Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

and left office with very high approval ratings

"Yeah, Clinton was the

1st sitting President to be 'dragged into court' and forced to testify.

1st sitting President to be sued for sexual harassment.

1st sitting President to be found in Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics in his attempt to circumvent the law.

1st sitting President to be DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in such a matter.

He violated his oath of office, he sacrificed any ethics and integrity he may have had

...but he had descent poll numbers when he left, so it's all good."


The TRUTH continues to be proven daily by responses like yours, Eddie, and that truth is that the problem is NOT that the DNC's leaders are all criminals and / or scumbags but rather their blindly-partisan 'lemming' followers just don't care.
big deal he lied about a BJ and pubs made a federal case out of it
big deal he lied about a BJ and pubs made a federal case out of it
You just won't give that ;lie' up will you, Eddie?! The man was the 1st sitting President hauled into court, forced to testify, and withstand a civil law suit for sexually harassing an American citizen / woman, tried to circumvent the legal process while denying a citizen of her rights in order to get his ass out of trouble, was found guilty of Contempt for his lack of ethics, and was DISBARRED for his actions.

Funny how you Libs always avoid that one like the Zika virus when telling your story...
big deal he lied about a BJ and pubs made a federal case out of it
You just won't give that ;lie' up will you, Eddie?! The man was the 1st sitting President hauled into court, forced to testify, and withstand a civil law suit for sexually harassing an American citizen / woman, tried to circumvent the legal process while denying a citizen of her rights in order to get his ass out of trouble, was found guilty of Contempt for his lack of ethics, and was DISBARRED for his actions.

Funny how you Libs always avoid that one like the Zika virus when telling your story...
what about all the good he did matched up to the evil bj and lies??? why did he have such high approval ratings when gwb with no bj had such low ones My only problem I had with bill was he left too much money for the garbage gwb to blow yes gwb just lied about a war and republicans kissed his ass
Obama illegally hands over thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug cartels, resulting in the murders of OVER 500 people, to include 2 US citizens, and you SERIOUSLY try to blame the US gun manufacturing industry for HIS ACTIONS?

:wtf: Can you try any harder to justify Obama's F* UP in Fast and Furious or the fact that so much BLOOD is on HIS hands for authorizing the obviously flawed plan?!

Where is the proof that President Obama authorized it/ Oh yeah it doesn't exist. More of your constant stream of lies. The real culprit is the failed war on drugs......
don't you know blind one ,anything disasterous is blamed on obama ,,, anything good is all gwbs?
I would respond to your post, but it is amazingly long, amazingly inaccurate, and amazingly partisanly trying to cover Hillary's ass from the fact that she not only voted to give bush authorization to go to war she argued FOR doing so.

I would suggest you go back and read those speeches, where she said again again, that the use of force should be the LAST resort.

t also seeks to exempt Hillary from any accountability for her responsibility as Secretary of State, for being so inept and politically partisan that she could not - FAILED TO - run her own agency, for failing to have the ability to make the decision / call required to protect those whose lives for whom she was responsible, for being the ONLY nation's rep to abandon their people to die in Benghazi when everyone else pulled their people out, who denied their Ambassador additional security, stripped him of 14 members of his security detail AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, for lying about knowing of the requests and then when caught LAUGHING about the murder of a US Ambassador, claiming she thought the hundreds of pleas for his additional security to protect his life was a JOK!

again, I know the home schooling is in effect here... But - Benghazi is not where Stevens was stationed. Stevens was stationed in Tripoli. She didn't "abadone" him in Benghazi, he chose to go there on a bad day (9/11) after riots were already breaking out across the middle east.

Bottom Line: Obama and Hillary's attempt to keep up Obama's re-election CHARADE / LIE about the War on Terror being over and Al Qaeida being on the run was made a higher priority than protecting Stevens' life. SHE got him killed...needlessly!

Except, again, Stevens CHOOSE to go to Benghazi. Please stop pretending you give a fuck about a queer Democrat Ambassador...

Obama illegally hands over thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug cartels, resulting in the murders of OVER 500 people, to include 2 US citizens, and you SERIOUSLY try to blame the US gun manufacturing industry for HIS ACTIONS?

Except there were no "Grenades," and less than 200 guns were lost track of. Yes, the Gun Industry has fought for making it very easy to buy guns... that's the point. That's why there are hundreds of gun shops on the border.
"I think everyone took Paula Jones seriously, until it was pretty clear she was lying..."


Of course, his eventual paying Jones approx. $80,000 to NOT re-file the law suit and just go away was pretty much a dead give-away, especially after being dis-barred, that he was guilty and wanted to cut his losses and walk away.

You know, you'd have a lot more credibility on these issues if you actually got your facts straight.

