Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

Because loyalty to the Leader is one of the most elementary rules of partisanship.

First I didn't mention Carter, Reagan, Bush(41),Clinton, or Bush(43) either. Second only a partisan hack can blame Obama for the US withdrawal and the mess left by the occupation.
If Obabble could turn around the economy, he certainly could have turned Maliki around. He CHOSE not the onus is on him.

Obama told Maliki he would only allow US troops to remain if Maliki got parliamentary assurance that said troops would not be subject to Iraqnamese legal jurisdiction.....Maliki declined.....

Obama offered the same deal to Karzai.......though he originally resisted, it was eventually agreed that US troops would not be subject to Afghani legal jurisidiction....

Any questions?
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.
I take it you were in nursery school when all this was going down.

um, no, but duly noted how I blew the crap out of your silly analogy.

We attacked a country that was not our enemy over weapons that didn't exist. In the process, we lost the world's sympathy and trust.
You blew Libtards are wont to do. We were in a state of war with Iraq from HW Bush on. Study my link and then go flush yourself.

.Timeline, 1990 - 2011 - US - Iraq War -

And Bush Sr. made the original mistake. Blood for oil.
Saddam made all the mistakes, Mona. W made him pay. Clinton deferred. Obabble would have bent over.

Pay for what?
Payed with.....his neck.
First I didn't mention Carter, Reagan, Bush(41),Clinton, or Bush(43) either. Second only a partisan hack can blame Obama for the US withdrawal and the mess left by the occupation.
If Obabble could turn around the economy, he certainly could have turned Maliki around. He CHOSE not the onus is on him.

Obama told Maliki he would only allow US troops to remain if Maliki got parliamentary assurance that said troops would not be subject to Iraqnamese legal jurisdiction.....Maliki declined.....

Obama offered the same deal to Karzai.......though he originally resisted, it was eventually agreed that US troops would not be subject to Afghani legal jurisidiction....

Any questions?
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It's not what you can boldly assert, it's what you can demonstrate.........
um, no, but duly noted how I blew the crap out of your silly analogy.

We attacked a country that was not our enemy over weapons that didn't exist. In the process, we lost the world's sympathy and trust.
You blew Libtards are wont to do. We were in a state of war with Iraq from HW Bush on. Study my link and then go flush yourself.

.Timeline, 1990 - 2011 - US - Iraq War -

And Bush Sr. made the original mistake. Blood for oil.
Saddam made all the mistakes, Mona. W made him pay. Clinton deferred. Obabble would have bent over.

Pay for what?
Payed with.....his neck.

Do you understand how prepositions function?

They aren't interchangeable you know.....
If Obabble could turn around the economy, he certainly could have turned Maliki around. He CHOSE not the onus is on him.

Obama told Maliki he would only allow US troops to remain if Maliki got parliamentary assurance that said troops would not be subject to Iraqnamese legal jurisdiction.....Maliki declined.....

Obama offered the same deal to Karzai.......though he originally resisted, it was eventually agreed that US troops would not be subject to Afghani legal jurisidiction....

Any questions?
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It's not what you can boldly assert, it's what you can demonstrate.........
Obabble did neither.
You blew Libtards are wont to do. We were in a state of war with Iraq from HW Bush on. Study my link and then go flush yourself.

.Timeline, 1990 - 2011 - US - Iraq War -

And Bush Sr. made the original mistake. Blood for oil.
Saddam made all the mistakes, Mona. W made him pay. Clinton deferred. Obabble would have bent over.

Pay for what?
Payed with.....his neck.

Do you understand how prepositions function?

They aren't interchangeable you know.....
There's no preposition in "W made him pay". If there was it would have been, "W made him pay with his neck". You said "for". Your mistake. Any further observations, Professor?
No, we lost the world's trust when the world found out Obama had been supplying, arming, training, and protecting ISIS and that while France and Russia was launching attacks against ISIS in retaliation for the Paris attacks Obama was dropping leaflets down to ISIS warning them of the pending attacks.

dude you need to stop reading conspiracy websites and drinking the bong water.

No, we lost the world's trust when Obama ignored America's promise to help protect the Ukraine's sovereignty...and cowardly backed down from Putin without doing ANYTHING.

You mean he wasn't willing to start WWIII over a problem the Ukrainians brought down upon themselves? If only such wisdom had been shown after a certain archduke got shot.

