Trump: It's disgusting that press can write whatever it wants

For me, the problem isn't so much that they can write just about anything they want. It's that the press is obviously parroting the same talking points like the Borg from Star Trek. There's almost zero diversity of thought in the mainstream media with the exception of Fox News.

I wouldn't support yanking their broadcasting licenses alone. I would support making them compete for these licenses with criteria other than just who is the highest bidder. Journalists (not just the talking heads on TV) who really promote free speech and really engage in investigative reporting such as Julian Assange, Project Veritas, Alex Jones, etc. should have every right and opportunity to compete for these licenses as any corporate news group.
So you're against the first amendment?

You're against the constitution. This president is abusing his office.
The media can report on what ever the fuck it pleases. Don't like it tough shit!
Trump is right on one thing: the press is disgusting!

Trump: 'Disgusting' press able to write whatever it wants
Pfffffffffffffffffffft, we've heard Don lie out his ass and tweet whatever he wants, got anything else?

i got another Trump tweet.

"Network news has become so partisan, distorted and fake that licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked. Not fair to public!" - Trump

yes! take the fake news off the air!
Obama bashes Fox Media: “Yeah! Get ‘em!

Trump bashes CNN & NBC: Media: “We’re all gonna die!”
"The Fake News Is going all out in order to demean and denigrate! Such hatred!" - Trump
When Trump was on the outside attacking Obama with frivolous birther claims and fake news, he had no problems with a free press reporting his rants
When Trump was on the outside attacking Obama with frivolous birther claims and fake news, he had no problems with a free press reporting his rants
He started doing that on talk shows in the 1980's speaking about how bad the presidents were...
When Trump was on the outside attacking Obama with frivolous birther claims and fake news, he had no problems with a free press reporting his rants
He started doing that on talk shows in the 1980's speaking about how bad the presidents were...

Howard Stern is not fake is biting journalism........believe me
"Question for conservatives: What will you wish you had said now if someday a President Elizabeth Warren talks about censoring Fox News?" - Senator Ben Sasse
All news should be cleared through Trump's Press Secretary

First Amendment in Trumpian America
CNN is not a free press: They are a disingenuous very biased editorial thespian production , claiming to be an objective news source.
NBC News ran 1000 Trump stories with anonymous sources, but refused to run Harvey Weinstein story with police reports and eye witnesses

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