Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

In the process, we lost the world's sympathy and trust.
No, we lost the world's trust when the world found out Obama had been supplying, arming, training, and protecting ISIS and that while France and Russia was launching attacks against ISIS in retaliation for the Paris attacks Obama was dropping leaflets down to ISIS warning them of the pending attacks.

No, we lost the world's trust when Obama ignored America's promise to help protect the Ukraine's sovereignty...and cowardly backed down from Putin without doing ANYTHING.

No, we lost the world's trust when Obama issued his infamous 'Red Line' challenge, cowardly backed down from the ill-advised move, and then sought to blame THE WORLD for his dumbass move.
Trump can't stand the Bush family for one reason. His ego was squashed when they dared publicly call him out on his story that George HW Bush considered him for his vp choice. They said Trump approached them, not the other way around, as he liked to proclaim. The man is an egomaniac.

I guess you feel Trump is lying, now?

Bull he did so much tap dancing you'd of thought he was auditioning for dancing with the stars. He stumbled around for 4-5 minutes.
That is total bullshit.

You are a fucking liar.

Jesus! No, Trump simply changed his mind. Why is that so difficult for you to grasp? Nothing of 'changing ones mind' has anything to do with lying.
Trump says so, and that Bush should be impeached for it. .

By all means, please go right ahead and begin Impeachment proceedings on President Bush.


Hey, dumbshit. It shows Trump wanted to impeach Bush. It can't be helped you are too retarded to grasp that.

WHO invaded Iraq? President Bush ordered it with the full support of and authorization from Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and others.

Yeah, we get it. Whenever anything bad happens anywhere, it's all on Obama.

But when it comes to Bush it's, "B-b-b-but he had help!"
Did Boosh lie, or did he carry out the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs that clinton signed?

There is a distinction. Remember, Boosh was not the first to propagate existence of WMDs.

It was more than just clinton and Booooosh. Saddams son in laws along with UN security council also claiming he had them. All before Booooosh took office.

We also know the country's paradigm shifted on how to deal with terror sponsored nations that were enemies of this nation. No longer could we be reactive to posed threats. Look what 19 men did with out a gun. The democrats seemed to agree considering how they voted for the war, before they spoke out against it.

Just saying.
There was justifiable grounds to invade Iraq, IMO, without shifting the entire argument for doing so to a WMD threat.

We knew SH had WMDs as American companies sold him many of them to fight the Iranians and did so with our governments blessings. So when he was to destroy these weapons after 91, he started doing so, but he had to document the process. It was this failure in documenting the process in later years that led to gaps in the record and gave concerns to the US and others that SH still might have quite a few of them. But these gaps were known to be due to incompetence not some vast hoarding of weapons.

So what made Bush decide to invade Iraq? I dont think it had anything to do with WMDs but instead it was SH's plan to sell oil for Euros. This would undermine the US dollar which is largely backed by the oil nations insistence on being paid only in US dollars. The same thing happened to Libya's Kaddafi when he was planning to shift to the use of a Libyan gold backed currency to buy his oil.

Reality is almost never as simple as the establishment wants us to think it is.
Be careful, he will slap a defamation lawsuit on you.

I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US.

2) Trump believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

3) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

4) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

5) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

6) Pro-choice.

7) Pro socialized medicine.

8) Pro big government.

9) Big contributor to, and supporter of, the Clintons.

10) Trump said Hillary Clinton would be a great President.

There isn't a single right wing belief Trump can be found having supported!

Trump is the definition of RINO.

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Yeah, we get it. Whenever anything bad happens anywhere, it's all on Obama.
WHO says that? All Liberals, and Obama, have done the last 7 years is cry 'B..b..b..but BUSH!' Nothing is ever on Obama. ACTUALLY, Liberals have never really gotten over 'Florida' and have been mentally deranged to this day over it. :p
Yeah, we get it. Whenever anything bad happens anywhere, it's all on Obama.
WHO says that? All Liberals, and Obama, have done the last 7 years is cry 'B..b..b..but BUSH!' Nothing is ever on Obama. ACTUALLY, Liberals have never really gotten over 'Florida' and have been mentally deranged to this day over it. :p
Well, they were mentally deranged before Florida, but I see what you are saying. True.

Remember, they are the same ones that blamed the women clinton assaulted.
Yeah, we get it. Whenever anything bad happens anywhere, it's all on Obama.
WHO says that? All Liberals, and Obama, have done the last 7 years is cry 'B..b..b..but BUSH!' Nothing is ever on Obama. ACTUALLY, Liberals have never really gotten over 'Florida' and have been mentally deranged to this day over it. :p
The only time someone says, "BUSH" with respect to Obama is when you tards are caught being raging hypocrites.

And you never learn. You continue in your hypocrisy unabated.
1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

5) Pro-choice.

