Trump Jr. blames Dem's rhetoric for assassination threats


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Donald Trump Jr. has called out Democrats for their hateful rhetoric being to blame for assassination threats leveled against his family.

Trump Jr. Blames Dems’ Rhetoric For Assassination Threats

You know the lunatic left are phucking nuts. They mentally ill with truely a level of hate that only satan has. These narccissit need to gtf out of the US move to EUROPE please.

Everyone else sees it being done accept the idiots who act alike, think alike and are on the same mentality levels.

Never in history have we seen such disrespectiful scum doing all the things they do.
It started even before Trump was inaugurated. Think of the Bernie rally attendee who brought semi automatic to the baseball game last year. Only for the Grace of God and some brave police, did it not end much worse.

If that had been a Trump supporter, it would be repeated on MSM at least once a week. A reminder. Instead, everyone acts as if socialists and the alt-left are rational. They are not. They desire control of speech and peoples individual activities in life, when they cannot, they lash out, in unknown and unsuspected ways.
JR. has lost his mind. That poor kid doesn't know which end is up. He tried for 40 years to please his dad. He finally did. Now he might well be indicted. His old friends are 'worried' about him. His wife has divorced him. He's unmoored.

But like his father he is DOUBLING down.

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