Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
trump is a moron whose big mouth could get america into serious trouble
Tyrone, I obviously struck a nerve, and you have lost your cool.

No one tried to get a conviction of Bill Clinton. His sexual harassment trial was a law suit, not a criminal trial. In that trial, he attempted to strip a US citizen of their Constitutional right to a fair trial, misleading, attempting to deceive, etc. IOT save his own ass. He was found in Contempt of Court by the Judge and was duly punished for his unethical behavior. Rather than allow the trial to continue to its completion the Clinton defense team offered a large sum of money to make the issue go away, knowing - especially after being found in Contempt of Court for attempting to deceive his way out of trouble - they would lose the case. The sitting President of the United States was then brought up for Impeachment for his actions and appropriately Impeached in the House. It was only the party-1st partisanship within the Senate, loyalty to party, that prevented Clinton from being fully Impeached. Again, there never was any attempt to criminally prosecute him for any crimes, so your absurd claim that there was never a conviction is the ramblings of a partisan liberal under duress / stress.

I never claimed to be morally or otherwise superior, sir. I am sorry you feel threatened and fell that way. That, however, is your problem, not mine.

As for your follow-on personal attack, such behavior and a lack of decorum demonstrates the futility felt by one who has lost their argument and can no longer debate or discuss issues in a civil manner. In essence, it is a virtual yet un-spoken 'surrender' on the issue.
And Tom Delay walked ..speaking of partisanship
67% of Americans thought it was wrong to impeach Clinton. The GOP ignored the will of the people by pressing forward and paid for it in 1998 and 2000 in losses in Congress.

So you believe that justice or one's responsibility should be carried out only if the majority rules. If the majority of the American people felt Obama should be dragged kicking and screaming from the WH today, according to you that would then be appropriate. Interesting.

Since when did Progressive Liberals care about what the American people wanted? The week prior to the vote on the ACA being held the vast majority of the American people called Washington. 'melting' the phone lines demanding the bill NOT be passed. In response President Obama PROMISED the American people they would have 3 days to read any legislation before a vote was held. THIS WAS A BLATANT LIE. The very next week, in the wee hours of the morning before the American people had even woken up - before any of the politicians in Washington had even had a chance to read the contents of the bill themselves, the Democrats rammed a MINORITY-supported piece of legislation down the throats of the vast MAJORITY of Americans who opposed it and into law. COMMRADE Pelosi openly declared to the American people that they had NO RIGHT to even know what was in the legislation until it had been passed.

So spare us of the charade of how Liberals give a damn about the will of the people or are in any way attempting to operate as part of a 'representative government'. It is a lie.

All Washington politicians have shed the cloak of 'servant of the people' long ago, Un-Constitutionally exempting themselves from the very laws they pass, thus elevating themselves above the Constitution and Rule of law.
And Tom Delay walked ..speaking of partisanship
Delay was tried in a court of law, and his again was a criminal suit. Bill Clinton faced his peers and fellow Democrats, and the issue was not a criminal matter.
trump is a moron whose big mouth could get america into serious trouble
Hillary is an idiot who got 4 Americans killed and jeopardized our national security. If this were a contest, she wins hands down.
trump is a moron whose big mouth could get america into serious trouble
Hillary is an idiot who got 4 Americans killed and jeopardized our national security. If this were a contest, she wins hands down.
4 even if that was her fault which I think is just more repub rubbish repubs supported a moron for 8 years gwb, who was responsible for 1000's.....
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
Because Trump is too much of a coward to repeat what he said does not in any wise exonerate Bush 43 for all the false flag information Bush and his administration are responsible for disseminating starting in 2002 and onward!
Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

There were only 45 Democratic Senator at the time. The vote never got close to the two thirds need to convict and remove him from office. What a waste of tax payer money that was. For what? Two consenting adult had sex and lied about it. Holy shit stop the press.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
That's not a walk back.

That's a 'no comment'.

Quite a difference.

It's called mending fences.