First and foremost, Clinton didn't get his slaps on the wrist until AFTER he left office. They settled with Jones AFTER her case was dismissed without merit after she dropped her insistance on an apology and cut her "Go Away" money by a third. (It was 825,000, BTW, not 80K.) Since the legal process has ALREADY put the Clinton's 10 million in debt, it was probably a good deal.
Joe, thanks for confirming Clinton was disbarrsd and that he paid a ton of money to his victim ... cause that's what people do when they are innocent and 'win' cases.
Joe, thanks for confirming Clinton was disbarrsd and that he paid a ton of money to his victim ... cause that's what people do when they are innocent and 'win' cases.

No, that's what companies and people do every day when it's cheaper than litigating.

The ugly truth is that in the real world, companies settle sexual harrassment suits early on, because they are impossible to prove or disprove. They then find excuses to get rid of both the accuser and he accused.

So you guys spent hundreds of millions of dollars to get Clinton to give up a law license he wasn't using for five years.
The ugly truth is that Bill Clinton was a pathological lying career sexual predator who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had affairs with women his entire political career and enjoyed trips out to 'Pedophile Island' AFTER he left office. He was the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court while in office, forced to testify, was found guilty of Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics and trying to circumvent justice / the court/legal system, for which he was disbarred. He then paid a HUGE sum of money to prevent another law suit from being filed because he had already paid a heavy price in the 1st one - caught lying/deceiving and being disbarred, a PR Nightmare. Hillary, the woman who claims every woman must be believed, spent the majority of her political career bullying, demonizing, berating, and attempting to silence her husband's victims.

You Libs can continue to justify, excuse, apologize for, and defend the degenerates, liars, sex offenders, criminals, and pieces of fecal matter all you want, but it does not change the facts...or how Clinton will primarily be remembered - for his sexual exploits and lies. "I did not have sex with that woman." THAT is Bill Clinton's legacy / Presidency as history will remember it.
You Libs can continue to justify, excuse, apologize for, and defend the degenerates, liars, sex offenders, criminals, and pieces of fecal matter all you want, but it does not change the facts...or how Clinton will primarily be remembered - for his sexual exploits and lies. "I did not have sex with that woman." THAT is Bill Clinton's legacy / Presidency as history will remember it.

And how did any of that effect your life in any way?

True Story. In 1999 I was one of you Right Wing assholes who screamed "Impeach Clinton" and talked about "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing. But you know what, on Clinton's watch, my property values doubled, my 401K was flush, my salary increased, and when I didn't like my job, I could send out a not particularly impressive resume and still get a better paying job.

Then we got Dubya Bush in, and I voted for the idiot.

We got wars. We got terrorist attacks. We got depressions. We got a government so inept it couldn't evacuate a major city that was about to be hit by a Cat 5 hurricane with a week's warning. We got the worst economic catastrophe in 80 years. Thousands of people died for NOTHING.

But Gosh Darn it, the guy didn't cheat on his wife and didn't lie about his sex life in court! That was the important thing, I thought as I looked at my underwater mortgage, my busted 401K and a job that paid 25% less than it did the year before.

And after that, I started voting Democratic. Because they might be shitty husbands, but they arent' fucking it up for the rest of us.
Where is the proof that President Obama authorized it/ Oh yeah it doesn't exist. More of your constant stream of lies. The real culprit is the failed war on drugs......
Do you really listen to yourself? An Obama agency hand-delivers thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartels without notifying the President (Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, Border Patrol)...then when the President find out he does NOTHING. NO ONE gets fired after more than 500 people die as a result. He refuses to hand over any personal correspondence regarding it, citing Executive Privilege...although he did not know about it, and he protects his Atty General from prosecution after he is caught perpetrating 2 Felony Counts of Perjury, trying to continue the cover-up of the massively failed act. And just because it was presented to President Bush - who rejected the idea because HE was smart enough to realize the guns could not be controlled once across the border - for his approval to run the Op why would anyone expect it to be presented to Obama for HIS approval, right?! :p

Dude, think before you speak / type.
And how did any of that effect your life in any way?
So your argument NOW is that despite the president of the United states being a
a pathological lying career sexual predator who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had affairs with women his entire political career and enjoyed trips out to 'Pedophile Island' AFTER he left office...

....despite the fact that He was the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court while in office, forced to testify, was found guilty of Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics and trying to circumvent justice / the court/legal system, for which he was disbarred, that he then paid a HUGE sum of money to prevent another law suit from being filed because he had already paid a heavy price in the 1st one - caught lying/deceiving and being disbarred, a PR Nightmare...

...despite Hillary, the woman who claims every woman must be believed, spending the majority of her political career bullying, demonizing, berating, and attempting to silence her husband's victims....

'it's all good' because it did not personally effect any American citizens' lives?!