No, we lost the world's trust when Obama issued his infamous 'Red Line' challenge, cowardly backed down from the ill-advised move, and then sought to blame THE WORLD for his dumbass move.

If the world wasn't willing to take Assad out over chemical weapons, why is that our problem, again?
First I didn't mention Carter, Reagan, Bush(41),Clinton, or Bush(43) either. Second only a partisan hack can blame Obama for the US withdrawal and the mess left by the occupation.
If Obabble could turn around the economy, he certainly could have turned Maliki around. He CHOSE not the onus is on him.

Obama told Maliki he would only allow US troops to remain if Maliki got parliamentary assurance that said troops would not be subject to Iraqnamese legal jurisdiction.....Maliki declined.....

Obama offered the same deal to Karzai.......though he originally resisted, it was eventually agreed that US troops would not be subject to Afghani legal jurisidiction....

Any questions?
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

Obama told Maliki he would only allow US troops to remain if Maliki got parliamentary assurance that said troops would not be subject to Iraqnamese legal jurisdiction.....Maliki declined.....

Obama offered the same deal to Karzai.......though he originally resisted, it was eventually agreed that US troops would not be subject to Afghani legal jurisidiction....

Any questions?
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It's not what you can boldly assert, it's what you can demonstrate.........
Obabble did neither.

He demonstrated to Maliki that if US troops weren't going to be operating under US law, they wouldn't be hanging around protecting Maliki's ass....

that's a matter of record...
And Bush Sr. made the original mistake. Blood for oil.
Saddam made all the mistakes, Mona. W made him pay. Clinton deferred. Obabble would have bent over.

Pay for what?
Payed with.....his neck.

Do you understand how prepositions function?

They aren't interchangeable you know.....
There's no preposition in "W made him pay". If there was it would have been, "W made him pay with his neck". You said "for". Your mistake. Any further observations, Professor?

You said Commander Bunnypants made Saddam "pay".....I asked for what....

You've been staggering down Queer Street since....
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It's not what you can boldly assert, it's what you can demonstrate.........
Obabble did neither.

He demonstrated to Maliki that if US troops weren't going to be operating under US law, they wouldn't be hanging around protecting Maliki's ass....

that's a matter of record...

Obama cut and run, deal with it!

Obama created ISIS..
You blew Libtards are wont to do. We were in a state of war with Iraq from HW Bush on. Study my link and then go flush yourself.

Well, yeah, you can say that shit, but the reality is, no one sent his son or daughter off to die because Iraq was "taunting" us. They sent their sons and daughters off because Bush assured us Saddam was about to develop a nuke he was going to give to Bin Laden.

Bush Lied, People Died.

The Dixie Chicks got crucified for saying it, but Donald Trump will ride that right to the GOP nomination.
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It's not what you can boldly assert, it's what you can demonstrate.........
Obabble did neither.

He demonstrated to Maliki that if US troops weren't going to be operating under US law, they wouldn't be hanging around protecting Maliki's ass....

that's a matter of record...
Right. He took his marbles and went home. And lost everything we gained....and more.
You blew Libtards are wont to do. We were in a state of war with Iraq from HW Bush on. Study my link and then go flush yourself.

Well, yeah, you can say that shit, but the reality is, no one sent his son or daughter off to die because Iraq was "taunting" us. They sent their sons and daughters off because Bush assured us Saddam was about to develop a nuke he was going to give to Bin Laden.

Bush Lied, People Died.

The Dixie Chicks got crucified for saying it, but Donald Trump will ride that right to the GOP nomination.

More debunked far left religious propaganda!

Obama lied and people died!
If Obabble could turn around the economy, he certainly could have turned Maliki around. He CHOSE not the onus is on him.

Obama told Maliki he would only allow US troops to remain if Maliki got parliamentary assurance that said troops would not be subject to Iraqnamese legal jurisdiction.....Maliki declined.....

Obama offered the same deal to Karzai.......though he originally resisted, it was eventually agreed that US troops would not be subject to Afghani legal jurisidiction....

Any questions?
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It is a sad reality that, as CinC, Obama is not afforded the luxury of being as forthright as these clowns...

GOP Congressmen: Most Republicans Now Think Iraq War Was a Mistake
Obama told Maliki he would only allow US troops to remain if Maliki got parliamentary assurance that said troops would not be subject to Iraqnamese legal jurisdiction.....Maliki declined.....

Obama offered the same deal to Karzai.......though he originally resisted, it was eventually agreed that US troops would not be subject to Afghani legal jurisidiction....

