Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

This is the GOP front runner, you stupid rubes!

You are sucking the cock of a huckster.
So you are saying Iraq is responsible for ISIS invading Iraq, that it was not Obama's supplying, arming, training, and protecting ISIS and his allowing them to flow into Iraq UN-Opposed to take over much of the country our soldiers had liberated at great expense while Obama did his best to minimalize the threat of the 'JV Team'.?!

Yes to the part where Iraq was responsible for the conditions in Anbar Provence that made the Sunnis support ISIS and drive out the Shiites. No to your stupid conspiracy theory about President Obama supplying, training and protecting ISIS because that's just stupid.
1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

This is the GOP front runner, you stupid rubes!

You are sucking the cock of a huckster.
...everything Liberals and Barry, therefore, we can expect liberals to vote for Trump. Great point. Thanks.
1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

This is the GOP front runner, you stupid rubes!

You are sucking the cock of a huckster.
...everything Liberals and Barry, therefore, we can expect liberals to vote for Trump. Great point. Thanks.
All the retards are voting for one of the Clintons' best friends.

No to your stupid conspiracy theory about President Obama supplying, training and protecting ISIS because that's just stupid.
Boo, all of that has already been proven and heavily reported. What's stupid is your weak attempt at denial.
1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

This is the GOP front runner, you stupid rubes!

You are sucking the cock of a huckster.
You just described Hillary as well, except you left out that she argued for the war in Iraq, voted for the war in Iraq ,and in 2004 declared t o the media that she had no regrets for doing so. :p
It's on the record. What more can he say? Did he say Bush told the truth? Then he isn't walking anything back.

Actually he said Bush made a bad mistake.
Bush did make a big mistake and lied to America about the intel.

But people in the Republican PArty dont want their noses rubbed in it 24/7.

I can understand that perhaps you want Trump to commit political suicide by hammering an irrelevant issue.

Jeb! aint gonna win, so why bother with his families legacy?

Funny, I keep hearing that claim, yet no one has explained how Bush got all the other leaders of the free world to go along with this, so called lie, and get them to lie to their countries also. Do you have any proof of this conspiracy?
all the leaders?

what a moron.

the germans were not convinced. and they were not alone.
1) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

2) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

3) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

4) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

This is the GOP front runner, you stupid rubes!

You are sucking the cock of a huckster.
You just described Hillary as well, except you left out that she argued for the war in Iraq, voted for the war in Iraq ,and in 2004 declared t o the media that she had no regrets for doing so. :p
I don't recall Clinton calling for Bush's impeachment.
I don't recall Clinton calling for Bush's impeachment.
Probably NOT because she knew the LAST person that should be calling for anyone's Impeachment should be HER and her Impeached (House) husband...

Then again, as they say, 'takes one to know one'.... :p
Trump is a far left Democrat, rubes. A personal friend of the Clintons, a big donor to Bill's Foundation, "very pro-choice" (his words), pro big government, anti-war, likes Nancy Pelosi, wanted Bush impeached, espoused the "Bush lied, people died" rhetoric, and said Hillary Clinton would make a GREAT President.

How the FUCK can you people be so deeply asleep?

I really am baffled and very saddened to see my party being so badly destroyed by retards.
It's on the record. What more can he say? Did he say Bush told the truth? Then he isn't walking anything back.

Actually he said Bush made a bad mistake.
Bush did make a big mistake and lied to America about the intel.

But people in the Republican PArty dont want their noses rubbed in it 24/7.

I can understand that perhaps you want Trump to commit political suicide by hammering an irrelevant issue.

Jeb! aint gonna win, so why bother with his families legacy?

Funny, I keep hearing that claim, yet no one has explained how Bush got all the other leaders of the free world to go along with this, so called lie, and get them to lie to their countries also. Do you have any proof of this conspiracy?
all the leaders?

what a moron.

the germans were not convinced. and they were not alone.

All is an exaggeration.

BUt there were a lot of them, and it is still a valid question how Bush supposedly got them to go along with the "lie".
Trump is a far left Democrat, rubes. A personal friend of the Clintons, a big donor to Bill's Foundation, "very pro-choice" (his words), pro big government, anti-war, likes Nancy Pelosi, wanted Bush impeached, espoused the "Bush lied, people died" rhetoric, and said Hillary Clinton would make a GREAT President.

How the FUCK can you people be so deeply asleep?

I really am baffled and very saddened to see my party being so badly destroyed by retards.


Trump is the first presidential candidate in 50 years who might conceivably: (1) deport illegal aliens, (2) build a wall, (3) block Muslim immigration, (4) flout political correctness, (5) bring manufacturing home, and (6) end the GOP's neurotic compulsion to start wars in some godforsaken part of the world.

That's all that matters! Are you listening yet, RNC?

I hope that helps.
Apparently all one has to do is attach an R to one's name, and one can do no wrong. No matter how much of a genetic twin the person is to everyone the rubes ever hated, and no matter how much one espoused everything they ever hated, waking up one day and splicing an -R to one's name make the retards bleev the leopard has changed his spots!
It's like this weird force field. You talk about Trump, and the rubes try to deflect the conversation away from him. They are extremely protective of their delusions, and are desperate not to have them questioned.
All is an exaggeration.

BUt there were a lot of them, and it is still a valid question how Bush supposedly got them to go along with the "lie".
He had his political appointees in the intel community spin the facts, reports and give Curveball more credit than he deserved.
No to your stupid conspiracy theory about President Obama supplying, training and protecting ISIS because that's just stupid.
Boo, all of that has already been proven and heavily reported. What's stupid is your weak attempt at denial.

Heavily reported that the President of the United States has supplied, trained and protected ISIS? Where?

Alex Jones doesn't count. If it were proven to be the case he would be ousted by Congress and rightly so.......But it's not, it's just stupid.
Apparently all one has to do is attach an R to one's name, and one can do no wrong. No matter how much of a genetic twin the person is to everyone the rubes ever hated, and no matter how much one espoused everything they ever hated, waking up one day and splicing an -R to one's name make the retards bleev the leopard has changed his spots!
Yeah, like no one has said anything negative about Trump, Rubio or Bush.

Go back to sleep.
Why? It was the truth. Maybe he is getting heat from the brainless GOP Bosses?
No to your stupid conspiracy theory about President Obama supplying, training and protecting ISIS because that's just stupid.
Boo, all of that has already been proven and heavily reported. What's stupid is your weak attempt at denial.

Heavily reported that the President of the United States has supplied, trained and protected ISIS? Where?

Alex Jones doesn't count. If it were proven to be the case he would be ousted by Congress and rightly so.......But it's not, it's just stupid.
It's very simple.

If a rube wants to bleev something, then it is a fact. There's no need to "prove" it. The desire to believe is all the proof they need.

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