Trump Just Rolled Back a Major Obama-Era Bank Reform as Dodd-Frank takes yet another hit, Trump also trying to defund Obamacare through the courts

it looks like some folks (LIBERALS) like to be parasites to society, my friends

That's bullshit. Why don't you grow up and begin to open your eyes and take advantage of reality, not what you've been told what to believe.


What an impressive debate tactic.....


Debate? LOL, Debates do not exist on the USMB. Any effort to have an honest and rational discussion quickly dissolves into ad hominems and idiot-grams, just like yours.
it looks like some folks (LIBERALS) like to be parasites to society, my friends

That's bullshit. Why don't you grow up and begin to open your eyes and take advantage of reality, not what you've been told what to believe.


What an impressive debate tactic.....


Debate? LOL, Debates do not exist on the USMB. Any effort to have an honest and rational discussion quickly dissolves into ad hominems and idiot-grams, just like yours.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection and Third Degree Diaper Rash ^^^
Here are three things about Dodd-Frank that its supporters never talk about:

1) Dodd-Frank made it much harder for start ups to raise capital and create jobs

Source: Angels Out of America

2) The Dodd-Frank Act created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which holds its meetings in secret.

Source: At Last, Congress Checks Obama's Rogue Consumer Bureau | Investor's Business Daily

3) After Dodd-Frank becme law, the number of new banks that opened up each year in the U.S. fell by more than 99%.

Source: Only 3 new banks opened in America in last 5 years
"Bank reform" sounds like a positive thing even if it has a negative impact on capitalism and the economy. That's the way left wing propaganda works.
The banking rollbacks are being made out of sheer terror that the markets aren't going anywhere before November. Like everything he does, this is all about Trump.

Dodd Frank was bad policy

Overall it was. So is what Trump just did.

Trump is saving us from Obama bad policy. The economy came back because Trump got rid of many of Obama bad policies

It crashed because of bad Trump policies?

It crashed because of the chinese virus

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Especially the economy Obama built. Trump screwed that pooch. Thanks Trump!

Obama had a stagnant economy. Under Trump Blacks had their lowest unemployment ever

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Especially the economy Obama built. Trump screwed that pooch. Thanks Trump!

Obama had a stagnant economy. Under Trump Blacks had their lowest unemployment ever
You can’t read numbers or a chart. Why would I listen to your incoherent babbling?
The banking rollbacks are being made out of sheer terror that the markets aren't going anywhere before November. Like everything he does, this is all about Trump.

Dodd Frank was bad policy

Overall it was. So is what Trump just did.

Trump is saving us from Obama bad policy. The economy came back because Trump got rid of many of Obama bad policies

It crashed because of bad Trump policies?

It crashed because of the chinese virus

It crashed because all we know how to do now is create bubbles.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Especially the economy Obama built. Trump screwed that pooch. Thanks Trump!

Obama had a stagnant economy. Under Trump Blacks had their lowest unemployment ever
You can’t read numbers or a chart. Why would I listen to your incoherent babbling?

So you only believe the democrats lies. A christian can't be a democrat

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Especially the economy Obama built. Trump screwed that pooch. Thanks Trump!

Obama had a stagnant economy. Under Trump Blacks had their lowest unemployment ever
You can’t read numbers or a chart. Why would I listen to your incoherent babbling?

So you only believe the democrats lies. A christian can't be a democrat
I’m a liberal Democrat who teaches Sunday school and was on the board of Elders for most of the last decade of a 500 person church.

Jesus would be a Democrat and would turn the tables and chairs over in the DNC headquarter. And he’d wear a mask while doing it!

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Especially the economy Obama built. Trump screwed that pooch. Thanks Trump!

Obama had a stagnant economy. Under Trump Blacks had their lowest unemployment ever
You can’t read numbers or a chart. Why would I listen to your incoherent babbling?

So you only believe the democrats lies. A christian can't be a democrat
I’m a liberal Democrat who teaches Sunday school and was on the board of Elders for most of the last decade of a 500 person church.

Jesus would be a Democrat and would turn the tables and chairs over in the DNC headquarter. And he’d wear a mask while doing it!

You show you put democrats above God. You support the immorality of democrats

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President - WallBuilders
...and meanwhile, while all these lunatic Trumpists are automatically applauding every rollback of anything Obama because their cult-infected brains can’t put two coherent thoughts together and bridge the gap between cause and effect, we have this.....

27 million people have lost their health insurance coverage when they lost their jobs during the recent crisis.

Some states have had to reopen marketplaces to take in the rise of people trying to find new insurance.

Trump is doubling down on scrapping ACA in the middle of a pandemic and huge unemployment.

Considering the Republicans, in the two years they had complete control, completely failed to come up with a plan, it is doubtful they would this time If ACA is scrapped.

ACA enjoys a majority approval and a large majority want politicians to fix the problems, not scrap it.

If Trump is successful, 27 million people, in the middle of a pandemic, likely many with pre-exhisting conditions, will find themselves without insurance.
The ACA options are still very expensive.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Especially the economy Obama built. Trump screwed that pooch. Thanks Trump!

Obama had a stagnant economy. Under Trump Blacks had their lowest unemployment ever
You can’t read numbers or a chart. Why would I listen to your incoherent babbling?

So you only believe the democrats lies. A christian can't be a democrat
I’m a liberal Democrat who teaches Sunday school and was on the board of Elders for most of the last decade of a 500 person church.

Jesus would be a Democrat and would turn the tables and chairs over in the DNC headquarter. And he’d wear a mask while doing it!

You show you put democrats above God. You support the immorality of democrats

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President - WallBuilders
I don’t need my secular government to guide my religious beliefs. I am not called to a holy war to instill religion into secular laws. I have worshipped every weekend without interruption by the government and will continue to do so.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

How fitting for a Trumptard to cheer on Big Fat Don's destruction of America by taking healthcare insurance away from 20M, strip away protections for pre-existing conditions, and move to allow the banks to put taxpayer money at risk again.
Too big to fail is bad.
Break them up first so if they fail, no bailout
There's a reason Trump can't fire Steve Mnuchen.
Three guesses why.

Hint- the same reason Bush and Obama couldn't get rid of
Tim Geithner.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

How fitting for a Trumptard to cheer on Big Fat Don's destruction of America by taking healthcare insurance away from 20M, strip away protections for pre-existing conditions, and move to allow the banks to put taxpayer money at risk again.

and move to allow the banks to put taxpayer money at risk again.

Why do you feel banks put taxpayer money at risk?

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