Trump Just Rolled Back a Major Obama-Era Bank Reform as Dodd-Frank takes yet another hit, Trump also trying to defund Obamacare through the courts

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Our president is a fine, fine man!

This is an opinion, ^^^ a blind one.

There is nothing fine about Trump (and his lap dogs, Pence and Barr). These three are destroying the United States and the Rule of Law.

Trump has divided our nation's people, and have put everyone of us at risk by their callous and crazy failure to responsibly react to the Pandemic. Trump is putting himself and his hope for reelection before the health and well being of every living American.

Barr has created an already Megalomaniac into a Monster by his idiosyncratic behavior; Pence obsequiousness would be laughable had it not fed Trump's narcissism.

Trump has divided our nation's people,

After Obama did such a good job of uniting the nation?

Wrong. Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people. Examples: Flying the Stars and Bars; Jim Crow Laws, voter suppression, racism, misogyny and single issue voters [gun control, abortion, gay and lesbian marriage and of course Moscow Mitch).

Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people.

So they're just like Obama.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Our president is a fine, fine man!

This is an opinion, ^^^ a blind one.

There is nothing fine about Trump (and his lap dogs, Pence and Barr). These three are destroying the United States and the Rule of Law.

Trump has divided our nation's people, and have put everyone of us at risk by their callous and crazy failure to responsibly react to the Pandemic. Trump is putting himself and his hope for reelection before the health and well being of every living American.

Barr has created an already Megalomaniac into a Monster by his idiosyncratic behavior; Pence obsequiousness would be laughable had it not fed Trump's narcissism.

Trump has divided our nation's people,

After Obama did such a good job of uniting the nation?

Wrong. Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people. Examples: Flying the Stars and Bars; Jim Crow Laws, voter suppression, racism, misogyny and single issue voters [gun control, abortion, gay and lesbian marriage and of course Moscow Mitch).

Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people.

So they're just like Obama.

Bullshit. President Obama didn't hold rallies attacking all Republicans, minority American Citizens and blaming prior Presidents. He was too busy fixing a broken economy, seeking to end two wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) and the resistance by Republican Pols who believe that they deserved to be the Party to occupy the White House.
...and meanwhile, while all these lunatic Trumpists are automatically applauding every rollback of anything Obama because their cult-infected brains can’t put two coherent thoughts together and bridge the gap between cause and effect, we have this.....

27 million people have lost their health insurance coverage when they lost their jobs during the recent crisis.

Some states have had to reopen marketplaces to take in the rise of people trying to find new insurance.

Trump is doubling down on scrapping ACA in the middle of a pandemic and huge unemployment.

Considering the Republicans, in the two years they had complete control, completely failed to come up with a plan, it is doubtful they would this time If ACA is scrapped.

ACA enjoys a majority approval and a large majority want politicians to fix the problems, not scrap it.

If Trump is successful, 27 million people, in the middle of a pandemic, likely many with pre-exhisting conditions, will find themselves without insurance.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Which is not the point....The point is the asshats will fuck things over again and the feds will give them money to cover their asses, so we have yet again another future case of state capitalism propping up capitalist with taxpayer monies..Yet this form of socialism is acceptable

and the feds will give them money to cover their asses

Yes give.

Bank TARP was paid back, the US Treasury made 10s of billions in profits.
PPP loans are grants in disguise. I wish I could have gotten bail out funds when times got tough but no, I never did...
it looks like some folks (LIBERALS) like to be parasites to society, my friends

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy


Obama still has a legacy:
1. The racial-identity politics' Hyper Grievance Industry.
2. Antifa and BLM as the armed militia of the Dems.
3. His bloated and fetid naricissim.
it looks like some folks (LIBERALS) like to be parasites to society, my friends

That's bullshit. Why don't you grow up and begin to open your eyes and take advantage of reality, not what you've been told what to believe.


there's nothing left of Obama's legacy


Obama still has a legacy:
1. The racial-identity politics' Hyper Grievance Industry.
2. Antifa and BLM as the armed militia of the Dems.
3. His bloated and fetid naricissim.

Another post attacking President Obama, with no evidence and a great amount of ignorance. You too need to look at reality, and stop playing the race card.


there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Our president is a fine, fine man!

This is an opinion, ^^^ a blind one.

There is nothing fine about Trump (and his lap dogs, Pence and Barr). These three are destroying the United States and the Rule of Law.

Trump has divided our nation's people, and have put everyone of us at risk by their callous and crazy failure to responsibly react to the Pandemic. Trump is putting himself and his hope for reelection before the health and well being of every living American.

Barr has created an already Megalomaniac into a Monster by his idiosyncratic behavior; Pence obsequiousness would be laughable had it not fed Trump's narcissism.

Trump has divided our nation's people,

After Obama did such a good job of uniting the nation?

Wrong. Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people. Examples: Flying the Stars and Bars; Jim Crow Laws, voter suppression, racism, misogyny and single issue voters [gun control, abortion, gay and lesbian marriage and of course Moscow Mitch).

Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people.

So they're just like Obama.

Bullshit. President Obama didn't hold rallies attacking all Republicans, minority American Citizens and blaming prior Presidents.

He blamed Bush all the time.

He was too busy fixing a broken economy, seeking to end two wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) and the resistance by Republican Pols who believe that they deserved to be the Party to occupy the White House.

Sadly he didn't end either and started new ones.

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Our president is a fine, fine man!

This is an opinion, ^^^ a blind one.

There is nothing fine about Trump (and his lap dogs, Pence and Barr). These three are destroying the United States and the Rule of Law.

