Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

Boo, all of that has already been proven and heavily reported. What's stupid is your weak attempt at denial.

Heavily reported that the President of the United States has supplied, trained and protected ISIS? Where?

Alex Jones doesn't count. If it were proven to be the case he would be ousted by Congress and rightly so.......But it's not, it's just stupid.

There is nothing the dear leader could do to get the regressives to vote for impeachment. Nothing.

I don't think Alex Jones counts for most Congress critters either.....


I don't do Alex Jones, I'm not a fan. That was a personal observation, you only need look at what happened during the Clinton trial to know that partisanship in congress has taken impeachment of anyone off the table. They had clear proof that Clinton committed perjury and the dems shrugged their constitutional obligation to convict. Things have continued to decline since.

There is nothing that even comes close for impeaching President Obama, at least Bill lied about a blowjob........And the Republican had 55-45 control in the Senate.

What Clinton perjured over is irrelevant, the fact is a sitting president committed perjury and was allowed to go on his merry way. Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.
Actually he said Bush made a bad mistake.
Bush did make a big mistake and lied to America about the intel.

But people in the Republican PArty dont want their noses rubbed in it 24/7.

I can understand that perhaps you want Trump to commit political suicide by hammering an irrelevant issue.

Jeb! aint gonna win, so why bother with his families legacy?

Funny, I keep hearing that claim, yet no one has explained how Bush got all the other leaders of the free world to go along with this, so called lie, and get them to lie to their countries also. Do you have any proof of this conspiracy?
all the leaders?

what a moron.

the germans were not convinced. and they were not alone.

Really, how did they vote in the UN?
on which resolution? And why should that be relevant for the final decision to join the coalition of the willing, lol. Joschka fischer plainly told rumsfeld that the intel was not convincing. That led to rumsfeld lashing out against old europe. I know you ***** are desperately trying to shift and share the blame. It is not working outside of your bubble.
"Sorry, I am not convinced!" - Munich Security Conference

Sure your not, you'd have to turn in you political hack card, and I'm sure you can't do that.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
That's not a walk back.

That's a 'no comment'.

Quite a difference.

It's called mending fences.

It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
That's not a walk back.

That's a 'no comment'.

Quite a difference.

It's called mending fences.

It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
He's trying to soften his image. Instead of kicking the guy when he's down, he's being gracious. He's not reversing himself. Merely trying not to be a jerk. Bush is gone from the race, so the issue is moot. Diplomatic. Something the left thinks he's incapable of being. Bush was a jerk to him yet he forgave him. See?
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
That's not a walk back.

That's a 'no comment'.

Quite a difference.

It's called mending fences.

It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
He's trying to soften his image. Instead of kicking the guy when he's down, he's being gracious. He's not reversing himself. Merely trying not to be a jerk. Bush is gone from the race, so the issue is moot. Diplomatic. Something the left thinks he's incapable of being. Bush was a jerk to him yet he forgave him. See?

Ok, but he walked it back 2 full days before Bush dropped out, Bush was polling close to Rubio at that point.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
Isn't it obvious? He'll say anything to get poll numbers.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
That's not a walk back.

That's a 'no comment'.

Quite a difference.

It's called mending fences.

It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
He's trying to soften his image. Instead of kicking the guy when he's down, he's being gracious. He's not reversing himself. Merely trying not to be a jerk. Bush is gone from the race, so the issue is moot. Diplomatic. Something the left thinks he's incapable of being. Bush was a jerk to him yet he forgave him. See?
Lol you people crack me up. Trump does no wrong does he?
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
Isn't it obvious? He'll say anything to get poll numbers.

This form the poster boy for saying anything to get a reaction, at least you're entertaining, hypocritical as hell, but entertaining.
Bush did make a big mistake and lied to America about the intel.

But people in the Republican PArty dont want their noses rubbed in it 24/7.

I can understand that perhaps you want Trump to commit political suicide by hammering an irrelevant issue.

Jeb! aint gonna win, so why bother with his families legacy?

Funny, I keep hearing that claim, yet no one has explained how Bush got all the other leaders of the free world to go along with this, so called lie, and get them to lie to their countries also. Do you have any proof of this conspiracy?
all the leaders?

what a moron.

the germans were not convinced. and they were not alone.

Really, how did they vote in the UN?
on which resolution? And why should that be relevant for the final decision to join the coalition of the willing, lol. Joschka fischer plainly told rumsfeld that the intel was not convincing. That led to rumsfeld lashing out against old europe. I know you ***** are desperately trying to shift and share the blame. It is not working outside of your bubble.
"Sorry, I am not convinced!" - Munich Security Conference

Sure your not, you'd have to turn in you political hack card, and I'm sure you can't do that.
your two dumnb to furrther converse with, kthxbye
I don't do Alex Jones, I'm not a fan. That was a personal observation, you only need look at what happened during the Clinton trial to know that partisanship in congress has taken impeachment of anyone off the table. They had clear proof that Clinton committed perjury and the dems shrugged their constitutional obligation to convict. Things have continued to decline since.