6) Pro socialized medicine.

7) Pro big government.

8) Big contributor to, and supporter of, the Clintons.

9) Trump said Hillary Clinton would be a good President.

There isn't a single right wing belief Trump can be found having supported!

Trump is the definition of RINO.

You dont understand what a RINO is, which isnt a surprise considering your repeated display of ignorance and partisan hackery.

A RINO is a Republican who says he will support one agenda, but when he gets into DC he does the opposite. A classic example is the collaborator John McCain. He runs so much to the right in Arizona it embarrasses his liberal family, but when he gets into DC he revolts against his own party leadership to form a centrist voting block and pushes through the Gang of 8's immigration 'reform'. Being a former Democrat or liberal has nothing to do with it.

Since Trump has yet to serve in office, no one knows if he will follow through or not, but I think he will because he can make so much profit off his brand if he does.
Yeah, we get it. Whenever anything bad happens anywhere, it's all on Obama.
WHO says that? All Liberals, and Obama, have done the last 7 years is cry 'B..b..b..but BUSH!' Nothing is ever on Obama. ACTUALLY, Liberals have never really gotten over 'Florida' and have been mentally deranged to this day over it. :p
Well, they were mentally deranged before Florida, but I see what you are saying. True.

Remember, they are the same ones that blamed the women clinton assaulted.
Yep, they should have been wearing Burkas around Bill; he couldnt help himself.
One has to be literally retarded at this point not to see right through Trump. You have to be literally retarded to bleev he is a Republican or that he has conservatives interests at heart.

He is a liberal Democrat, as has been amply proven.
1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

5) Pro-choice.

6) Pro socialized medicine.

7) Pro big government.

8) Big contributor to, and supporter of, the Clintons.

9) Trump said Hillary Clinton would be a good President.

There isn't a single right wing belief Trump can be found having supported!

Trump is the definition of RINO.

You dont understand what a RINO is, which isnt a surprise considering your repeated display of ignorance and partisan hackery.
A RINO is someone who is a liberal or who is a bigot or a hypocrite or just plain crazy.

Trump is as liberal as they come, as I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
trump is a idiot! I'd of said that the war was a massive mistake and left it at that.

Meh, I hardly think that makes him an idiot.

Which is curious, he is the one candidate that would most insure that NASA gets the budget you claim to want for it, and to support more science research.

And you call him an idiot? peculiar
The only time someone says, "BUSH" with respect to Obama is when you tards are caught being raging hypocrites.

BS - you LIE!

Democrats took over a Super majority of Congress Bush's last 2 years n office, controlling the prse strings / spending those 2 years. democrats rage by claiming the economy went south those last 2 years under bush...when THEY controlled the economy, spending, and the budget... YET those same Democrats - like Obama - declare the economy Obama inherited was 'BUSH'S' fault. By your own admissions the economy Obama 'inherited' was NOT BUSH's but was instead the DEMOCRATS'!

Democrats claimed Fast and Furious was Bush's fault...except Bush NEVER authorized it because HE was smart enough to realize once the weapons were across the border they could not be controlled / recovered. OBAMA, however, DID authorize thousands of guns and grenades to flow across the border...resulting in the deaths of at LEAST 500 civilians, to include 1 US BPA and a military member killed in Chattanooga TN in a terrorist attack.

Democrats / Obama has whined, cried, and bitched for 7 years claiming everything that went wrong was Bush's fault!
OLD TRUMP: Bush is a lying creep, and impeaching him would be a wonderful thing. By the way, I'm VERY pro-choice. And I think everyone should have medical care, and the government should pay for it. We should also cut and run from Iraq. I love the Clintons. I give them lots of money, including Bill's Foundation. I think Hillary would make a GREAT President. You Republicans...get a life, will you people? For crying out loud, it's just a TV show, dammit!

(*offstage arguing, pushing, and shouting*)

NEW TRUMP: Of course that speech was a recreation of the evil Donald Trump from Episode...uhhh...37. Ehhhh...The Enemy Within. This primary is ahead Warp Factor 9!
OLD TRUMP: Bush is a lying creep, and impeaching him would be a wonderful thing. By the way, I'm VERY pro-choice. And I think everyone should have medical care, and the government should pay for it. We should also cut and run from Iraq. I love the Clintons. I give them lots of money, including Bill's Foundation. I think Hillary would make a GREAT President. You Republicans...get a life, will you people? For crying out loud, it's just a TV show, dammit!

(*offstage arguing, pushing, and shouting*)

NEW TRUMP: Of course that speech was a recreation of the evil Donald Trump from Episode...uhhh...37. Ehhhh...The Enemy Within. This primary is ahead Warp Factor 9!
Why do you ideologues have such a hard time understanding that people can change their minds?

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