Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

It's on the record. What more can he say? Did he say Bush told the truth? Then he isn't walking anything back.

Actually he said Bush made a bad mistake.
Bush did make a big mistake and lied to America about the intel.

But people in the Republican PArty dont want their noses rubbed in it 24/7.

I can understand that perhaps you want Trump to commit political suicide by hammering an irrelevant issue.

Jeb! aint gonna win, so why bother with his families legacy?

Funny, I keep hearing that claim, yet no one has explained how Bush got all the other leaders of the free world to go along with this, so called lie, and get them to lie to their countries also. Do you have any proof of this conspiracy?
Lol, yes, they found no WMDs of any signifance in IRaq after untold thousands of dead.

Curveball was a known liar, the Brits knew it, but Bush ran with it anyway. His appointees in the intell community had their reports revised to the point that some refused to sign the revisions. Things that might well have been WMDs were solid known WMDs, things that remotely may have been became likely WMDs.

Bush lied like all these political whores lie, by spin, omission and effrontery.

OK, now tell us what was on all those planes and trucks that went to Syria during the build up to the invasion.
Trump Fox news poll 100% after the last debate.

Fox News Poll: National presidential race February 18, 2016

Fox New Poll Republican 02-18-16.png

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer says if Donald Trump can get away with his attack on George W. Bush and national safety under his watch at Saturday's Republican debate then he is truly "Teflon Don."

Krauthammer: If Trump Can Get Away With Bush 9/11 Attack Then "He Really Is Teflon Don"
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
He's a flip flop, and not a A CMOS IC implementation of a "true single-phase edge-triggered flip-flop with reset"
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.

I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

The wind direction on his upraised finger must have shifted.
So in hindsight Trump has changed his mind about Iraq war...and? Liberals are acting like this is something new, like no politician has ever done so before, like one of THEIR politicians ever did so.

Hussein and Iraq invaded Kuwait. The President made the case to use our military to liberate Kuwait. The Democrats strongly opposed this and had it recorded in the Congressional logs as having opposed it. The American people, however, rallied strongly behind our troops. The support for the operation and our TROOPS was overwhelming.... The Democrats, upon seeing this, actually held a vote calling for the Congressional historical records to be CHANGED to (falsely) show they had supported the military effort from the start...and did so. They were afraid that in the next election their opponents would attack them for being against the effort to Liberate Kuwait.


Now, please, by all means, continue bashing Trump for flip-flopping...

(Oh, why is it when a Democrat does it it's called 'changing their minds' but when a GOP does it it's called 'flip flopping'? :p )
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

Trump is winning SC by double digits and all indications are that Jeb is going to fold his campaign after Saturday.

Trump won the argument, no point in repeating it.

Iraq was a disaster. The Bush Crime Family is an embarrassment.
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.

GUy, in the legal situation you just described, you'd be arrested for ASSAULT for beating up the guy who was just "taunting" you.

Of course, Saddam wasn't even "taunting' us.

He was just minding his own business when Bush decided to stop chasing the guy who had assaulted us (leaving it for the new guy to finally take care of) and went after that guy because that guy made his Daddy look bad once.

so we can always count on you for an analogy that doesn't make a lick of sense when put under scrutiny.
And Hillary voted to give Bush the authority to invade Iraq, even argued on the Senate floor how it had to be done and Hussein had to be overthrown.
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.

GUy, in the legal situation you just described, you'd be arrested for ASSAULT for beating up the guy who was just "taunting" you.

Of course, Saddam wasn't even "taunting' us.

He was just minding his own business when Bush decided to stop chasing the guy who had assaulted us (leaving it for the new guy to finally take care of) and went after that guy because that guy made his Daddy look bad once.

so we can always count on you for an analogy that doesn't make a lick of sense when put under scrutiny.
I take it you were in nursery school when all this was going down.
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.


You support a thug to harass a former friend. Then you snooker the thug into punching a neighbor by saying you don't care, then you switch sides, enlist a bunch of other friends who help you punch your former ally in support of your new friend. You continue to punch him and eventually most of your friend stop and want you to stop too. But instead you kill him and then things devolve into a three way shit sandwich ... You choose one and agree to pull out...and everything devolved even further when one of the others starts smelling really really bad.......
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.