Yes, no one thought we should fire a good president over a blow job.

Except the crazies on the right.

so lie about weapons that don't exist, kill 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis, no big deal.

Lie about a blow job!!!! OH MY GOD! A BLOW JOB!!!

Republicans are sooooo funny. You deserve Trump.
What Clinton perjured over is irrelevant, the fact is a sitting president committed perjury and was allowed to go on his merry way. Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

I should also point out 10 REPUBLICANS, including Fred Thompson, voted against convicting Clinton for the dreaded "lie about a blow job"... but you guys keep leaving that part out.
It's amazing how some liberals are ignorant enough to believe Clinton was Impeached by the House over Lewinski...or that they try to convince themselves that was the reason.

Whatever helps you sleep at night...

In the end Clinton was disbarred and Impeached by the House.
It's amazing how some liberals are ignorant enough to believe Clinton was Impeached by the House over Lewinski...or that they try to convince themselves that was the reason.

Whatever helps you sleep at night...

In the end Clinton was disbarred and Impeached by the House.
and when it came to being found guilty in the political indictment that is "Impeachment" the crazed and unhinged GOP could not get the job done...they made a political indictment but failed to get a conviction...great theater though LOL
It's amazing how some liberals are ignorant enough to believe Clinton was Impeached by the House over Lewinski...or that they try to convince themselves that was the reason.

Whatever helps you sleep at night...

In the end Clinton was disbarred and Impeached by the House.
and when it came to being found guilty in the political indictment that is "Impeachment" the crazed and unhinged GOP could not get the job done...they made a political indictment but failed to get a conviction...great theater though LOL
Not fully Impeaching Clinton says more about the unethical, immoral Liberals who protected him rather than the GOP who attemoted to hold him accountable.

The same can be said about the liberals who now seek to defend / protect Hillary after her incompetence led to the un-necessary deaths of 4 Americans and our national security being jeopardized.
It's amazing how some liberals are ignorant enough to believe Clinton was Impeached by the House over Lewinski...or that they try to convince themselves that was the reason.

Whatever helps you sleep at night...

In the end Clinton was disbarred and Impeached by the House.
and when it came to being found guilty in the political indictment that is "Impeachment" the crazed and unhinged GOP could not get the job done...they made a political indictment but failed to get a conviction...great theater though LOL
Not fully Impeaching Clinton says more about the unethical, immoral Liberals who protected him rather than the GOP who attemoted to hold him accountable.

The same can be said about the liberals who now seek to defend / protect Hillary after her incompetence led to the un-necessary deaths of 4 Americans and our national security being jeopardized.
By the way shit head... I sleep plenty are not a moral superior to me or anyone you a dick head GOOP asshole...for the record mumbles
It's amazing how some liberals are ignorant enough to believe Clinton was Impeached by the House over Lewinski...or that they try to convince themselves that was the reason.

Whatever helps you sleep at night...

In the end Clinton was disbarred and Impeached by the House.

Clinton was impeached because Gingrich was an idiot. But at the end of it all, Clinton still had his job and Gingrich lost his...

IT was another great case of you guys overplaying a weak hand.
Not fully Impeaching Clinton says more about the unethical, immoral Liberals who protected him rather than the GOP who attemoted to hold him accountable.

The same can be said about the liberals who now seek to defend / protect Hillary after her incompetence led to the un-necessary deaths of 4 Americans and our national security being jeopardized.

67% of Americans thought it was wrong to impeach Clinton. The GOP ignored the will of the people by pressing forward and paid for it in 1998 and 2000 in losses in Congress.

Oh, you've had 8 congressional inquiries into BENGHAAAAZI!!!!, how did those turn out again?
Tyrone, I obviously struck a nerve, and you have lost your cool.

No one tried to get a conviction of Bill Clinton. His sexual harassment trial was a law suit, not a criminal trial. In that trial, he attempted to strip a US citizen of their Constitutional right to a fair trial, misleading, attempting to deceive, etc. IOT save his own ass. He was found in Contempt of Court by the Judge and was duly punished for his unethical behavior. Rather than allow the trial to continue to its completion the Clinton defense team offered a large sum of money to make the issue go away, knowing - especially after being found in Contempt of Court for attempting to deceive his way out of trouble - they would lose the case. The sitting President of the United States was then brought up for Impeachment for his actions and appropriately Impeached in the House. It was only the party-1st partisanship within the Senate, loyalty to party, that prevented Clinton from being fully Impeached. Again, there never was any attempt to criminally prosecute him for any crimes, so your absurd claim that there was never a conviction is the ramblings of a partisan liberal under duress / stress.

I never claimed to be morally or otherwise superior, sir. I am sorry you feel threatened and fell that way. That, however, is your problem, not mine.

As for your follow-on personal attack, such behavior and a lack of decorum demonstrates the futility felt by one who has lost their argument and can no longer debate or discuss issues in a civil manner. In essence, it is a virtual yet un-spoken 'surrender' on the issue.

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