Trump has divided our nation's people, and have put everyone of us at risk by their callous and crazy failure to responsibly react to the Pandemic. Trump is putting himself and his hope for reelection before the health and well being of every living American.

Barr has created an already Megalomaniac into a Monster by his idiosyncratic behavior; Pence obsequiousness would be laughable had it not fed Trump's narcissism.

Trump has divided our nation's people,

After Obama did such a good job of uniting the nation?

Wrong. Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people. Examples: Flying the Stars and Bars; Jim Crow Laws, voter suppression, racism, misogyny and single issue voters [gun control, abortion, gay and lesbian marriage and of course Moscow Mitch).

Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people.

So they're just like Obama.

Bullshit. President Obama didn't hold rallies attacking all Republicans, minority American Citizens and blaming prior Presidents. He was too busy fixing a broken economy, seeking to end two wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) and the resistance by Republican Pols who believe that they deserved to be the Party to occupy the White House.

He was to busy doing fundraisers for himself and democrats

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Our president is a fine, fine man!

This is an opinion, ^^^ a blind one.

There is nothing fine about Trump (and his lap dogs, Pence and Barr). These three are destroying the United States and the Rule of Law.

Trump has divided our nation's people, and have put everyone of us at risk by their callous and crazy failure to responsibly react to the Pandemic. Trump is putting himself and his hope for reelection before the health and well being of every living American.

Barr has created an already Megalomaniac into a Monster by his idiosyncratic behavior; Pence obsequiousness would be laughable had it not fed Trump's narcissism.

Trump has divided our nation's people,

After Obama did such a good job of uniting the nation?

Wrong. Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people. Examples: Flying the Stars and Bars; Jim Crow Laws, voter suppression, racism, misogyny and single issue voters [gun control, abortion, gay and lesbian marriage and of course Moscow Mitch).

Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people.

So they're just like Obama.

Bullshit. President Obama didn't hold rallies attacking all Republicans, minority American Citizens and blaming prior Presidents. He was too busy fixing a broken economy, seeking to end two wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) and the resistance by Republican Pols who believe that they deserved to be the Party to occupy the White House.

President Obama didn't hold rallies attacking all Republicans,

He was dividing, not uniting, Americans.

He was too busy fixing a broken economy,

Yes, his moronic over-regulation was very helpful.
The banking rollbacks are being made out of sheer terror that the markets aren't going anywhere before November. Like everything he does, this is all about Trump.

Dodd Frank was bad policy

Overall it was. So is what Trump just did.

Trump is saving us from Obama bad policy. The economy came back because Trump got rid of many of Obama bad policies

It crashed because of bad Trump policies?

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Our president is a fine, fine man!

This is an opinion, ^^^ a blind one.

There is nothing fine about Trump (and his lap dogs, Pence and Barr). These three are destroying the United States and the Rule of Law.

Trump has divided our nation's people, and have put everyone of us at risk by their callous and crazy failure to responsibly react to the Pandemic. Trump is putting himself and his hope for reelection before the health and well being of every living American.

Barr has created an already Megalomaniac into a Monster by his idiosyncratic behavior; Pence obsequiousness would be laughable had it not fed Trump's narcissism.

Trump has divided our nation's people,

After Obama did such a good job of uniting the nation?

Wrong. Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people. Examples: Flying the Stars and Bars; Jim Crow Laws, voter suppression, racism, misogyny and single issue voters [gun control, abortion, gay and lesbian marriage and of course Moscow Mitch).

Future Trump supporters have always divided our nation's people.

So they're just like Obama.

Bullshit. President Obama didn't hold rallies attacking all Republicans, minority American Citizens and blaming prior Presidents. He was too busy fixing a broken economy, seeking to end two wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) and the resistance by Republican Pols who believe that they deserved to be the Party to occupy the White House.

President Obama didn't hold rallies attacking all Republicans,

He was dividing, not uniting, Americans.

Nothing has changed with Trump.
The banking rollbacks are being made out of sheer terror that the markets aren't going anywhere before November. Like everything he does, this is all about Trump.

Dodd Frank was bad policy

Overall it was. So is what Trump just did.

Trump is saving us from Obama bad policy. The economy came back because Trump got rid of many of Obama bad policies

It crashed because of bad Trump policies?

What crashed? Right now the only thing keeping the economy down is China's covid19

there's nothing left of Obama's legacy

Which is not the point....The point is the asshats will fuck things over again and the feds will give them money to cover their asses, so we have yet again another future case of state capitalism propping up capitalist with taxpayer monies..Yet this form of socialism is acceptable

and the feds will give them money to cover their asses

Yes give.

Bank TARP was paid back, the US Treasury made 10s of billions in profits.
PPP loans are grants in disguise. I wish I could have gotten bail out funds when times got tough but no, I never did...

PPP loans are grants in disguise.

So we're off the claim, "feds gave them money to cover their asses" last time?
The banking rollbacks are being made out of sheer terror that the markets aren't going anywhere before November. Like everything he does, this is all about Trump.

Dodd Frank was bad policy

Overall it was. So is what Trump just did.

Trump is saving us from Obama bad policy. The economy came back because Trump got rid of many of Obama bad policies

It crashed because of bad Trump policies?

What crashed? Right now the only thing keeping the economy down is China's covid19

The only thing that was keeping it up was artificially low interest rates and Q.E. Otherwise known as Socialism.
it looks like some folks (LIBERALS) like to be parasites to society, my friends

That's bullshit. Why don't you grow up and begin to open your eyes and take advantage of reality, not what you've been told what to believe.


What an impressive debate tactic.....


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