax" is a label in it's own right.... a generally deceptive one since there is nothing "fair" about it. see, so you can like the labels you like and disagree with the ones you don't. but they are labels nonetheless.

now maybe you should offer your opinion on the o/p instead of going off topic to one you like better.

just saying.
Another liberal whining and complaining with no option or solution to fix.

I don't like the fair tax as I've studied it.

Now give the solution other than rhetoric...............and the solution of your us how their policies would fix anything.

Please note that I'm not admonishing support for Fair Tax, the PAC, I admonish support for fair tax codes, the concept.

Labels suck for this very reason - we tend to forget the actual definitions of words in favor of the movements that hijack them.

Go look up 'Liberal' for instance.... you may just be surprised.

words have meaning.

and no matter what rightwingnuts say liberal is, it has an actual meaning. the idea that you can just get up and decide to ignore those meanings is bizarre. so find a better term for "fair tax" because "fair tax" has a meaning.

:disbelief: I'm responsible for finding and using a word other than 'fair' to express the concept of fairness because free speech allows political movements to use marketing as a tool to sway the sheep?


I'm not going to dilute my message by altering my use of language in a useless attempt to accommodate the people who can't or won't separate marketing from discussion.

In the relationship between writer and reader, the reader bears some responsibility in the understanding of what they read. No matter what you see on t.v., life is NOT a 30 second sound-bite.

Dig a little deeper, Princess. Establishing and maintaining your opinion is your job, not mine.
i'm gonna prove to you Wonderful Donald's conservative:

"I'm conservative." - Wonderful Donald

i'm gonna prove to you Wonderful Donald's conservative:

"I'm conservative." - Wonderful Donald

He also says he loves the Mexicans. But a few months ago called them rapists.

He was just pandering to the GOP base. Now the real Donald can stand up.

More than kasich rubio Cruz huckabee jeb Christie and Paul? Who knew their problem is that they weren't conservative enough.
Wonderful Donald is making Conservatism Populist - I thought that was the whole idea - make Conservatism appeal to ordinary people?
Wonderful Donald is making Conservatism Populist - I thought that was the whole idea - make Conservatism appeal to ordinary people?
If he pulls it off it'll be hard to deny he did it with a populist message. I even like what I hear. I don't believe if but

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