You support a thug to harass a former friend. Then you snooker the thug into punching a neighbor by saying you don't care, then you switch sides, enlist a bunch of other friends who help you punch your former ally in support of your new friend. You continue to punch him and eventually most of your friend stop and want you to stop too. But instead you kill him and then things devolve into a three way shit sandwich ... You choose one and agree to pull out...and everything devolved even further when one of the others starts smelling really really bad.......
Your wet dream leaves out the Magic Neeeeeegro...I wonder why....
OK, now tell us what was on all those planes and trucks that went to Syria during the build up to the invasion.

It doesnt matter because Bush allowed it to happen. Had he truly wanted to cease WMDs he would not have announced such a long warning period and would have gone in with the surprise element behind him to grab those weapons. But he did not and instead gave Hussein plenty of time to remove what weapons he may have had. Doing that served the dual interest of protecting American and European corporations that had been violating the cease fire while also allowing him an excuse for not finding the massive stock piles of WMDs he knew was not there in the first place.

Bush is a neocon who thinks that lying to the public and his political supporters is an acceptable tool of state craft, and the invasion of Iraq is the epitome of his neocon values system.
"No, I don't regret giving the president authority because at the time it was in the context of weapons of mass destruction, grave threats to the United States, and clearly, Saddam Hussein had been a real problem for the international community for more than a decade."
-- Hillary Clinton - Hillary Clinton: No regret on Iraq vote - Apr 21, 2004

2003 (To the Council on Foreign Relations):
“I was one who supported giving President Bush the authority, if necessary, to use force against Saddam Hussein. I believe that that was the right vote. I have had many disputes and disagreements with the administration over how that authority has been used, but I stand by the vote to provide the authority because I think it was a necessary step in order to maximize the outcome that did occur in the Security Council with the unanimous vote to send in inspectors.”


"During her 2008 campaign, Clinton defended her vote as a way to give President George W. Bush authority to deal with Iraq"....

“I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book, I have talked about it in the past,” Clinton told reporters at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, adding that “what we now see is a very different and very dangerous situation.”

Well NO SHITE what we see NOW is a different situation. What we see now is a LIBERATED Iraq, by our military at great expense, fighting against ISIS, which Obama allowed to invade Iraq without any opposition.

Using her magnanimous pours of HINDSIGHT Hillary has flip-flopped and declared she opposes going to war in Iraq. That does not change the fact that she argued FOR going to war with Iraq as a Senator and voted to give Bush the authorization to do so as a Senator.
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I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

Trump made it clear that he believes the War in Iraq was a mistake and that the Bush Admin lied about the intelligence. He doesn't need to keep picking at the scab. That is just good politics.

Anyone who still believes that cover story about "imminent danger" and "mushroom clouds" from Iraq is either willfully ignorant or a blind partisan. We conservatives need to confront the demons of the "W" past and not be afraid to admit we were misled. Bush was a disaster. NEXT!!
Is what W did so complicated?

You're standing on the corner and some thugs come up and one punches you in the face. You kick him in the nuts, poke out his left eye, break his arm and he runs away. His buddy stands there giving you shit. You tell him to go away or you'll kill him. He continues with his aggressive behavior. You say some ugly things about him...which you believe to be true. He persists. You drop him. Then you make the mistake of trying to be nice to his buddies. That's when the situation goes to shit. Eventually you in some reinforcements and make everything good.. Then you leave a new guy in charge and he withdraws all your reinforcements and the whole thing goes to hell again. That is the story of Iraq.


You support a thug to harass a former friend. Then you snooker the thug into punching a neighbor by saying you don't care, then you switch sides, enlist a bunch of other friends who help you punch your former ally in support of your new friend. You continue to punch him and eventually most of your friend stop and want you to stop too. But instead you kill him and then things devolve into a three way shit sandwich ... You choose one and agree to pull out...and everything devolved even further when one of the others starts smelling really really bad.......
Your wet dream leaves out the Magic Neeeeeegro...I wonder why....

"You" of course means America and our elected leaders and, because our involvement in Iraq spans 6 administrations none were mentioned by name. But since you asked, it begins with the aforementioned pull-out.....and everything devolved even further.....

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