Trump Just Rolled Back a Major Obama-Era Bank Reform as Dodd-Frank takes yet another hit, Trump also trying to defund Obamacare through the courts

The banking rollbacks are being made out of sheer terror that the markets aren't going anywhere before November. Like everything he does, this is all about Trump.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy


The revised rule will also shrink the financial cushion that banks are required to keep on hand during certain types of derivatives trading. This particular change could free up an estimated $40 billion of capital for banks to trade with.

Or to lend with.

Good, Obama was a fuckhead of President, what a waste of space.
Good one!
I had to feed Stimpy beans for 12 hours to build him up to that Obama-level of flatulence!
PS: No racial denigration or offense intended for Stimpy's brown skid marks. It was the only color he had.
Flatulence CAN be fun!
That rarefied anal gas is butt the very sweet perfume that drives the odorous halls of deep progressive intellectual thinktanks! Methane, not oxygen is the fruity footstuff by which progs and democrats breathe deeply up their nostrils to devise their best ideas like socializing healthcare in order to put MORE of the private free sector into the not-so-free, not-so-private hands of Big Government.

IE: THEIR hands.

Donald Trump, shoving it back up the smelly, swollen, hemorrhoidal rectums of progs everywhere to thank them for their windy support. Come to think of it, John McCain who fought tooth and nail to protect Obamacare, he ought to be producing his fair share of methane about now too.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Which is not the point....The point is the asshats will fuck things over again and the feds will give them money to cover their asses, so we have yet again another future case of state capitalism propping up capitalist with taxpayer monies..Yet this form of socialism is acceptable

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Meh whatever hopefully this time the government won't bail the bastards out and the whole damn thing collapses.
Crap in one hand and hope in the other and see which one fills up faster...Capitalism can't exist without other people's money

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Which is not the point....The point is the asshats will fuck things over again and the feds will give them money to cover their asses, so we have yet again another future case of state capitalism propping up capitalist with taxpayer monies..Yet this form of socialism is acceptable

and the feds will give them money to cover their asses


there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Which is not the point....The point is the asshats will fuck things over again and the feds will give them money to cover their asses, so we have yet again another future case of state capitalism propping up capitalist with taxpayer monies..Yet this form of socialism is acceptable

and the feds will give them money to cover their asses

Yes give.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Which is not the point....The point is the asshats will fuck things over again and the feds will give them money to cover their asses, so we have yet again another future case of state capitalism propping up capitalist with taxpayer monies..Yet this form of socialism is acceptable

and the feds will give them money to cover their asses

Yes give.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Which is not the point....The point is the asshats will fuck things over again and the feds will give them money to cover their asses, so we have yet again another future case of state capitalism propping up capitalist with taxpayer monies..Yet this form of socialism is acceptable

and the feds will give them money to cover their asses

Yes give.

Bank TARP was paid back, the US Treasury made 10s of billions in profits.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Our president is a fine, fine man!

This is an opinion, ^^^ a blind one.

There is nothing fine about Trump (and his lap dogs, Pence and Barr). These three are destroying the United States and the Rule of Law.

Trump has divided our nation's people, and have put everyone of us at risk by their callous and crazy failure to responsibly react to the Pandemic. Trump is putting himself and his hope for reelection before the health and well being of every living American.

Barr has created an already Megalomaniac into a Monster by his idiosyncratic behavior; Pence obsequiousness would be laughable had it not fed Trump's narcissism.

Trump has divided our nation's people,

After Obama did such a good job of uniting the nation?

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Our president is a fine, fine man!

This is an opinion, ^^^ a blind one.

There is nothing fine about Trump (and his lap dogs, Pence and Barr). These three are destroying the United States and the Rule of Law.

Trump has divided our nation's people, and have put everyone of us at risk by their callous and crazy failure to responsibly react to the Pandemic. Trump is putting himself and his hope for reelection before the health and well being of every living American.

Barr has created an already Megalomaniac into a Monster by his idiosyncratic behavior; Pence obsequiousness would be laughable had it not fed Trump's narcissism.

Trump has divided our nation's people,

After Obama did such a good job of uniting the nation?

Wrong. Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people. Examples: Flying the Stars and Bars; Jim Crow Laws, voter suppression, racism, misogyny and single issue voters [gun control, abortion, gay and lesbian marriage and of course Moscow Mitch).

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