Tell me, do all liberals have so little integrity, morals, and ethics, or is it just you, Boo, and a few others on this board?

As I have pointed out, the problem is NOT the pathological lying, sexual deviant, national security-jeopardizing, Constitution and Rule of Law violating Liberals that are the problem - it's the act that their morally, ethically corrupt lemming-like supporters just don't give a damn. Thanks for that PERFECT example!
big deal he lied about a BJ and pubs made a federal case out of it
You just won't give that ;lie' up will you, Eddie?! The man was the 1st sitting President hauled into court, forced to testify, and withstand a civil law suit for sexually harassing an American citizen / woman, tried to circumvent the legal process while denying a citizen of her rights in order to get his ass out of trouble, was found guilty of Contempt for his lack of ethics, and was DISBARRED for his actions.

Funny how you Libs always avoid that one like the Zika virus when telling your story...
Nah, what's funny is that even after all that, Clinton still left office with the highest approval rating of any exiting president ever recorded.
And how did any of that effect your life in any way?
So your argument NOW is that despite the president of the United states being a
a pathological lying career sexual predator who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had affairs with women his entire political career and enjoyed trips out to 'Pedophile Island' AFTER he left office...

....despite the fact that He was the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court while in office, forced to testify, was found guilty of Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics and trying to circumvent justice / the court/legal system, for which he was disbarred, that he then paid a HUGE sum of money to prevent another law suit from being filed because he had already paid a heavy price in the 1st one - caught lying/deceiving and being disbarred, a PR Nightmare...

...despite Hillary, the woman who claims every woman must be believed, spending the majority of her political career bullying, demonizing, berating, and attempting to silence her husband's victims....

'it's all good' because it did not personally effect any American citizens' lives?!

Tell me, do all liberals have so little integrity, morals, and ethics, or is it just you, Boo, and a few others on this board?

As I have pointed out, the problem is NOT the pathological lying, sexual deviant, national security-jeopardizing, Constitution and Rule of Law violating Liberals that are the problem - it's the act that their morally, ethically corrupt lemming-like supporters just don't give a damn. Thanks for that PERFECT example!
68% approved of the job he did during his 8 years in office. A record high. Liberals comprise only about 20% of the population. Clearly, Clinton's high marks come from far more than just Liberals.

Wanna compare those numbers to Bush?
Nah, what's funny is that even after all that, Clinton still left office with the highest approval rating of any exiting president ever recorded.

AGAIN...As I have pointed out, the problem is NOT the pathological lying, sexual deviant, national security-jeopardizing, Constitution and Rule of Law violating Liberals that are the problem - it's the act that their morally, ethically corrupt lemming-like supporters just don't give a damn. Thanks for pointing that out.
Nah, what's funny is that even after all that, Clinton still left office with the highest approval rating of any exiting president ever recorded.

AGAIN...As I have pointed out, the problem is NOT the pathological lying, sexual deviant, national security-jeopardizing, Constitution and Rule of Law violating Liberals that are the problem - it's the act that their morally, ethically corrupt lemming-like supporters just don't give a damn. Thanks for pointing that out.
Again... most of those approving of the job Clinton did during his 8 years in office -- were not Liberals.

What part of that confuses you?
big deal he lied about a BJ and pubs made a federal case out of it
You just won't give that ;lie' up will you, Eddie?! The man was the 1st sitting President hauled into court, forced to testify, and withstand a civil law suit for sexually harassing an American citizen / woman, tried to circumvent the legal process while denying a citizen of her rights in order to get his ass out of trouble, was found guilty of Contempt for his lack of ethics, and was DISBARRED for his actions.

Funny how you Libs always avoid that one like the Zika virus when telling your story...
Nah, what's funny is that even after all that, Clinton still left office with the highest approval rating of any exiting president ever recorded.
and their hero the swine bush left with the lowest Wonder if it was lower than Carters?
An Obama agency hand-delivers thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartels

The guns were all purchased legally in AZ not by the ATF but by alleged straw buyers from certain dealers. The ATF had surveillance on the buyer but their were never any charges filed because of the lax gun laws in AZ. The protected communications happened after the sting was shut down nor was it the first time a president claimed EP on those type of documents. Those guns are just a drop in the bucket of what the Cartels have anyway. Mostly they get their weapons from the corrupt police and military officials. The real culprit in the violence is the insane war on Americans who use non-government approved recreations substances which created the black market. It's another phony scandal the RWJN's so often lie about.
The guns were all purchased legally in AZ not by the ATF but by alleged straw buyers from certain dealers.....

Fast and Furious was an Obama Administration Obama-authorized FAILED Gun Running Operation that resulted In the deaths of more than 500 civilian deaths to include those of 2 Americans citizens for which no one was ever punished.

Spin it, explain it, justify it all you want. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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