It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
He's trying to soften his image. Instead of kicking the guy when he's down, he's being gracious. He's not reversing himself. Merely trying not to be a jerk. Bush is gone from the race, so the issue is moot. Diplomatic. Something the left thinks he's incapable of being. Bush was a jerk to him yet he forgave him. See?

Ok, but he walked it back 2 full days before Bush dropped out, Bush was polling close to Rubio at that point.
No.......he didn't.

The problem with Trump critics is they feel that parsing words and changing the context of whatever he says is going to stop people from voting for him.
It's like the time they said Romney was trying to conduct a war on women when he said he had a binder filled with female job applicants.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
That's not a walk back.

That's a 'no comment'.

Quite a difference.

It's called mending fences.

It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
He's trying to soften his image. Instead of kicking the guy when he's down, he's being gracious. He's not reversing himself. Merely trying not to be a jerk. Bush is gone from the race, so the issue is moot. Diplomatic. Something the left thinks he's incapable of being. Bush was a jerk to him yet he forgave him. See?

Ok, but he walked it back 2 full days before Bush dropped out, Bush was polling close to Rubio at that point.
No.......he didn't.

The problem with Trump critics is they feel that parsing words and changing the context of whatever he says is going to stop people from voting for him.
It's like the time they said Romney was trying to conduct a war on women when he said he had a binder filled with female job applicants.
Ol Mud No ones doing any changing except your leader trump Seems like he's been walking backwards for a while now ,taking back things he's said
What Clinton perjured over is irrelevant, the fact is a sitting president committed perjury and was allowed to go on his merry way. Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

I should also point out 10 REPUBLICANS, including Fred Thompson, voted against convicting Clinton for the dreaded "lie about a blow job"... but you guys keep leaving that part out.

God, you're one pathetic MF. The man committed perjury and I offer nothing but disdain for anyone who voted to acquit. Your pathetic attitude just says you think people you favor are above the law.
Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

There were only 45 Democratic Senator at the time. The vote never got close to the two thirds need to convict and remove him from office. What a waste of tax payer money that was. For what? Two consenting adult had sex and lied about it. Holy shit stop the press.

Clinton lied in a legal proceeding while under oath, any regular citizen would have been punished much more harshly. No one is supposed to be above the law, but I guess you think otherwise.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
That's not a walk back.

That's a 'no comment'.

Quite a difference.

It's called mending fences.

It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
He's trying to soften his image. Instead of kicking the guy when he's down, he's being gracious. He's not reversing himself. Merely trying not to be a jerk. Bush is gone from the race, so the issue is moot. Diplomatic. Something the left thinks he's incapable of being. Bush was a jerk to him yet he forgave him. See?

Ok, but he walked it back 2 full days before Bush dropped out, Bush was polling close to Rubio at that point.
No.......he didn't.

The problem with Trump critics is they feel that parsing words and changing the context of whatever he says is going to stop people from voting for him.
It's like the time they said Romney was trying to conduct a war on women when he said he had a binder filled with female job applicants.

Trump is a fucking lunatic, He is constantly screaming liar, liar about anyone who uses his own words against him. I'd vote for the Bern before I'd vote for Trump.
That's not a walk back.

That's a 'no comment'.

Quite a difference.

It's called mending fences.

It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
He's trying to soften his image. Instead of kicking the guy when he's down, he's being gracious. He's not reversing himself. Merely trying not to be a jerk. Bush is gone from the race, so the issue is moot. Diplomatic. Something the left thinks he's incapable of being. Bush was a jerk to him yet he forgave him. See?

Ok, but he walked it back 2 full days before Bush dropped out, Bush was polling close to Rubio at that point.
No.......he didn't.

The problem with Trump critics is they feel that parsing words and changing the context of whatever he says is going to stop people from voting for him.
It's like the time they said Romney was trying to conduct a war on women when he said he had a binder filled with female job applicants.

Trump is a fucking lunatic, He is constantly screaming liar, liar about anyone who uses his own words against him. I'd vote for the Bern before I'd vote for Trump.
Most of what they say Trump said.....he didn't. They just lie about what he says....or cut it up and take it out of context.