Any questions?
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It is a sad reality that, as CinC, Obama is not afforded the luxury of being as forthright as these clowns...

GOP Congressmen: Most Republicans Now Think Iraq War Was a Mistake

So you dispute what Obama said?

So are you claiming that Obama lied?

The far left was relentless on GWB with their religious propaganda and they needed Obama to make all their religious narratives seem true!
And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It's not what you can boldly assert, it's what you can demonstrate.........
Obabble did neither.

He demonstrated to Maliki that if US troops weren't going to be operating under US law, they wouldn't be hanging around protecting Maliki's ass....

that's a matter of record...
Right. He took his marbles and went home. And lost everything we gained....and more.


As we further transition security responsibilities to the Iraqi Security Forces, military commanders will continue to move U.S. combat forces out of major populated areas so that they are all out by June 30, 2009.

  • The Security Agreement also sets a date of December 31, 2011, for all U.S. forces to withdraw from Iraq. This date reflects the increasing capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces as demonstrated in operations this year throughout Iraq, as well as an improved regional atmosphere towards Iraq, an expanding Iraqi economy, and an increasingly confident Iraqi government.

  • These dates therefore are based on an assessment of positive conditions on the ground and a realistic projection of when U.S. forces can reduce their presence and return home without a sacrificing the security gains made since the surge.
    Renewal in Iraq
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It's not what you can boldly assert, it's what you can demonstrate.........
Obabble did neither.

He demonstrated to Maliki that if US troops weren't going to be operating under US law, they wouldn't be hanging around protecting Maliki's ass....

that's a matter of record...
Right. He took his marbles and went home. And lost everything we gained....and more.


As we further transition security responsibilities to the Iraqi Security Forces, military commanders will continue to move U.S. combat forces out of major populated areas so that they are all out by June 30, 2009.

  • The Security Agreement also sets a date of December 31, 2011, for all U.S. forces to withdraw from Iraq. This date reflects the increasing capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces as demonstrated in operations this year throughout Iraq, as well as an improved regional atmosphere towards Iraq, an expanding Iraqi economy, and an increasingly confident Iraqi government.

  • These dates therefore are based on an assessment of positive conditions on the ground and a realistic projection of when U.S. forces can reduce their presence and return home without a sacrificing the security gains made since the surge.
    Renewal in Iraq

See how the far left now wants to give credit to GWB..

Obama did more "talking" with Iran than he has with anyone else..
No questions. Only the observation that the winner of the war dictates the rules from there on out. That takes balls...of which Obabble has none.

And yet it was Scrub who caved on the timetable in 2008.....and Obama who held firm...

go figger...
All was stable in 2008. Then the wobbler took over....and ran.

It is a sad reality that, as CinC, Obama is not afforded the luxury of being as forthright as these clowns...

GOP Congressmen: Most Republicans Now Think Iraq War Was a Mistake

So you dispute what Obama said?

So are you claiming that Obama lied?

The far left was relentless on GWB with their religious propaganda and they needed Obama to make all their religious narratives seem true!

You're a bit dense, Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voter.....

Iraqnam was a blunder of epic proportions........Scrub didn't have the courage to pay the political price of bringing US troops home under his watch.....that left Obama to deal with the CinC he has no choice but to put the most positive spin on it he can.....

Try to learn from this lesson, and check with me before you cast another vote...
It's not what you can boldly assert, it's what you can demonstrate.........
Obabble did neither.

He demonstrated to Maliki that if US troops weren't going to be operating under US law, they wouldn't be hanging around protecting Maliki's ass....

that's a matter of record...
Right. He took his marbles and went home. And lost everything we gained....and more.


As we further transition security responsibilities to the Iraqi Security Forces, military commanders will continue to move U.S. combat forces out of major populated areas so that they are all out by June 30, 2009.

  • The Security Agreement also sets a date of December 31, 2011, for all U.S. forces to withdraw from Iraq. This date reflects the increasing capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces as demonstrated in operations this year throughout Iraq, as well as an improved regional atmosphere towards Iraq, an expanding Iraqi economy, and an increasingly confident Iraqi government.

  • These dates therefore are based on an assessment of positive conditions on the ground and a realistic projection of when U.S. forces can reduce their presence and return home without a sacrificing the security gains made since the surge.
    Renewal in Iraq

See how the far left now wants to give credit to GWB..

Obama did more "talking" with Iran than he has with anyone else..

I post the whine....

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