Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

At the same time, anyone who believes there was an Imminent Danger from Qaddafi / Libya, so much so that Obama did not have time to go before Congress to make his case about how we should use our military to help Al Qaeida overthrow Qaddafi, is also willfully ignorant or blindly partisan. Obama by-passed Congress and took the nation to war on his own, using our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya.

You never hear Liberals bitching about how Obama lied and took the country to war, though. At least Democrats argued for the Iraq war and voted to give Obama authority to go to war. Obama just did it on his own.
First I didn't mention Carter, Reagan, Bush(41),Clinton, or Bush(43) either. Second only a partisan hack can blame Obama for the US withdrawal and the mess left by the occupation.
Obama himself tried to take credit for the withdrawal, citing his campaign promise to take troops out of harm's way...even though all he did was follow the withdrawal timeline established under Bush. Since 'withdrawing' troops Obama has sent troops back into both Iraq and Afghanistan. If Obama is to be blamed for anything in Iraq it is the way he allowed ISIS - the 'JV Team' - invade Iraq UN-OPPOSED, taking much of the country our military had liberated at great cost.
At the same time, anyone who believes there was an Imminent Danger from Qaddafi / Libya, so much so that Obama did not have time to go before Congress to make his case about how we should use our military to help Al Qaeida overthrow Qaddafi, is also willfully ignorant or blindly partisan. Obama by-passed Congress and took the nation to war on his own, using our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya.

You never hear Liberals bitching about how Obama lied and took the country to war, though. At least Democrats argued for the Iraq war and voted to give Obama authority to go to war. Obama just did it on his own.

How many troops did President Obama deployed in this war? What was the casualty figures in this war? How long did it take for US forces to oust Qaddafi? Did he leave an occupying force? Why didn't Congress invoke the War Powers Act against the President?
First I didn't mention Carter, Reagan, Bush(41),Clinton, or Bush(43) either. Second only a partisan hack can blame Obama for the US withdrawal and the mess left by the occupation.
Obama himself tried to take credit for the withdrawal, citing his campaign promise to take troops out of harm's way...even though all he did was follow the withdrawal timeline established under Bush. Since 'withdrawing' troops Obama has sent troops back into both Iraq and Afghanistan. If Obama is to be blamed for anything in Iraq it is the way he allowed ISIS - the 'JV Team' - invade Iraq UN-OPPOSED, taking much of the country our military had liberated at great cost.

The withdrawal timeline was a signed agreement between Iraq and the US, President Bush sign it and with great fanfare (and shoe throwing) took credit for it too. Everyone knew the Civil war in Iraq would begin again in earnest after we left, no matter when that was.
How many troops did President Obama deployed in this war? What was the casualty figures in this war? How long did it take for US forces to oust Qaddafi? Did he leave an occupying force? Why didn't Congress invoke the War Powers Act against the President?

Great questions - let me know what you find out in your research.... Still doesn't take away from the fact that Obama armed Libyan Rebels (Al Qaeida), who had been hiring Jihadists for years to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill US troops, and used our military to help kill Qaddafi and hand control of Libya over to Al Qaeida.

There was no imminent threat that dictated we immediately send our military to war against Libya. There was no reason to by-pass Congress and for Obama NOT to get the same Congressional authorization to go to war that Bush acquired before we went into Iraq. The ONLY reason NOT to go to Congress to ask for Congressional approval was that even Obama knew there was no way in hell he could put forth an argument to drag the US into the middle of Libya's civil war to aid the perpetrators of 9/11/01 in the eventual outcome. The US had no business injecting itself into the middle of Libya's civil war.

By the same measure, Obama / the US had no business injecting ourselves into the middle of Syria's civil war. The use of WMD in Syria was NOT the concern of the US but was the UN's responsibility to address. Obama's 'Red Line' was an embarrassing, dismal failure and obe that led to Obama's obsession with Assad and Syria, driving him to fight his own personal 'proxy' war in which he supplied, armed, trained, and even protected ISIS.
Your wet dream leaves out the Magic Neeeeeegro...I wonder why....
Because loyalty to the Leader is one of the most elementary rules of partisanship.

First I didn't mention Carter, Reagan, Bush(41),Clinton, or Bush(43) either. Second only a partisan hack can blame Obama for the US withdrawal and the mess left by the occupation.
If Obabble could turn around the economy, he certainly could have turned Maliki around. He CHOSE not the onus is on him.
Trump 2007:

"Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

And for all of you who vilify Obama for demobilizing in Iraq and causing the creation of ISIS:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Because I'll tell you, this county is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war. And it's gonna go to Iran, and its gonna go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. By the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit, but the day we leave anyway, its all gonna blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man (and it will be man, it will not be a woman. That we understand. People will say, "Oh gee, you didn't give the women a chance. It will be a man.) compared to the person who takes over for Saddam Hussein. He will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy. And he will have one thing, one thing. He will hate America, and he will use it to flame.

So Trump's foreign policy in 2007 was WORSE than Obama's, using the right wing yardstick.

For those of you who insist there were WMDs in Iraq:

BLITZER: What do you think of some of these scandals that are unfolding in Washington right now as we speak? The Attorney General is under fire, Alberto Gonzalez. What do you make of this as an executive trying to watch an Administration?