Anyway....fuck you.

End of discussion.
Tyrone, I obviously struck a nerve, and you have lost your cool.

No one tried to get a conviction of Bill Clinton. His sexual harassment trial was a law suit, not a criminal trial. In that trial, he attempted to strip a US citizen of their Constitutional right to a fair trial, misleading, attempting to deceive, etc. IOT save his own ass.

No, he treated a politically motivated lawsuit with the contempt it deserved.

He was found in Contempt of Court by the Judge and was duly punished for his unethical behavior.

He was given a slap on the wrist for a technical violation.

Rather than allow the trial to continue to its completion the Clinton defense team offered a large sum of money to make the issue go away, knowing - especially after being found in Contempt of Court for attempting to deceive his way out of trouble - they would lose the case.

You are leaving out a couple of key bits of information there, such as

1) The same judge you cite threw out the case for lack of merit.
2) That she settled for 1/3 of what she was asking for and dropped her insistence on an apology.
3) There was no promise the case would be re-instated on appeal, even after the Ellswerth decision (look it up) changed the definition of Sexual Harassment.

The sitting President of the United States was then brought up for Impeachment for his actions and appropriately Impeached in the House.

No, an appropriate impeachment would have been a bi-partisan impeachment that all sides agreed to, not a partisan one only SOME republicans supported.

It was only the party-1st partisanship within the Senate, loyalty to party, that prevented Clinton from being fully Impeached. Again, there never was any attempt to criminally prosecute him for any crimes, so your absurd claim that there was never a conviction is the ramblings of a partisan liberal under duress / stress.

Uh, no, guy. You are skipping around the point. REPUBLICANS in the senate failed to support the charges for conviction. Ten in total didn't support the Obstruciton of justice charge and five didn't even want to touch the perjury charge.
Trump is a fucking lunatic, He is constantly screaming liar, liar about anyone who uses his own words against him. I'd vote for the Bern before I'd vote for Trump.

Why, he's the perfect candidate for the modern GOP- Xenophobic, misogynistic, racist... he checks most of the boxes for you guys. Embrace him.
It was far from a no comment, he commented all three times, he would only go so far as to say Iraq was a big mistake, which is not even close to his original statements, I call that a walk back.
He's trying to soften his image. Instead of kicking the guy when he's down, he's being gracious. He's not reversing himself. Merely trying not to be a jerk. Bush is gone from the race, so the issue is moot. Diplomatic. Something the left thinks he's incapable of being. Bush was a jerk to him yet he forgave him. See?

Ok, but he walked it back 2 full days before Bush dropped out, Bush was polling close to Rubio at that point.
No.......he didn't.

The problem with Trump critics is they feel that parsing words and changing the context of whatever he says is going to stop people from voting for him.
It's like the time they said Romney was trying to conduct a war on women when he said he had a binder filled with female job applicants.

Trump is a fucking lunatic, He is constantly screaming liar, liar about anyone who uses his own words against him. I'd vote for the Bern before I'd vote for Trump.
Most of what they say Trump said.....he didn't. They just lie about what he says....or cut it up and take it out of context.

Anyway....fuck you.

End of discussion.

You mad bro? :coffee:
God, you're one pathetic MF. The man committed perjury and I offer nothing but disdain for anyone who voted to acquit. Your pathetic attitude just says you think people you favor are above the law.

No, guy, I have what you lack- a sense of perspective.

You see, back in 1999, I was one of your right wing assholes who screamed "IMPEACH CLINTON".

Today, I realize, I had a pretty good life when Clinton was in charge. My properties were worth a lot of money, my debts were low, my pay was good. But I talked about "Subornation of perjury" like that was a real thing, as opposed to a couple of people who just didn't want to talk about their private life.

Then your boy Bush came along and gave us wars, recessions, muffed responses to disasters, and I realized how fucked up things can truly get when you people DO get your way on stuff.

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