TRUMP: Look. Everything in Washington has been a lie. Weapons of mass destruction, was a total lie! It was a way of attacking Iraq, which he thought was going to be easy, and it turned out to be the exact opposite of easy. "He reads 60 books a year. He reads a book a week." Do you think the President reads a book a week? I don't think so. "He doesn't watch television." Now one thing I know, when I'm on television, I watch. Or I try. Because you do! Your own ego says you know, let's watch. Whether its good or bad, you watch, right? "He doesn't watch television". Does anybody really believe that? Now they're doing this whole scandal with US Attorneys. Now they're finding emails. It's proven to be a lie. Everything's a lie. It's all a big lie.

BLITZER: So what's gonna happen?

TRUMP: Well, it depends if the Democrats get their act together, they're going to have a big victory in a couple years.

In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies!
So there you have it.

1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

This is the GOP front runner, suckers! Can you believe it!?! You can't make this shit up. The GOP front runner was out there trashing every right wing belief every time he got near a microphone.

If you wrote this in a novel, no one would buy it. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

So just how retarded do you have to be to suspend your disbelief THIS FUCKING MUCH to fall in love with this huckster? Huh?

Your poor dumb bastards. You got yourselves into a real pickle. You have to either reject Trump, or reject everything you tards have professed for the past 7 years.

Which is it going to be? Hmmmm...
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OK, now tell us what was on all those planes and trucks that went to Syria during the build up to the invasion.

It doesnt matter because Bush allowed it to happen. Had he truly wanted to cease WMDs he would not have announced such a long warning period and would have gone in with the surprise element behind him to grab those weapons. But he did not and instead gave Hussein plenty of time to remove what weapons he may have had. Doing that served the dual interest of protecting American and European corporations that had been violating the cease fire while also allowing him an excuse for not finding the massive stock piles of WMDs he knew was not there in the first place.

Bush is a neocon who thinks that lying to the public and his political supporters is an acceptable tool of state craft, and the invasion of Iraq is the epitome of his neocon values system.

Nice conspiracy theory.
So there you have it.

1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

This is the GOP front runner, suckers! Can you believe it!?! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Your poor dumb bastards. You got yourselves into a real pickle. You have to either reject Trump, or reject everything you tards have professed for the past 7 years.

Which is it going to be? Hmmmm...
Lol, George W Bush is a neocon, and Trump is not a neocon.

Neocons believe that it is important for leaders to use lies to govern, and Trump thinks that is bad for America.

While I wouldnt go so far as to say Bush should have been impeached, I do think he was one of the worst Presidents since WW2, and the lie that he kept us safe is just the epitome of what neocon leadership is all about.

And Trump I think has every right to his opinion, and while I disagree with some of it, I find that far more preferable to lying ass hats like Hillary, Rubio or Jeb!
OK, now tell us what was on all those planes and trucks that went to Syria during the build up to the invasion.

It doesnt matter because Bush allowed it to happen. Had he truly wanted to cease WMDs he would not have announced such a long warning period and would have gone in with the surprise element behind him to grab those weapons. But he did not and instead gave Hussein plenty of time to remove what weapons he may have had. Doing that served the dual interest of protecting American and European corporations that had been violating the cease fire while also allowing him an excuse for not finding the massive stock piles of WMDs he knew was not there in the first place.

Bush is a neocon who thinks that lying to the public and his political supporters is an acceptable tool of state craft, and the invasion of Iraq is the epitome of his neocon values system.

Nice conspiracy theory.

Lol, it is not a conspiracy theory. These are facts of the public domain and if you were nt so stupid and lazy you would know that they are.

Curveball (informant) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your wet dream leaves out the Magic Neeeeeegro...I wonder why....
Because loyalty to the Leader is one of the most elementary rules of partisanship.

First I didn't mention Carter, Reagan, Bush(41),Clinton, or Bush(43) either. Second only a partisan hack can blame Obama for the US withdrawal and the mess left by the occupation.
If Obabble could turn around the economy, he certainly could have turned Maliki around. He CHOSE not the onus is on him.

He certainly could have applied more pressure after the withdrawal to make Maliki do as promised and include the Sunnis in the Government.
The same tards who worshipped Bush are now worshipping someone who trashed Bush and their entire belief system.

This is right out of Orwell.
So there you have it.

1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

This is the GOP front runner, suckers! Can you believe it!?! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Your poor dumb bastards. You got yourselves into a real pickle. You have to either reject Trump, or reject everything you tards have professed for the past 7 years.

Which is it going to be? Hmmmm...
Lol, George W Bush is a neocon, and Trump is not a neocon.

Neocons believe that it is important for leaders to use lies to govern, and Trump thinks that is bad for America.

While I wouldnt go so far as to say Bush should have been impeached, I do think he was one of the worst Presidents since WW2, and the lie that he kept us safe is just the epitome of what neocon leadership is all about.

And Trump I think has every right to his opinion, and while I disagree with some of it, I find that far more preferable to lying ass hats like Hillary, Rubio or Jeb!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. "We have always been at war with eastasia".

Sure. I get it. Yeah.
Trump is a jackass. Always has been, always will be.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

Trump made it clear that he believes the War in Iraq was a mistake and that the Bush Admin lied about the intelligence. He doesn't need to keep picking at the scab. That is just good politics.

Anyone who still believes that cover story about "imminent danger" and "mushroom clouds" from Iraq is either willfully ignorant or a blind partisan. We conservatives need to confront the demons of the "W" past and not be afraid to admit we were misled. Bush was a disaster. NEXT!!

This is about Trump not Bush, the fact is Trump backpedaled and softened his remarks.

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